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Matt Harvey Gorospe

Egi Mark Gallarde

Joseph Mangulab

Switzel Joy Balisi

Sheila Mae Perez

Jamaica Caronan

Ashly Villanueva



A cigarette is a well-known narrow cylinder containing psychoactive

material such as tobacco, rolled into thin layer of paper for smoking.

Cigarette smoke is very virulent, addictive and it contains around 4000

chemicals that are poisonous, a lot of carcinogenic chemicals, and oxidants

such as oxygen free radical which is assumed to be the major causes of

molecular damage caused by cigarette smoke. (Atalla 2015)

Nature about smoking habits in academic performance cause more

than those 7 million students have a low academic performance at 2017,

20% of men age 16 above smokes compared with 17% of women. In 2015,

807 of youth ages 12-19 years were suffering exposure to secondhand

smoke. Finished statistical show that there are about 20% smokes daily and

55% had tried to smoke. (Glifford 2012)

Secondhand smoke is the smoke that being exhaled by smokers and

smoke that are originally from the burning of tobacco product. Inhaling

those smokes are known as passive smoking. Secondhand smoke is also

called environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). People that do not smoke and

are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke also can be affected by the

toxic chemical contained in the smoke.

According to Karma (2020), white smoking rates vary by country,

approximately 20% of the Saudi population smokes. This is also true for

teenagers. Tobacco use has been linked to poor academic performance,

including poor concentration and memory function. Smoking, according to

our hypothesis, may be a barrier to optimal learning. The dental trainees in

this study took part in the research. Participants had less education than

those with higher dental school levels. The study discovered that smoking

had a negative effect on academic performance, which was especially

strong for students who smoked cigarettes. The smoking rate in the

population was 64.36%. Smoking rates differ by gender, with men smoking

more than women. Female smokers on the other hand, are in the minority.

According to Kaur et al. (2019), tobacco use is one of the major

causes of death worldwide. The emergence of tobacco related diseases is

escalating public health problems. Health is considered wealth and a

wonderful gift to humankind. It's the duty of humans to preserve it to the

fullest. Virtuous health is a priceless asset, but for some it’s a temporary

pleasure causing them to fall into bad habits.

According to Aljaberi et al. (2021), Philippines has one of the highest

cigarette smoking rates in Southeast Asia. Despite widespread knowledge

of the health consequences, tobacco use, especially smoking, is common

worldwide. Most of the youngsters become smokers and one-third of them

are believed to die due to tobacco use (Anjum et al., 2016). The youth of

today is the hope of the future. What the future holds for a nation depends

on how its citizens conduct their affairs. Good health is preparing the fated

young generation in the Philippines. It becomes increasingly alarming that


the role models and leaders of the future will have a short life expectancy

due to smoking habits (Cheruiyot et al., 2013). Early onset of smoking leads

to higher chances of becoming a regular smoker. They also suffer from

additional health burden such as impairment of lung development and

effects on brain function (delos Trinos et al., 2014).

Smoking generally has negative effects of cigarettes health effects,

because smoke inhalation inherently poses challenges to various

psychological processes such as respiration. Smoking and health have

become a concept that has increasingly interested the research worker and

public health organizations the world over. Tobacco smoking- the process

of burning the tobacco plant (one or more leaves, stem, or roots) and

inhaling the resulting particles within the smoke. It’s been estimated that

smoking began a long ago as 5000 BC in south America but wasn’t

exported to Europe until the 16th century. Tobacco has been used in the

past for medical purposes. Recent studies by NIH suggests that nicotine a

“gateway” doing that leads to an increased likelihood of illicit drug use and

addiction, by using the effect of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and


Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned, and the

resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into blood stream.

Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant

which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper to create a small,

round cylinder to create a “cigarette”.


