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Unit I : Conduction Heat Transfer –Steady

State and Transient State
Assistant Professor
Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Difference between heat and temperature
Temperature is a measure of the amount of energy possessed by the molecules of a
substance. It manifests itself as a degree of hotness, and can be used to predict the
direction of heat transfer.
Heat, on the other hand, is energy in transit. Spontaneously, heat flows from a hotter
body to a colder one.
Difference between thermodynamics and heat transfer
Thermodynamics tells us:
• How much heat is transferred (dQ)
• How much work is done (dW)
• Final state of the system
Heat transfer tells us:
• How (with what modes) dQ is transferred
• at what rate dQ is transferred
• Temperature distribution inside the body
Basic laws Governing Heat Transfer
First law of thermodynamics
When a system undergoes a thermodynamic cycle then the net heat supplied to
the system from the surroundings is equal to the net work done by the system on
its surroundings.
Closed system
The net flow of heat across the system boundary + heat generated inside the
system = change in the internal energy of the system
Open system
The net energy transported through a control volume + energy generated within
the control volume = change in the internal energy in the control volume
Second law of thermodynamics
Heat will flow naturally from high temperature reservoir to lower temperature, but
not in opposite direction without assistance.
Modes of Heat Transfer
“Conduction” is the transfer of heat from one part of a substance to another part of
the substance. or from one substance to another in physical contact with it.
“Convection” is the transfer of heat within a fluid by mixing of one portion of the
fluid with another. Convection is possible only in a fluid medium and is directly
linked with the transport medium itself.
All bodies radiate heat; so a transfer of heat by radiation occurs because hot body
emits more heat than it receives and a cold body receives more heat than it emits.
Radiant energy requires no medium for propagation and will pass through
Three Modes of Heat Transfer
Fourier's laws of heat Conduction
“The rate of flow of heat through a simple homogeneous solid is directly
proportional to the area of the section at right angles to the direction of heat flow,
and to change of temperature with respect to the length of the path of the heat

Q = -kA(dt/dx)
Where, Q = Heat flow through a body per unit time
A = Surface area of heat flow (Perpendicular to the direction of flow)
dt = Temperature difference of the faces of block
dx = Thickness of the body in the direction of flow
k = Thermal conductivity of the material
Newton’s law of cooling
Newton's law of cooling states that the rate of heat loss of a body is
directly proportional to the difference in the temperatures between the body and
its surroundings. The constant of proportionality as heat transfer coefficient (h).
Q = h A dt
Q – Heat Transfer rate (W)
h – Convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K)
dt – Temperature difference
General Heat Conduction Equation
General Heat Conduction Equation
General Heat Conduction Equation
General Heat Conduction Equation
General Heat Conduction Equation
General Heat Conduction Equation
Heat Conduction through plane wall
Heat Conduction through plane wall
Heat Conduction through plane wall
Heat Conduction through plane wall
Heat conduction through plane wall and outer surface exposed to convection
Heat Conduction through Composite plane wall
Heat Conduction through Composite plane wall
Heat Conduction through Composite plane wall
Possible Questions
1. Difference between Heat and Temperature
2. What are the three modes of Heat Transfer?
3. State Fourier law of Heat Conduction.
4. State Newton’s Law of Cooling.
5. Define thermal conductivity.
6. Explain the significance of thermal diffusivity
7. Write down the general Heat conduction equation.
8. The inner surface of plane brick wall is at 400c and outer surface is
200c. Calculate the rate of heat transfer per m2, which is 250mm
thick and thermal conductivity of the brick is 0.52W/m0c and also
calculate temperature at a location 100mm from the inner surface.
Example 1.2 A furnace wall is of three layers, first layer of insulation
brick of 12 cm thickness of conductivity 0.6 W/mK. The face is
exposed to gases at 870°C with a convection coefficient of 110 W/m2K.
This layer is backed by a 10 cm layer of firebrick of conductivity 0.8
W/mK. There is a contact resistance between the layers of 2.6 × 10–4
m2 K/W. The third layer is the plate backing of 10 mm thickness of
conductivity 49 W/mK. The contact resistance between the second and
third layers is 1.5 × 10–4 m2 K/W. The plate is exposed to air at 30°C
with a convection coefficient of 15 W/m2K. Determine the heat flow,
the surface temperatures.
Example 1.3 A wall of 0.5 m thickness is to be constructed from a material which has an average thermal
conductivity of 1.4 W/m K. The wall is to be insulated with a material having an average thermal conductivity of
0.35 W/m K so that the heat loss per square meter will not exceed 1450W. Assuming that the inner and outer
surface temperatures are 12000C and 150C respectively, calculate the thickness of insulation required.
Radial Heat conduction for Hollow cylinder
Radial Heat Conduction for composite cylinder

