Wright Brothers Flight School (1909)

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31, 1909.


Wilbur Wright the Teacher-Army Officers Pupils How the Flexible Wing Tip Works for Which the Famous Brothers Claim Exclusive Rights.
IFYoro The Tribune Bureau.} Oct. 30.Out at College Park. Md.. a little suburb ten miles north Washington, the United States governf ment Is running the only flying school in the inited States and one of the only two tr he world. It is for the benefit of the young army officers who are learning to vperate the Wright aeroplane. This machine was contracted for by the I'nlted States Signal Service more than two years ago. It was to have been delivered to the government a year ago last July, tout there was some delay In making the demonstrations before the government airship board, and then, on September 17, 1908. the machine fell with Orville Wright and Lieutenant Thomas Belfrldge, killing sUlfrldge end breaking Wrights leg and otherwise injuring him so severely that the trials were postponed until July of the #re6ent year, when Orville made an enTirance flight of more than an hour and flight from Fort Myer to Alexandria and return, a distance of ten njlles. at the rate cf a iltt'e ncre than forty-two miles an feour These flights demonstrated the ability of the machine to do all that was required of It in 1; < contract, but this contract also reQUlred .the Wright brothers to train at least t., oflicers to handle the machine. It is this training that has been going on I at College Park. y
out of ten pieces of one-inch brass tubing rolled out almost flat. These tubes are attached to email brass cylinders between the rr.ata planes, and as the roiled out waw tubes travel edgo on to the air they offer little head resistance and a great deal of cooling surface. As nearly rs can be learned the engine and its thirty pounds of water weigh less than two hundred pounds, and can develop at need about 40 horsepower. Wilbur Wright, who is not naturally a communicative beltig, said the other* day that the War Department aeroplane was, if anything, "over engined," and that he thought he could build an aeroplane to fitit that would make between sixty and sev-

ray musical education was neglected. Boy* [to the staff officers Inthe boat], can't you

\u25a0lag something?"
The "boyE" seemed at a loss. "Howard," said the general, 'T know i can sing, for I have heard you." can't general." replied Howard. "I "But. sing; anything but hymn tunea. I don't know anything else." "Those will be just aa good as ar.y thing else," said the commani.r.g general. "ding them." .-a,"! And so, as they ran to the fleet,



