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A Research Paper

Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School

Toledo National Vocational School

Ilihan, Toledo City Cebu

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in

Practical Research I (Qualitative Research)

Benalayo Mark Leonard

Borja Rheean Kate
Buendever Jude
Cansiller Kevin
Galili Jonathan

June 2023


BORJA, JONATHAN GALILI, JUDE BUENDEVER,in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the subject Practical Research I (Qualitative Research ) has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for ORAL EXAMINATION




Chairman Member

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the Grade of PASSED



Chairman Member
Accepted and approved in practical fulfillement of the requirements for the
subject Practical Research I (Qualitative Research )
Date of Oral Examination: June 20, 2023


School Principal


This descriptive phenomenological research aimed to explore the Job

Experiences of Non-NCII Shielded Metal Arc Welders. An semi-structured in
depth interview was used to gather the Job Experiences of Non-NCII Shielded
Metal Arc Welders. Data saturated on the 5th informant. Giorgi data analysis was
used to analyse the data gathered. Five steps we’re followed: Transcription,
extraction of significant statement, formulation of meanings, creating themes and
clustering themes, Research came up with twenty (20) Cluster themes. These
were Ensuring the Correctness of Welding procedure, The Importance of
Addressing Blowholes and Carrying Out Duties, The Importance of Practice,
Training, and Instruction Understanding, Welding Difficulties. Overhead Welding
Challenges, Welding Difficulties and Overcoming Obstacles, Overcoming
Training Shortages and Challenging Perceptions, The Importance of Welding
Power Source Protection. Welding's Difficulties and Pressures, Overcoming
Insults and Demonstrating Welding Skills, Work, Family and Inspiration for the
Future, Family as a Welding Motivational Force. Future and Life Objectives as
Motivators, Family as the Ultimate Source of Insight and Motivation, Providing for
the Needs of the Family and Using Education as Inspiration. The Importance of
Proper Welding Technique, Precision, and Cleanliness, The Importance of a
Stable Working Environment in Welding, The Importance of Welding Thought
and Planning. Fear of Making Mistakes and Ensuring Welding Quality and The
Importance of Welding Accuracy, Clarity, and Cleanliness. Furthermore, they’re
subjective to physical demands, hazards, safety measures, and limited
resources. In addition, Welders must follow proper procedures, provide training,
manage interpersonal connections, emphasize responsibility, inspect work areas,
seek guidance, and ensure workplace safety.

First and foremost, we would like to convey our heartfelt appreciation to our

Research Instructor, Mr. Marlon B. Contado, for his unwavering support of our research,

as well as his patience, encouragement, excitement, and vast expertise. His advice was

beneficial to all of us. We could not have asked for a finer advisor and mentor for our


Besides our advisor, we would like to thank the Panelist, for their

encouragement, insightful comments, and hard questions.

Also, we the Researcher appreciates all responders for their excellent

contributions and insights, which considerably improved the data obtained for this study.

Their candor and honesty in providing comments resulted in meaningful and dependable

outcomes. The researcher additionally acknowledges their perseverance and dedication

during the data collection process. All data will be handled with care, confidentiality, and

respect, and will only be used for the purposes of the research. The participation of the

respondents had a substantial impact on the study's conclusions.

Last but not the least. We thanks our parents for their constant encouragement,

support, and understanding throughout the research effort. Their faith in education and

research has driven and inspired them to embark on this journey. We also thank God for

His direction, blessings, and grace, which have helped them overcome obstacles,

develop insights, and reach key milestones. We the researcher is grateful to God for the

opportunity and resources he has provided in their pursuit of knowledge and insight.


This study is dedicated to all individuals who work persistently to gain

information, discover new frontiers, and push the boundaries of comprehension.

This dedication is for the dedicated researchers and intellectuals who commit

their time and energy to uncovering the world's mysteries. We are all inspired by

your unshakable dedication to the quest of truth and the advancement of


This dedication recognizes the participants who freely offer their time,

insights, and experiences in creating the conclusions of this research. Your

willingness to contribute and participate in the process has significantly

influenced the depth and quality of the findings.

Your wisdom and skills, mentors and advisers who generously guide and

support the researchers, are critical in developing intellectual growth and

establishing an excellence culture.

This dedication honours the institutions and organizations that contribute

resources, financing, and infrastructure for research, as well as your critical role

in fostering an atmosphere conducive to scientific discovery and innovation.

This devotion is a monument to your belief in the value of research and

the sacrifices you make to enable its pursuit to the families and loved ones who

provide steadfast support and understanding.


Finally, may this dedication serve as a reminder to future generations of

researchers who will carry the torch of knowledge ahead of the significant impact

research can have on changing our world and inspiring constructive change.













Rationale of the Study 1

Review of Related Literature 4


Domain of Inquiry 7

Significance of the Study 8


Design 9

Locale 9

Participants 9

Instrument 10


Data Gathering 11

Data Analysis 11




Conclusion 25

Recommendations 25




A 32

B. 33
C 34

D 40

E 45

F 69




Rationale of the study

SMAW is one of the oldest welding techniques. It has been around for

nearly a century and is still one of the most common industrial fabrication

methods even until today. Technological advancements have made it even better

for more forms of production and fabrication over the years (STI 2016). The

Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) stated that, Shielded

Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) is a popular welding technology in the Philippines

and around the world because compared to other skilled workers, Filipino

welders are more in-demand here in the Philippines and abroad. Additionally on

the report of The Philippines Welding Fabrication Industry (TPWFI)(2016)

Welding in the Philippines is a vital enabling technique for a variety of metal-

dominated industries.

Metal joining is becoming more sophisticated, with a greater emphasis

on adding value to welded products required by most industries. Welding has

recently gained prominence in the metalworking industry due to the more

sophisticated procedures involved in welding activities as compared to other

industries with larger machine operations.

Furthermore, Universal Technical Institute (UTI 2019) aside from being

one of the highest paid workers, SMAW also provides simplicity and cost-

effectiveness in terms of equipment. It is excellent for outdoor applications due to

its portability and self-generated shielding gas.

Shielded Metal Arc Welders are among the most in-demand and well-paid

jobs in the Philippines. According to PayScale Data, the annual average

compensation for professional welders ranges from $54,000 to $71,000, with the

value increasing dramatically with years of expertise. Thus, a certified welding

technician with expertise can easily earn $100,000 per year on average.

Moreover, The Philippines' construction industry presents significant

employment prospects for skilled welders, with construction companies,

contractors, and infrastructure development projects requiring their skills. Global

demand for welders also opens up opportunities for non-NCII welders to work

abroad, as many countries have a shortage of skilled welders. Further education

and training can enhance their skills and career prospects.

The Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) stated

that, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) is a popular welding technology in the

Philippines and around the world because compared to other skilled workers,

Filipino welders are more in-demand here in the Philippines and abroad.

Additionally on the report of The Philippines Welding Fabrication Industry

(TPWFI)(2016) Welding in the Philippines is a vital enabling technique for a

variety of metal-dominated industries.

Non-NCII shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) professionals have

numerous career paths and employment opportunities in various industries,

including construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, automotive, and shipbuilding.


So in order to explore the possible career routes and employment

opportunities available to NON-NCll shielded metal arc welders, the researchers

conducted this study with the goal of improving understanding of non-NCII

shielded metal arc welding as an appealing career choice and filling a knowledge

gap, providing support for career decision-making, enhancing industry

understanding, informing policy and training programs, and promoting inclusivity

within the welding profession.


Review of Related Literature

A review of related literature is an important basis for any scholarly

investigation, offering a detailed overview of previous research, hypotheses, and

scholarly discussion related to the topic at hand.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). A stick welding commonly referred

to as a Shielded Metal Arc Welding. The Shielded Metal Arc Welding Technical

Diploma program provides a solid foundation in process-specific production

welding technology. The program is intended to prepare students for entry-level

position in the production welding and metal fabrication industries, and It employs

a manual arc welding process that is still widely used today. It can be used for

both repair and production welding in all welding positions on all ferrous metals.

By gaining a comprehensive understanding of SMAW and its applications,

graduates of this program are well-prepared to contribute to the welding and

metal fabrication industries, meeting the demands of entry-level positions and

establishing a solid foundation for their welding careers.

Job Experiences of Non-NCII Shielded Metal Arc Welders emphasizes

the importance of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Technical Diploma

program in preparing students for welding jobs, the high demand and pay for

SMAW workers, and the factors contributing to job satisfaction, motivational and

performance. It also discusses the potential health hazards associated with

welding and highlights the role of education and job satisfaction in job

performance, safety, and functionality of a variety of projects and products.

Skilled welders are frequently in high demand and can fetch competitive rates.

To gain precise information on the majority of people specializing in welding in

your country and the exact pay of SMAW workers in the Philippines, it is needed

to refer to specific labor market reports, industry surveys, or government data.

The importance of motivation and job satisfaction in affecting employee

performance, implying that firms should focus on creating a happy work

environment and meeting employee needs in order to improve both motivation

and performance.

According to Jauhari and Ripki (2019), as well as Gunawan and Sondakh

(2019) claimed that there is a positive working relationship in motivation and

performance. This means that the higher the level of employee job satisfaction,

their job performance will improve.

Furthermore, Welding fume exposure poses significant health risks to

welders, as highlighted by a study conducted by (PJBS)(2019)Welding fume

exposure has led to the respiratory problems among welders including cough,

phlegm, chest illnesses, nausea and fatigue. Inadequate ventilation during

welding works causes the situation to worsen. Welding fumes can cause a

decrease in lung function among welders. The study emphasizes the importance

of proper safety measures for welders who are exposed to welding fumes, such

as adequate ventilation and the use of personal protective equipment. It also

emphasizes the importance of ongoing research and monitoring of the health

effects of welding fumes in order to protect the health and safety of welders and

other industry workers.


