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Language barriers primarily refer to the challenge faced by
people or groups speaking different languages and dialects. It also includes
misunderstanding and misinterpretation that come from a lack of clarity of
thought and speech. The challenge in understanding other dialects language
on accent also refers to linguistic barriers come common. Example of linguistic
barrier include people from different countries interacting with one another. In
some countries, people have different way of greeting others and people
having same language speaking in different dialects and their culture too
significantly plays an important role in linguistic barrier.

Case Study:
Here are some language barriers examples that will tell you how they play
out in various scenarios.

Case Study No.1:

To break the i.e. A professional from West Bengal may try communicating
in Bengali with a colleague from Bangladesh. While there are many
overlapping words and phrases. The dialects are completely different this may
put the Bengali speaking professional in an awkward position.

Case Study No.2:

Professor of linguistics goes to an engineering college to deliver lecture on
language technology. They use subject specific words that are highly technical
and complex for a layman. Students are lightly to lose focus and interest in the

Case Study No.3:

Someone is pitching business idea to their client but the way they are
presenting their point is coming off as arrogant. Instead of using words like “I
believe, I can do so and so,” they say “I know this this like the back of my
Case Study No.4:
XYZ tech solution is a global tech company with various offices in various
countries company relies on effective communication among its diverse work
force to ensure smooth collaboration and successful project deliver. However,
linguistic barriers such as differences in language pronunciation and technical
jargon have been identified as challenges affecting communication within the
1. Diversity and Inclusion Training:
• Implement diversity and inclusion training programmes to foster culture
of understanding and appreciation for linguistic differences.
• Sensitive employs challenges faced by their colleagues with different
accent and pronunciation types.
2. Pronunciation workshop:
• Organise pronunciation workshop led by language experts or coaches
who help employs understand and adapt various accents.
• Encourage open dialogue and feedback to create a supportive
environment for improvement.
3. Multilingual Communication Tools:
• Invest in communication tool that support real time translation and
transcription services.
• This tool can assist in overcoming language barrier during virtual
meetings by providing translation and transcription.
4. Glossary And Knowledge Sharing:
• Create a centralized glossary of commonly used technical terms within
the organisation.
• Encourage terms who share knowledge and document department
specific jargon to improve overall understanding.
5. Clear communication policies:
• Develop clear communication policies that encourage employs to speak
and particular their words during meetings.
• Provide guidelines on the use of technical terms and encourage the use
of layman’s terms when coming across different department.
6. Cross Fictional Training:
• Facilitate cross-function training where employs from different
department each other’s roles and responsibility.
• This helps in breaking down silos and promoting shared understanding
of technical terms used in various parts of the organisation.
7. Regular feedback mechanism:
• Establish a feedback mechanism where employs can provide
constructive feedback on communication barrier they encounter.
• Use this feedback to continuously improve communication strategies
and address specific linguistic challenges.

By implementing these remedies, xyz tech solution can create a more inclusive
and communicative environment, linguistic barrier and fostering effective
collaboration among its diverse workforce.

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