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Graphic Design / Sem VI / Year 2023-24

Design Project – I Guidelines

Guide Selection and Interaction

• This is a guide based project and you must discuss and take approval from your selected guide before
starting your project. Number of students restricted per guide is 10.

• If you don’t fill up the guide registration form before the given deadline or you think you don’t need a
project guide – you will not be allocated one and you are on your own.

• You have to choose a faculty as guide from Communication Department of GLSID whose expertise
best suits your selected subject area. The approached faculty may refuse to become your guide, if
your subject area seems far from his or her expertise.

• You are not allowed to approach a faculty to become your guide with any unethical intention. (e.g. to
get good marks, take advantage of a faculty’s leniency, your good reputation with the faculty). In this
case, a faculty is allowed to refuse your proposal.

• No guide external to GLSID is allowed.

• In case you need a guide from other design departments of GLSID or a co-guide, you have to first take
approval of Prof. Hardik Shiroya for the same.

• You cannot change your guide during your project.

• Student, who takes a formal approval from the institute regarding his/her absence due to sickness or
any other reason, must find a way to communicate with his/her selected guide.

• You must be present in the class throughout the project. You have to ask permission from your guide
in advance for your unavailability, even if you plan to be on field.

• It is compulsory to have frequent and regular interaction with the guide in person and keep updating
the Guide Interaction form.

Project Selection

• You are not allowed to take Identity and Branding or Packaging design projects. Except for this
restriction, there is no bar in selection of project topic and its deliverables as far as it has your guide’s

• Before finalizing the project topic and scope of work, make sure that it can completed in the given
time (5 weeks). Unachievable and over-ambitious projects should be avoided.

• You cannot change your subject area during your project.

• You are allowed to take a live (client) project only after consent from both your guide and Prof. Hardik
Graphic Design / Sem VI / Year 2023-24

Plan of action

1. Choose a Subject Area of your interest.

2. Form a tentative Project Topic and write an ‘Initial Project Brief’ of around 200 to 300 words, clearly
mentioning the ‘Problem Statement’, ‘Project Objective’ and your ‘Purpose of Undertaking’ the
particular topic. Your Subject Area cannot change, but your Project Topic and Brief can change after
initial discussion with the guide.

3. Discuss the Project Topic and Brief with a faculty who you want to take as your guide and get their
approval. All of the above has to be done before 15th Feb, 2024 (Thursday).

4. Fill up the Guide Registration form by 16th Feb, 2024 (Friday) EOD after asking your guide for
permission. It is compulsory to get your tentative project topic approved by your guide before you
submit the form. And if failed to do so, the respective guide may choose to not to interact with you
throughout the project. Link to Guide Registration Form:

5. Create a Proposal of your Design Project, share it with your guide and get it approved. This has to be
done by 17th Feb, 2024 (Saturday).

6. You submission link for Design Project Proposal, Project Files and Documentation, and Guide
Interaction Form will be same as given here:

7. Make a folder of your name in ‘Design Project Proposal folder’ inside your ‘Guide Name folder’ and
upload your Design Project Proposal in the above submission link (pt. 6) by 19th Feb, 2024 (Monday).
Design Proposal folder will be locked from Tuesday.

8. Your project execution starts from 19th Feb, 2024 (Monday) and should be completed by 9th March,
2024 (Saturday).

9. Meanwhile, you should be adding details in the ‘Guide Interaction Form’ right after every discussion
you have with your guide. First, download it from the below link to your system and add your name as
a suffix to the filename.

10. Work on any modifications required in your project and your Project Documentation in the last week
of the course and complete everything by 13th March, 2024 (Wednesday).

11. Make a folder of your name in ‘Guide Interaction Form folder’ inside your ‘Guide Name folder’ and
upload your duly filled ‘Guide Interaction Form’ in the above submission link (pt. 6) by 15th March,
2024 (Friday) after getting approved from your guide.

12. Make a folder of your name in ‘Project Submission folder’ inside your ‘Guide Name folder’ and upload
your Project Documentation and all necessary Project files in the above submission link (pt. 6) by 15th
March, 2024 (Friday). Also, share the same with your guide personally. The folder may be locked
thereafter and your work will be considered as late submission or no submission.

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