Welders are frequently placed in difficult positions for extended periods of

time, which can lead to musculoskeletal difficulties and back injuries. This

problem was highlighted in the report written by Feier&Baciu (2021) welding

frequently necessitates awkward body positions that must be maintained for

extended periods of time, which can lead to musculoskeletal issues such as back

injuries. This study looked at the physical and psychological stress as a result of

factors such as poor posture, fume and gas exposure, and job demands,

according to the findings.

These has also been investigation. Hidyat and Budiatama (2018) made

the discovery that education has influenced employment performance. Similar

results were obtained. According to Ishola and Abdulrahamon (2018) and who

Bharamagoudar and Angadi (2019) stated that education is advantageous and

significantly associated with the job performance of workers. This implies that a

higher education will lead to more job opportunities. Employees at higher levels

education broadens one’s option. Obtain and store more data. As a result they

perform better at work. Job satisfaction is another important aspect of the job.

According to the studies, education and job satisfaction are both important

factors in job performances. Employees who have higher level of education and

are more satisfied with their jobs are more likely to perform well.

In the end, the review of related literature emphasizes the importance of

motivation and job satisfaction in employee performance, the need for proper

safety measures in welding to mitigate health risks, and the impact of education

on job opportunities and performance.


The Problem

Statement of the Problem

Domain of Inquiry
The goal of this study was to understand the job experiences of non-NCII
Shielded Metal Arc Welders in Toledo City, Cebu.
This study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What were the different challenges encountered by Non-NCII Shielded

Metal Arc Welders?

2. What were the inspirations of these workers towards their job?


Significance of the study

Non-NCII Shielded Metal Arc Welders considerably benefited from earning
the NCII certification because it led to better career possibilities, higher wages,
and more job security. Employers used the findings of this study to build focused
training programs that met the needs of their employees.

Non-NCII Shielded Metal Arc Welders. Non-NCII Shielded Metal Arc

Welders can improve their job prospects and knowledge, as well as advocated

for better training and development and better working conditions.

Employers. Employers developed training programs to improve

productivity and job satisfaction by better understanding Non-NCII Shielded

Metal Arc Welders.

Industry associations and trade unions. Industry associations and

trade unions used the findings of the study to advocate for policies and programs

that supported Non-NCII Shielded Metal Arc Welders and developed training


Policymakers. Policymakers used research to help Non-NCII Shielded

Metal Arc Welders get more training and development.

Students. It helped students in understanding the benefits of NCII and

provided ideas for future research.

Researchers. This study assisted researchers in better understanding the

benefits of NCII and the drawbacks of not having it.


Future Researcher. The topic laid the groundwork for future research

projects as well as a broad range of learning for future work ideas.




The researchers employed Phenomenology in conducting this study.

Phenomenology supported the study by exploring individual experiences. The

research design for this study was phenomenological.

Which involved investigating people's subjective experiences and

perspectives. This method was deemed appropriate as it allowed for a thorough

examination of the participants' experiences and their interpretations.


The study was conducted in Toledo City, Cebu. This location was chosen

because there are many Welders here that do not have NCll, which is particularly

important to the study. The participants were interviewed in their homes near the

old Basketball Court in Sangi, Purok Mangga, in their living rooms, which are

clean and smell exquisite. This study revealed the job experiences of Non-NCII

Shielded Metal Arc Welders, researchers also identified these workers' everyday

inspirations for their daily lives, despite their awful experiences.


The study involved individuals who participated as Non-NCll Shielded

Metal Arc Welders. The researcher aimed to gain insights into their work

experiences. Purposive sampling was utilized to select specific types of

respondents for in-depth investigation, focusing on job experiences of Non-NCll

Shielded Metal Arc Welders.


The researchers also aimed to enhance understanding of the advantages

of having an NCll certification and the disadvantages of not having one. The study

aimed to motivate aspiring welders and individuals facing difficulties in applying

for positions due to a lack of expertise.


The research instrument for this qualitative study titled "Job Experience

of Non-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders" was a semi-structured interview. This

type of instrument was chosen to facilitate the interviews and gather insights into

the job experiences of Non-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders.

According to Olenik (2021), the main advantage of semi-structured

interviews is their focus while still allowing the researcher to explore relevant

ideas that may arise. While the narrative review specifically focuses on semi-

structured interviews in pharmaceutical services research, the stages suggested

by the authors can be applied to various qualitative approaches and types of


The interview-guide questions revolved around the following themes: 1.

Achieving error free work: 2. Challenges associated in welding: 3. Sources of


Research Procedure

Data Gathering

The researcher created an interview guide and submitted it to the

research instructor for approval. After evaluating the instruments, the researchers

created a transmittal letter that needed to be signed by the school's head in order

for the researcher to perform the study in Toledo City.

In addition, the researcher addressed the respondents and explained why

they were being interviewed. First and foremost, the researcher obtained the

respondents' permission to conduct the interviews. In addition, the researcher

made certain that the respondents' privacy was maintained. The entire interview

was taped using a cellphone as a recorder; as the interviewees responded, the

researcher recorded and took notes. Once the data was saturated, the interviews

were terminated.

Data Analysis

The researchers employed Giorgi Data Analysis to analyze the gathered

data. As mentioned by Englander (2020), qualitative interviewing is historically

contextualized within humanistic psychology and the qualitative research

movement. The analysis involved bracketing, transcribing, extracting significant

statements, creating meaning from the extracted statements, generating themes,

and producing emergent themes to explore common patterns from the

informants' experiences.



This chapter contained thematic comments from the participants'

interviews, discussing their past job experiences and difficulties, as well as their

inspiration as non-NCII Shielded Metal Arc Welders (SMAW).

One Hundred Eight (108) Significant Statements were extracted from the

interview. One Hundred Eight (108) meaning were formulated from the

statements. Twenty-Seven (27) themes emerged from the meanings.

Twenty (20) were clustered out from the themes. Those were Ensuring the

Correctness of Welding procedure, The Importance of Addressing Blowholes

and Carrying Out Duties, The Importance of Practice, Training, and Instruction

Understanding, Welding Difficulties.

Overhead Welding Challenges, Welding Difficulties and Overcoming Obstacles,

Overcoming Training Shortages and Challenging Perceptions, The Importance of

Welding Power Source Protection.

Welding's Difficulties and Pressures, Overcoming Insults and Demonstrating

Welding Skills, Work, Family and Inspiration for the Future, Family as a Welding

Motivational Force.

Future and Life Objectives as Motivators, Family as the Ultimate Source of

Insight and Motivation, Providing for the Needs of the Family and Using

Education as Inspiration.

The Importance of Proper Welding Technique, Precision, and Cleanliness, The

Importance of a Stable Working Environment in Welding, The Importance of

Welding Thought and Planning.

Fear of Making Mistakes and Ensuring Welding Quality and The Importance of

Welding Accuracy, Clarity, and Cleanliness.

Ensuring the Correctness of Welding procedure

One of the themes that emerged from the discussion with NON-NCll

Shielded Metal Arc Welders is the importance of guaranteeing the correctness of

the welding technique. One aspect of welding poses the greatest challenge.

According to one of the participants, the characteristics of welding allude to the

problems and obstacles encountered while welding as a result of issues such as

wide gaps, poor alignment, contaminants, and cracks.

Ang lisud jud kaayo sa pagwelding kanang, kana gyong

dako kaayog gap nya dili masakto sa iyang beveal.
(SS1)Kanang mga malusaw daghan kay syag mga kuan,
hugaw kaayo imong trabaho.(SS2)Dapat naa dira tanan, gap

Another relevant issue in Ensuring the Correctness of Welding Procedure of

NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders indicates that, while the task may be

uncomfortable, it is critical to use appropriate welding techniques to ensure the

job is completed correctly. The person mentioned in the following statement.

Limpyu.(SS4) Sakto sa procedure.(SS5)

The Importance of Addressing Blowholes and Carrying Out Duties


One of the themes that appear from the interview of Non-NCll Shielded

Metal Arc Welders was the need of addressing blowholes and carrying out

obligations .One aspect of welding poses the greatest challenge. One of the

participants stated about the Environmental conservation and maintenance.

Kanang blowholes badi.(SS6) Kinahanglan nimo gougingon

balik.(SS 7) Para lang ma limpyu.(SS8)

Another developing concept is the significance of addressing blowholes

and carrying out responsibilities of NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders shows

the significance of accepting accountability and taking aggressive action. The

individual named in the following statement.

Kay og dili nimo.(SS 9) Dili nimo gougingon, mao ragihapon

ang kalabasan.(SS10)

The Importance of Practice, Training, and Understanding of Instruction

One of the issues raised during the discussion of NON-NCll Shielded

Metal Arc Welders was the Importance of Practice, Training, and Intruction

Understanding. One aspect of welding poses the greatest challenge. According

to one of the participants, the importance of practice and lifelong learning is


Kanang dipa nimo mahibaw an.(SS 11)Wakay practice ba.


Another relevant issue of the Importance of Practice, Training, and

Instruction Understanding of NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders is the


Understanding the Importance of Guidance and Instruction of NON-NCll Shielded

Metal Arc Welders. The individual named in the following statement.

Pero og naa nakay training ana ingon ta training.(SS 13) Naa

kay labi na naa kay tutor.(SS14) Mahibaw an na nimo,
importante mana, kopya kopya unsa iyang mga instruction.
Welding Difficulties

The welding issues that welders face was one of the themes that

emerged from the discussion about NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. One

component of welding presents the most difficulty. Welding Challenges:

Overcoming Difficult Scenarios and Limited Environments, according to one of

the participants. These difficulties include a wide range of elements that can

affect the welding process and, as a result, the quality of the welds produced.

