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Introduction to law: Basic terms

1. Authority-the power or right to make decisions, give orders, or enforce rules or
laws/ the moral or legal right or ability to control.
"The authority to issue search warrants in this jurisdiction is granted to the local
police department under Section 123 of the State Criminal Code."
Эрх мэдэл
2. Court-a place where trials and other legal cases happen
"The case was brought before the district court to determine the custody
arrangements for the children following the divorce."
3. Govern- to control and direct the public business of a country, city, group of
people/ to legally control a country
"The state government is responsible for governing various aspects of public
education, including curriculum standards, teacher certification, and funding
4. Judge-a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person
who is guilty of a crime should be punished, or who makes decisions on legal
matters/ a public official who presides over court proceedings, interprets and
applies the law, and makes decisions or judgments in legal cases
"The judge reviewed all the evidence presented by both parties and issued a
ruling in favor of the plaintiff, awarding them damages for the breach of
5. Lawyers-someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and
speak for them in court/ members of the legal profession
"The lawyers for the defense argued that the evidence presented by the
prosecution was insufficient to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable
6. Judiciary-the part of a country's government that is responsible for its legal
system, including all the judges in the country's courts
"The role of the judiciary is to ensure that laws are applied fairly, uphold the rule
of law, and protect the rights of individuals within the society."
Шүүх эрх мэдэл
7. Tribunal-a special court or group of people who are officially chosen, especially
by the government, to examine (legal) problems of a particular type
"The immigration tribunal is responsible for hearing and deciding cases related to
immigration and asylum matters, providing a specialized forum for resolving
such disputes."
8. Rule-an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should
be done, and tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do
"The rule against hearsay evidence prohibits the introduction of out-of-court
statements for the purpose of proving the truth of the matter asserted, except
under specific exceptions."
Дүрэм, журам
9. Legislation-a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by
a parliament
"The new tax legislation, passed by the Senate and signed into law by the
President, includes provisions for changes in income tax rates and deductions
for the upcoming fiscal year."
Хууль тогтоомж
10. Legal system-the organizations and people in a country or area who work in the
area of law
"The common law legal system, which is widely practiced in countries like the
United States and the United Kingdom, relies heavily on judicial precedents and
case law to interpret and apply the law in individual cases."
Хууль зүйн систем
11. Legal action-the act of using a lawyer or a court to help settle a disagreement,
etc. that you have with a person or an organization
"The plaintiff decided to take legal action against the company for breach of
contract, and a lawsuit was filed in the district court to seek compensation for
the damages suffered."
Хууль зүйн үйлдэл
12. Law enforcement agency-a governmental or organizational entity that is
responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining public order, and upholding the legal
system within a specific jurisdiction
"The local law enforcement agency, which includes the police department and
sheriff's office, collaborates to investigate and solve criminal cases in the
Хууль сахиулах байгууллага

1. A body that is appointed to make a judgment or inquiry-Tribunal

2. A country’s body of judges-Judiciary
3. An act or acts passed by law-making body-Legislation
4. Behavior recognised by a community as binding or enforceable by authority-Rule
5. Legal proceeding-Legal action
6. An official body that has authority to try criminals, resolve disputes, or make
other legal decisions-Court
7. An organization responsible for enforcing the law, especially the police-Law
enforcement agency
8. A senior official in a court of law- Judge
9. The body or system or rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by
established process-legal system
10. The control resulting from following a community’s systems of rules- Authority
11. Members of the legal profession- Lawyers
12. To rule a society and control the behavior of its members-Govern

Why do we have laws and legal systems? At one level, laws can be seen as a type of
rule which is meant to govern behavior between people. We can find these rules in
nearly all social organizations, such as families and sport clubs. Law, the body of official
rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions and legislation, is used to govern
a society and to control the behavior of its members. In modern societies, a body with
authority , such as a court or the legislature, makes the law; and a law enforcement
agency, such as the police, makes sure it is observed.
In addition to enforcement, a body of expert lawyers is needed to apply the law. This is
the role of the judiciary , the body of judges in a particular country. Of course, legal
systems vary between countries, as well as the basis for bringing a case before a court
or tribunal . One thing, however, seems to be true all over the world- starting a legal
action is both expensive and time-consuming.