The death of Major General O. O. HowA., retired, last week, has given new life to the controversy over the responsibility for the disaster to the Unoon Colonel John forces at Chancellorsvllle. T. Lockman, president of the Eleventh to Army of the PoArmy Corps Association. tomac, writes as follows: When O. O. Howard, who died last wek. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: In your editorial on General Howwan a brltadler-general In the CivtlWar. Tribune o earnest wm he in his religious efforts ard In this morning's Issue of The Injusyou. without Intending, do a great that in a short time he had converted every tice to the officers ar.*l men of the Eleventn, Corps, Army of the Potomac, who particiman in the brigade, all but one hardened ana pated in the battles of Chancellorsvlllecorps old to his commander one Gettysburg. At ChaneeltorsvUle the I teamster. Goingearnestly: day, this man said occupied an indefensible position: r.otice "General Howard. I'm lonesome. Every of the Confederate movements was promptarmy an.l corps headman in the camp has been converted ex- ly communicated to quarters and disregarded: our largest brigcept me. I'd like n:ighty well ade was sent to General Sickles, operating to be a or five miles south. Christian. Just to be In with the other boys. some four of General L#'s retreat wer Report3 ocpos It's the right thing, too, but I freely circulated, and when Jackson deI don't see how I manage it." can livered his att-k. at 6 p. m., it was the first intimation the corpe had of his presThe man shook his head mournfully ence. No other body of troops Inthe worltl "Why, my good man," eald the general. have made a better defence than did "Isee no difficulty in the way of it, If you could the Eleventh Corps, opposing three times* will Just surrender your own will Its number. It withstood Jackson for and ask nearly two hours, and did not havethe " for guidance assistance of a single man or gun from "That's Just it, general," responded the the main Army of the Potomac. who attacked the The would-be convert. "If r-n converted, who EleventhConfederates Corps were so exhausted by 7 in blazes Is goin' to drive them mules?" o'clock that they could not pursue furWhen he commanded the Eleventh Army ther and Jackson ordered up other troops: WILBUR WRIGHT SAILING HIS AEROPLANE BY MOONLIGHT. Corps, which was made up of foreigners, the delay lost Jackson his great opportunity to penetrate the main Union lines, aa he found more. opposition, however. Many the only Union troops to oppose him were is now flying at College Park and that vertical are two semicircles -whose use turn a sirious answer even to a seriously brigade of the Eleventh accounts were received from the front in Buschbeck's two young army officers are learning to has been a ptizjle to most visitors Th*y propounded question. It!s troopswhich the "psalm slngingr aoldler" waa held Corps an<l another small body ofof not to be imagoperate it. Both of them took practical are fixed and apparently play no part In ined that either cf them has ever talked up General Daniel ButterflHd. chief staff ridicule; but these reports came from Army of the Potomac, told the to. of the control of the machine In the air before I the control of the machine. In reality long fit a stretch about the machine. The tha worst element in the service and had writer that the Eleventh Corps was made they had been flying more than an hour, they are highly Important, acting much following statement contains the gist of a no'effect on the conduct of Howard, who a scapegoat of to excuse the failure of t.^e all told. They were not permitted to ; like the centreboard on a boat and pre- number Chancellorsville campaign. always found time for religious services of brief conversations: etart the machine on its flight, and they At Gettysburg the corps was sent In to drifting to leeventing the machine from and never began an Important move with- retard the Confederate advance, to enabl* "Any man who is physically and menare not allowed to make a landing, but ward when turning a corner. The horiother Union troops to reach the field of tally capable of running an automobile or asking the aid of God. He was asked out they could evidently have done either at zontal planes are simply tipped up and battle: itheld its position until Lee's supeonce by a civilian: a pinch, and this speaks a good deal for down by a lever when the machine is bicycle can learn to run t!n aeroplane. rior force almost surrounded, it; the First "Is there not much prejudice among sol- and Eleventh corps were nearly cut off There is a certain element of danger In th the ease of operating a flying machine. | climbing the air or pointing downward. and ordered to retire; operation of the machine, but when everydiers against the Christian In the military from Gettysburg of both corps were captThere are only two other features about The rudder at the rear is much like the many of the men thing Is considered. It probably is as ea?e eervlce?" ured In the- city by Confederate troops. : rudder of a boat except that it is double "Oh, no," said General Howard; "on the as an automobile at high speed on the who reached there before them. ! and proportionately much longer than a A-< to the demoralization of the corps, average road. It is not likely that the contrary, the soldiers, all things being rudder to be used in the war.'r. It works there was none; it repulsed