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Alfa Laval Corporate Standard

Technical Delivery Requirements

AL 101 0390

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Requirements for ASME Code Edition
Revision No. 5

Status Active

Prepared and edited by Corporate Standards Date 2023-12-31

1 Requirements for fulfilment of ASME

The ASME II 2023 Edition, including references to the Mandatory Appendix II of ASME II, as specified in
chapter 2, shall apply if not otherwise stated in the purchasing documents.

2 Other Acceptable ASTM Editions for Specifications that are used

within Alfa Laval
ASME material specifications approved for use in each construction code are listed in the table below. For
each specification listed, the latest edition adopted by ASME is provided, as well as earlier editions which
reproduced, transmitted or disclosed to any third party

have been reconciled and considered by ASME to be identical, except as noted, to the latest edition. All other
This document and its contents must not be copied,

acceptable editions listed are acceptable for use in code construction within the limits, if any, of the provided
without the consent of Alfa Laval AB.
© COPYRIGHT Alfa Laval AB 2023.

Green text: New material since last revision

Red text: Edited text since last revision
Black text: Same text as last revision

See example on page 4 of how this table shall be used.

Specifications Latest Description Other Acceptable

Part SA Adopted ASTM Editions (1)

Identical except for revision in para. 11.5.3.

SA-20/SA-20M 20 General Requirements, Plates
88 through 20

SA-36/SA-36M 19 Identical 88 through 19

Identical except for addition of Footnote A call out next to vanadium composition
SA-105/SA-105M 21 limit in Table 1 and deletion of [mm] from the thickness variable (T) in Table 3 Note 87a through 21
minimum elongation formula

SA-106/SA-106M 19a Identical 88a through 19a

SA-181/SA-181M 06 Identical 87 through 06

SA-182/SA-182M 21 Identical except for the inclusion of F316Ti in para. 7.3.1, the removal of reduced 87a through 21
strength levels for thicker sections of Grade F53 in Table 3, the removal of Grade
F53 Classes in Table 3, the removal of Note (G) in Table 3, the increase of
minimum yield strength for Grade F60 in Table 3 and clarification of requirements
for parts machined from bar or hollow bar in 6.4 and para. 7.2.1 revised to include
F12, Classes 1 and 2.
(a) S32202 (F66) heat treatment range shall be 1870°F to 1975°F (1020°F to
1080°C) for ASTM editions prior to -09a
(b) S32202 (F60) min YS in Table 3 shall be 70 (485) in all ASTM editions
(c) S30815 (F45) and S32228 (FS6) direct or indirect in-process heat treatment is
prohibited for ASTM editions prior to -07
(d) K90901 (F91) and other acceptable editions are limited to -18
(e) K91061 (F911), other acceptable editions are limited to 05 or later.

SA-193/SA193M 20 Identical 14 through 20

SA-194/SA-194M 22 Identical. 14 through 22

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Specifications Latest Description Other Acceptable

Part SA Adopted ASTM Editions (1)

SA-213/SA-213M 22 Identical except for the additional H Grade heat treatment requirements in para. 6.2 10 through 22
and correction of UNS number for Grade T9 in Table 3. For Grade T91, other
acceptable editions are limited to 18 and later. For UNS S31035 and UNS K91060,
the acceptable edition is limited to 18b.For UNS S31050, other acceptable ASTM
editions are limited to 15a and later. For UNS S31002, the ASTM edition is limited
to 22.

SA-240/SA-240M 17 Identical except for UNS S31050, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -04 88c through 17
and later. For UNS S32906, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -07ε1
and later.
For UNS S38815, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -16 and later. For
UNS S32101, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -05 and later.

SA-249/SA-249M 18a Identical except for the deletion of S5, which allows lower mechanical properties, 88b through 18a
and for Section I only, S9 is mandatory when 100% joint efficiency is required. For
UNS S31040, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 10a and later.

SA-307 10 Identical except for the deletion of the term “private label distributor” and “as 00 through 10
appropriate” from para. 13.1.1.

SA-312/SA-312M 18a Identical except for the revision to para 6.2 to add "H" grade heat treatment 88a through 18a
requirements. For UNS S31035 the acceptable ASTM edition is limited to 18a. For
UNS S34051, ASTM editions prior to 14b are acceptable provided that the nickel
composition in Table 1 is met.

