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Microsoft Singapore Employee Handbook

Policy Number: 0000079093

Policy Period: 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024

Please be advised the content within this handbook is a summarised of AIA Singapore Employee’s Group
Insurance Coverage and the terms and conditions of the relevant policies. If there is any conflict between the
statements made in this handbook and the Master Policies, the Master Policies shall prevail.
Group Insurance Coverage
1. Group Term Life 4
2. Group Personal Accident 6
3. Group Hospital &Surgical 8
4. Group OutpatientClinical 14
5. Group OutpatientSpecialist 17
6. GroupMaternity 21
7. Exclusions 23
8. Group Optical 25
9. GroupDental 27

02 Support&Assistance 34

03AIA eBenefits Portal / Mobile App

1. How to register 37
2. Update your email address 39
3. Update your bank account information 40
4. Ensure your dependants are covered 41
5. Activate your dependant account 42
6. Finding clinics/ accessing your medical card 43
7. Submit the claims 47
8. Check the claims status 50
9. Important Notes 52
10. WhiteCoat Teleconsultation 53
11. Using the WhiteCoat App 54

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 2

Group Insurance Coverage
This insurance plan will provide coverage against death and total permanent disability due
to any cause – including illness and accident.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees.

Scope of Cover
24 hours worldwide without any geographical or recreational restriction.

Basic of Cover

Plan Classification Coverage

01 All Employees *36 times Basic Monthly Salary

* Subject to a maximum sum insured of S$2,000,000 per life.

Free Cover Limit


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 4

Schedule of Benefits for Group Term Life

Upon death due illness and accident the sum assured is payable in a
lump sum

Lump sum of S$200,000 or the sum assured, whichever is lower.

Balance will be paid in 3 annual instalments commencing 1 year after
the first payment.
Cover will be extended for a period of up to twelve (12) months if
insured member is medically boarded out and unemployed during the
same period.

Note Disability must not be caused directly or in-directly, wholly or

partly, by self-destruction or any attempt threat with sane or insane.

Upon certification or high probability to die within the next 12 months,

the sum assured will be payable in advance as 100% of sum assured,
subject to a maximum of $100,000.
The excess, if any, will be payable in the unfortunate event if the
member dies within the twelve (12) months period.

Coverage against death or TPD shall be extended for a maximum of 12

EXTENDED DEATH months from date of termination due to medical grounds. The sum
& TPD assured is payable in a lump sum. This benefit will not be applicable
once Prolonged Illness Leave is granted.

Upon death occurring outside Singapore, reimbursement of

repatriation expenses incurred up to a maximum of S$50,000

1. Any expenses incurred for services provided by another party for
REPATRIATION which the insured is not liable to pay, or any expenses already
EXPENSES included in the cost of a scheduled trip.

2. Any expenses incurred for the transportation of the insured’s remains

not approved and arranged by the Company or its authorized

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 5

This insurance plan will provide coverage against death and total permanent disability due
to an accident.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees

Scope of Cover
24 hours worldwide without any geographical or recreational restriction.

Basic of Cover

* Subject to a maximum sum insured of S$2,000,000 per life.

* Subject to a maximum sum insured of S$1,000,000 per life.

The insurance under this Group Personal Accident policy shall not cover any loss or
disability caused or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one of the following occurrences:

1. Self-destruction or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane;

2. War, declared of undeclared, revolution or any warlike operations;
3. Participation in a riot, violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to
4. Travelling or flying in, ascending or descending from any aerial device or aircraft,
unless the Insured Member is travelling as a fare-paying passenger in a duly licensed
commercial aircraft and the said aircraft was not engaged in any rescue, instructional
or training purposes during such flight; and
5. Racing on horse or wheels.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 6

This insurance plan will provide coverage against death and total permanent disability due
to an accident.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees

Scope of Cover
24 hours worldwide without any geographical or recreational restriction.

Basic of Cover

* Subject to a maximum sum insured of S$2,000,000 per life.

* Subject to a maximum sum insured of S$1,000,000 per life.

The insurance under this Group Personal Accident policy shall not cover any loss or
disability caused or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one of the following occurrences:

1. Self-destruction or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane;

2. War, declared of undeclared, revolution or any warlike operations;
3. Participation in a riot, violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to
4. Travelling or flying in, ascending or descending from any aerial device or aircraft,
unless the Insured Member is travelling as a fare-paying passenger in a duly licensed
commercial aircraft and the said aircraft was not engaged in any rescue, instructional
or training purposes during such flight; and
5. Racing on horse or wheels.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 7

Schedule of Benefits for Group Personal Accident

Upon death due to accident, 100% of the sum assured is payable in a
BENEFIT lump sum

Provides coverage against TPD as a result of accident.

TPD shall mean that the disability must be total and permanent and
that there is no work, occupation or profession that the insured can
ever sufficiently do or follow to earn or obtain any wages,
compensation or profit. The sum assured is payable in a lump sum in
accordance to the Schedule of indemnity.
Please refer to Appendix A - AIA Schedule of Indemnities.

MAJOR BURNS 100% of the sum assured is payable in a lump sum for Third Degree
BENEFIT Burns covering at least 25% of the body surface

FUNERAL EXPENSES Additional S$2,000 compassionate death allowance

Additional S$5,000 per child payout in the event of accidental death,

if insured member had any dependants child.
Dependant shall mean any unmarried child under age twenty-five (25)
years of age and enrolled as a full time student in a recognized
institution of higher learning.

Up to S$5,000 of the costs, whichever is lesser.

Self-powered, climbing wheelchair; and/or motor vehicle with controls
suitably adjusted; and/or necessary ramps, railings and holds to usual
place of residence

Pays a benefit of 10% of the sum assured up to a maximum of

ACCIDENTAL DEATH S$10,000, in addition to the Death benefit if as a result of an accident,
DUE TO COMMON whilst boarding, alighting or traveling in a duly licensed commercial
CARRIER BENEFIT aircraft as a fare-paying passenger, the member dies within 12 months
of the date of accident

Pays a benefit of 10% of the sum assured up to a maximum of

COMATOSE STATE S$50,000, if as a result of an accident, whilst boarding, alighting or
DUE TO COMMON traveling in a duly licensed commercial aircraft as a fare-paying
CARRIER BENEFIT passenger, the member is hospitalized and is in a comatose state
within 30 days of the accident

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 8


This insurance plan will reimburse medical expenses incurred while an Insured Member is confined
as a registered patient in a recognised hospital for treatment or surgery, as a result of an illness or
injury. For day surgery, there is no minimum hours requirement for confinement. Common
examples of day surgery are gastroscopy, colonoscopy, nasal endoscopy, cataract surgery, etc.