a heavy attack; aeroplane will ever compete with the rail- equal, relied more upon the man who feared on the very on its position at Gettysburg battle, ir conjunction with tha flexible tips of the evening of the first day's all of road in passenger traffic, and certainly not God and tried to keep His commandments. big planes. A turn could be made with the which Is a matter of history. At a reA man might be a professing Christian and tips alone, or with the rudder alone, but it In freight carrying, but there will be a view of the corps a few weeks before the good many occasions where the aeroplane yet be a weak, snivelling, good for nothing battle of Chancellorsville by President LinIs possible to turn in a much shorter curve fellow, and they considered all such as coln and General Hooker the President will be the superior of any other vehicle. when they are use* together. soldierly of it one Possibly in the course of a few years it hypocrites; but the man who loved and pronounced forming of the mostof the Potothe Army the corps The operator's seat Is on the front edge can be used for the transportation of feared God did his duty better, kept his mac. of the lower plane, and he has only two first gun cleaner and minded his own business If you will refer to the memotra of the class mail, stretches levers to operate. One of these controls of country whereand for crossing roads are ; more, and did every duty with self-sacri- late General Carl Schurz you will find tha wagon or rail j true history of both of the above battles. the horizontal rudder In front of him and Impracticable. fice and fearlessness. Because a man was There is a field for the aeroThe writer trusts that you will see your the other the vertical rudder behind him. plane In i,ort, but its greatest use at a Christian he lost no credit either with way clear to correct the harsh criticism off There is a peculiarity about the lever at- present the soldiers of the Eleventh Corps conis for scouting and other military his company or with his commander." tained in your editorial, wh: '. .s .-nt r-.v tached to the rear rudder In that It can be purposes." undeserved, and thus do Justice . to them, thrown from right to left as well as back for their courage and fidelity In the deFIGHTING RECORD. and forth. This movement from right to fence of the Union. OFFICERS MUCH PLEASED. had been a less moJJOHN* T. L.OCKMAN*. If General Howard left controls the tips of the big wings and New Tcrk. Oct. 2S. 1903. he might have added that it est man when used in conjunction with the fore and Lieutenant Humphreys and Ueutenant be particularly healthy for the Another friend of General Howard ert wouldn't aft movement, it will also control the verLafcM say that they are surprised at the man who ridiculed him to his face. At in the following letter, written by James DIAGRAM OF THE WRIGHT BIPLANE, SHOWING ITS PRINCIPAL WORKING PARTS. tical rudder at the rear. ease with which the machine can be conany rate, that fact was discovered by many G. Blalne In 1563 to "The Evening Pot" Thus It will be seen that the management trolled and "the comfortable feel" of ltd of his fellow cadets in his West Point days. in this city: of the machine Is really quite simple, but a progress through the air. It U cylinder affair designed and built by the by by the courts in the course of ! the control of the machine. strong religious side to hi termined noti<*d In spite of the These are of The Evenlnsr Post. Wright brothers themselves. They will not time, for the Wrights have entered suit ; the front planes, which control its vertical man must be thoroughly familiar with It, a spectator on the ground that when the character, General Howard from hla youth To the Editor Sir: In your Issue of Monday last I In sailing through the air one misaeroplane is turning a corner it tilts at ay exactly bos* powerful the engine is, but against Curtlss In this country read with equal surprise and regret, an arm,,v.j been a fighter. At the academy motion, and the rudder at the rear, which bfcauHe likely and the : ' had take is to be fatal and the operator a considerable angle, like an automobile ; ticle headed "The Eleventh Army Corpa ihe indications are that it develops 30 horsecompany controlling the Wright patents : helps in making the turns. The front quick temper arid outspoken opinions and Its General." In referring to Its parnever gets a chance to try it again. on a high batik track. Both of the pupils, hl him power when making l.Ouo revolutions a min- has entered suit agalnet practically all of ; planes are almost a duplicate in appearfrequent disputes where blows got ticipation in the reeent battle at ChattaNeither of the Wrights is a loquacious however, say that this tilting can hardly ! resulted, into rtery young ute. It is frequently run at 1,200 revoluthe successful flyers abroad, except the : ance of the main planes of the machine. i the cadet usually com- nooga you use the following language: person. They talk little even In answer to be noticed by the passenger except through : 'We rejoice over this redemption of the lions* and it ie said can be speeded up to Voislns, including Bleriot, Latham. Som- : They are sharp ovals, five feet long and ing off the victor, because his lusty vigor Eleventh Corps. Its disgrace was a sad direct questions, and. Wilbur, the one of the his sense of vision. When his eyes are fifteen huridr*>d. two feet