Agents of the Law

England is almost unique in having two different kinds of lawyers, with
separate jobs in the legal system. This division of the legal profession is of long
standing and each branch has its own characteristic functions as well as a separate
governing body.
Англи улс нь эрх зүйн системд гүйцэтгэх үүргээрээ харьцангуй ялгаатай хоёр
төрлийн өмгөөлөгчидтэй. Энэхүү ангилал нь удаан хугацааны туршид оршиж
байгаа ба салбар бүр нь өөрийн онцлог болон удирдах байгууллагуудтай.
The training and career structures for the two types of lawyers are quite
separate. The traditional picture of the English lawyer is that the solicitor is the general
practitioner, confined mainly to the office. If a person has a legal problem he will go to a
solicitor and seek his advice in a personal interview. There is no end to variety of
matters which can appear on a solicitor’s desk. They deal with all the day-to-day work of
preparing legal documents for buying and selling houses, making wills, writing legal
letters, they do the legal work involved in conveyancing, probate, divorce.
Эдгээр хоёр төрлийн өмгөөлөгчид нь мэргэжилийн сургалт, хөтөлбөрөөрөө ч мөн
ялгаатай. Английн уламжлалт өмгөөлөгчдийн онцлогийг харуулдаг, оффисын ажил
эрхэлдэг хуульчдыг солистор /solicitor/ гэнэ. Хэрэв хэн нэгэнд хууль зүйн зөвлөгөө,
тусламж хэрэг гарвал тэдний хандах хүн нь солистор байдаг. Солисторууд орон
сууц худалдах, худалдан авах, гэрээслэл бичих зэрэг баримт бичиг бэлтгэх болон
баталгаажуулах, шилжүүлэх, салалт зэрэг янз бүрийн хэрэг, маргааныг хүлээн авч,
хууль зүйн зөвлөгөө өгдөг.
Solicitors work on court cases for their clients outside the court, they prepare a
case for barristers to present in the higher courts and the barrister receives it in the form
of a brief from which he plans his advocacy in the particular case. In a civil action
solicitors have the right to speak in the lowest Courts when the case is one of divorce,
recovering some debts, matrimonial matters, petty crimes.
Харин солисторуудын бэлтгэсэн баримт бичгийг шүүхэд танилцуулан өмгөөлөл
хийдэг хуульчдыг баристер гэнэ. Гэвч гэрлэлт, салалт, мөнгө нэхэмжлэл, зөрчил
зэрэг иргэний хэргийн зарим маргаанд солисторууд анхан шатны шүүхэд оролцох
боломжтой байдаг.
Law Society is a governing body of solicitors. To qualify as a solicitor a young
man joins a practicing solicitor as a “clerk” and works for him whilst studying part time
for the Law Society exams. When you have passed all the necessary exams, you may
apply to the Law Society to be “admitted”, then you can start business on your own. It is
not necessary for you to go to university.
Солиструудын өөрөө удирдах ёсны байгууллагыг хууль зүйн нийгэмлэг гэнэ.
Хуульчийн туслахаар тодорхой хугацаанд ажилласан, өмгөөлөгчийн шалгалтад
тэнцсэнээр хууль зүйн нийгэмлэгт гишүүнээр элсэх ба өмгөөллийн үйлчилгээ
эрхлэх боломжтой болно. Үүнд нь их сургууль төгссөн байх шаардлага
In England, the decision is between becoming a barrister or a solicitor. Although
solicitors and barristers work together on cases barristers specialise in representing
clients in court. A barrister can only be consulted indirectly, through a solicitor. Thus
they are not paid directly by clients, but are employed by solicitors. Англи улсад
солистор эсвэл баристер болохын хооронд шийдвэр гаргадаг. Хэдийгээр солистор
болон баристерууд хамтран ажилладаг боловч баристерууд үйлчлүүлэгчдийг
шүүхэд төлөөлөн, өмгөөлөх чиглэлээр мэргэшсэн байдаг. Тиймээс баристерууд
үйлчлүүлэгчидтэй шууд ажиллан зөвлөгөө өгдөггүй, үйлчлүүлэгчдээс ч
цалинжихгүй харин солистеруудаар цалинжиж, солистеруудаар дамжуулан
зөвлөгөө, үйлчилгээ үзүүлнэ.
Most barristers are professional advocates but it is a mistake to regard a barrister
entirely as an advocate.A barrister must be capable of prosecuting in a criminal case
one day, and defending an accused person the next. Barristers are experts in the
interpretation of the Law. They advise on really difficult legal matters (this is known as “