The coverage is 24-hours worldwide and subject to Reasonable and Customary (R&C) limits, co-
insurance, and medically necessary treatments.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees.

Dependants are:
- Spouse of an eligible insured employee who is legally married
- Domestic Partner
- Child up to age of 25; unmarried and unemployed.
Dependants who are not residing in Singapore and have no intention to reside in Singapore will not
be eligible for insurance coverage

Scope of Cover
• 24 hours worldwide; covers eligible expenses incurred for hospital confinement or surgery, as a
result of sickness of injury.
• Coverage is subject to co-insurance and limits

Basis of Coverage
Plan 1 All employees and their eligible dependants

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 9

Schedule of Benefits for Group Hospital & Surgical
Annual Limit
per insured person
per policy period
(for Group Hospital & Surgical, Group Outpatient Clinical, Group
(Reimbursed up to
Outpatient Specialist and Group Maternity)
applicable %)
Hospital Expenses:
Charges incurred during hospital confinement upon
recommendation of a Registered Medical Practitioner or
Specialist including but not limited to: daily room and board;
daily intensive care unit (ICU); surgical fee; in-hospital
doctors’ visits; and hospital miscellaneous services. 1 Bed Private Room

Outpatient Kidney Dialysis / Cancer Treatment Singapore: 100%*

Other Countries:
Rehabilitation Benefit 80%*
Charges incurred during confinement in a community/
rehabilitation hospital to recuperate.
The confinement in the community / rehabilitation is
recommended by the attending Registered Medical
Practitioner and/or Specialist.
Biological Response Modifiers Therapy / Immunotherapy
Singapore: 100%*
Other Countries:
Singapore: 100%*
Mental Care (Maximum 60 days) Other Countries:

Funeral Expenses S$5,000

Hospital Cash Allowance

When an insured member is warded in the following ward in a
Singapore Restructured hospital the respective hospital cash
benefit shall apply accordingly
B1 S$50
B2+ S$100
B2 S$150
C S$200
*Subject to Reasonable & Customary

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 10

Group Medical Coverage
The Group Medical Coverage plan covers an overall annual limit of $250,000 for
Group Hospital & Surgical, Group Outpatient Clinical, Group Outpatient Specialist and Maternity.
The limit is on per individual and not shared between family.

The plan covers recognized costs of services or treatment which are recommended by a medical
practitioner and are medically necessary and up to the reasonable and customary for the care and
treatment of an injury or sickness, as determined by AIA, up to limits shown in the list of benefits.
For the purposes of this plan, medically necessary and reasonable and customary is defined as:

“Medically Necessary” shall mean a medical treatment, services and/or supply provided by a
Registered Medical Practitioner and/or Specialist covered under this Policy which are:
(a) consistent with the diagnosis and customary medical treatment, service and/or supply for
Sickness or Injury;
(b) in accordance with standards of good medical practice; consistent with the current standard of
professional medical care and with proven medical benefits;
(c) not for the convenience of the insured, Registered Medical Practitioner or the Specialist, and
unable to be reasonably rendered out of Hospital (if admitted for confinement); and
(d) not of an experimental, investigational or research nature, preventing or screening nature.

“Reasonable and Customary” shall mean in relation to a fee, a charge or an expense, means any fee
or expense which
(a) is charged for medical treatment, medical supplies or medical services that are Medically
Necessary and in accordance with standards of good medical practice for the care of an injured
or ill person under the care, supervision or order of a Registered Medical Practitioner
(b) does not exceed the usual level of fees or charges for similar treatment, supplies or medical
services in Singapore, regardless of where the expense is incurred; and
(c) does not include fees or charges that would not have been made if no insurance existed, as
reasonably determined by AIA. In determining whether any particular Hospital/medical charge is
a Reasonable and Customary charge, AIA may refer to any relevant publication or information
made available regarding treatment in Singapore, such as fee benchmarks or fee guidelines for
treatment by the Registered Medical Practitioner or other healthcare professional, or any such
equivalent publication issued by or under the authority of the Ministry of Health (Singapore). AIA
is not obliged to consider the fee benchmarks, guidelines or other applicable references relevant
to treatment or hospitalisation occurring outside Singapore. AIA reserves the right to decline or
adjust any and all benefits payable in relation to any Hospital or medical fees or charges which in
the opinion of the AIA’s medical director is not a Reasonable and Customary charge

The Reasonable & Customary clause shall not apply for overseas emergency treatment.

“Emergency” shall mean, non-routine services or treatment rendered for a serious medical condition
resulting from Injury or Illness (as the case may be) which arises suddenly (including a sudden acute
exacerbation of a chronic medical condition) and that could reasonably be expected, in the opinion
of a Registered Medical Practitioner, to result in death of the Insured Person or serious impairment
of his bodily functions unless treatment is received within 24 hours of onset.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 11

Group Hospital & Surgical Benefits
Benefits Definition

Hospital Expenses:
Charges incurred during hospital confinement upon recommendation of a Registered Medical
Practitioner or Specialist including but not limited to:

1. a. Daily Room &Board

This benefit shall be paid when, upon recommendation of a Registered Medical Practitioner,
an insured is registered as a bed patient in a Hospital and incurs a Room and Board charge.
b. Intensive CareUnit
This benefit shall be paid when, upon recommendation of a Registered Medical Practitioner
or Specialist, an insured is registered as a bed patient in a Hospital and incurs charges in
connection with an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Intermediate Care Area (ICA) and High
Dependency Ward (HDW) in the Hospital.