wide, placed one above the mers and Farman. was such that rew could overcome htm In thought to everybody wh.) had the honor other two brothers now in this country, closed a turn can be made without The engine is wat-r cooled and the raditukes Hut that Is another and a different story. | and separated by a space equal to their of our arms at heart. That the corp* la single combat. Once there was a bloody a cynical view of newspaper queues in gen- passenger being sensible of his change the i Btruggle, is proof that ator is anoti er Wright invention. It is The fact remains that the Wright machine | own width. Between them and standing of 1 and the young man received from now trustworthyfault not of theUs demoralization was the men themlikely not to reeral and U moie than equilibrium. another cadet wounda that laid him up for satvee. but of the officers under whose many days, and the resultant injuries command they were. We are glad that to Hooker belongs troubled him through life. Toe West Point- General this lost corps to the> credit of restoring the qpnfldenca of soon learned to respect Howard's re- the country." ers You can hardly say too much in praise ligion, however. Hooker, whom all loyal men reAfter his regular army life began he >oon of Cenerul among the . had occasion to show his colors. It was at gard as of our army.i.iost galktnt and heroio leaders But in praising Geaoccasion Department Store Presents an Opening That, large quantities of goods at the lowest from 515 to $25 a week. This man has di- In addition to the ordinary branches of a Methodist revival, when he was stationed erai Hooker there is certainly no the well for aspT>-in. even indirectly, possible prices. In Florida. At the close of a meeting, earned rect charge of the salesmen and salesarithmetic, grammar, spelling, penmanship, and brilliant fame of other officers. It is a great stroke for a buyer to disStarting with Parcel Wrapper, preached on experiwhen the minister had women in his particular department, and commercial You svem to have entirely forgotten you geography, law, commercial cover where a fine lot of goods can be ac- is in mental religion, *. call was made for ln- certainly failed to mention the important direct line for an assistant superln- salesmanship and bookkeeping; the subquired at a bargain, for nowhere Is comto quirers. No one responded at hr>t. while fact that the Immediate commander of the tendency. The latter, under the superinject of ethics in its broader lines is being Eleventh Ci>rjn at the time of Its misfortpetition more keen than in the merchancertain young men seemed to ridicule the une at Chancellorsvtile and at the time sff tendents, are heads of floors or entire detanfM in these schools. fir C. \V. Jrnninfv a store to promote rts employes as rapidly dise business, and such a stroke will ena- partments ot situation. Howard wouldn't stand that. 1 its> magninccnt fiat of arms on the sur.-.mft Thus, here is being solved one certain lines of goods, and of the He went forward,' his as they are worthy of it, elnce it is a welt ble a store to get ahead of Its rivals. In- supervise swofi clattering at j of Ixiokout Mountain was one and the the most vital problems that Their salaries confront the his heel, and knelt at the altar. The men same man Major G<-n:al Oliver O. Howknown business law that it is easier for an deed, it is in the power of the buyer to are from $25 tofloorwalkers. week, while CHAPTER 111. poor man who cannot afford to let his boys $40 or so a ard. In both of these battles General the employer to find beginners than experienced save his houso thousands ofdollars tuir.ual- superintendents Howard, the fighter, and the ridicule knew llcoker was General Howard's superior "Merchant princo." Does the phrase, get as high as $3,000 or go to more than the veriest rudimentary men. Therefore, from his humble begin- ly; just as his mistakes will have the re- 54,000 <iflVrr. ar>il It has never be**r allet. 1 thst ceased at. once. tersely descriptive of great commercial schools, and some of them a year. Gtneral llqwarrt f.iile.l to obey orders In iiing as messenger not that, but or parcel wrapper, a verse effect. It is by no means an overpower end Like Havelock attendant riches, tound too Then come the assistant managers, maneither place. I think "The Evening has to have their help in supporting the he always offeredand Stonewall Jackson boy who is ordinarily bright and chock full statement to Bay that tlin success or failprayer before join'ng Is tho tlrst respectable pui--r that has Post" you to apply to your own formidable to vea agers, and finally the general manager of family. It is solved because the boy is of ambition will not be long in becoming ure of the greatest as well as the smallest Intimated that General llowurd was at boy vn in your most ambitious dn-ams battle. There is a fine story told of Gen'-..iriiing a wilary in a the entire business at any salary the house a full fledged salesman behind one of the department stores rests largely upon the bu&lness in which he eral Howard's rebuke to another te&m- fault for the refill*-- of his i-orr* at Chas)regarding his llf* work? Yet It Is a a can afford to pay. It Is a fact tliat in can, grow as far as he has It In him. He ras in less Important counters and earning $8 to ability and faithfulness of the buying end. ' even bter, a profane one, who was trying to cellcr^vlllt. to Indicate him