SA-333/SA-333M 16 Identical. For Grade 6, acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 11 and later. 94 through 16

SA-350/SA-350M 02b Identical except for the deletion of 6.1.2 and 14.1, revision to 14.2.5, and test 87 through 02b
reports have been made mandatory.
SA-350/SA-350M Grade LF2 forgings made to revisions earlier than the 2001
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or to ASTM Specification A350/A350M
with year dates from 1987 through 1997 are acceptable for either Class 1 or Class
2 applications unless Supplementary Requirement S4 was used to test forgings at
a higher test temperature.

SA-351/SA-351M 18ε1 Identical. For Grades CK3MCuN and CN3MN, acceptable ASTM 86 through 18ε1
editions are limited to 13a and later.

SA-352/SA-352M 06(2012) Identical 88 through 06(2012)

SA-370 21 Identical 77 through 21

Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

SA-403/SA-403M 19a Identical except for clarified heat treatment requirements in 6.1 and 6.4, the 86 through 19a
deletion of 5.14 and 5.15, and the deletion of revised tensile requirements for
Grades 321 and 321H in Table 5. For H Grades, other acceptable ASTM editions
are limited to -02 and later. For Grade S38815, other acceptable ASTM editions are
limited to 16 and later. For welded with filler metal products ordered to Section III,
Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Supplementary
Requirement S3 is mandatory.

SA-479/SA-479M 21 Identical. For Grade S32654, ASTM editions are limited to 11 and later. 87b through 21

SA-480/SA-480M 17 Identical 88 through 17

General Requirements — Flat Products

SA-484/SA-484M 21 Identical 87 through 21

General Requirements Wrought SS Products

SA-516/SA-516M 17 Identical. The reference to Footnote B in Table 1 shall apply to the -04, -05, and - 86 through 17
05e editions.

SA-530/SA-530M 18 Identical. 88a through 18

General Requirements for Pipe

SA-540/SA-540M 15(2021) Identical 84a through


SA-564/SA-564M 04(2009) Identical 87b through


SA-703/SA-703M 18a Identical. 87b through 18a

General Requirements for Castings

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Specifications Latest Description Other Acceptable

Part SA Adopted ASTM Editions (1)

SA-790/SA-790M 19 Identical 10 through 19

SA-815/SA-815M 10a Identical except for the deletion of para. 5.9, 5.14 (Class CR fittings), and 5.15.4. 86 through 10a
(a) Paragraphs 5.14 and 5.15 deleted for all editions prior to 10a
(b) S32202, para. 7.2.3 filler metal with nominal 23.5% Cr, 12.00% Ni is not
permitted, minimum HT temperature in Table 2 to be 1,870°F to 1,975°F (1 020°C
to 1 080°C)
(c) S32808, maximum S in Table 2 shall be 0.010 in all editions

SA-960/SA-960M 20 Identical 99b through 20

SA-961/SA-961M 21 Identical except for the editions prior to 13, certification is mandatory. 99 through 21

SA-962/SA-962M 22 Identical 99 through 22

SA-999/SA-999M 18 Identical except for the editions prior to 04a, para. 6.2.1 on grade substitution of the 04a through 18
04a edition or later applies.
General requirements, Pipes.

Specifications Latest Description Other Acceptable

Part SB Adopted ASTM Editions (1)

SB-127 05(2014) Identical except that certification has been made mandatory. 85 through 05(2014)

SB-160 05(2014) Identical except that certification has been made mandatory. 87 through 05(2014)

SB-161 05(2014) Identical except for the deletion of 1.1.1. Certification has been made mandatory. 87 through 05(2014)

SB-162 99(2014) Identical except that certification has been made mandatory. 85 through 99(2014)

Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory,
SB-171/SB-171M 18 temper restrictions are removed, and Footnote C in Table 3 is corrected for editions 11ε1 through 18
earlier than 2018.