2. Hospital Miscellaneous Services

This benefit shall be paid when an insured incurs charges for the following supplies and
services rendered during such Hospital Confinement which are customarily supplied by the
-Administration of Blood Plasma, but not the cost of Blood or Blood Plasma;
-Ambulance Services to and / or from the Hospital not to exceed for any trip the rate of the
Daily Room & Board benefit;
-Anesthesia and Oxygen and their administration including anesthetist’s fee;
-Basal Metabolism Tests;
-Dressings Ordinary Splints and Plaster Casts;
-Drugs and Medicine consumed on premises;
-Intravenous Infusion;
-Laboratory Examinations;
-Physical Therapy;
-Use of Operation Room;
-X-ray Examinations;

3. Surgical Fee
This benefit shall be paid when an insured incurs charges in connection with an operation
performed by one or more Registered Medical Practitioners and / or Specialists, including any
assistant surgeons. Except for surgical operation charges that fall below the Minor Surgical
Benefit Limit as shown in the Policy Schedule, each operation is subject to the amount obtained
by multiplying the appropriate percentage shown for that operation in the Surgical Schedule of
Fees by the maximum Surgical Benefit shown in the Policy Schedule. If two or more surgical
procedures are performed through a single incision, reimbursement for expenses for all such
procedures shall not exceed the amount indicated for the one surgical procedure performed for
which the largest amount is payable.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 12

Group Hospital & Surgical Benefits
4. In-Hospital Doctors’ Visits
This benefit shall be paid when an insured incurs charges for consultation by Registered
Medical Practitioners and / or Specialists while he is hospitalised. For this benefit only one visit
per day shall be covered.

5. Outpatient Kidney Dialysis / Cancer Treatment

This benefit shall be paid, when an insured incurs out-patient expenses (excluding medical or
preventive health screening) for the following treatments:

Kidney dialysis including home peritoneal dialysis as recommended by a Registered Medical


Cancer treatment by a Registered Medical Practitioner. “Cancer” shall mean a focal

autonomous new growth of tissue that has no useful function and the new growth has the
characteristics of marginal invasion, relentless growth or distant spread with a lethal effect.
Such cancer must be positively diagnosed by a Registered Medical Practitioner who is also a
certified Pathologist, upon the basis of a Microscopic Examination of fixed tissues, or
preparations from the Hemic System. Such diagnosis shall be based solely on the accepted
criteria of malignancy after a study of the histocytologic architecture or pattern of the
suspect tumour, tissue or specimen. Clinical diagnosis does not meet this standard.

6. Rehabilitation Benefit
This benefit shall be paid when an insured is recommended by the attending Registered
Medical Practitioner and/or Specialist to recuperate in a community/ rehabilitation hospital
registered and approved by the Ministry of Health of Singapore.

7. Biological Response Modifiers Therapy / Immunotherapy (Inpatient/Outpatient)

This benefit shall be paid when an insured is recommended for immunotherapy that incudes
experimental immunotherapy treatment by the attending Registered Medical Practitioner
and/or Specialist that is medically necessary.

8. Mental Care (Maximum 60 days)

Where Mental Care is a benefit expressly included in the Policy Schedule in the Policy, the
sum of in-patient shall be paid subject to the Mental Care limit shown in the Policy Schedule,
subject to the following conditions:

In the case of in-patient charges incurred, the in-patient charges are for the insured's
hospitalization in Singapore Institute of Mental Health or any Hospital, for psychiatric care
and treatment only on the recommendation of a Registered Medical Practitioner or a
psychiatrist for such hospitalization;

The insured will not be reimbursed for the same charges under any benefits other than
Mental Care if the limit shown in the Policy Schedule is a lump sum benefit

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 13

Group Hospital & Surgical Benefits
9. Funeral Expenses
This benefit shall be paid to be Policyholder upon receipt of due proof of death of any
insured, including stillborn in the form required by AIA.

10. Hospital Cash Allowance

When an insured member is warded in the following ward in a Singapore Restructured
hospital the respective hospital cash benefit shall apply accordingly:-

Class of Ward Hospital Cash benefit per stay of Hospital Confinement

B1 Ward $50
B2+ Ward $100
B2 Ward $150
C Ward $200

The above shall be subject to the following conditions:-

I. Hospital Cash Benefits is only applicable for Hospital Confinement only. Not applicable to
day surgery and child delivery (normal delivery and cesarean) purpose.
II. The maximum payable period is 90 days per disability
III. The entire length of hospital stay must be in the same class of ward.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 14


This insurance plan will cover the outpatient consultation and treatment when you visit a General
Practitioner and / or Accidental & Emergency Department of hospitals in Singapore and Overseas.

The coverage is subject to Reasonable and Customary (R&C) and medically necessary treatments.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees.

Dependants are:
- Spouse of an eligible insured employee who is legally married
- Domestic Partner
- Child up to age of 25; unmarried and unemployed.
Dependants who are not residing in Singapore and have no intention to reside in Singapore will not
be eligible for insurance coverage

Scope of Cover
• 24 hours worldwide; covers eligible expenses incurred for outpatient consultation, basic x-ray
lab test, prescribed drugs and Telemedicine via WhiteCoat, as a result of sickness of injury.
• Coverage is subject to co-insurance and limits

Basis of Coverage
OPTIMU1MPLAN All Employees and their eligible dependants

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 15

Schedule of Benefits Group Outpatient Clinical
Annual Limit
per insured person
per policy period
(for Group Hospital & Surgical, Group Outpatient Clinical, Group
(Reimbursed up to
Outpatient Specialist and Group Maternity)

Cashless Basis
(Upon presentation of AIA Medical Card)

Visits at AIA appointed General Practitioners

(AIA –Fullerton panel clinics)
- Unlimited visits Singapore: 100%*
E-card to be presented otherwise treated as non-panel Other Countries:
claim 80%*
WhiteCoat Telemedicine
- Via whitecoat Apps;
- Unlimited visits

Reimbursement Basis

Singapore Government Polyclinics Singapore: 100%*

Visits at Non Panel Clinics in Singapore 80%*

Visits at Overseas General Practitioners 80%*

Emergency Outpatient Treatment Singapore: 100%*

In Accident and Emergency department / Emergency Other Countries:
Room 80%*
COVID Benefits (for employee only)
PCR/ ART test + test kits are covered for all purpose. NA
(Not available on and after 01 Jul 2022)

*Subject to Reasonable & Customary

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 16

Group Outpatient Clinical Benefits
Benefits Definition

1. Outpatient treatment at AIA Appointed General Practitioner clinics (AIA – Fullerton panel clinics)
& Singapore Government Polyclinics

Charges for care and treatment from AIA Appointed General Practitioner shall be paid directly to
the AIA Appointed clinics. For expenses incurred at Singapore Government Polyclinics, AIA will
reimburse the Insured Member.