Kanang mag welding ka nga usahay kanang gipit kayo mao

na syay lisud sad. (SS16) Usa sad. (SS17) Kanang dagko
kayg gap ba.(SS18) Parehas anang imong weldingonon nag
dikit sa bong-bong.(SS19) Usahay dikit sa haligi, ing ana
lisud gyud kayna sya ig-on gyud.(SS20) Kanang tubo ba, sa
tubo lisud kayna sya ig-on.(SS21) Kanang diman kaayo
maabot nimo diman Makita.(SS22) Kanang sa mga ilawm,
kanang sud sa kanal.(SS23) Mao nay atong mga lisud
tirahon sa pang welding mao na siya. (SS24).

Overhead Welding Challenges

One of the issues addressed during the discussion of NON-NCll

Shielded Metal Arc Welders was Overhead Welding Challenges. One aspect of

welding poses the most difficulties. According to one of the participants,

Challenges for Overhead Welding Mastery and Skill Development.

Ang labing lisud, ang pagtirag overhead.(SS25)Mao na

siyay pinakalisud, maka ligo kas kayo. (SS26)

Welding Difficulties and Overcoming Obstacles.

One of the themes that came from the discussion with NON-NCll

Shielded Metal Arc Welders was Welding Difficulties and Overcoming Obstacles.

The most difficult component of welding. One of the participants stated, Dealing

with Colleague Interactions and Developing Resilience are two welding


Ang pagsuway gyud daghan jud kayo.(SS 27) Kay labaw na

nang asa nara ang mga kabuang sa atong mga kauban.
(SS28) Kanang bugal-bugal.(SS29) Basta kanang maagian
rana nainyo puhon kung kamoy mahimong welder. (SS30)

Overcoming Training Shortages and Challenging Perceptions

One of the topics discussed with NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders

was Overcoming Training Shortages and Challenging Perceptions. The most

difficult component of welding. According to one of the participants, Defying

Doubt and Overcoming Obstacles to Demonstrate Welding Proficiency.

Wala ka nag-agi og kanang tesda ba.(SS31) Waka nag-agi

og kanang smaw bana.(SS32) Kanang kuanun ka nga dika
kamao, dipaka kahibaw ani dili dili ka kuanun dayun pa
tirahon. (SS33) Kinahanglan pa nimo maniid. (SS34) Pero
sakit sad sa imong buot.(SS35) Nga ingnon kag di kamao
bisag, isag unsaun nimog paningkamot.(SS36) Bisag
kamao nagud ka. (SS37)

The Importance of Welding Power Source Protection.

One of the topics that NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders considered

was, The Importance of Welding Power Source Protection. The most formidable

aspect of welding. One of the participants stated that Putting Electrical Safety

First in the Workplace to Ensure Safety and Protection.

Mao nay bantayan diha.(SS38) Kung pananglitan ron naka

top bamo kaning sa iyang terminal.(SS39) Kurente gikan sa
Makena.(SS40) nya nay mga trouble trouble mahibaw-an
nana nimo, nganung dili mo kayo imong makena.(SS41)

Welding’s Difficulties and Pressures

Welding Difficulties and Pressures was one of the themes discussed by

NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. The difficulties that Shielded Metal Arc

Welders face. Welding Challenges: Withstanding High Temperatures, Strict

Supervision, and X-Ray Inspections, according to the participants

kanang inig testing nako usahay di man gyud nato ma sure

nga matagak ta sa xray.(SS42) Inig welding nimo nga perti
pagka inita.(SS43) Mao nay atong mga again.(SS 44) Nya
atong foreman buangog utok aw kanang gahi kayg utok
ba.(SS45) nga maldito (SS46) naa man gyud nay mga strikto
kayo (SS47) Ohhh dii jud na malikayan nimo.(SS48)
gamayng sayop.(SS49) Kasab an ta nya.(SS50) Kanang
mahagbong ka sa x-ray sab an ka nga dugay sad ka
mahuman, sab-an sad ka nila kay hinay man kag
production.(SS51) Mao nay mga pagsulay.(SS52) Pero ahhh
ok raman.(SS53) Na gud mada-da ramana sya sa imong
kinabuhi. (SS54) Mao nay nga pagsulay ngadto sa atong
kinabuhi isip us aka welder.(SS55)

Overcoming Insults and Demonstrating Welding Skills

Overcoming Insults and Demonstrating Welding Skills was one of the

themes that NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders explored. The difficulties that

Shielded Metal Arc Welders face. Overcoming Difficulties as an Unlicensed

Welder Resilience in the Face of Insults, according to the participants

Ang pag suway kanang bullyhon kas tawo nga

welder.(SS56) Nya walay lisensya.(SS57) Dika lisensyado
mao na syay pinakalisud.(SS58)

Another topic related to Overcoming Insults and Demonstrating Welding

Skills of NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders is Defying Stereotypes as an

Unlicensed Welder: Demonstrating Skills and Expertise. The person mentioned in

the following statement.

Mao na syay pinaka labing bati nga isturya nga welder ka

nya wala kay NCll experience ra, mao na bullyhon ka sa
mga tawo.(SS59) Pero imo ipakita nga og unsa ka kamao,
kamao ka mo welding diay.(SS60).

Work, Family, and Inspiration for the Future.

Work, Family, and Future Inspiration is one of the topic that evolved

from the discussion regarding NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. One of

their everyday inspirations as NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. One of the

attendees stated, "Family Motivation: Using Inspiration and Dedication to Improve


Kung manarbaho jud ka inspirasyon nimo imohang pamilya.

(SS61) Imong mga anak.(SS62) Di ma gutman.(SS63)

Another subject linked to A.Work, Family, and Inspiration for the Future

of NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders is Building a Better Future: Welding

Motivation and Family Support. The individual named in the following statement.

Dapat maningkamot jud ka.(SS64) Nga di jud ka ma kuan.

(SS65) Para sa kaugmaon sa imong pamilya mao rana sya.

Family as a Welding Motivational Force.

Family as a Welding Motivational Force was one of the issues discussed

by NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. One of their everyday inspirations as

NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. According to one of the participants,

"Family as a Strong Motivator: Driving Hard Work and Sacrifice in Welding."

Una sa tanan pamilya.(SS67) Kay ug dika maningkamot.

(SS68) Imong pamilya maggutom imong anak.(SS 69) Walay
pang gatas, walay diaper, pamilya badi ang inspirasyon
nako. (SS70)

Future and life Objectives as Motivators

Future and life objectives as motivators was one of the subjects that

NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders explored. One of the inspirations of their

daily life as NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. According to one of the

attendees, Achieving Goals and Pursuing Dreams: Using Inspiration for Welding


Ang imong future.(SS71) Og ang imohang kuan dream of life

ninyo mao na dihay inspirasyon nimo.(SS72)

Family as the Ultimate Source of Insight and Motivation

Family as the Ultimate Source of Insight and Motivation was one of the

issues discussed by NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. One of their

everyday inspirations as NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. According to

one of the participants, family is the ultimate source of inspiration, motivation,

and purpose in welding.


Waman gyuy lain inspirasyon ato gyung pamilya(SS73). Nya

labi na nga naa kay mga anak.(SS 74) Mao gyud na syay usa
gyud pinaka dakong inspirasyon sa imong pang adlaw
adlaw sa kinabuhi (SS75)

Welding Hard Work and Financial Stability as Motivators is another topic

related to Family as the Ultimate Source of Insight and Motivation of NON-NCll

Shielded Metal Arc Welders. The individual named in the following statement.

Kanang kinahanglan sad tag kwarta sad.(SS76) Makakuan

sa atong adlaw adlaw nga panginabuhi.(SS77) Makapalit tag
unsay atong paliton maningkamot jud ka.(SS78)

Providing for the Needs of the Family and Using Education as Inspiration.

Providing for the Needs of the Family and Using Education as Inspiration

were two themes that NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders explored. One of

their everyday inspirations as NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. According

to one of the participants, Securing Nutrition and Education, as well as the Role

of Family in Welding Success.

Kanang inspirasyon para sa imong pamilya.(SS79) Kanang

makakaon.(SS80) Og makaeskwela imong mga anak.(SS81)

The Importance of Proper Welding Technique, Precision, and Cleanliness

The Importance of Proper Welding Technique, Precision, and

Cleanliness was one of the themes that evolved from the discussion regarding

NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. One thing they make certain of is that

their work is error-free. Precision and Perfection: The Value of Thorough


Research and Cleanliness in Welding, according to one of the participants.

Thorough investigation and cleanliness during the welding process are two

critical variables that greatly contribute to this goal.

Para di jud ka ma sipyat sa imong trabaho.(SS 82) Kailangan

before and after tan-awn na nimo (SS83) Tan-awn nimo
sakto ba sya sa iyahang procedure mao jud na sya.(SS 84)
Osa ka mag welding naa jud ka sa procedure (SS 85) Og
limpyo jud tanan imong pagtira (SS86) og usa ka mag
welding limpyo kanang inig mag welding naka before
ana(SS87) Nya after nasad.(SS88) Limpyo nasad sa grind
para di jud sya naajuy kasiguraduhan na ma perfect nimo
imong trabaho mao jud na sya.(SS89)

The Importance of a Stable Working Environment in Welding

The Importance of a Stable Working Environment in Welding was one of

the ideas that developed from the discussion about NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc

Welders. One thing they make certain of is that their work is error-free. Air

currents can have a significant impact on weld quality, making it more difficult to

get reliable and consistent results, according to one of the participants, Creating

Stability: Reducing Air Currents for Better Welding Performance.

