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February 23, 2024

First Language English

Unit 5

Lesson 22

Informative Report


Study how to write an information report paper.

Learn what an information report looks like,

Explore examples of an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Information Report

What is an information report? This type of report is meant to provide readers with information on a

given topic by supplying them with facts. It is not intended to persuade a reader one way or the

other. Rather, the main goal of an information report is to inform readers about a topic using

verifiable facts. While the words "report" and "essay" are sometimes used interchangeably, reports

tend to be used more so for business and scientific subjects.

An information report is best defined as an explanation of one particular topic using facts from

credible sources. The topic is the subject being written about. It is typically introduced alongside

the thesis statement, which aims to explain the main idea of the report in one sentence. The topic

should be as specific as possible so that the report does not become too broad and unfocused.

Facts should be collected from credible sources. Though .com websites are easy to find, they are

usually unreliable, since they typically aren't associated with credible organizations. The report will

contain three parts: the introduction, where the topic and thesis statement are given, the body

paragraph, which lists the facts in detail, and the conclusion, where everything gets wrapped up.

The body paragraph might include elements of summarising, which involves taking longer passages

from sources and condensing them into shorter, original words. Other common elements

include paraphrasing, which expresses the meaning of a particular source in different words,

and direct quotes, which takes another person's words and places them directly into the report. It

is important to cite sources properly to ensure that the sources are given credit and that plagiarism

is avoided.

Structure of the Information/Informative Report

A basic information report will typically consist of three parts: an introduction, a body paragraph,

and a conclusion. The introduction is where the topic is introduced and the thesis statement is given.

The body paragraph is where the facts are listed and then fleshed out. In the conclusion, loose

threads will be tied up and drawn into an effective ending.

After the introduction comes the body paragraph. When writing a body paragraph, there are three

main elements to keep in mind: summarizing, paraphrasing, and direct quotes.

1. Summarizing condenses source materials into a brief passage that highlights the main points.

It is an effective way of combining the most informative elements of several resources.

2. Similarly, paraphrasing includes expressing the meaning of a particular source in different

words. This prevents plagiarism and can help to further clarify information.

3. Using direct quotes is taking another person's words and placing them directly into the report

with the use of quotation marks. These are helpful when referencing specific facts that

cannot be paraphrased.

The information report will end with the conclusion, where everything discussed in the body

paragraph is summarized, especially the main idea of the report. Nothing new should be introduced

in the conclusion, but it should be written in original words. It can sometimes be helpful to look back

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