2. Visits at Non Panel Clinics in Singapore and Overseas General Practitioners

For expenses incurred for care and treatment from a non-Panel Registered Medical Practitioner
(local or overseas), AIA will reimburse the Insured Member based on the coverage in the
Schedule of Benefits.

3. Emergency Outpatient Treatment at Accident and Emergency department / Emergency Room

For expenses incurred for outpatient treatment at the Accident & Emergency Department of a
Hospital, AIA will reimburse the Insured Member for such expenses based on the coverage in
the Schedule of Benefits

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 17

This is a reimbursement plan for expenses incurred for outpatient specialist consultation and diagnostic
x-ray and laboratory test.

The coverage is subject to Reasonable and Customary and medically necessary treatments.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees.

Dependants are:
- Spouse of an eligible insured employee who is legally married
- Domestic Partner
- Child up to age of 25; unmarried and unemployed.
Dependants who are not residing in Singapore and have no intention to reside in Singapore will not be eligible
for insurance coverage

Scope of Cover
• 24 hours worldwide; covers eligible expenses incurred for outpatient specialist consultation and
treatment including diagnostics that does not result to hospitalization or surgery.
• Coverage is subject to co-insurance and limits

Basis of Coverage


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 18

Schedule of Benefits Group Outpatient Specialist

Annual Limit
per insured person
per policy period
(for Group Hospital & Surgical, Group Outpatient Clinical, Group Outpatient
(Reimburse up to
Specialist and Group Maternity)

Cashless Basis - Referral from medical practitioner is not required.

(Upon presentation of AIA Medical Card otherwise treated as non-panel claim)

Panel Specialist Consultation (incl. Prescribed medication) ENHANCEMENT

(AIA –Fullerton panel specialist)
- Unlimited visits AIA Panel : 100%*

Panel Specialist Diagnostic X-ray Lab test

*Subject to Reasonable & Customary

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 19

Schedule of Benefits Group Outpatient Specialist
Annual Limit
per insured person
per policy period
(for Group Hospital & Surgical, Group Outpatient Clinical, Group Outpatient
(Reimburse up to
Specialist and Group Maternity)

Reimbursement Basis - Referral from medical practitioner is not required.

Singapore Govt Specialist Consultation, Diagnostic X-ray lab test

(incl. Prescribed medication)

Non Panel Specialist Consultation (incl. Prescribed medication)

Non AIA Panel /
Non Panel Specialist Diagnostic X-ray Lab test
Treatment :
Paediatrician (incl. Prescribed medication)

Vaccination ( refer to list of covered vaccines for definitions) Practitioner/ Specialist

Outpatient Diagnostic Scan of MRI/ CT/PET Scan Overseas –

S$75 per visit

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Singapore - 100%*
( incl. consultation, treatment, medication )
Overseas –
Limited to 6 visits per policy year

S$200 per visit

Physiotherapy and Alternative Treatments
Singapore - 100%*
Limited to 12 visits per policy year
Overseas - 100%*

S$250 per visit

Mental Care
Singapore - 100%*
Limited to 24 visits per policy year
Overseas - 100%*

Annual Health Screening S$500 per year

Annual routine physical health screening including lab test. Singapore - 100%*
Genetic testing that are medically necessary provided with doctor memo Overseas - 100%*

Cancer Screening for cancer survivor AIA Panel - 90%*

Policy extend to cover annual screening for cancer survivor up to 5 years Non AIA Panel/
with doctor memo stating the last cancer treatment date and surveillance Overseas Treatment -
checks date(s). 80%*

*Subject to Reasonable & Customary

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 20

Group Outpatient Specialist Benefits
Benefits Definition

1. Specialist Consultation (incl. Prescribed medication)

If an insured shall receive care and treatment included in the Schedule of Covered Benefits
attached hereto from a Specialist, the Company shall:

a) pay the expenses incurred at Panel Specialist clinics directly to the clinics.
b) reimburse the Insured Member for expenses incurred at non-Panel clinics/ Singapore
Government Specialist.

2. Specialist Diagnostic X-ray and Lab test

If an insured incurs expenses for X-Ray and laboratory tests included in the Schedule of Covered
Benefits attached hereto from a Specialist, the Company shall:

a) pay the expenses incurred at Panel Specialist clinics directly to the clinics.
b) reimburse the Insured Member for expenses incurred at non-Panel clinics.

3. Paediatrician
This benefit shall be paid if the insured incurs expenses in visiting a paediatrician

4. Vaccination
This benefit shall be paid if the insured incurs expenses in vaccination as below:-
▪ DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussism and Tetanus)
▪ MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)
▪ HiB (Haemophilus influenza Type B)
▪ Polio
▪ Influenza
▪ Hepatitis A
▪ Hepatitis B
▪ Meningitis
▪ Pneumococcal Disease
▪ Human Papilloma Virus from nine (9) years to twenty-six (26) years old
▪ Rotavirus Vaccine
▪ Varicella Vaccine
▪ Tetanus
▪ Rabies
▪ Cholera
▪ Yellow fever
▪ Japanese encephalitis
▪ Typhoid
▪ Malaria (including tablet form)

5. Outpatient Diagnostic Scan of MRI/ CT/PET Scan

This benefit shall be paid if the insured incurs expenses for specialized tests.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 21

Group Outpatient Specialist Benefits
6. Traditional Chinese Medicine
This benefit shall be paid if the insured incurs expenses for care and treatment stated in the
Schedule of Covered Benefits by a TCM practitioner.

7. Physiotherapy and Alternative Treatments

This benefit shall be paid if the insured incurs expenses for physiotherapy including chiropractic
and other alternative treatment and therapy as below:-
a) Chiropractic
b) Acupuncture
c) Homeopathy
d) Naturopathy
e) Osteopathy
f) Ayuvedic
g) Siddha
h) Podiatry

8. Mental Care
Where Mental Care benefit shall be paid, up to the Mental Care limit shown in the Schedule of
Benefits, when an insured incurs out-patient expenses for care and treatment by general
practitioner or psychiatrist or psychologist (including teleconsultation via WhiteCoat).