possession asth* fact that iiioet Amerkunrt who have been hts conduct documents a some large stores not even the Presi- to petting thousands of dollars a year; and $12 a week There are plenty of cas-s And the head of this branch Is quite as nilltarv cwnami't, on thai rteM and may/ decignated a< merchant start a balky mule in the Tennessee camprinces, since dent of the United States has much finan- at the same time he can acquire a good, make them public when he can do so with- where bright boys have been salesmen inu<-h the "merchant prince." though possipaign. "Excuse me, general," said the ofthe day irtmi the phrate ws.a made faadvantage over the store manager. ordinary education. injury to th- service. out bly not fo picturesque, an the general man- cial within a year after entering a department mou* as applied to A. T. Stewart, liave The gallant part bi me by the Eleventh fender. "I dil not know you were presNow, all this is open to the boy who makes This schooling is looked upon in the stores atore as messenger or parcel wrapper. Ot ager. ent." With great dignity the general re- Corps in the batUe of Gettysburg Is entiresprung from the ranks of thn.waKe earnhis first little start as a messenger, for, as that have your boy wishes you. The nercw if course, I talking of boys who know the to follow up this am worked it out as being a pretty plied: "Iprefer, sir. that you abstain from ly ignored by Hi'.l -th# kev to rebel aasau'.ts f, many of them winning their way to er on Cemetery Meade a pe-aithree R's fairly well and long to know buying end lie goes to the stock depart- 1 have already said, it is always to the good try-out for the newcomers. Ifa boy Bwearlng from a higher and better motive spit*- <>f poverty and oth<-repi Is.-,i by Howard's command this <Mstiiicr."n in tionwere advantage of any store to select its execuis dilatory in his studies, or not tidy, or than because of my presence." them better; who are from fourteen to six- ment, aftr he has had considerable experiwith a bravery ar.tl skiM which won uniAlso, it U a fact that '-qt'u! handicaps. tive heads from the employes when thpy shirks, or manifests symptoms -in-f at selling, and becomes an assistant versal i'iair. ana at the rlos* of ti year* old when they begin their life's of dishonmost of them (uive learned the tuineaa of teen bloody contest thr Klevrnth Corps ha4 From here, show sufficient capacity. It would be use- esty in his school life, he is not apt to be work, and who, when they filled out their buyer in one of the brandies. fought its way to the gratitude HOWARD AND SHERMAN. they -.:^ Iwllilas masters which from and adafter getting a pretty intimate knowledge less to attempt to. give names of big de- different In his work, and he must overth- ground vi'. Martin;-, in such lowly posi- applications for employment, were well But his earnestness and sincerity kept miration of all loyal hert; partment store managers who huve risen of its details, he goes to another bruncn. The by the family physician, the recommended come these tendencies Ifhe expects to get the respect his manliness had won. So it fore, corps went to Chattnnoosra. thereas caeh boys even tions under its gallant youns leader, with and so on, and before loi finds himself a from the s bottom; f..r, like Selfrldge. .he far in the store through promotion. family minim and other folks whose happened that the y.un* soldier v. ho had the glory of Gettysburg and not the fa'lurThe. careers of the men who have given word carries weight with big employers. sort of general overseer, then an aHsiii'ant famous London merchant, who ue^an If, however, he Is earnest In his endeavun our big retail store** our department been called "Pious Howard" t Bowdoln ! of ChancellnrsvUle Inerlbed on Its banner* wrapping parcels in a little American store, buyer, and linally may reacn to the head In moat states child labor laws will not ors, and determined to get all he can in his and had prayed with sick enlisted 11 n j After th* battle of Gettysburg the Presigo \u25a0\u25a0. pt* that it is entlnly tori most of them started a.t the. very beginning. dent of the United Mates was pleased to permit boys that coveted goal himself. when he was a cadet at West Point could i send to General tl<>\\ar<l an autosTraph letr a> on for you to dream t id plan for teen years or girls under fourteen or sixThe boy that makes his beginning now, schooling, and apply the lessons learned In (ioVie stores, however, the different to take up the task of earning ter of thanks and \u25a0.\u25a0v., atuUti. n rW hlsj his work, his future willbe easy ruj he say grace at me*3 in the atreas of war your boy to be merchant prince some day. however, lias an Mitvuii'ii.'" over those of to departments their dally bread. are run separately, consummate KeneralHhln <>n there will become a successful, valuable Ameri- times without provoking a huw of in.