Para masigurado imohang imohang pagtira sa welding badi.

(SS90) Kanang walay hangin, dili kusog ang hangin og mao
rana badi.(SS91) Kanang hangin lang malikayan nimo ang
hangin nga kusog.(SS92)

The Importance of Welding Thought and Planning

The Importance of Welding Thought and Planning was one of the

concepts that developed from the conversation regarding NON-NCll Shielded

Metal Arc Welders. One thing they make certain of is that their work is error-free.

Strategic thinking and planning, according to one of the participants, are the keys

to error-free and effective welding. To obtain the desired outcomes, welding is a

difficult procedure that demands considerable study and planning.

Think before you do, hunahunaon nimo daan.(SS93) Usa ana

diskarte.(SS94) Imohang technique para di ka masayop.

Fear of Making Mistakes and Ensuring Welding Quality

Fear of Making Mistakes and Ensuring Welding Quality was one of the

topics discussed by NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders. As NON-NCll

Shielded Metal Arc Welders, one thing can ensure that their job is error-free.

Overcoming Fear of Making Mistakes and Accepting Imperfection in Welding was

mentioned by one of the attendees.

Maglisod ko ana nga di jud ta masayop.(SS 96) Kay taw

raman ta di man gyud ta ingon nga kuan.(SS97)

Another theme that emerged from the discussion with NON-NCll

Shielded Metal Arc Welders is Welding Quality Assurance: Aiming for Excellence

and Ensuring X-ray Examination Compliance, with participants stating that

welding quality assurance is a critical aspect of ensuring excellence in welding

and compliance with X-ray examination requirements.

Pero ang pag welding gud sure sure ang imong trabaho.
(SS98) unya ang paglusaw.(SS99) inig x-ray di man gud nimo
makita mao na nga sa akong bahin dili ko sure nga ma
perfect ang trabaho.(SS100) akong paningkamutan.(SS101)
nga ma sure na siya nga mo pasar sa x-ray.(SS102) kay mao

manay labing importante gud mo pasar sa x-ray imong


The Importance of Welding Accuracy, Clarity, and Cleanliness

The Importance of Welding Accuracy, Clarity, and Cleanliness was one

of the themes that developed from a discussion about NON-NCll Shielded Metal

Arc Welders. One thing they're certain of is that their work is error-free. Precision

and cleanliness, according to one of the participants, are critical for maintaining

precise welding and safe work settings. Precision and cleanliness are critical in

achieving accurate welding and creating safe work environments.

Ang imong siguruhon jud.(SS104) Pagtira nga klaro gyud

imong trabaho(SS105) Paningkamotan nimo (SS106) Nga
limpyo gyud ang imong tirahan (SS107) Para sure gyud nga
walay sayup mao ra daghan salamat.(SS108)

Chapter lll
This chapter summarizes the study's findings, which will serve as the

foundation for drawing conclusions and making recommendations.

Summary of Findings

The findings are formulated based on the outcome of the obtained data

that is thematically processed by the researchers through the numerous

processes integrated in the study. The outcomes are as follows:

Ensure the correctness of welding techniques requires a number of

critical factors. Addressing blowholes and performing responsibilities are critical

for maintaining weld quality and integrity. Practice, training, and comprehension

of instructions are critical in developing the skills and knowledge required for

successful welding. Welding issues, especially overhead welding challenges,

include overcoming hurdles and training shortages while questioning


Furthermore, it is critical to safeguard welding power sources for safe

and effective operations. It is critical to overcome insults and demonstrate

welding abilities while under pressure. Welders are motivated by balancing job,

family, and future goals, with family providing as a vital source of knowledge and

inspiration. Welders are motivated by the need to provide for their families and to

use education as a source of inspiration.

More over, High-quality results are ensured by emphasizing correct

welding technique, precision, and cleanliness. A solid working environment is

essential for achieving consistent welding results. Planning and consideration aid

in overcoming the fear of making mistakes and ensuring welding quality. To

obtain the desired outcomes, weld precision, clarity, and cleanliness are critical.


The Researcher concluded that, this study investigated the job

experiences of Non-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welders in Toledo City, Cebu. They

found that they face physical demands, workplace hazards, inadequate safety

measures, and limited access to training and resources. Despite these

challenges, they draw inspiration from various sources, such as accomplishment,

the opportunity to contribute to infrastructure development, and camaraderie.


Many welders are specialists in their fields but lack formal training; they just

learn welding on the job and are not certified. The researcher’s recommendations

for the specific Welders on this page are as follows:

1. The researchers recommend that, Welders should follow correct welding

procedures, provide training and support to manage interpersonal

connections, emphasize personal responsibility and motivation, inspect

work areas before and after welding, seek guidance and mentorship,

strive for excellence, and ensure workplace safety.

2. Improve working circumstances: Efforts should be made to improve

welders' working conditions, including concerns such as correct alignment

of large gaps, eliminating impurities in materials, and providing a stable


working environment. This can help to reduce the challenges encountered

during welding processes.

3. Implement comprehensive safety measures: To reduce workplace

hazards, implement comprehensive safety measures. This includes

comprehensive safety protocol training, the use of protective equipment,

and regular inspections to guarantee compliance with safety requirements.

4. Increase access to training and resources: Recognize the value of training

and make it available to welders. This will help them overcome obstacles

such as welding difficulties. Furthermore, ensure the availability of

necessary resources, such as welding power source protection, to

facilitate efficient and high-quality operations.

5. Personal and family needs are met: Recognize the importance of welders'

personal lives and family responsibilities. Provide support systems to help

people balance work and family responsibilities. Flexible work hours,

financial support programs, and access to educational opportunities for

personal growth and inspiration can all help.

6. Encourage precision and quality: Stress the necessity of good welding

technique, precision, and cleanliness. Encourage welders to focus on

precision, clarity, and cleanliness when welding. This can be

accomplished by ongoing training and the use of quality control



Several essential concepts are used throughout the research that require

explanation and description to achieve a consistent understanding. This section

seeks to establish these terminology and concepts, laying the groundwork for the

following debate and analysis.

Conduct. This is the term used by the researcher to begin the process of inquiry.

Experience. This is the main objective of the study

Fillet weld. Refers to the process of joining two metal pieces that are

perpendicular or at an angle.

Groove weld. Used to create a beveled opening in a weld joint before welding

to achieve the necessary penetration.

Musculoskeletal issues. Musculoskeletal impairments comprise more than 150

different diseases/conditions that affect the system and are characterized by

impairments in the muscles, bones, joints and adjacent connective tissues

leading to temporary or lifelong limitations in functioning and participation.

Non NCII. It refers to someone who lacks national certification or NcII.

NCII. A National Certificate (NC II) the purpose of the training is to teach helpers

necessary skills, while also introducing them to the culture of the country they will

be working in.

Phenomenology. This is the design used by the researchers in this study.


Production welding. Production welding is commonly used in a variety of

manufacturing and construction industries.

Semi structured. Is a qualitative research method that combines a pre-

determined set of open questions (questions that prompt discussion) with the

opportunity for the interviewer to explore particular themes or responses further.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Is a manual arc welding process that uses a

consumable and protected electrode.

Welders. Is a tradeperson who specializes in fusing materials together. The

term welder refers to the operator, the machine is referred to as the welding

power supply.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)(2017) stated that,

prolonged exposure to welding fumes may cause lung damage and various type

of cancer, including lung, larynx and urinary tract cancer of the welder and the



(Feier&Baciu, 2021) welding frequently necessitates awkward body positions

that must be maintained for extended periods of time, which can lead to

musculoskeletal issues such as back injuries. This study looked at the physical

and psychological stress as a result of factors such as poor posture, fume and

gas exposure, and job demands, according to the



Hidyat and Budiatama (2018) made the discovery that education has influenced

employment performance. Similar results were obtained. According to Ishola and

Abdulrahamon (2018) and who (Bharamagoudar and Angadi 2019) stated that

education is advantageous and significantly associated with the job performance

of workers. This implies that a higher education will lead to more job

opportunities(Page 6) file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/admin,+7.+NIMATUL%20(4).pdf

Jauhari and Ripki (2019), as well as Gunawan and Sondakh (2019) claimed that

there is a positive working relationship in motivation and performance. This

means that the higher the level of employee job satisfaction, their job

performance will improve. This Study emphasizes the significance of

comprehending the factors that contribute to job satisfaction and how they relate

to employee motivation and performance. Organizations can help to create a

more engaged, motivated and productive workforce by prioritizing job

satisfaction. (Page 8) file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/admin,+7.+NIMATUL.pdf

Pakistan Journal Biological Sciences(PJBS)(2019)Welding fume exposure has

led to the respiratory problems among welders including cough, phlegm, chest

illnesses, nausea and fatigue. Inadequate ventilation during welding works

causes the situation to worsen. Welding fumes can cause a decrease in lung

function among welders.

Philippine Welding Industry :


Technical Education Skills Development Authority(TESDA) :





Universal Technical Institure :




Transmittal Letter


You are welcome to participate in this interview so that the researchers can learn

more about your job as a NON-NCll Shielded Metal Arc Welder. You are free to

exit the interview at any moment. However, it is critical for us researchers to

collect your ideas. We hope you will finish the interview.

1. What aspect of welding poses the greatest challenge?

2. What are the challenges that the SMAW welders encounter?

3. What inspire you the most of your daily life?

4. How can you ensure that your work is error free?

Thank you for your consideration. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential

and anonymous. Your identity will be unrelated to the answers you provide,

which will be coded.



