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"Basics for Data Science: Data Understanding and Data Visualization"

Assignment 1

Submission date- Monday (16 Oct, 2023)

1. What is the role of data cleaning or data preprocessing in the data understanding phase of a
data science project, and how does it impact the quality of visualizations?

2. Explain the concept of data aggregation and provide an example of when and why you might
use it in data visualization.

3. When dealing with time-series data, what types of visualizations are commonly used to
analyze trends and seasonality? Provide an example scenario.

4. How can the choice of color schemes in data visualizations affect the audience's
understanding and interpretation of the data? What are some best practices in selecting
colors for data visualization?

5. When should you use box plots or violin plots in data visualization, and what information do
they provide about a dataset that other visualizations may not?

6. Explain the concept of data dimensionality reduction and how techniques like PCA (Principal
Component Analysis) can be used to reduce the dimensionality of data for better

7. Describe the difference between data exploration and data explanation in the context of
data visualization. Why are both important in data science projects?

8. How does data visualization contribute to the storytelling aspect of data science? Provide an
example of a situation where effective storytelling through data visualization is crucial.

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