The insured will not be reimbursed for the same charges under any benefits other than Mental

9. Annual Health Screening

Annual routine physical health screening including prescribed lab test. Genetic testing that are
medically necessary provided with doctor memo.

There is no panel, employee and dependent can choose to go to any health screening centers
for the routine checks.
If you wish to enjoy a preferred rate, a negotiated health screening package is available as well.
Please refer to the ‘Fullerton Health Screening guide’ under AIA eBenefits > Information Library.

10. Cancer Screening for cancer survivor

Policy shall extend to cover annual screenings for cancer survivors up to 5 years with doctors
memo indicating patient’s present condition. Drugs prescribed to prevent the recurrence of a
cancer will not be covered.

To determine patient’s present condition, we will need the following in doctor memo:-

i. patient’s last date of chemotherapy/radiotherapy due to cancer,

ii. patient’s current cancer status (ie relapse/recurrence or remission/completed cured) and
iii. date of subsequent surveillance check

Do note that treatment will not be covered under the policy without existing medical diagnosis.
Medication prescribed to prevent the cancer (example, tamoxifen) will not be covered under the
policy as there’s no existing medical diagnosis.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 22

This is a reimbursement plan for the eligible expenses incurred by an Insured Member for all medical
conditions arising out of, during or in connection to any one pregnancy, childbirth, abortion or
miscarriage, including all complications resulting from the same.

The coverage is subject to Reasonable and Customary (R&C) and medically necessary treatments.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees.

Dependants are:
- Spouse of an eligible insured employee who are legally married
- Domestic Spouse
Dependants who are not residing in Singapore and have no intention to reside in Singapore will not be eligible
for insurance coverage

Scope of Cover
• 24 hours worldwide; covers eligible expenses incurred for hospital confinement or surgery, as a result of
sickness of injury.
• Coverage is subject to co-insurance and limits

Basis of Coverage

Plan 1 All Employee and Eligible Spouse and Domestic Partner


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 23

Schedule of Benefits for Group Maternity
per insured person
Annual Limit (for Group Hospital & Surgical, Group Outpatient
per policy period
Clinical, Group Outpatient Specialist and Group Maternity)
(Reimburse up to
applicable %)

Normal Delivery

Miscarriage or Abortion Singapore: 100%*

Other Countries: 80%*
Childbirth involving Caesarean Section or Abdominal Operation for
Extra Uterine Pregnancy

Pre-natal care and post natal care Singapore: 80%*

(up to 90 days after birth of child) Other Countries: 80%*

*Subject to Reasonable & Customary

Group Maternity Benefits

1. Normal Delivery
AIA will reimburse the charges actually incurred by an Insured Member care that were incurred in a
Hospital and/or at a clinic arising out of or in connection to the Insured Member’s normal delivery.

2. Miscarriage or Abortion
Charges incurred due to a miscarriage or medically necessary involuntary abortion while confined in a
Hospital as an Inpatient or undergoing Day Surgery for such purpose and as certified in writing by a
Specialist, will be reimbursed to the Insured Member.

3. Childbirth involving Caesarean Section or Abdominal Operation for Extra Uterine Pregnancy
AIA will reimburse the charges actually incurred by an Insured Member for pre-natal, childbirth and
post-natal treatment and care that were incurred in a Hospital and/or at a clinic arising out of or in
connection to the Insured Member’s caesarean delivery (whether the child is alive or still-born).

4. Pre-natal and post natal

This benefit pays for treatment of an eligible medical condition which is due to and occurs to the Insured
Member during their pregnancy prior to the delivery or after the delivery of the child. Under post-natal
complications, AIA will only pay for treatment received within ninety (90) days following the delivery of
the child.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 24

1.7 Exclusion

Applies to Group Hospital & Surgical, Group Outpatient Clinical, Group Outpatient Specialist and
Group Maternity.

The policy extends coverage for :

• Pre-existing conditions
• Congenital Conditions
• Good Service Tax (GST)

No benefit shall be payable under this Policy for any one of the following occurrences:
1. Treatment of injuries sustained as a result of a criminal act.
2. Injuries arising from direct participation in a strike, riot, insurrection or war, declared or
3. General medical or physical check-up or health screening, unless under Annual health
screening, or tests not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of an actual Sickness or Injury
4. Non-prescribed medication, vitamins and supplements even if prescribed by a doctor.
5. Immunization, vaccination or inoculation unless it is stated in the benefit schedule even if it is
prescribed by a doctor.
6. Treatment of xanthelasma, skin tags, acne, alopecia, weight reduction or weight improvement
regardless of whether the same is caused (directly or indirectly) by a medical condition
otherwise admissible.
7. Investigation for sleep apnea except if the member undergoes the surgical procedure as
recommended by a Specialist.
8. Procurement and rental of/or use of special braces, any appliances, any equipment or
prosthetic devices, wheel-chair, walking aids, hearing aids or the fitting of the same and non-
medical services such as television, telephone and the like.
9. Any surgical procedure for the correction of eye refraction; procurement of contact lenses and
eye glasses, surgical procedure for correction of squint or other eye misalignment for ages 12
years old and above; unless stated Optical Benefit is expressly stated in the Policy Schedule.
10. Cosmetic procedure or plastic surgery except to the extent that such surgery is necessary for
the repair or damage caused solely by accidental bodily injuries covered under the policy.
11. Treatment relating to birth control; all consultations and treatments including surgical
procedures required or recommended subsequent to consultations for the purpose of treating
subfertility, infertility or at in-vitro fertilization clinics, reproductive assistance clinics or centers,
clinics or centers for reproductive medicine and the like.
12. Treatment by Physiotherapist, Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner, acupuncture,
acupressure, bonesetting, herbalist treatment except for Post Hospitalization, unless these
treatments are on outpatient basis and subject to benefit limit.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 25

1.7 Exclusion

14. Educational treatments such as speech therapy, diabetic classes and nutritional treatments or
group support treatments;
15. Special or private duty nursing care; clinical home care; custodial care in any setting; day care;
hospice; respite care.
16. The costs and expenses incurred in acquiring an organ for organ transplant or the costs and
expenses incurred by the donor of such organ
17. Hospital Confinement if the treatment, according to the general opinion of Specialists, could
have been provided on an out-patient basis.
18. Costs arising out of any litigation or dispute between the insured and any medical person or
establishment from whom treatment has been sought or given, or any other costs not directly
or specifically related to the payment of the medical expenses covered by the policy.
19. Any surcharge incurred due to visits outside the normal operating hours of the clinic.
20. Nursery cost incurred by new born, prescribed items in maternity bills will not be covered under
the Maternity cover.
21. Home birth will not be covered under the policy.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 26


All actively at work, full-time permanent employees.