1. What aspect of welding poses the greatest challenge?

Respondent 1 (R1) : Ang lisud jud kaayo sa pagwelding kanang, kana

gyong dako kaayog gap nya dili masakto sa iyang beveal og sa

iyahang gap mao gyud nay pinaka lisud, makuan siya, kanang mga

malusaw daghan kay syag mga kuan, hugaw kaayo imong trabaho

dapat naa dira tanan gap, sakto sa gap, limpyu siya og naa siyay

kanang sakto sa procedure gyud sya ba, mao rana siya.

Respondent 2 (R2) : Kanang blowholes badi, kinahanglan nimo

gougingon balik, para lang ma limpyu, kayo g dili nimo.. Dili nimo

gougingon, mao ra gihapon ang kalabasan, ma blowholes gihapon

mao na siya badi kinahanglan gougingon.

Respondent 3 (R3) : Ahh, kana laging kuan kanang dipa nimo

mahibaw an ba, wakay practice ba, pero og naa nakay training ana

ingon ta training, naa kay labi na naa kay tutor aahhh mahibaw an na

nimo, importante mana, kopya kopya unsa iyang mga instruction, ohh

imo man tong sundon, mao nay kuan kaayo og dili nimo mahibaw an,

mao nay lisud kaayo, dili nimo mahibaw-an mao nay lisud kaayo dili

nimo mahibaw-an. Perog mahibaw-an nimo wanay lisud oy ohh diba


Respondent 4 (R4) : Kanang mag welding ka nga usahay kanang

gipit kaayo, mao na syay lisud sad. Usa sad kanang, dagko kayg gap

ba, mao na syay mga lisaud tirahan parehas anang imong

weldingonon nag dikit sa bong-bong, usahay dikit sa haligi, ing ana

lisud gyud kayna sya ig-on gyud kay, kanang tubo ba, sa tubo lisud

kayna sya ig-on kay ngano? Kanang diman kaayo maabot nimo diman

makita, kanang sa mga ilawm, kanang suds a kanal, mao nay atong

mga lisud tirahon sa pang welding mao na siya.

Respondent 5 (R5) : Ang labing lisud, ang pagtirag overhead mao na

siyay pinakalisud, kay maka ligo kas kayo.

2. What are the challenges that the Shielded Metal Arc Welders


Respondent 1 (R1) : Sos! Ang pagsuway gyud daghan jud kaayo kay

labaw na nang asa nara ang mga kabuang sa atong mga kauban,

kanang bugal bugal, naa gyud na sya kanang bugal bgal kanang,

kanang binuangan ka nila, basta kanang maagian rana nainyo puhon

kung kamoy mahimong welder.

Respondent 2 (R2) : Kanang kuan badi, wala, wala ka nag-agi og

kanang tesda ba, waka nag-agi og, kanang smaw bana, kanang

kuanun ka nga dika kamao, dipaka kahibaw ani dili, dili ka kuanun

dayun pa tirahon, kinahanglan pa nimo maniid, pero sakit sad sa

imong buot nga ingnon kag di kamao bisag, isag unsaun nimog

paningkamot, bisag kamao nagud ka.

Respondent 3 (R3) : Mao nay bantayan diha, kanang imuhang akuan,

kung pananglitan ron ohh, naka top bamo anang, ang… kuan ninyu,

dire sa, kuan ba sa, unsa na sya, kaning sa iyang terminal baa,

kurente niya sa anang kanang kuan, unsa toy ngan ana, gikan sa

Makena, ngari sa iyang kuan, nya nay mga trouble troublea mahibaw-

an nana nimo, nganung dili mo kayo imong makena ohh, syimpre tan

awn nimo daan ang plangka og naka on ba,, ana… diba plangka nimo.

Basta wala kay NC2 dili, ang buot pasabot dili ka pasado sa tesda…

Respondent 4 (R4) : Kanang kuan, kanang inig testing nako usahay di

man gyud nato ma sure nga matagak ta sa x-ray, unya og naa naka

ngadto kanang inig welding nimo nga perti pagka ainita mao nay atong

mga again, nya atong foreman buangog utokaaaaaaaaa aw kanang

gahi kayg utok ba nga maldito naa man gyud nay mga strikto kaayo,

ohhh dii jud na malikayan nimo, gamayng sayop kasab ana ta nya

kanang mahagbong ka sa x-ray sab an ka nga dugay sad ka

mahuman, sab-an sad ka nila kay hinay man kag production mao nay

mga pagsulay didtu. Pero ahhh ok raman na gud mada-da ramana sya

sa imong kinabuhi,mao nay nga pagsulay ngadto sa atong kinabuhi

isip us aka welder.

Respondent 5 (R5) : Ang pag suway kanang bullyhon kas tawo nga

welder nya walay lisensya, dika lisensyado mao na syay pinakalisud,

ahmmm.. mao na syay pinaka labing bati nga isturya nga welder ka

nya wala kay NCll experience ra, mao na bullyhon ka sa mga tawo,

pero imo ipakita nga og unsa ka kamao, kamao ka mo welding diay.

3. What inspire you the most of your daily life?

Respondent 1 (R1) : Mao rajud na sya kung manarbaho jud ka

inspirasyon nimo imohang pamilya, imong pamilya imong mga anak

imong mga... dapat maningkamot jud ka nga di jud ka ma kuan para sa

kaugmaon sa imong pamilya mao rana sya.

Respondent 2 ( R2) : Pamilya badi, una sa tanan pamilya, kay ug dika

dika maningkamot imong pamilya maggutom imong anak walay pang

gatas, walay diaper, pamilya badi ang inspirasyon nako.

Respondent 3 (R3) : Ahhhh, ang imong future og ang imohang kuan

dream of life ninyo ohhh, mao na dihay inspirasyon nimo.


Respondent 4 (R4) : Ahhhh,, waman gyuy lain inspirasyon ato gyung

pamilya nya labi na nga naa kay mga anak mao gyud na syay usa

gyud pinaka dakong inspirasyon sa imong pang adlaw adlaw sa

kinabuhi imong pamilya jud mao na siyay number 1. Unya number 2

kanang kinahanglan sad tag kwarta sad, makakuan sa atong adlaw

adlaw nga panginabuhi makapalit tag unsay atong paliton

maningkamot jud ka, mao na syang mga maayo buhaton sad sa kuan

adlaw adlaw.

Respondent 5 (R5) : Ang kanang inspirasyon para sa imong pamilya

kanang makakaon og makaeskwela imong mga anak

4. How can you ensure that your work is error free?

Respondent 1 (R1) : Para di jud ka ma sipyat sa imong trabaho

kailangan before and after tan-awn na nimo, tan-awn nimo sakto ba

sya sa iyahang procedure mao jud na sya. Osa ka mag welding naa

jud ka sa procedure ug limpyo jud tanan imong pagtira, og usa ka mag

welding limpyo kanang mag.. inig mag welding naka before ana, nya

after nasad limpyo nasad sa grind para di jud sya ma naajuy

kasiguraduhan na ma perfect nimo imong trabaho mao jud na sya.

Respondent 2 (R2) : Kuan badi para masigurado imohang imohang

pagtira sa welding badi, kanang walay hangin, dili kusog ang hangin

og mao rana badi kanang hangin lang malikayan nimo ang hangin nga


Respondent 3 (R3) : Mao lagi na, think before you do, hunahunaon

nimo daan, diskarte, usa ana diskarte, imohang technique para di ka


Respondent 4 (R4) : Ay ako maglisod ko anang nga di jud ta

masayop kay taw raman ta di man gyud ta ingon nga kuan pero ang

pag welding gud sure sure ang imong trabaho unya ang pag lusaw,

inig x-ray di man gud nimo makita mao na nga sa akong bahin dili ko

sure nga ma perfect ang trabaho pero akong paningkamutan nga ma

sure na siya nga mo pasar sa x-ray kay mao manay labing importante

gud mo pasar sa x-ray imong trabaho.

Respondent 5 (R5) : Ang imong siguruhon jud pagtira nga klaro gyud

imong trabaho, paningkamotan nimo nga limpyo gyud ang imong

tirahan para sure guyd nga walay kuan walay sayup mao ra daghan



Q1. What aspect of welding poses the greatest challenge?

R1. Ang lisud jud kaayo sa pagwelding kanang, kana gyong dako kaayog gap

nya dili masakto sa iyang beveal og sa iyahang gap mao gyud nay pinaka lisud,

makuan siya, kanang mga malusaw daghan kay syag mga kuan, hugaw kaayo

imong trabaho dapat naa dira tanan gap, sakto sa gap, limpyu siya og naa siyay

kanang sakto sa procedure gyud sya ba, mao rana siya.

R2. Kanang blowholes badi, kinahanglan nimo gougingon balik, para lang ma

limpyu, kayo og dili nimo.. Dili nimo gougingon, mao ra gihapon ang kalabasan,

ma blowholes gihapon mao na siya badi kinahanglan gougingon.

R3. Ahh, kana laging kuan kanang dipa nimo mahibaw an ba, wakay practice ba,

pero og naa nakay training ana ingon ta training, naa kay labi na naa kay tutor

aahhh mahibaw an na nimo, importante mana, kopya kopya unsa iyang mga

instruction, ohh imo man tong sundon, mao nay kuan kaayo og dili nimo

mahibaw an, mao nay lisud kaayo, dili nimo mahibaw-an mao nay lisud kaayo

dili nimo mahibaw-an. Perog mahibaw-an nimo wanay lisud oy ohh diba ohh….