taking counsel’s opinion”). So barristers spend a lot of time at paper work apart from
their actual appearances in court where they wear wigs and gowns in keeping with the
extreme formalities of the proceedings.
Ихэнх барристерүүд өмгөөллөөр мэргэшсэн байдаг ч бүхий л барристерүүдийг
өмгөөлөгч хэмээн хэлэх нь учир дутагдалтай юм. Барристер нь нэг өдөр эрүүгийн
хэрэг үүсгэж, нөгөө өдөр нь тэр хэргийнхээ сэжигтнийг өмгөөлөх чадвартай байх
ёстой, хууль тайлбарлах чиглэлээр мэргэшсэн хүмүүс юм. Барристерүүд шүүх
хуралдаанд оролцохдоо шүүхийн үйл ажиллагааг хүндлэн хиймэл үс болон өмсгөл
өмсөнө. Гэвч барристерүүд шүүхийн танхимаас гадна хүнд хэрэгт хууль зүйн
зөвлөгөө өгдөг тул бичиг цаасны ажилд мөн их хугацаагаа зарцуулдаг.
Judges are usually chosen from the most senior barristers, and once appointed
they cannot continue to practise as barristers. The highest level of barristers have the
title QC (Queen’s Counsel)2 . The status is bestowed on about 30 counsellors a year by
the Queen on the advice of the Lord Chancellor. Before a junior counsel can hope to
achieve the status he must be able to point to at least 10 years successful practice as a
barrister. The QC is expected to appear only in the most important cases.
Ихэнхдээ туршлага, чадвартай барристерүүдээс шүүгчдийг сонгох ба шүүгчээр
томилогдсон өдрөөр барристерээр ажиллах боломжгүй болно. Хамгийн өндөр
түвшний өмгөөлөгчид QC (Хатан хааны зөвлөх) гэсэн цолтой байх ба энэхүү цолыг
статусыг лорд канцлерын саналын үндэслэн хатан хаан жил бүр 30 орчим хүнд
олгодог. Хатан хааны зөвлөх болоход 10 болон түүнээс дээш жилийн ажлын
туршлагатай байх ёстой. Хатан хааны зөвлөхийн хянан шийдвэрлэх маргаан нь
хүрээ хязгаартай байх ба хамгийн хүнд, ач холбогдолтой хэргүүдийг хянан
A would be barrister must first register as a student member of one of the four
Inns of Court: Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, Inner Temple or Middle Temple. A student must
pass a group of examinations to obtain a Law degree and then proceed to a vocational
course, highly practical in nature, the passing of which will result in his being called to
the Bar.
Барристер болохын тулд эхлээд Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, Inner Temple, Middle
Temple гэсэн 4 шүүхийн институтийн нэгт суралцан, шалгагдан хууль зүйн
мэргэжлийн зэрэгтэй болох ба түүний дараа өндөр практик шинж чанартай
сургалтад амжилттай хамрагдснаар хуульчдын зөвлөлөөс барристер үйл
ажиллагаа эрхлэх эрх олгоно.
A lot of work in English solicitor’s offices is undertaken by managing clerks, now
called “legal executives”, who are a third type of lawyers. They have their own
professional and examining body – “The Institute of Legal Executives”.
Орчин үед солистерийн оффисуудад "туслах" гэж нэрлэдэг бичиг хэргийн
ажилтнууд ажиллах болсон бөгөөд тэдгээр нь гурав дахь төрлийн өмгөөлөгч юм.
Туслахуудыг шалгах, томилох өөрийн удирдлагын байгууллагыг "Хууль эрх зүйн
туслах ажилтны хүрээлэн" гэнэ.
Taking the legal profession as a whole, there is one practicing lawyer per 1200
people. This compares with about one lawyer per 600 in the USA. There are about
5,000 barristers and 50,000 solicitors, a number which is rapidly increasing, and they
make up by far the largest branch of the legal profession in England and Wales.
Хуульчийн мэргэжлийг бүхэлд нь авч үзвэл 1200 хүнд нэг хуульч ногдож байна.
АНУ-д л гэхэд 600 орчим хүнд нэг хуульч ногдож байхад Англи, Уэльсийн улсад
5,000 орчим барристер, 50,000 гаруй солистерүүд байдаг бөгөөд тэдний тоо
хурдацтай нэмэгдэж байгаа нь хууль зүйн салбарын томоохон амжилт юм.
Many people believe the distinction between barristers and solicitors should be
eliminated in England. The government is considering various proposals, but there are
arguments for maintaining , as well as removing, the division.
Гэсэн ч олон хүмүүс Англид солистер ба барристерийн ялгааг арилгах ёстой гэж
үзэж байна. Засгийн газрын хувьд уг ялгааг хэвээр үлдээх болон арилгах талаар
янз бүрийн санал, үндэслэлүүд хэлэлцэж байгаа юм.