Dependants are:
- Spouse of an eligible insured employee who is legally married
- Domestic Spouse
- Child up to age of 25; unmarried and unemployed.
Dependants who are not residing in Singapore and have no intention to reside in Singapore will not be eligible
for insurance coverage

Scope of Cover
• Provide coverage for your routine eye checks and expenses to purchase prescribed glasses/ contact
• Coverage is subject to co-insurance and limits

Basis of Coverage


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 27

Schedule of Benefits for Group Optical
per insured person
Optical Benefit per policy period
(Reimbursed up to

a) Reasonable and Customary charges for actual charges for one (1)
optical test per Policy Year; and

b) Reasonable and Customary charges for actual charges incurred

for contact lenses or one (1) pair of spectacles.

c) Sports Goggles for kids deemed medically necessary to be Singapore: 90%*

covered once a year. With prescription or if vision is +-2 or above
Other Countries: Not
Notwithstanding the above, Optical Benefits do not cover the
• sunglasses of any kind (including prescription sunglasses).
• Any test or surgery that are related for medical reason, such as
floaters, dry eyes, allergies, infections, eye disease.
• Any surgical correction of nearsighted (such as but not limited to
radial keratotomy and keratoectomy)

*Subject to Reasonable & Customary

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 28

This is a reimbursement plan for expenses incurred for dental treatment charged by a Dentist. We will
reimburse the eligible expenses incurred according to the limits set out in the Benefits Schedule.

The coverage is subject to Reasonable and Customary and Medically Necessary treatments.

All actively at work, full-time permanent employees.

Dependants are:
- Spouse of an eligible insured employee who is legally married
- Domestic Spouse
- Child up to age of 25; unmarried and unemployed.
Dependants who are not residing in Singapore and have no intention to reside in Singapore will not be
eligible for insurance coverage

Scope of Cover
• Provides coverage for a wide variety of dental treatments, ranging from the basic preventive
procedure of Scaling & Polishing to major restorative treatment such as Fillings to endodontic therapy
such as Root Canal and Crowning.
• Coverage is subject to co-insurance and limits

Basis of Coverage


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 29

Schedule of Benefits for Group Dental
per insured person
Dental Benefit per policy period
(Reimbursed up to

Routine Dental Treatment

Routine dental treatment provided to the Insured Person, which shall
include oral examination, scaling and polishing, routine dental X-ray,
tooth fillings with amalgam or composite materials, simple tooth
extraction, pulpotomy, root Canal Treatment, alveoplasty, excision of
tumor, fracture of jaw, repairing of prosthetic appliance, space
maintenance, medication and administration of local anaesthesia

Major Restorative Treatment Singapore : 90%*

Major restorative treatment provided to the Insured Person, as
follows (including the charges for Dentist's consultation and oral Other Countries: Not
examination, any required X-ray, medication and/or administration of covered
local anaesthesia provided in connection therewith):

(i) abscess – incision & drainage;

(ii) pins for cusp restoration;
(iii) surgical removal of wisdom tooth under local anesthesia;
(iv) root canal treatment;
(v) periodontal treatment; and
(vi) crown & bridges.

*Subject to Reasonable & Customary

(a) Dental appliances.

(b) Charges for any dental treatment or procedures which are not specified herein and in the
Benefit Summary.

(c) Treatment by any person other than a Dentist.

(d) Charges for dentures.

(e) Charges for services and supplies that are partially or wholly cosmetic in nature, including
charges for personalization or characterization of dentures, unless the services are
recommended as Medically Necessary by a Dentist.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 30


1. Loss of life (death) 100%
2. Permanent Total Disablement 150%
3. Permanent total loss of sight of both eyes 150%
4. Permanent total loss of sight of one eye 100%
5. Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of two limbs 150%
6. Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of one limb 125%
7. Loss of speech and hearing 150%
8. Permanent and incurable insanity 100%
9. Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of one limb and Loss 150%
of sight of one eye
10. Permanent Total Loss of hearing in

both ears 100%

one ear 30%

11. Loss of speech 75%

12. Permanent total loss of the lens of one eye 75%

13. Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of four fingers and
thumb of 85%
right hand
left hand

14. Total Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of four fingers
right hand 45%
left hand
15. Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of one thumb

both right phalanges 40%

one right phalanx 25%
both left phalanges 30%
one left phalanx 20%

16. Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of fingers

three right phalanges 20%

two right phalanges 15%
one right phalanx 10%
three left phalanges 15%
two left phalanges 10%
one left phalanx 5%

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 31


17. Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of Use of toes

all - one foot 25%

great toe - both phalanges 10%
great toe - one phalanx 10%
other than great toe, each toe 2%

18. Fractured leg or patella with established non-union 20%

19. Shortening of leg by at least 5 cm 10%

20. Second & Third Degree burns

Third Degree Burns of 20% or more of the total head surface 100%
area 50%
Second Degree Burns of 10% or more of the total head surface
area 100%
Body 50%
Third Degree burns of 40% or more of the total body surface 80%
Second Degree Burns of 40% or more of the total body surface 40%
Third Degree burns of 25% or more, but less than 40% of the 60%
total body surface area
Second Degree Burns of 25% or more, but less than 40% of the 30%
total body surface area
Third Degree burns of 15% or more, but less than 25% of the
total body surface area
Second Degree Burns of 15% or more, but less than 25% of the
total body surface area

Where the Insured Member is left-handed, the percentage relating to the right arm shall apply to the
left arm and viceversa.

The total compensation payable in respect of any disabilities due to the same injuries is arrived at by
adding together the various percentages but shall not exceed 150% of the capital sum insured and
there shall be no further liabilities under the policy in respect of the same insured person for
accidental bodily injury sustained thereafter

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 32

Appendix B – An Illustration of Reasonable & Customary (R&C)

Melanie had fallen a week ago when she was rollerblading in

the park.

She was in pain and went to the A&E, had her X-rays taken,
and is required to see a specialist.