R4. Kanang mag welding ka nga usahay kanang gipit kaayo, mao na syay lisud

sad. Usa sad kanang, dagko kayg gap ba, mao na syay mga lisud tirahan

parehas anang imong weldingonon nag dikit sa bong-bong, usahay dikit sa

haligi, ing ana lisud gyud kayna sya ig-on gyud kay, kanang tubo ba, sa tubo

lisud kayna sya ig-on kay ngano? Kanang diman kaayo maabot nimo diman

makita, kanang sa mga ilawm, kanang sud sa kanal, mao nay atong mga lisud

tirahon sa pang welding mao na siya.

R5. Ang labing lisud, ang pagtirag overhead mao na siyay pinakalisud, kay maka

ligo kas kayo.

Q2. What are the challenges that the Shielded Metal Arc Welders


R1. Sos! Ang pagsuway gyud daghan jud kaayo kay labaw na nang asa nara

ang mga kabuang sa atong mga kauban, kanang bugal bugal, naa gyud na sya

kanang bugal bgal kanang, kanang binuangan ka nila, basta kanang maagian

rana nainyo puhon kung kamoy mahimong welder.

R2. Kanang kuan badi, wala, wala ka nag-agi og kanang tesda ba, waka nag-agi

og, kanang smaw bana, kanang kuanun ka nga dika kamao, dipaka kahibaw ani

dili, dili ka kuanun dayun pa tirahon, kinahanglan pa nimo maniid, pero sakit sad

sa imong buot nga ingnon kag di kamao bisag, isag unsaun nimog paningkamot,

bisag kamao nagud ka.

R3. Mao nay bantayan diha, kanang imuhang kuan, kung pananglitan ron ohh,

naka top bamo anang, ang… kuan ninyu, dire sa, kuan ba sa, unsa na sya,

kaning sa iyang terminal baa, kurente niya sa anang kanang kuan, unsa toy

ngan ana, gikan sa Makena, ngari sa iyang kuan, nya nay mga trouble trouble

mahibaw-an nana nimo, nganung dili mo kayo imong makena ohh, syimpre tan

awn nimo daan ang plangka og naka on ba,, ana… diba plangka nimo. Basta

wala kay NC2 dili, ang buot pasabot dili ka pasado sa tesda…

R4. Kanang kuan, kanang inig testing nako usahay di man gyud nato ma sure

nga matagak ta sa x-ray, unya og naa naka ngadto kanang inig welding nimo

nga perti pagka inita mao nay atong mga agian, nya atong foreman buangog

utok aw kanang gahi kayg utok ba nga maldito naa man gyud nay mga strikto

kaayo, ohhh dii jud na malikayan nimo, gamayng sayop kasab ana ta nya

kanang mahagbong ka sa x-ray sab an ka nga dugay sad ka mahuman, sab-an

sad ka nila kay hinay man kag production mao nay mga pagsulay didtu. Pero

ahhh ok raman na gud mada-da ramana sya sa imong kinabuhi,mao nay nga

pagsulay ngadto sa atong kinabuhi isip us aka welder.

R5. Ang pag suway kanang bullyhon kas tawo nga welder nya walay lisensya,

dika lisensyado mao na syay pinakalisud, ahmmm. mao na syay pinaka labing

bati nga isturya nga welder ka nya wala kay NCll experience ra, mao na bullyhon

ka sa mga tawo, pero imo ipakita nga og unsa ka kamao, kamao ka mo welding


Q3. What inspire you the most of your daily life?

R1. Mao rajud na sya kung manarbaho jud ka inspirasyon nimo imohang

pamilya, imong pamilya imong mga anak imong mga... dapat maningkamot jud

ka nga di jud ka ma kuan para sa kaugmaon sa imong pamilya mao rana sya.

R2. Pamilya badi, una sa tanan pamilya, kay ug dika dika maningkamot imong

pamilya maggutom imong anak walay pang gatas, walay diaper, pamilya badi

ang inspirasyon nako


R3. Ahhhh, ang imong future og ang imohang kuan dream of life ninyo ohhh,

mao na dihay inspirasyon nimo.

R4. Ahhhh,,waman gyuy lain inspirasyon ato gyung pamilya nya labi na nga naa

kay mga anak mao gyud na syay usa gyud pinaka dakong inspirasyon sa imong

pang adlaw adlaw sa kinabuhi imong pamilya jud mao na siyay number 1. Unya

number 2 kanang kinahanglan sad tag kwarta sad, makakuan sa atong adlaw

adlaw nga panginabuhi makapalit tag unsay atong paliton maningkamot jud ka,

mao na syang mga maayo buhaton sad sa kuan adlaw adlaw.

R5. Ang kanang inspirasyon para sa imong pamilya kanang makakaon og

makaeskwela imong mga anak.

Q4. How can you ensure that your work is error free?

R1. Para di jud ka ma sipyat sa imong trabaho kailangan before and after tan-

awn na nimo, tan-awn nimo sakto ba sya sa iyahang procedure mao jud na sya.

Osa ka mag welding naa jud ka sa procedure ug limpyo jud tanan imong pagtira,

og usa ka mag welding limpyo kanang mag, inig mag welding naka before ana,

nya after nasad limpyo nasad sa grind para di jud sya ma naajuy kasiguraduhan

na ma perfect nimo imong trabaho mao jud na sya.

R2. Kuan badi para masigurado imohang imohang pagtira sa welding badi,

kanang walay hangin, dili kusog ang hangin og mao rana badi kanang hangin

lang malikayan nimo ang hangin nga kusog.

R3. Mao lagi na, think before you do, hunahunaon nimo daan, diskarte, usa ana

diskarte, imohang technique para di ka masayop.


R4. Ay ako maglisod ko ana nga di jud ta masayop kay taw raman ta di man

gyud ta ingon nga kuan pero ang pag welding gud sure sure ang imong trabaho

unya ang pag lusaw, inig x-ray di man gud nimo makita mao na nga sa akong

bahin dili ko sure nga ma perfect ang trabaho pero akong paningkamutan nga

ma sure na siya nga mo pasar sa x-ray kay mao manay labing importante gud

mo pasar sa x-ray imong trabaho.

R5. Ang imong siguruhon jud pagtira nga klaro gyud imong trabaho,

paningkamotan nimo nga limpyo gyud ang imong tirahan para sure gyud nga

walay kuan walay sayup mao ra daghan salamat.


Giorgi Data Analysis Plan

Questions Answers Significant Formulated Theme Clustered

Satement Meaning Theme
(SS) (FM)
1. What RESPONDENT#1 Ang lisud According Refers to the problems and Ensuring the
aspect of Ang lisud jud jud kaayo sato the difficulties faced while welding Correctness
welding kaayo sa pagwelding participants due to issues such as wide gap, of Welding
poses the pagwelding kanang, , Welding is incorrect alignment, procedure.
greatest kanang, kana kana gyong challenging contaminants, and cracks.
challenge? gyong dako dako kaayog due to gaps (FM1,FM2,FM3)
kaayog gap nya gap nya dili
dili masakto sa masakto sa misalignme It also implies that, despite the
iyang beveal og iyang bevealnts. filthy task, proper welding
sa iyahang gap (SS1) (FM1) techniques should be followed to
mao gyud nay guarantee the job is done
pinaka lisud, kanang mga Determinati correctly. (FM4,FM5)
makuan siya, malusaw on and
kanang mga daghan kay resolve are
malusaw daghan syag mga essential
kay syag mga kuan, hugaw for
kuan, hugaw kaayo imong overcoming
kaayo imong trabaho obstacles
trabaho dapat (SS2) and
naa dira tanan achieving
gap, sakto sa success in
gap, limpyu siya work, as
og naa siyay they enable
kanang sakto sa us to stay
procedure gyud focused,
sya ba, mao rana resilient,
siya. and

The optimal
gap size is
dapat naa one that is
dira tanan, suitable
gap sakto and
(SS3) appropriate
for the

limpyu context or
(SS4) purpose.
sakto sa
procedure The work
(SS5) must be

t must
follow the
to ensure a

RESPONDENT#2 Kanang According Conservation and maintenance The

Kanang blowholes to of the environment. Importance
blowholes badi, badi, (SS6) respondent, (FM6,FM7,FM8) of
kinahanglan nimo welding is Addressing
gougingon balik, kinahanglan prone to Blowholes
para lang ma nimo blowholes and Carrying
limpyu, kayo og gougingon (FM6) Out Duties.
dili nimo.. Dili balik
nimo gougingon, (SS7) Welders
mao ra gihapon should The Value of Accepting
ang kalabasan, Gouge it Responsibility and Acting
ma blowholes para lang again Proactively
gihapon mao na ma limpyu (FM7) (FM9,FM10)
siya badi (SS8)
kinahanglan So that the
gougingon. kay og dili work is
nimo. (SS9) clean
Dili nimo
gougingon, Gouge is
mao ra important
gihapon ang so it will not
kalabasan. remain
(SS10) thesame