r2 replaced by r3
Example 1.4 A pipe carrying steam at 230°C has an internal diameter of
12 cm and the pipe thickness is 7.5 mm. The conductivity of the pipe
material is 49 W/mK the convective heat transfer coefficient on the
inside is 85 W/m2K. The pipe is insulated by two layers of insulation
one of 5 cm thickness of conductivity 0.15 W/mK and over it another 5
cm thickness of conductivity 0.48 W/mK. The outside is exposed to air
at 35°C with a convection coefficient of 18 W/m2K. Determine the heat
loss for 5 m length. Also determine the interface temperatures.
Heat conduction through composite Sphere
System with variable thermal conductivity
In all the cases the thermal conductivity k, has been assumed as constant. This
assumption is probably satisfactory for materials involving small temperature
differences across them. In practice, the thermal conductivity of most
materials is temperature dependent, and it would be necessary to include in
the analysis the variation of thermal conductivity with temperature.
The Thermal conductivity depends upon of the following factors
1.Material structure
2.Moisture content
3.Density of the materials
4.Pressure and Temperature(operating conditions)
Example 1.5 Compute the heat loss per square meter surface area of a 40 cm thick furnace
wall having surface temperatures of 300 C and 50 C if the thermal conductivity k of the
wall material is given by k= 0.005T-5*10-6T2 where T = Temperature in 0C
Critical Radius of Insulation
Contrary to the common belief that the addition of insulting material on a
surface always reduces the amount of heat flow to the ambient, there are
instances in which the addition of insulation to the outside surface of cylinder
or spherical walls does not reduce the heat loss. In fact, under certain
circumstances it actually increases the heat loss up to a certain thickness of
Let us consider an insulating layer in the form of hollow cylinder of length L.
r1, r2 are the inner and outer radii of insulation and the inner and outer surface
maintained at a temperature of T1 and T2.
Where T2 dissipating heat by convection to the surroundings at temperature
T∞ with a heat transfer coefficient h.
The rate of Heat Transfer Q through the insulation layer as give by
T1− T∞
R1 =
R0 =

Where R1 and Ro conductive and convective Thermal Resistance.

Assuming fixed vales for T1,T∞,r1,k and h, when insulation added r2 will
increase and also conductive thermal resistance(R1) increase but convective
thermal resistance decrease. It is possible that R0 may decrease faster than R1
increase, causing an increase in Q.
It is well known that Q would approach zero if an infinite amount of
insulation were added. This means that there must be a value of r2 for which
Q is maximum. This value of r2 is known as critical radius of insulation rc.
r2 is less than rc and insulation is added to the cylinder heat loss will increase
and go through a maximum at rc and then decrease.
If r2 is greater than rc, and the insulation is added, the losses will continually
Critical Radius of Insulation for Cylinder
Critical Radius of Insulation for Sphere
Example 1.6 Calculate the critical radius of insulation for asbestos k = 0.172
W/mK surrounding a pipe and exposed to room air at 300 K with h = 2.8
W/m2K. Calculate the heat loss from a 475 K. 60 mm diameter pipe when
covered with the critical radius of insulation and without insulation.
Example 1.7 An electric conductor of copper with a diameter of 1mm is covered with a
plastic insulation of thickness 1 mm. The temperature of its surrounding is 20C. Find the
maximum current carried by the conductor so that the part of the plastic is above 80 C.
Take k for plastic = 0.5 W/mK, ϼ(Specific electric resistance of copper) = 3*10-8 Ohm.m.
Discuss the effect of increase or decrease of insulation on the current carrying capacity of
the conductor
Unsteady State Heat Conduction-TRANSIENT STATE
If the temperature of a body does not vary with time, it is said to be in a steady
state. But if there is an abrupt change in its surface temperature, it (body) attains
an equilibrium temperature or a steady state after some period.
During this period the temperature varies with time and the body is said to be in
an unsteady or transient state.
Conduction of heat in unsteady state refers to the transient conditions wherein
the heat flow and the temperature distribution at any point of the system vary
continuously with time.
The temperature field in any transient problem, in general is given by
T= f(x, y, z, t)
During an unsteady state the change in temperature may follow a periodic or non
periodic variation.
Non periodic variation
In a non periodic transient state, the temperature at any point within the system
varies non linearly with time.
1.Heating of an ingot in a furnace
2. Cooling of bars, blanks and metal billets in steel work
Periodic variation
In a periodic transient state, the temperature undergo periodic changes (within
the system) which are either regular or irregular but definitely cyclic.
Examples : The temperature variations in
Cylinder of an I.C engine
Building during a period of 24 hours
Surface of earth during a period of 24 hours
Lumped Parameter Analysis
All solids have a finite thermal conductivity and there will be always a
temperature gradient inside the solid whenever heat is added or removed.
However, for solids of large thermal conductivity with surface areas that are large
in proportion to their volume like plates and thin metallic wires, the internal
resistance (L/kA) can be assumed to be small or negligible in comparison with the
convective resistance (1/hA) at the surface.
The process in which the internal resistance is assumed negligible in comparison
with its surface resistance is called the Newtonian heating or cooling process. The
temperature in this process, is considered to be uniform at a given time. Such an
analysis is called Lumped parameter analysis because the whole solid, whose
energy at any time is a function of temperature and total heat capacity is treated as
one lump.
Problem 2.1 An aluminimum alloy plate of 400 mm * 400 mm * 4 mm size at 200
0C is suddenly quenched into liquid oxygen at -183 0C. Starting from fundamentals

or deriving the necessary expression determine the time required for the plate to
reach a temperature of -700C. Assume h = 20000 kJ/m2-h-C, Cp= 0.8 kJ/kg 0C, and
density = 3000 kg/m3, k = 770.4 kJ/m-h C
Problem 2.2 A solid copper sphere of 10 cm diameter [ϼ = 8954 kg/m3, Cp =
383J/kgK, k = 386 W/mK]. Initially at a uniform temperature of 2500C, is
suddenly immersed in a well stirred fluid which is maintained at a uniform
temperature 500C. The heat transfer coefficient between the sphere and the fluid
is h = 200 W/m2K. Determine the temperature of the copper block at t = 5 mim
After the immersion.

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