The Specialist scheduled Melanie for a minor surgery to fix her

ankle a week later.

What is the cost Melanie has to bear if she seeks treatment in Singapore and activate LOG
Plus or if she did not activate LOG Plus , refer to scenario 1 and 2:

Scenario 1 : Scenario 2:

Melanie sought treatment in Melanie sought treatment in Singapore.

Singapore and activated the AIA LOG She did not activate the AIA LOG plus prior
Plus prior to hospitalization to hospitalisation.
Melanie had gone ahead to pay and file for
a claim reimbursement.

Melanie's $20,000 Melanie's S$22,000

Total bill charges Total bill charges

R&C in $15,000 to R&C in Singapore $15,000 to $21,000

Singapore $21,000

Employee to $0 Employee to bear Co- $0

bear Co- insurance (0%)
insurance (0%)
Total cost borne $20,000 (100%) Total cost borne by S$21,000
by policy policy

Melanie’s $0 (0%) Melanie’s S$1,000

total out of total out of pocket

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 33

Appendix B – An Illustration of Reasonable & Customary (R&C)

What is the cost that Melanie has to bear if she seek

treatment overseas?

Do note that the reimbursement of claims will be in Singapore


Scenario 3 :

Melanie decides to seek treatment overseas

Melanie's S$27,000
Total bill charges
R&C in Singapore $15,000 to $21,000

Employee to bear Co-insurance $4,400

(20%) for overseas treatment
Total cost borne by policy S$21,000

Melanie’s $5,000
total out of pocket ($4,400 + $600)
20% co-insurance + amount
exceeding the highest range of usual

The Reasonable & Customary clause does not apply for overseas emergency

“Emergency” shall mean, non-routine services or treatment rendered for a

serious medical condition resulting from Injury or Illness (as the case may be)
which arises suddenly (including a sudden acute exacerbation of a chronic
medical condition) and that could reasonably be expected, in the opinion of a
Registered Medical Practitioner, to result in death of the Insured Person or
serious impairment of his bodily functions unless treatment is received within
24 hours of onset.

Note: The above examples is an illustration only. All claims are subject to
documentation submission and review.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 34

Support & Assistance

For enquiries on your group policy, AIA provides 3 different platforms to assist you.


24 hours 7 days For any query, please email to
Please call +65 6248 8364
for assistance

Please call +65 6248 8328

For Pre-schedule surgery do submit

your LOG Plus request at least minimum
3 working days in advance.
It will take approximately 1 working day
to process emergency admissions.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 36

Support on eBenefits
Portal / Mobile App
eBenefits is available on a web portal and mobile app

User Guide
How to register

User receive an email.

Click on link in the email.

Login with user ID and password
Enter User ID: <your email addresss>
STEP 2 Enter Password: <First 4 characters of your
<DDMM of your Birthdate>


STEP 3 Enter mobile number

(If number not

Auto - Registration

Enter the OTP



Change the password for first

eBenefits landing page

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 38

User Guide
Updating your email address
For Microsoft employee who has an Easy email ID, you are encourage to update your email address to
your Easy ID as the records AIA stores are based on your email alias.

By updating your email ID to your EasyID, this will allow you to have a smoother verification process in
the event you reach out to AIA contact centre.

Do note that if the email ID that that is used to write in to AIA differs from AIA’s records, the contact
centre team will request the following verification information from you when you reach out to AIA
contact centre via email or hotline.
a) Full Name
b) NRIC No/ Fin No / Passport No (whichever is applicable)
c) Date of birth
d) Company name
e) Company registered email / email alias

By not updating your email address, it may create unnecessary inconvenience as AIA will not be able to
issue Letter of Guarantee, may result in delay for respond from AIA customer service due to the
verification process.

In just 5 steps you will be able to update your email address on the eBenefits portal.

Step 1 : Upon login in to eBenefits portal, Click on “Edit My Profile”

Step 2 :Click on “EDIT” under CONTACT INFORMATION


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 39

User Guide
Updating your email address
STEP 3 Input your easyID And click “SAVE” STEP 4 Input the triggered OTP and click “CONFIRM”

A verification email will be send to your current ID. Please click on the link to confirm the change
STEP 5 email ID request.

Do note it will take 1 – 2 working days for the email address to be updated after you’ve provide
your confirmation. During this period, all correspondences will be send to your current email

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 40

User Guide
If you update your bank account information, you will be able to receive your medical claims
reimbursement via electronic transfer. Otherwise, claim is reimbursed via cheque and your cheque will
be posted to your company address.

In just 4 steps you will be able to update your bank account details on the eBenefits portal.
Please update via the web browser only.

STEP 1 Login in to eBenefits portal.



Update your bank account

STEP 4 details with the following
• Enter the name of the bank
(select from the dropdown list​)
• Enter the branch code (3
• Enter the bank account
numbers​ (numbers only,
without the dash)

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 41

eBenefits is available on a web portal and mobile app
User Guide
1. Upon login to the eBenefits portal, mouse over to "MY AIA". Dependants icon will be displayed if
dependants are enrolled under the program.

my AIA

• If the icon is available

your dependants are
• If the icon is not
available, please enrol
your dependants.
2. You are required to enroll your dependants within the enrolment timeline, AIA reserves the right
not to backdate the coverage.

Download the Dependant Enrolment Form and submit the form to

Click on Click on Under
Login to Mouse over Dependant
Customer Information Admin
AIA eBenefits AIA Enrolment
Service Library Form


Newly married employee:

Within 30 days from date of marriage

New born / legally adopted child:

WITHIN Within 30 days of date of birth or date of adoption
30 Newly relocated dependant:
DAYS Within 30 days of issuance of Dependant’s Pass
(copy of pass required with enrollment)
Dependants who are not residing in Singapore and have no
intention to reside in Singapore will not be eligible for
insurance coverage.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 42

eBenefits is available on a web portal and mobile app
User Guide
By activating your dependant account, your dependant will be able to :
✓ View his / her eCard
✓ Find a panel clinic
✓ Submit an e-claim
✓ Edit his / her profile (dependant’s profile)

STEP 1 Upon login in to eBenefits portal.


STEP 2 Click on the arrow to activate eBenefits for the selected dependant.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 43

STEP 3 Click on “ACTIVATE EBENEFITS” for the selected



STEP 4 A pop-up window will appear on the eBenefits portal. Please ensure to
input a valid address for the dependant's email field.