- letter which the youns nero's that field A. so. th'-^f- tareers shouM convince your previous generations; for he is bouer nvdasty hai After a clerkship Itatt been attained and being a distinct head buyer for the grocery, putlence among* men uo could not un- thus far kept from the public eye. \nd boyand you, too that it is not eo diffitrained by hit employers and has more op- can citizen, an honor to himself and to his its work full;' manter>d and Improved, If the millinery, the. men's clothing, the hard>-" . \rrnl AngOt. in an itd.'res* before th* country. And while ho kj making this pffjp> dertnd his robust piety, portunities. It Is not at all uncommon for cult to become a merchant prince as h possible, there are two pretty alumni uf Watervi!l# Vice-Presidistinct lines ware, tho crockery and other departments, Sherman understood It. however. Me dent Hainliu. speaking College inion yuuia: i.ieii to have become mud you ntay have been l*.l to beiieve of advancement floorwalkers or ress l.e will have the advantage of school thf> >; of two in department etore life who get together at times and confer with 6ald: "Howard U different from us; of the uu<st iitatit generala who fouht at ' the general manag'-r. In sttekj <ano there assfetaat superintendents by the time they opportunities furnitiliod by lllrrary and soi^ast. net m> dimi u!t to make the etart and that lead to the merchandise kingdoms Oettyaborg, .leclared that when the cial clubs fostered i.y his employer; con- he believes in his religion." get an appreciable distance along the gllthUtc twenty-five or thirty, respectively, and One is the executive end, which has entire is no formal head buyer by that title, tils are of that battle slmul.l be truthfulty writOn another cisi>iii General Sherman ten, the great victory ifcrli-B highway. within ten or tlfte'en years afterward to be cert*, recreation and lunch rooms, and ancharge of the business; the other functions being performed by the geneial would be a*crlb?d nual' vacations under pay, probably at ret.aui: "Ibelieve Howard is a real Chris- | so far as it could be ascribed to one mm' It all reetn with the >oy hhn-lf, and buying department. There is little is the manager. The salary of a buyer for a deat the very threshold of the topmost places. choice l t.< >.-\u25a0 heroic ttTrnes* with which any parade of his ret'.an. He don't make tij- first ll;ing'incivnbent on him is not to sorts established t>y the store proprietorsHoward' It all depends upon a boy making the point of reward, though th-re is more pub-' partment store varies all the wuy from with his Eleventh Corps, held Cemetery ligion, t.Mt he has something about him features not given, as a rule, to employes look askance a: work thai will probably lie honor in being known i*> tiie head of a $1,500 to $3,000, sometimes I* two and three b'Bt of his opportunities, which have been which 1 haven't, but which I lsv, I in other lines. hail." I"ask the Inxertion of this letter be- " greatly increased during the last few years make him appf-ar IcM ImpMlsjg than was great business. times that number of dollars h year, accause General Howard far is dear l'oj.jrlgu. lUUi. 1,, u..- Vs..i-.iit-J Literary i Just before the capture of Savannah Genthe cash boy, even, in trie days before he by the establishment of real schools in conHowever, the head buyer (or a large escording to the Importance of th<- departonly to Uw country but especially to not ITM.) eral Howard and General Sherman went hl< was displaced ill the big retail stores by tablishment is always a man of such i> -Uon with the department stores. T!ien natlvt- staff. whKh i have the honor in ment. down the Ogeechee River it. a email boat part t. rrpresient. \\* \% my tnunedur. mechanical mon*-y carriers; for your boy's proved attainments that he virtually comIt js quite likely", however, that your are not only for the purpose of training a to confer with Admiral Dahlgren to ar- coastHuent, my fellow AH, THERE, MUNCHAUBENI first Jobif he decides that he wants to mands his own salary. lie has grown up boy will prefer to work up through .In- boy In thu particular things he may need range for the nn iattack on that city. On | friend. He has auwint-u. at age. be a merchant will be that of a mes- through every department of merchandise iti lit* work, but include the* broader phase executive tnd, aH to be a head buyer ir Returned Explorer Yes, the cold was finding that Kort MacAUister h i.l t e-11 car- years of with the eminent rank of rr.ojo? senger, or parcel wrapper, or helper to a we had to be very ried and that Keneral. the oomrn.mil ,f nn knows all about where and l.^w it i> pro- quires special talents in the way of deaiinr of education in an astonishing degree, s<i Intense ot the Pole dogs. the army and navy careful noi to pet our -re corps. He Is an able, loyal, brave Chrt*. Luyer. or stock boy; and he will get any- d'if-J, it* coat, etc., and has to keep .central, and I Voungthlng again in communication. Denrral Sherman in with outsiders and striking shrewd bar- which will make the J>oy not only a grind Why waa Mlm venture to av .i, '\u25a0\u25a0ye where from $5 to |7 a we<4<, according to close touch, through his own private gains tb.it only the exceptional young man i and give him, therefore, im>r that? war* much elated and jubilant, and soon In theoflanguage of another, that at thi lose Returned Explorer You see. their tails this w*r. -few will leave a VioVj rapid promotion, but also tend to improve III*natural ability. eources of information and his assistants. possesses. And ho, after his salesmanship. after they embarked he said: ktiff, and if they wagged them splendid .-:\u25a0 ! none a more were stainless , ll Is Biver&li rccGgnized *&fcaui tut wltU *-<..u-i.4 opportunities for getting Le btUI become u AoonraJJMri at anywnero him greatly at} u citlcen. it is a fact that, they frozen Lrcuk off.Boston Trans "Ileel good; I to sing or shout, but want wwuil % i BLAINIi