Tobacco is a commonly abused drug by youth. Today more people

are smoking and consuming more cigarettes. Young people who smoke

experience an early onset cough, phlegm production, and shortness of

breath on exertion. The earlier a person begins to smoke the greater the

risk of disease such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cardiovascular

disease, and lung cancer. Because of the long delay between cause and

full effect, people tend to misjudge the hazards tobacco.

Psychological addiction occurs when the individual may or may not

be physically addicted to a substance but craves the environmental effects.

These effects are the source of the habit of repeated behavior that relieves

or decreases severe anxiety and stress. In the instance of smoking, the

psychological addition- the physical act of smoking and the act of smoking

or part of a daily routine or pattern. Despite the impact of work and

relationships, individuals typically will go to treat lengths to call the severe

stress and anxiety that occurs with the absence of the subcstance or

associated behavior to which they are addicted.

Youth is most likely to get attracted toward smoking habits and

become an addict for the rest of his or her life. Hence in this study, the

reasons for cigarette smoking have been investigated to understand why

youth take up smoking, which would be helpful in designing better anti-

smoking programs. Hence, this study aimed to determine and know their

opinion regarding various reasons for smoking habits and to know their

knowledge and attitude towards smoking.



This study aims to determine the effect of cigarette addiction

smoking among Senior High School in Linao National High School. The

following are the research questions of the study:

1.What is the profile of the students of Linao National High School in terms


1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Grade level and Strand

2. What are the factors influencing Senior High students at Linao National

High School to start smoking?

3. What are the short-term and long-term health consequences of cigarette

smoking among Senior High students, and how does it impact their

academic performance?

4. What are the various reasons for smoking habits and the knowledge and

atitudes of Senior High School Students towards smoking?

5. What is the prevalence og cigarette smoking among the Senior High

students in Linao National High School?



There is a significant effect of cigarette smoking addiction to the

Senior High School students of Linao National High School.


This study will be conducted at Linao National High School, students

who are smoking will be the respondents of the study. The purpose of this

study is to know the impact of smoking on the Senior High School Students

in Linao National High School. This study will only cover the grade 11 and

12 students - participants/respondents of the study. The respondents will be

the person who smokes.


The purpoe of thi study is to identify the effect of cigarette smoking

addiction on Grade 11 and 12 students in Linao National High School. On

the other hand, this will benefit not just the students but other stakeholders

also to find solutions and interventions to lessen and irradiate this habit.

Listed below are the audience that could benefit from this study:

Students – They will have more knowledge about the effect of smoking.

Parents – The study is a great aid to the parents especially, parents that

have children who smokes.

Teachers – Study comes of great help to the teachers; the teachers will

know the right action to take to those students who smoke.


Community – Studying is a big help to the community since they can study

research and apply the gathered information to their people such as making

awareness about the effects of smoking.



This conceptual framework outlines an investigation into the

relationship between cigarette smoking among senior high school students

(IV or independent variable) and various outcomes (DV or dependent

variables). The dependent variables include academic performance,

physical health, mental health, and social relationships. The study aims to

explore how cigarette smoking may be associated with or impact these

aspects of the students' lives.

Independent Variable Dependent



Figure 1. The factors that show the effect of cigarette smoking addiction on

Senior High School Students of Linao National High School.



To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms are

defined herein.

Cigarettes- the term cigarette, as commonly used, refers to a tobacco

cigarette but can apply to similar devices containing other herbs, such as

cloves or cannabis. A cigarette is distinguished dorm a cigar by its smaller

size, used of processed leaf, and a paper wrapping, which is normally

white, though other colors are occasionally available. Cigars are composed

entirely of whole-leaf tobacco.

Cigarette smoke- can be easily defined as the practice where tobacco is

burned and the vapors either tasted or inhailed.

Tobacco- is a preparation of the nicotine rich leaves of an American plant,

which are cured by a process by drying and fermentation for smoking or


Virulent- it is a disease or poison that is extremely severe or harmful in its

effects. “a virulent strain or influenza”.