Input your 1
Dependant’s Email
address - This is a
mandatory field.
Select the country
code and input a
valid Dependant’s
Mobile Number


4 An acknowledgement email will be sent to the registered

email address.
Click on the link in the acknowledgement email.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 44

STEP 5 Click on the verification link in the email, which will direct you back to AIA

STEP 6 A One-Time Passcode (OTP) will be triggered to the provided dependant’s mobile no. If the
dependant account is activated without a mobile number, a popup window will appear to
prompt member to provide his / her mobile number when he / she first login with his / her
user ID and password.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 45

STEP 7 Upon the first login, your dependant will be directed to the USER PROFILE page where he /
she will be prompted to change his / her password and afterwhich he / she has completed
the activation of dependant account.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 46

eBenefits is available on a web portal and mobile app
User Guide
STEP 1 Click on “FIND
CLINIC” on the

You will be directed to a page with AIA panel list

information and map of nearby clinics based on
your location.
* This feature requires location services to be switched on.
Use the search option, to select the your

STEP 2 To access the ECARD, click on the

arrow of the eCard you want to view.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 47


All claims to be submitted within 90 days from date of

invoice / date of discharge

AIA Claims Settlements *

- 10 working days for outpatient
- 14 working days for inpatient
- Singapore Perks + claim processed will be reimbursed in
the following month payroll

*Upon receipt of complete documentation

Documents to attach:

For Outpatient claims

• Itemised receipt
• Provide diagnosis, to proof treatment is
medically necessary
• Medical report (if any)

For Inpatient claims

• Final Bill
• Discharge summary
• Section 2 of claim form (medical report)

For Singapore Perks+ (for employee only)

• Invoices with purchased amount stated.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 48

eBenefits is available on a web portal and mobile app
User Guide
STEP 1 Upon login in to eBenefits portal, click on “ECLAIMS”.

STEP 2 Firstly, select the name of the claimant. After which, select the claim category
and claim type.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 49

STEP 3 Upload documents by taking pictures or uploading PDF files.

STEP 4 Review the claim details before clicking on “NEXT”.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 50

STEP 5 After checking the details, agree to the terms & conditions before clicking on

You need to agree

to the T&C before
you can submit.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 51

eBenefits is available on a web portal and mobile app
User Guide
STEP 1 Mouse over to “MY AIA”, click on “CLAIMS” to check the claim
my AIA

STEP 2 View claim history by all claims / specialty / submission date / admission date
/ receipt date / eClaim reference number.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 52

STEP 3 Click “SHOW DETAILS” on the claim records that you are checking

STEP 4 Click on the settlement letter icon to review the explanation of


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 53

User Guide

WhiteCoat is the leading digital healthcare provider partnered
with AIA to offer corporate-insured healthcare services via
video consult.
Delivered through WhiteCoat’s panel of SG-registered doctors

Enjoy panel cashless medical services*
(no separate reimbursement required)


WhiteCoat is the first participant in MOH’s regulatory telemedicine
* Subject to plan design



Affordable and accessible healthcare

1 Flat consult fee Regardless of consult duration and time of day

2 Follow-up consult within 72 hours Provided at no charge if consulting for the same condition(s)

3 Optional medication purchase Select only the medication required, which reduced claim spend

4 Extended operating hours (8am to 12am daily) Reduces unnecessary visits to specialists or A&E

5 Waiver of consult fee No consult fee charged if condition is unsuitable for teleconsult

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 54

User Guide

STEP 1 Download the WhiteCoat App and sign up for an account.

STEP 2 Complete all fields and ensure STEP 3 Input the 4-digit OTP sent to your
accuracy before tapping ‘Next’. mobile number via SMS to create
your account.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 55


STEP 4 Tap to open the app, and STEP 5 Input your identification details, and
select TELECONSULT FOR upload images of the (i) front and (ii) back
MYSELF to start your of your NRIC / FIN. You may also submit an
session. image of your passport. Member only need
to submit the identification details for the
first session with WhiteCoat.

STEP 6 Tap ‘Add a new profile’.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 56

STEP 7 Once you have added your AIA STEP 8 You may indicate your condition /
corporate Insurance profile, symptoms by selecting the
remember to select it to enjoy appropriate option, or if you require
AIA Corporate Insurance services.
teleconsult rates.

STEP 9 Especially in the case of visible STEP Inform us of any medication(s) you
symptoms e.g. inflamed tonsils, 10 are currently taking.
skin rash, etc., you may choose to
upload images of your symptoms
as required. You may also use this
feature to upload images of your
lab results, if you require
interpretation and analysis of your

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 57

STEP Inform us of any drug allergies STEP You may now select ‘See Doctor’
11 and if you are G6PD deficient 12 which will connect you to the next
or pregnant (female patients available doctor in queue, in the
only) shortest possible time. You may also
select any available doctor of your

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 58

PART 3 : Concluding a Consultation

STEP Once the consult has ended, if STEP Select your delivery address, or
14 medication was prescribed, you may 15 add new one. The address in
choose to purchase all / some / your profile will be selected by
none of the medication that you default.
were prescribed.

STEP Now select your delivery time slot; STEP Check the itemised invoice
16 note that you or your authorised 17 for accuracy, with special
person must be physically present attention to the delivery
to receive the delivery. address and time slot. Tap
‘Confirm’ to complete the

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 59

STEP You will now be able to access the
16 doctor’s notes, as well as your:
I. Receipt
III. Referral letter*
IV. Prescription*
V. Doctor’s memo*
VI. Delivery status*

STEP Your full personal consult history,

17 with all related medical documents,
is located under the history tab of
the app.

AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 60


Tap on ‘General
Practitioner’ and
select ‘Input a
dependant / create
a child account’.

Ensure that your dependant has an existing registered WhiteCoat account before proceeding.


Input your Input your relationship Dependant will receive Receive notification
dependant’s date of with dependant and email notification. once dependant has
birth, dependant’s email accepted invitation.


2 3 4 5
Input your Input your dependant / Upload your Receive notification
dependant’s date of child’s particulars as dependant / child’s that dependant / child
birth. shown. indentification account has been
document. created.


AIA Employee Benefits Handbook I 61


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