must be
gouged to
be edible.
RESPONDENT#3 kanang dipa The Emphasizing the Importance of The
Ahh, kana laging nimo respondent Practice and Lifelong Learning Importance
kuan kanang dipa mahibaw an is unaware (FM11,FM12) of Practice,
nimo mahibaw an (SS11) of Training,
ba, wakay something and
practice ba, pero wakay that is still Understanding the Importance Instruction
og naa nakay practice ba unknown., of Guidance and Instruction Understandi
training ana ingon (SS12) (FM11) (FM13,FM14,FM15) ng.
ta training, naa
kay labi na naa pero og naa without
kay tutor aahhh nakay prior
mahibaw an na training ana experience
nimo, importante ingon ta (FM12)
mana, kopya training,
kopya unsa iyang (SS13) Training is
mga instruction, essential
ohh imo man tong naa kay labi for success
sundon, mao nay na naa kay in the
kuan kaayo og dili tutor workplace.,
nimo mahibaw (SS14) (FM13)
an, mao nay lisud
kaayo, dili nimo mahibaw an Tutors can
mahibaw-an mao na nimo, help
nay lisud kaayo importante students
dili nimo mana, improve
mahibaw-an. kopya kopya their
Perog mahibaw- unsa iyang grades.
an nimo wanay mga (FM14)
lisud oy ohh diba instruction.
ohh…. (SS15) Copying
is essential
for success.
RESPONDENT#4 Kanang mag Responden Welding Challenges: Welding
Kanang mag welding ka ts stated Overcoming Difficult Scenarios Difficulties.
welding ka nga nga usahay that and Limited Environments

usahay kanang kanang gipit Welding (FM16,FM17,FM18,FM19,FM20

gipit kaayo, mao kayo mao can be FM21,FM22,FM23,FM24)
na syay lisud sad. na syay difficult due
Usa sad kanang, lisud sad. to confined
dagko kayg gap (SS16) areas.
ba, mao na syay (FM16)
mga lisud tirahan Usa sad
parehas anang (SS17) Another
imong challenge
weldingonon nag kanang, emerges
dikit sa bong- dagko kayg (FM17)
bong, usahay gap ba
dikit sa haligi, ing (SS18) Having a
ana lisud gyud large gap
kayna sya ig-on parehas makes a
gyud kay, kanang anang significant
tubo ba, sa tubo imong difference
lisud kayna sya weldingonon (FM18)
ig-on kay ngano? nag dikit sa
Kanang diman bong-bong Welding
kaayo maabot (SS19) something
nimo diman to a wall is
makita, kanang usahay dikit difficult due
sa mga ilawm, sa haligi, ing to large
kanang sud sa ana lisud gaps.
kanal, mao nay gyud kayna (FM19)
atong mga lisud sya ig-on
tirahon sa pang gyud Leaning on
welding mao na (SS20) a pillar can
siya. be difficult
kanang tubo due to its
ba, sa tubo close
lisud kayna proximity...
sya ig-on (FM20)
The tight
Kanang sealing of
diman kaayo the pipe
maabot proves
nimo diman challenging
Makita given its
(SS22) large size
kanang sa
mga ilawm, The lack of
kanang sud visibility

sa kanal renders
(SS23) access to
mao nay impossible.
atong mga (FM22)
lisud tirahon
sa pang Tight welds
welding mao are
na siya. essential
(SS24) for canal
n, but

ts' most
challenge in
RESPONDENT#5 Ang labing The Overhead Welding Mastery: Overhead
Ang labing lisud, lisud, ang Responden Challenges and Skill Welding
ang pagtirag pagtirag t’s stated Development. Challenges.
overhead mao na overhead that (FM25,FM26)
siyay pinakalisud, (SS25) overhead is
kay maka ligo kas the hardest.
kayo. mao na (FM25)
pinakalisud, The
maka ligo welders can
kas kayo. bath the
(SS26) spotters

2. What RESPONDENT#1 Ang The Welding Challenges: Dealing Welding

are the Sos! Ang pagsuway participants with Colleague Interactions and Difficulties
challenges pagsuway gyud gyud faced Developing Resilience and
that the daghan jud kaayo daghan jud numerous (FM27,FM28,FM29,FM30) Overcoming
Shielded kay labaw na kayo hurdles. Obstacles.
Metal Arc nang asa nara (SS27) (FM27)
Welders ang mga kabuang
encounter sa atong mga kay labaw Bullying is
? kauban, kanang na nang asa also an
bugal bugal, naa nara ang issue for

gyud na sya mga welders

kanang bugal kabuang sa (FM28)
bgal kanang, atong mga
kanang kauban Co-welders
binuangan ka (SS28) fools their
nila, basta co-welders
kanang maagian kanang (FM29)
rana nainyo binuangan
puhon kung ka nila The
kamoy mahimong (SS29) participant
welder. forewarned
basta future
kanang welders
maagian about these
rana nainyo challenges.
puhon kung (FM30)

RESPONDENT#2 wala ka nag- The Overcoming Obstacles and Overcoming

Kanang kuan agi og participant Demonstrating Welding Training
badi, wala, wala kanang could not Proficiency Through Shortages
ka nag-agi og tesda ba train at Perseverance and Defying and
kanang tesda ba, (SS31) tesda Doubt. Challenging
waka nag-agi og, (FM31) (FM31,FM32,FM33,FM34,FM35, Perceptions.
kanang smaw waka nag- FM36,FM37)
bana, kanang agi og, The
kuanun ka nga kanang participant
dika kamao, smaw bana was unable
dipaka kahibaw (SS32) to train
ani dili, dili ka SMAW
kuanun dayun pa kanang (FM32)
tirahon, kuanun ka
kinahanglan pa nga dika Because of
nimo maniid, pero kamao, his lack of
sakit sad sa dipaka expertise
imong buot nga kahibaw ani and
ingnon kag di dili dili ka training, the
kamao bisag, kuanun participant
isag unsaun dayun pa was
nimog tirahon, underestim
paningkamot, (SS33) ated.
bisag kamao (FM33)
nagud ka. kinahanglan

pa nimo The
maniid participant
(SS34) has to
pero sakit first
sad sa (FM34)
imong buot
(SS35) The
nga ingnon is
kag di experiencin
kamao g emotional
bisag, isag distress.
unsaun (FM35)
paningkamo The
t (SS36) Participant
has been
bisag kamao undervalue
nagud ka. d.
(SS37) (FM36)

Despite the
fact that the
knows how
to weld.
RESPONDENT#3 Mao nay Should be Prioritizing Electrical Safety in The
Mao nay bantayan cautious Workplaces to Ensure Safety Importance
bantayan diha, diha accord to and Protection of Welding
kanang imuhang (SS38) the (FM38,FM39,FM40,FM41) Power
kuan, kung Participant Source
pananglitan ron kung (FM38) Protection.
ohh, naka top pananglitan
bamo anang, ron naka top The
ang… kuan bamo Welders
ninyu, dire sa, kaning sa connect to
kuan ba sa, unsa iyang the
na sya, kaning sa terminal, machine's
iyang terminal (SS39) terminal
baa, kurente niya power.
sa anang kanang kurente (FM39)
kuan, unsa toy gikan sa
ngan ana, gikan makena Machines
sa Makena, ngari (SS40) provided

sa iyang kuan, the power

nya nay mga nya nay needed to
trouble trouble mga trouble produce
mahibaw-an nana trouble goods.
nimo, nganung mahibaw-an (FM40 )
dili mo kayo nana nimo,
imong makena nganung dili Welders
ohh, syimpre tan mo kayo should take
awn nimo daan imong care of the
ang plangka og makena. responsibilit
naka on ba,, (SS41) ies to avoid
ana… diba troubles.
plangka nimo. (FM41)
Basta wala kay
NC2 dili, ang buot
pasabot dili ka
pasado sa

RESPONDENT#4 kanang inig The Welding Challenges: Welding's

Kanang kuan, testing nako participant Withstanding High Difficulties
kanang inig usahay di cannot Temperatures, Strict and
testing nako man gyud ensure if he Supervision, and X-Ray Pressures.
usahay di man nato ma will pass Inspections
gyud nato ma sure nga the xray (FM42,FM43,FM44,FM45,FM46,
sure nga matagak matagak ta (FM42) FM47,FM48,FM49,FM50,FM51,
ta sa x-ray, unya sa x-ray FM52,FM53,FM54,FM55)
og naa naka (SS42) Welding is
ngadto kanang dangerousl
inig welding nimo unya og y hot.
nga perti pagka naa naka (FM43)
inita mao nay ngadto
atong mga agian, kanang inig These are
nya atong welding the
foreman buangog nimo challenges
utok aw kanang (SS43) that the
gahi kayg utok ba Participant’
nga maldito naa nga perti s
man gyud nay pagka inita encountere
mga strikto mao nay d (FM44)
kaayo, ohhh dii atong mga
jud na malikayan agian. The
nimo, gamayng (SS44) foreman is
sayop kasab ana obstinate
ta nya kanang nya atong (FM45)
mahagbong ka sa foreman

x-ray sab an ka buangog Arrogant

nga dugay sad ka utok aw Foreman
mahuman, sab- kanang gahi (FM46)
an sad ka nila kay kayg utok ba
hinay man kag (SS45) Foreman
production mao that is very
nay mga nga maldito strict
pagsulay didtu. (SS46) (FM47)
Pero ahhh ok
raman na gud naa man Minor
mada-da ramana gyud nay mistakes,
sya sa imong mga strikto you will be
kinabuhi,mao nay kayo chastised.,
nga pagsulay (SS47) (FM48,FM4
ngadto sa atong 9,FM50)
kinabuhi isip us ohhh dii jud
aka welder. na Scolding
malikayan and
nimo reprimandin
(SS48) g for failing
in X-
gamayng ray,and
sayop slow
(SS49) production
(FM51) The
kasab an ta most
nya important
(SS50) idea is that
kanang challenges
mahagbong are difficult
ka sa x-ray to
sab an ka overcome.
nga dugay (FM52) All
sad ka of these
mahuman, hurdles or
sab-an sad difficulties
ka nila kay are not new
hinay man to the
kag participant.
production (FM53) The
(SS51) Participant
mao nay believes
mga that this is a
pagsulay normal part

(SS52) of his day.