● 'legal -хууль зүйн

● 'system-систем
● pro'fession-мэргэжил
● characte'ristic-онцлог
● 'Type-хэв
● 'Function-үүрэг,
● so'licitor
● speciali'zation-мэргэшил
● 'Form-хэлбэр
● 'problem-асуудал
● ca'reer-мэргэжил
● Proble'matic-хүндрэлтэй, асуудалтай
● 'plan-төлөвлөгөө
● 'action-үйлдэл
● Ex'treme-аюултай, хүнд
● 'clerk-туслах
● 'practice-хэрэгжүүлэлт
● spe'cific-нарийн
● 'office
● 'advocate-өмгөөлөгч
● prac'titioner-мэргэжилтэн
● 'Status-байр суурь
● 'business
● tra'ditional-уламжлалт
● 'expert-мэргэжилтэн
● 'structure-бүтэц
● For'malities-дүрэм, журам, албан байдал
● 'client-үйлчлүүлэгч
● 'barrister
● pro'cedure-процесс
● 'Document-баримт бичиг
● 'Argument-маргаан

1. Vocational course
2. Law degree
3. Extreme formalities
4. Accused person
5. Professional advocate
6. Necessary exam
7. Civil action
8. Day-to-day
9. Variety of matters
10. Personal interview
11. General practitioner
12. Career structure
13. Legal advice

How are the following ideas expressed in the text?
1. a lawyer who has the right of speaking and arguing in the higher courts of law;-
2. a kind of lawyer who gives advice, appears in lower courts;-Solicitor
3. allowed or made by law;-Legal
4. a room or building in which law cases can be heard and judged;-Court
5. questions to be decided in a court of law;-Legal matters
6. a rule that is supported by the power of government and that governs the behaviour
of members of a society;-Law
7. a person whose business is to advise people about laws and to represent them in
8. a person who speaks in defence of or in favour of another person;-Advocate
9. a lawyer who prepares an official paper by which the right to ownership of one’s
property is given by one person to another;-legal executive
10. a person who pays a professional person for help and advice;-Client
11. a public official who has the power to decide questions brought before a court of


1. matrimonial matters; -гэр бүлийн эрх зүйн хэрэг маргаан

2. petty crimes; -зөрчил
3. recovery of debts;
4. to make a will; -гэрээслэл бичих
5. to deal with conveyancing; -Эзэмших эрх шилжүүлэх
6. to seek legal advice; -хууль зүйн зөвлөгөө хүсэх
7. to apply to the court; -шүүхэд маргаан үүсгэх
8. a civil action; -үйл хөдлөл
9. a general practitioner;
10. the interpretation of the law; -хууль зүйн тайлбар
11. to defend the accused person; -сэжигтэнг өмгөөлөх
12. to be a professional advocate; -мэргэжлийн өмгөөлөгч байх
13. to obtain a law degree; -хууль зүйн зэрэг эзэмших
14. to prosecute in a criminal case; -эрүүгийн хэрэг үүсгэх

1. England is almost unique / ordinary in having two / three different kinds of lawyers,
with separate / the same jobs in the legal system.
2. Solicitors / managing clerks prepare a case for a barrister / a judge.
3. In a civil / criminal action solicitors have the right to speak in the lowest / highest
4. Law Society / the Bar is a governing body of solicitors.
5. It is a mistake to regard / to point a barrister entirely as an advocate / prosecutor.
6. Barristers are experts in the interpretation / examining of the Law.
7. Judges are usually chosen / appointed from the most senior / junior barristers.
8. The Queen’s Counsel / the Lord Chancellor is expected to appear only in the most
important / trivial cases.
9. A number of lawyers is rapidly increasing / cutting down in England and Wales.
10. A lot of work in solicitors’/barristers’ offices is undertaken by legal executives /
1. England has two different kinds of lawyers: .....
a) solicitors and barristers b) barristers and legal executives c) solicitors and judges
2. Solicitors work on court cases of clients .....
a) in the court b) outside the court c) at home
3. ..... is a governing body of solicitors.
a) the Bar b) the Highest Court c) Law Society
4. The highest level barristers have the title of .....
a) Queen’s Counsel b) Queen’s Advocate c) Senior Barrister
5. The status to the barrister is bestowed by the Queen on the advice of .....
a) the Lord Chancellor b) Prime Minister c) the Attorney-General
6. A would be barrister must first be registered .....
a) as a member of Law Society b) as a student member of one of the four Inns of
Court c) as a member of the Bar
7. Many people believe the distinction between barristers and solicitors .....
a) should be adopted b) should be eliminated c) should be kept
1. The division of the legal profession is of long standing and each branch has its own
characteristic functions. -True
2. The training and career structures for the two types of lawyers are quite the same. -
3. Solicitors specialize in representing clients in courts. -False
4. A barrister can only be consulted indirectly through a solicitor. -true
5. Barristers are paid directly by the clients. -false
6. A barrister is regarded to be an advocate. -false
7. In court, barristers wear wigs and gowns in keeping with the extreme formalities of
the proceedings. -True
8. Judges are chosen from the most senior barristers and they can continue to practise
as barristers. -false
9. Before a junior counsel can achieve the status of QC he must be able to point to at
least 10 year’s successful practice as a barrister. -True
10. The government doesn’t consider it necessary to eliminate the distinction between
barristers and solicitors. -False

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