Each o' the big wings is divided Into attachea to the Figrnal corps, and Is the < even thirds. The centre third is rigid. The older. He first came Into international lower plane carries the engine on one Bids fame through winning "the James Gordon Benmtt Cup. in the international balloon of its centre and the operator's seat on the race from Paris, In 1907. At that time he ; other. The two end thirds are like the was practically an unknown young army I wings of a soaring bird. When one end ofllcf-r. He had made a number 'of balloon j goes up the other end goes down. But this ascensions, and came from a ballooning \ is true only of the rear edge. The front lamiJy, for his father, who Is a resident of ] edge of the plane, that which enters the air, Varle. hfld a pilot's license before him. ! is stiff, like the front edge of a soaring He was a "dark horse" in the great balloon bird's wing. The rear edge can be raised race, but brought the cup to this country, and lowered a maximum cf fifteen inches". iier it was lost to the German, Erbsloen. j This seems like a small amount, and it reyears old. and quires a very small movement of the levers Lieutenant Lahm is thirty has served In the Philippines. He is a I to accomplish it,but the possibility of doing faced, thin, determined rmuoth looking \ It at all has made all the difference between young fellow, and at present has forty- | success and failure in man's efforts to fly, three ascensions to his credit. efforts that had continued from the beginHe had rttdan In the Wright aeroplane Beverai i,lng of recorded time till the young bicycle t.mea before it was taken to College. Park. makers hit on the secret during some of He is at home in the air because of his ; their experiments at Klttyhawk less than ljalloon experience, and Is an enthusiastic ! ten years ago. horseman. To digress a moment Lilllenthal, in GerLieutenant Humphreys looks almost like i many, and a little later Pilchner, in Enga boy beside him, and while he has made a j land, made extensive- experiments with artifew balloon ascensions he has acquired | ficial wings on which they glided like soarinii of the experience fitting him to be- j ing birds. They depended entirely on shiftcome an aeroplane pilot through driving ! ing their weight for keeping their balance, aa automobile. Like Lieutenant Lahm. he and both of them were killed by falls after Is more than fairly well off. and owns a they had made thousands of glides. Lilemail but fast automobile in which he usu- llenthal, In fact, had travelled about a quarally ews back and forth between Washing- I ter of a mile in a circle and returned to his ton and College Park. He is a daring drK'- point of departure before he was upset by sr. likes high speed and will take more an unexpected gust. than average chances on the road on a dark Man had almost given up the idea of flynight. Both men are about five feet ten j ing as unattainable, when along: came these and neither weighs over 150 pounds. !r.ches. two unknown young fellows from Dayton Lieutenant Humphreys is an engineer of- | and solved the problem; that Is to say, c*r, and only temporarily attached to the they made the first long distance flights \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0I Service "flying quad." He hopes, with a power driven machine, and all of however, to become so proficient as an avl- the later flyers who are now making such ttor that he will be kept at this work. a furor In Europe had to come o some days of aeroplanes It is almost In these form of movable wing tips before they necessary to know what the Wright ma- were able to make long flight? Whether chine Is like or how It works. The heart j their balancing devices are Infringements of the machine is its engine, a little f->ur- of the original Wright patent will be de-