Psychological Addiction- tends to occur because of a substance or

experience activating the pleasure center in the brain, which causes you to

want to recreate those same pleasurable feelings in the same way.

Imparement- the state or fact of a faculty or function being weakened or


Public health organization- “A public health institution” corresponds to an

organizational unit that provides public health services with the aim to

protect, restore, promote, and improve the health of populations.

Phlegm Production- it is a type of muscus, is produced by the lungs and

respiratory system. It’s a sign of inflammation and irritation.




This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the

researchers considered in strengthening the claim and importance of the

present study. This research is primarily focused on the effects of smoking

on Senior High School students.

The impact of smoking not only immediately affects a young person’s

health, but their future too young smokers are most likely to develop severe

levels of nicotine addiction compared to adults, which leads to continued

tobacco use as they grow older nicotine narrows blood vessels increases

blood pressure and puts added strain on the heart, this means shortness of

breath asthma and respiratory illnessesnot to mention centre and other

chronic diseases. Aside from health effects, there are also manyt adverse

social effects of smoking, it can make hair and clothes stink, stain theeth

and cause bad breath, amd tobacco smokers can lead to cracked lips,

sores, and bleeding in the mouth. Tobacco (2022)

Cigarette smoking has become so prevalent in the country that

students have now become heavy consumers. Medical professionals prove

that cigarette smoking among the youth targets them differently from adults.

As all are aware, nicotine makes it extremely hard for addicted smokers to

quit the bad habit. Indeed, the avaiabily of extremely affordable cigarettes

makes it easier for the youth to start smoking and develop addiction.

(Health Justice Philippines 2011)


Smoking has a negative effect on a person’s health as well as their

financial security, personal life, and well-being of others aroud them. Almost

all the body organs and causes sickness and impairment at least 30 people

suffer from a major smoking related illness for every smoker who passes

away. Smoking also raises the risk of developing cancer, heart disease,

striking conditions diabetes. (CDC 2014)

Cigarette is one of the most harmful vices that man has ever

invented. It kills not only the one using it but also the people around them.

These hand-rolled addictive products may be different in sizes and flavors,

but they all contain nicotine. Nicotine is a chemical derived from tobacco

plants, and anyone consuming this either by smoking or chewing the plant

itself is believed to experience euphoria and relaxation. (ManilaMed 2017)

Smokers find it hard to quit because of the chemicals addictive

properties that are almost like heroin. According to Philippine Global Adult

Tobacco Survey (GATS 2009), an estimate of 17.3 million Filipinos aged 15

and above are smokers, and 13.8 million of them smoke everyday.

(ManilaMed 2017)

The relationship between cigarette smoking and academic

performance achievement was investigated. It was found that non-smokers

received the best grades. However, there isn't much evidence linking

smoking to failing grades. Our findings imply that law academic achievers

may be more susceptible to smoking, but that smoking is not the main

factor influencing academic success. There are many other factors that

influence the relationship between academic achievement and smoking. It

is not surprising that smoking behaviour was a little less severe among

students with lower academic achievement. There must be more research

done to determine the exact causes of a lower educational level. (Mohamed

Yaser Kharma 2016)

Globally, tobacco use is the second leading risk factor for death and

disability-adjusted life years (Lim et al., 2012). In the United States in

particular, it is the leading cause of preventable disease and death, with 8.6

million people living with a serious tobacco-illness and 450,000 premature

deaths caused annually by cigarette smoking [US Department of Health and

Human Services (HHS), 2012).

The Surgeon General's Report (2012) on youth and young adult

tobacco use stated that prevention efforts aimed at reducing smoking

initiation and continuation among 18-25 years old is imperative (HHS,

2012). College students are an important subset of this group, as nearly

40% of nationally representative sample of undergraduates were shown to

either begin smoking or regular smokers during college according to Rigotti

et al., 2012.