SB-248 17 Identical except that certification and a test report have been made mandatory. 87 through 17

SB-265 20a Identical except that Note A in Table 7 has been revised. 10 through 20a

SB-333 03(2018) Identical. 03 through 03(2018)

Identical for all grades. For editions prior to 08a, certification and reporting are 83a(1987) through
SB-338 17 mandatory, and product marking shall also show ASME designation. 17

SB-348 19 Identical for all grades, except that Note A of Table 2 has been revised. 08a through 19

08a through
SB-381 13(2019) Identical except that Note A of Table 1 has been revised

Identical except that certification has been made mandatory and a report of test
SB-424 11 results shall be furnished.
87 through 11

Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory, and
SB-564 17a acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 06 and later for N06200 material.
86a through 17a

Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory;
“Table 3 ” added to para. 6.1 and “Table 2” added to paras. 7.1 and 7.2 in 06 ε1
SB-574 17 edition; and acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 06 and later for N06200
85 through 17

Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory; and
SB-575 17 acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 15 ε1 and later for UNS N06058 material.
06 through 17

Identical except certification and a test report have been made mandatory by 86a through
SB-582 07(2013) reference to SB-906. 07(2013)

Identical except that certification and test reports have been made
SB-619 17 mandatory per SB-775
06 through 17

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Specifications Latest Description Other Acceptable

Part SB Adopted ASTM Editions (1)

Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory and
SB-622 17b “Remainder” element defined in Table 1.
15ε1 through 17b

SB-625 17 Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory. 14 through 17

Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory per
para. 5.1.6 and in SB-751, and acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 06 and 87a through 17
SB-626 17 later for N06200 material, 10 ε1 and later for N06059 material, and 10 ε2 and later for except 01
R20033 material

Identical except that certification has been made mandatory; and paras. 4.1.8 and
SB-649 17 5.2, and Table 2, Footnote A have been deleted.
05 through 17

SB-675 02(2013) Identical except that certification has been made mandatory. …

SB-676 03(2014) Identical except that certification has been made mandatory. 02 through 03(2014)

Identical except certification has been made mandatory, and heat treatment has
SB-688 96(2014) 96 through 96(2014)
been specified.

Identical except for corrections to Table 2, clarified hydrotest requirements, and

SB-690 02(2013) mandatory certification
93 through 02(2013)

SB-691 02(2013) Identical except that clarification and mill test reports have been made mandatory 86 through 02(2013)

SB-751 08(2013) Identical except certification and a test report have been made mandatory. 03 through 08(2013)

SB-775 08 Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory. 90 through 08

SB-829 19 Identical except that certification and test reports have been made mandatory. 19

Identical for all grades. For all editions prior to 2010, certification and reporting are
SB-861 19 mandatory
05a through 19

SB-862 14 Identical except that Supplementary Requirement S2 shall be mandatory. 08a through 14

SB-906 02(2012) Identical except that certification has been made mandatory. 00 through 02(2012)

(1) The source standards for specifications listed in this table are ASTM standards. ASTM technical committees review the standards under
their jurisdiction on a 5-yr cycle. If no changes are needed, then the standard is simply reapproved. At times, editorial errors are discovered
within an ASTM standard between the 5-yr review cycle. If the technical committee decides to fix the errors immediately, then the standard
will be republished with a superscript epsilon (ε) in the designation. BPVC II Committee has taken the position that a reapproved or
editorially corrected edition is technically and substantively identical to the base edition. For example, edition 15(2020), 15 ε1, or 15(2020)ε1
is technically and substantively identical to 15. Therefore, for the purposes of ASME construction, a reapproved or editorially corrected
edition of an ASTM specification shall be considered acceptable for use, even if the edition is beyond the range listed in this column,
provided that its base edition is within range.

3 Example of how this table shall be used when Alfa Laval, for the
material, requires ASME 2023
ASME 2023: SA-193/SA-193M is identical to ASTM A193/A193M - 20. Editions from 14 to 20 are accepted.

ASTM specifications referenced in earlier ASME editions:

ASME 2021: SA-193/SA-193M is identical to ASTM A193/A193M - 12b. Editions from 05 to 12b are accepted.

ASME 2019: SA-193/SA-193M is identical to ASTM A193/A193M - 12b. Editions from 05 to 12b are accepted.

ASME 2017: SA-193/SA-193M is identical to ASTM A193/A193M - 12b. Editions from 05 to 12b are accepted.

ASME 2015: SA-193/SA-193M is identical to ASTM A193/A193M - 12b. Editions from 05 to 12b are accepted.

ASME 2013: SA-193/SA-193M is identical to ASTM A193/A193M - 07.

This specification is acceptable to Alfa Laval because edition 07 is also accepted by ASME 2019.

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Technical Delivery Requirements
AL 101 0390

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ASME 2007: SA-193/SA-193M is identical to ASTM A193/A193M - 98a.

This specification is not acceptable to Alfa Laval because edition 98a is not accepted by ASME 2019.
ALCS Material TD00000077

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