The two officers being taught how to fly are Lbnitenams Frank I'.Lahm and FredWINGS erick lyiphreys. Lahm is permanently !

miles an hour. The aeroplane is driven by two propellors of two blades each moving in opposite directions. These propellors are eight feet hi diameter and of curious shape, being cut off at the outer corners. The builders of th^ machine say that this is because the wood of which the propellors are made would not wind pressure when stand the immense they are revolving at 650 revolutions, their So much fdr the heart of the machine. Its wings aio two big planes put one above the oher, six feet apart, and joined by hinged uprights. The whole is braced with eteel wires like a bridge truss, and is Very strong, but not rigid. That Is where the whole secret of the Wright machine lies in the fact that these big wings can be moved by a lever, like the wings of a bird.

ORIGINAL PATENT OFFICE DRAWING ON WHICH THE PATENT WAS GRANTED TO THE WRIGHT BROTHERS FOR THE FLEXING PLANE. this patent is based the suits ning over the pulleys at the end. The and the ropes, "27," show how the rear fifteen inches. Instead of using trie brought against other aeroplamst3, like cradle "18" was used on the original rudder, "22," works in connection with cradle for operating the flexing planes Bleriot and Curtiss. In the diagram machine when the operator lay flat the flexing wing tips. The machine in these are now controlled by a lever A B C D is the upper plane and E F G across the middle plane. By moving his use now has a rigid entering edge at the wfiile the operator sits on the forward H is the lower plane. The dotted lines hips the planes were flexed. The figure front of the planes, while only the outer edge of tho lower plane. 6how how the plane is warped by the '"8" in the diagram shows the uprights third of each plane is flexiole and the (now replaced ropes with wires) run- connecting the upper and lower planes rear edge lifts or lowers a maximum of


Shore," "Homeward Bound" and "Rock of Ages," the staff officers Joining In and Sherman occasionally attempting a st*ve> or two. Speaking of his experience at Bull Run. his ttrst real battle, the general said: "I was afraid. As I stood. -v rny hore waiting for the action to begta my legs gar* Seeing my deplorable condition and out. thinking that I would make a coward auti a fool of myself. I lifted up my soul to Cod. and all fear passed away, never to return." A different tale Is that of a brother offlcer, speaking of the Battle of Fair Oaks, In which General Howard lost bis arm. "I remember Howard comlnic back that day through my lines after his dash to re'His arm was lieve French," said he. dangling, but he was calm Hkl unruffled, although he must have been in agoay. I had orders to fall back, told him that I but wanted to know if tn his opinion It would not be better to ko forward and attempt to relieve the right. 'By all means.* he said, and as he rode away he feebly waved encouragement with the wounded arm."



air rinsr



Friends Pweady to De'oate Any Reflex* tion on His Tame.
iard. U. S.



for Success in War and Fought for Right





May Lead Merchant Prince.

The Bitf




to/nsnian. m* thlrtiMh*

Washington. Dc.

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