According to Myers (2013) demonstrated that current smokers

reported themselves as being significantly less at risk of developing a

variety of smoking- related illness compared to the average smoker, but

only after watching an anti- smoking scenario that may have aroused

defensive reactions. Thus, smokers. were more unrealistically optimistic


after being presented with threatening information regarding their smoking


According to Beth R Hoffman, Steve Sussman, Jennifer B Unger,

Thomas W Valente (Substance use & misuse 41 (1), 103-155, 2006) This

article reviews several classes of theories to elucidate the relationship

between adolescent cigarette smoking and friends' cigarette smoking.

Perceived influence theories hinge upon an adolescent's perception of

friends' smoking behaviour. External influence theories are those in which

friends' smoking behaviour overtly influences adolescent smoking.

According to (Psychological bulletin 88 (2), 370, 1980) Reviews

findings and theoretical implications of studies concerned with initiation,

maintenance, and therapy of cigarette smoking in children and adults. The

following conclusions are offered: (a) Recent increases in success rates

may be due to changes in the social environment that multiply the action of

previously unsuccessful procedures, (b) current interventions are based on

communication and behavioural models that ignore features unique to

smoking.(c) methodological refinements of current interventions are unlikely

to increase success rates significantly, (d) prevention studies should be

directed toward critical steps in the developmental history of smoking (eg,

preventing initial attempts and retarding regular usage), and (e) studies of

cessation and withdrawal must consider findings and theories of nicotine

dependence. Also discussed are the development of craving and its


Smokers are willing to spend a lot of money for their vice no matter

how much it will cost them. There was a tax increase in the Philippines

which lead to the price hike of cigarettes as well. For a smoker who

consumes an average of 10 sticks per day, one spends an estimate of

P1,500 a month or P18,000 a year. For a worker who receives an average

salary, it's like spending 14% of their income just to feed their addiction

(ManilaMed, 2017).

R.A. 9211 mandated health warning labels on tobacco product

packaging, calling for rotating text warnings in English or Filipino that take

up 30% of the front of the pack. The warnings that can be seen are general

statements of what are the health consequences of tobacco use, stating

that: "cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health"; "cigarettes are

addictive"; "tobacco can harm your children"; and "smoking kills." Evidence

from high-income countries and a growing number of low and middle-

income countries shows that strong tobacco policies will result to a

significant decrease on tobacco use while relatively weak policies will have

a limited impact at best. To date, the Philippines partial and uneven

restrictions on tobacco company marketing, incomplete restrictions on

smoking in public places and workplaces, weakly enforced ban on sales to

minors, limited efforts to raise awareness about the consequences of

tobacco use and minimal resources dedicated to tobacco control appear to

have had little effect on tobacco use, with smoking prevalence changing

little over time, even as policies have become somewhat more


comprehensive. Stronger and more comprehensive policies would

complement higher taxes in reversing the upwardtrends in tobacco use in

the Philippines (Quimbo et al., 2012).

According to the research Aguillon and Romano (2012), many

people including youths that smoke are less aware of the harmful effects of

smoking. Smokers also perceive that smoking has a positive effect on them.

But it is wrong. The prime suspect of the positive sensation felt by the

smokers is nicotine, who making its user addicted to smoking. On the other

hand, non- smokers perceive smoking has a negative attribute to everyone.

In addition to that, smoking alleviates stress which is a very common enemy

of students. especially when there is burdensome work and studies to do.

According to the research of McRobbie (2014), low socioeconomic

status, adverse childhood experiences and mental illness is the few factors

why students smoke. Friends and the presence of WHY PEOPLE SMOKE

people around them who smoke are major influencing. factors. In one study,

10% of children who became regular smokers showed signs of nicotine

dependence within two days of first inhaling from a cigarette, and 25%

within a month. Within a year of starting to smoke, it has been reported that

children will be inhaling the same amount of nicotine as adults, will

experience cravings when they do not smoke, will make quit attempts, and

will suffer withdrawal symptoms. The research of Burke & Gotter (2018)

stated that the primary withdrawal symptoms of smoking are intense craving

of nicotine, sweating, coughing, headaches, sore throat, difficult

concentrating, depression etc.

