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oll / 2024 Paper iL Gril Revision] Force. - A push or pull ON. aN abject in an abternpt ito Shangs. the chject state of fest or motion . Thore are two types of forces * ~ Contact, ~ Non - Contact Contact Forces. mg male > forces that. objects..exert on gach other When they touch . . 6.9 |. Force Applied 5. Frictional force. » Normal Force. Tension Non - Contact Forces — ~ Forces that object exert on each ather withoub any physical Contact . 6.9 2. Gravitational Force 5 Electrostatic Force » Electric Field Examples of Forces. jpn th oats 1. Applied Force, CFs) co A-force that: iS. external applied. to an. object: xk @ . by Sy any F ka_[——— gon 5O Tee ie Fa = 80N Applical forces ot 01 ‘angle. 2 moximum stobie Frictional Lorce, Kiostic Frictional farce (fx) ~The force that opposes the motion of 9 the Surface. ks Ue N Sk - Kinetic friction Wk - Coefficient of N - normal force Stabic. Friction A eel meuing object relative to Kinet. Friction 08/ 01 / 2024 cension CT) monk bosch ~ Tensional force. iS always directed anay rope or wire » fepe” a eee | oA 8 —— <——* B Fron: the. object through the nich p28 4 = The tension between tro dbjects 16 equal but in the opposite. direction Tw oe - be— rope, A A k— rope la > Force diagram = The object of interest or a box is used « a pea CG). A box of mass 10 kg iS pulled by a applied force. of 20N on a rough Surface . post 1oKGq Draw the force dragramn C4) Solution | N | | 2 Fa eg2A akg block iS connected to a Gkg, block, by q rope. An pplic force: OF YON acts on Gkg block both block experience frictional force . BON tke (- 8-4 ---- Dravs the free body diagram for : a> Wks CD b> kg (5) | ay N by WwW by Free body diagrom > The object is represented with a dot . wee Sx, I. ste. a 6.924 12 kg Block isides. down rough inchre.Drad.a. free bed yy-diagraan 4 OO si Solattion = 1 om —e nesta iw Fa 2 eg SA force F FON is applied on the 3kg block and both block move. up a rough incline. ro FON oe Ny (oe Draw a free body diagram for > Bkq bo 2kg a) FA N >= a Fa Newton's Firsk Law States - A body will remain at rest or continue to move with a congtant velocity unless a net force acts on ih. iia cele gut Tnertia ~ The resistance-.of a bedy to.0 change in its State. of an object + — A person in a moving vehicle ‘travelS at the Same velocity a5 the ~ TTF the wehicle suddenly stops the person continues to move Forward ot the same velocity « ~The scat belts kecp the person in his Seat and prevents hin fol crushing Ehrough the windsorecn « > =, Newton's Second Low } * States - When a neb force acts on object » the object accelerates in the direction of the neb force » the magnitude of acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and inversly proportional te [ae yf) Fest oR [Fret = ma | Acceleration vs mass Acceleration vS Fnet a Q) ipo div Yon i ie ladle 7 Tn object: is moving with constant relociby a= 0 Fneb = O Fret = © Fret = ma Fa + C-Sk) = 0 fa = Sk Frictional force * > As proportional to the normal force Cdirectly proportional > . - Is independent of the arca of contact . - independents of the velocity of metion . Sx ON Consider yon ok CA ey. pean: | IF coefficient Ff Kinebic Friction remains. constant haw does fk change wi the angle decreases io » Ws Rh +N mg, = FSin8 +N N= 3 > FSin® ~ A. decrease in angle decreases the, Fy >A decrease. in Fy increases N Since N mmg = Ry ~ Ac increase im: Normal farce increases ‘the fx Sin $x * uk.N 1. Sk ON -A Change, in the angle hes po effect on the coefficient of Kinetic Frickio remains the same - ~ Coefficient depends on the nature of the surface . b £ if N_ remains the same __ 5% PN mere fs fe Lo £6 FE = URN eas 7 ak 1ON = uu | | =—— box on table ia The action - reaction pairs are the force of book on table downwards and force of table on book upwards « Newton ’S Law of Universal Gravitation States - Eoch body inthe universe abbracty every other body with a force that is directly proportional to the predact of their masses and inversy. cpa tical be, the Square distance between the contres . eainaaey fa EEE 4 > mm F ~ Gravitationd force Cw GQ - Universol gpomiectiono| consbonk C@61xI0 ") M7 M2 - Poss (kg) “tooo = ky ken x 1000 = mo r 7 Distance Cm) yoco = km ANB MaSS and radiuS ef carth are constanks and not giver in questions Mass of carth CMe) ~ (5,98 x 10 **) ky Radius of carth CRE) - (6,38 x10 ©) m GMiM2 = pe 8 © Sern) = is g ~ Gravitational acceleration of a planet M - Mass of planet T= Radius of planet G - Ga x10 “ Using Hf = Me is doubled > 2Fg M2 M2 are doubled 4 Fy Mis halved z i Mi. Ma halved ze Fy ris doubled > t Fy ris halved > KEG - IF both masses arc doubled and distance halved Cyxy = 1GF3) ~ IF one mass is doubled and distance 16 slesbled: C2xq = 2Fy) = One mass halved and distance dodbled ci« > 3) Guestion | A man of mass 20kg moves to planet X with double@ the mass of earth an half Ghe radius of earth - \ 1 Determine the weight of the ton at planet X - 1.2 Determine the percentone, change i the weight of the pnan «

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