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List of Government,
Special Libraries and
Public Libraries in the
Asian Development Bank Library
ADB’s community of practice, the
library focuses on the organization’s
priority sectors and themes, which
include education, energy, environment,
finance and trade, gender and social
development, governance,
health, regional cooperation, and
integration, transport, urban, and
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Library
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas library or The Economic and Financial Learning
Center (EFLC) of the BSP is providing public information concerning economic
and financial matters. The researchers may visit the EFLC for their information
requirements As a special public service, the BSP publications are available to
the public.
Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Library is a special
government library that focuses on building a comprehensive collection of
reading materials on labor and employment and other labor-related
issues.The DOLE Library operates primarily to service the research and
information needs of the DOLE officials and employees. It is also open
and accessible to the general public in their special needs on specialized
topics (e.g. labor standards, labor statistics, OFWs, workers benefits,
wages, and other labor-related information).
Filipinas Heritage Library
Filipinas Heritage Library is the other half of Ayala Foundation’s Arts
and Culture Division. As a one-stop digital research center on the
Philippines, its mission is to spark and stoke interest in the visual, aural,
and printed story of the Filipino. Our Filipiniana collections are shared with
the public onsite (on the sixth floor of the Ayala Museum complex),
virtually (through our online public access catalogue), and through public
programs (exhibitions, lectures, and educational activities).
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information (FOI)
Program is the Government’s response
to the call for transparency and full
public disclosure of information. FOI is
a government mechanism, which allows
Filipino citizens to request any
information about government
transactions and operations provided
that it shall not put into jeopardy
privacy and matters of national
International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF)
eLibrary simplifies analysis and
research with direct access to the IMF’s
periodicals, books, working papers
and studies, and data and statistical
tools. You will find information and
perspective on macroeconomics,
globalization, development, trade and
aid, technical assistance, demographics,
emerging markets, policy advice,
poverty reduction, and so much more.
The Intellectual Property
Office of the Philippines
shortened as IPOPHL, is
a government agency in
charge of registration of
intellectual property and
conflict resolution of
intellectual property rights
in the Philippines
Legislative Library Online
House of Representatives Legislative Library Service (now renamed as Legislative
Library Management Service) which started in 2012 (15th Congress). The library
provides information about the Library, its collection, online clippings of national
issues related to or about the House of Representatives, its House Members,
Philippine legislative history, legislation, bill drafting, laws, and other articles
pertaining to Congress and to the creation of laws.
National Archives of the Philippines
The task of guaranteeing that documents and records are preserved and accessible to
the public lies with the National Archives of the Philippines. Its main responsibility is to
preserve the primary sources of information on Philippine history, the basic
componentsof cultural heritage and collective memory. These documentary sources are
the embodiment of community identities as well as testaments to shared national
experiences. The home of about 60 million documents from the centuries of Spanishrule
in the Philippines, the American and Japanese occupations, as well as
the years of the Republic. It is also the final repository for the voluminous
notarized documents of the country.
National Library of the Philippines
The National Library of the Philippines (NLP) originated from the Museo-Biblioteca de
Filipinas which was established in 1887. It was inaugurated in 1891 with Don Pedro A. Paterno
as its first Filipino director. NLP is the repository of the printed and recorded cultural
heritage of the country and other intellectuals, literary, and information sources. The
unique collection includes rare books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, and special
collections. There are 14,722 volumes of rare books, 881,200 manuscripts, 11,240 volumes
of special collection books, 3,779 sheets of maps, 53,193 sheets of photographs, and
19,424 articles of vertical files
Philippine eLib
The Philippine eLib project is one of the first eleven government funded
projects through the Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (ITECC)
now Commission on Information and Communication Technology (CICT).
Conceptualized in the middle part of 2003 through the efforts of the
Undersecretary of DOST, Hon. Fortunato T. dela Pena.

Philippine Statistics Authority Library
PSA Library is a one-stop center for statistical information and services. It aims to
provide data and information services to local executives, investors, businessmen,
researchers, students, and government planners and decision-makers. Researchers can
avail of our library's wide collection of statistical publications and reference materials
from the results of censuses and surveys and other various statistical information.
Senate Library
The official website of the Senate Library It has links to other online resoures
such as HeinOnline, eSCRA, Lex Libris, etcIt is the objective of the Legislative
Library Service to provide services and facilities responsive to and
anticipatory of the reference and research requirements of the Members of
the Senate, the legislative researchers, as well as the Secretariat officers and
Supreme Court E-Library
The Supreme E-Library is the primary research tool in the speedy delivery of
justicefor it “Puts all laws, decisions and rules and regulations in the Judge’sfingertips.”
It serves the entire Judiciary - the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Sandiganbayan,
Court of Tax Appeals, Regional Trial Courts, Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial
Courts and Shari’a Courts.

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