Furthermore, some other causes why a person or a student smoke

are because it can lose weight. Smoking causes increased cortisol levels in

the body which may be augmented by stress. Moreover, most common

cause of starting of smoking are 'peer pressure' and next to that 'image' of

the smoker, meaning it makes the user 'cool' (Raghu, Rao, Pulviarthhi &

Srikanth. 2015).

It is truly sad that many of the youth today enjoy the temporary

positive sensation of smoking. But if it is closely observed, it makes its user

become addictive and gluttonous of cigarette smoking and makes its user

delusional perceiving that smoking is good. Smoker or not, everyone is

affected (Aguillon & Romano, 2012). Its harmful chemicals travel in the air

making it hard to avoid. At such a young age, today's youth are destroying

their bodies not knowing that the chemicals from the cigarette or any types

of smoking-related materials are heavily affecting their fragile bodies.

Cancers, cardiovascular, respiratory diseases are the common diseases of

smokers. Moreover, they destroy someone's health, not knowing also that

the chemicals are free to travel to another person.




This chapter contains the research design and methodology of the

study The Effect of Cigarette Smoking among the Senior High School in

Linao National High School.


The research design is cross-sectional. It involves the collection of

data from a group of Senior High School students in Linao National High

School at a single point in time to analyze the relationship between cigarette

smoking, academic performance, and health perception. This study seeks

to quantitatively explore the influence of cigarette smoking on senior high

school students at Linao National High School. Utilizing a structured survey

questionnaire, the investigation will examine smoking prevalence,

frequency, and potential connections with academic performance and

health perception. The research design is oriented towards collecting

quantitative data to offer statistical insights into the association between

cigarette smoking and its impact on students.



The research will systematically select participants from the entire

Grade 11 and 12 of Senior High school student population at Linao National

High School. Stratification based on grade level, gender, and academic

performance will precede random sampling within each stratum. The final

sample size, determined through statistical considerations, will ensure a

representative dataset. Consent from participants and their parents or

guardians will be obtained before inclusion in the study. This approach aims

to provide a diverse and unbiased representation for a comprehensive

analysis of the relationship between cigarette smoking, academic

performance, and health perception.


The primary data gathering method for this research will be a

structured survey questionnaire that will be sent via Google Forms. The

questionnaire will consist of carefully crafted questions designed to collect

quantitative data on key variables such as smoking prevalence, frequency,

academic performance, and health perception. The structured format

ensures consistency in responses, facilitating statistical analysis. By

employing a structured survey questionnaire, this data gathering method

aims to systematically capture relevant information, allowing for a


quantitative analysis of the relationship between cigarette smoking and its

impact on academic performance and health perception among studentsS

enior High School students in Linao National High School. After the data is

gathered it will now be ready to be analyzed.


The research will employ quantitative statistical analysis methods to

examine the relationships between cigarette smoking, academic

performance, and health perception among senior high school students.

Descriptive Statistics: Mean, median, and standard deviation will be used to

present an overall picture of smoking prevalence, frequency, academic

performance, and health perception. Inferential Statistics: Correlation and

regression analyses will be conducted to explore significant associations

between variables, particularly examining the impact of cigarette smoking

on academic performance and health perception. Stratified Analysis:

Variations across different strata (grade level, gender, and academic

performance) will be assessed to identify potential disparities. Data

Visualization: Visual representations, such as charts and graphs, will be

employed to enhance the presentation of key findings and highlight patterns

within the data. Statistical Software: Specialized software like SPSS or R

will be used for efficient and accurate data analysis. This comprehensive

approach aims to provide a clear and evidence-based understanding of


how cigarette smoking relates to academic performance and health

perception among senior high school students.

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