Pero ahhh
ok raman The
(SS53) Participants
hardship in
na gud life as
mada-da welders
ramana sya (FM55)
sa imong

mao nay
ngadto sa
kinabuhi isip
us aka

RESPONDENT#5 Ang pag Bullying Overcoming Difficulties as an Overcoming

Ang pag suway suway was a Unlicensed Welder Resilience in Insults and
kanang bullyhon kanang major the Face of Insults Demonstrati
kas tawo nga bullyhon kas obstacle for (FM56,FM57,FM58) ng Welding
welder nya walay tawo nga the Skills.
lisensya, dika welder participant.
lisensyado mao (SS56) (FM56)
na syay
pinakalisud, nya walay The
ahmmm.. mao na lisensya Participant Defying Stereotypes as an
syay pinaka (SS57) experience Unlicensed Welder:
labing bati nga d bullying Demonstrating Skills and
isturya nga due to lack Expertise
welder ka nya dika of license
wala kay NCll lisensyado or NCll. (FM59,FM60)
experience ra, mao na syay (FM57)
mao na bullyhon pinakalisud
ka sa mga tawo, (SS58)
pero imo ipakita
nga og unsa ka
kamao, kamao ka
mo welding diay. mao na syay
pinaka Welders

labing bati are treated

nga isturya negatively if
nga welder they lack
ka nya wala licenses or
kay NCll certification
experience s. (FM58)
ra, mao na
bullyhon ka People
sa mga bully
tawo, welders
(SS59) due to lack
pero imo experience.
ipakita nga (FM59)
og unsa ka
kamao, The
kamao ka participant
mo welding was
diay. unaffected
(SS60) by the
3. What RESPONDENT#1 kung Family is Motivated by Family: Using Work,
inspire you Mao rajud na sya manarbaho the Inspiration and Dedication to Family, and
the most of kung manarbaho jud ka participant's Improve Welding Inspiration
your daily jud ka inspirasyon inspirasyon daily life (FM61,FM62,FM63) for the
life? nimo imohang nimo motivation Future
pamilya, imong imohang since it Building a Better Future: Hard .
pamilya imong pamilya drives effort Work Motivation and Family
mga anak imong (SS61) and Support in Welding
mga... dapat dedication (FM64,FM65,FM66)
maningkamot jud imong mga at work.
ka nga di jud ka anak (FM61)
ma kuan para sa (SS62) Love, care,
kaugmaon sa and
imong pamilya di ma responsibilit
mao rana sya. gutman y towards
(SS63) children
dapat individuals
maningkam to strive for
ot jud ka success.
(SS64) (FM62)

nga di jud kaparticipant

ma kuan is
(SS65) committed
to providing
para sa for their
kaugmaon children's
sa imong well-being,
pamilya mao motivated
rana sya. by a strong
(SS66) sense of
y and love.

The most
idea is to
put effort

His Family
inspire the
to do the
right thing
and to be
role models
for his

family well-
being and
is essential.
RESPONDENT#2 una sa The Family as a Strong Motivator: Family as a
Pamilya badi, una tanan Participants Driving Welding Hard Work and Welding
sa tanan pamilya, pamilya ' primary Sacrifice Motivational
kay ug dika dika (SS67) source of (FM67,FM68,FM69,FM70) Force.
maningkamot motivation

imong pamilya kay ug dika is his

maggutom imong maningkam family.
anak walay pang ot (SS68) (FM67)
gatas, walay
diaper, pamilya imong Making an
badi ang pamilya effort is
inspirasyon nako. maggutom essential
imong anak for success.
(SS69) (FM68)

Effort must
be put in to
walay pang ensure a
gatas, walay family's
diaper, survival.
pamilya badi (FM69)
inspirasyon Family
nako. motivates
(SS70) them to
work hard
to meet
RESPONDENT#3 ang imong It was said Pursuing Dreams and Achieving Future and
Ahhhh, ang future by the Goals: Using Inspiration for Life
imong future og (SS71) participant Welding Success Objectives
ang imohang that Future (FM71,FM72) as
kuan dream of life og ang provides Motivators.
ninyo ohhh, mao imohang motivation
na dihay kuan dream and drive to
inspirasyon nimo. of life ninyo envision
mao na possibilitie
dihay (FM71)
nimo. Dream of
(SS72) life is
force to
RESPONDENT#4 waman gyuy For the Family as the Ultimate Family as
Ahhhh,,waman lain Participant, Inspiration: Welding Motivation the Ultimate
gyuy lain inspirasyon there is no and Purpose. Source of

inspirasyon ato ato gyung other (FM73,FM74,FM75) Insight and

gyung pamilya pamilya effective Motivation.
nya labi na nga (SS73) inspiration
naa kay mga than family,
anak mao gyud nya labi na although Family as a Motivator:
na syay usa gyud nga naa kay family is the Welding Hard Work and
pinaka dakong mga anak most Financial Stability
inspirasyon sa (SS74) significant (FM76,FM77,FM78)
imong pang source of
adlaw adlaw sa mao gyud motivation.
kinabuhi imong na syay usa (FM73)
pamilya jud mao gyud pinaka
na siyay number dakong Children
1. Unya number 2 inspirasyon are a
kanang sa imong powerful
kinahanglan sad pang adlaw source of
tag kwarta sad, adlaw sa motivation.
makakuan sa kinabuhi (FM74)
atong adlaw (SS75)
adlaw nga The most
panginabuhi kanang fundamenta
makapalit tag kinahanglan l concept is
unsay atong sad tag that
paliton kwarta sad success
maningkamot jud (SS76) requires
ka, mao na syang inspiration.
mga maayo makakuan (FM75)
buhaton sad sa sa atong
kuan adlaw adlaw adlaw Financial
adlaw. nga resources
panginabuhi are
(SS77) essential
makapalit motivation
tag unsay when
atong needed.
paliton (FM76)
ot jud ka Participants
(SS78) strive to
meet their


and hard
enable us
to achieve
our goals.
(FM78 )
RESPONDENT#5 kanang The ability Securing Nutrition and Providing for
Ang kanang inspirasyon to put food Education: Family as a Catalyst the Needs of
inspirasyon para para sa on the table for Welding Success the Family
sa imong pamilya imong and assure (FM79,FM80,FM81) and Using
kanang pamilya (FM79,FM8 Education as
makakaon og (SS79) 0) Inspiration.
imong mga anak. kanang your
makakaon children's
(SS80) education is
og inspiration
makaeskwel for your
a imong family.
mga anak. (FM81)

4. How can RESPONDENT#1 Para di jud It is critical Precision and Perfection: The The
you ensure Para di jud ka ma ka ma sipyat to Value of Thorough Research Importance
that your sipyat sa imong sa imong thoroughly and Cleanliness in Welding of Proper
work is trabaho kailangan trabaho study and (FM82,FM83,FM84,FM85,FM86, Welding
error free? before and after (SS82) comprehen FM87,FM88,FM89) Technique,
tan-awn na nimo, d the Precision,
tan-awn nimo kailangan technique and
sakto ba sya sa before and (FM82) Cleanliness.
iyahang after tan-
procedure mao awn na nimo Prevent
jud na sya. Osa (SS83) errors and
ka mag welding mistakes by
naa jud ka sa tan-awn taking
procedure ug nimo sakto precautiona
limpyo jud tanan ba sya sa ry
imong pagtira, og iyahang measures
usa ka mag procedure before and
welding limpyo mao jud na after
kanang mag.. inig sya. engaging in
mag welding (SS84) an activity.
naka before ana, (FM83)
nya after nasad Osa ka mag
limpyo nasad sa welding naa Welding

grind para di jud jud ka sa requires

sya ma naajuy procedure strict
kasiguraduhan na (SS85) adherence
ma perfect nimo to the
imong trabaho ug limpyo prescribed
mao jud na sya. jud tanan process to
imong ensure the
pagtira integrity,
(SS86) strength,
and safety
of the weld
og usa ka joint..
mag welding (FM84,FM8
limpyo 5)
kanang inig
mag welding Cleanliness
naka before is essential
ana for
(SS87) promoting a
safe and
nya after organized
nasad environmen
(SS88) t, reducing
risk of
limpyo accidents,
nasad sa and
grind para di enhancing
jud sya efficiency
naajuy and
kasiguraduh productivity.
an na ma (FM86)
perfect nimo Cleanlines
imong s is
trabaho mao essential
jud na sya. for
(SS89) successful
welds, as it

making it a
priority from

helps to
ts, enhance
of the weld,
prepare the
surface for

Grinding is
essential to
achieve a
finish and
t to
in the
RESPONDENT#2 para Adopting Creating Stability: Reducing Air The
Kuan badi para masigurado proper Currents for Better Welding Importance
masigurado imohang welding Performance of a Stable
imohang imohang imohang techniques, (FM90,FM91,FM92) Working
pagtira sa pagtira sa following Environment

welding badi, welding badi safety in Welding.

kanang walay (SS90) guidelines,
hangin, dili kusog using
ang hangin og kanang appropriate
mao rana badi walay equipment
kanang hangin hangin, dili and
lang malikayan kusog ang materials,
nimo ang hangin hangin og and
nga kusog. mao rana understandi
badi ng welding
(SS91) specificatio
ns are key
kanang to
hangin lang successful
malikayan welding.
nimo ang (FM90)
hangin nga
kusog. Minimizing
(SS92) air currents
is essential
a stable
and reliable
resulting in
strong and

welding in
winds and
shield the
area from
to preserve
weld quality
and create

RESPONDENT#3 think before Foresight The Key to Error-Free and The
Mao lagi na, think you do, and Effective Welding is Strategic Importance
before you do, hunahunaon proactive Thinking and Planning. of Welding
hunahunaon nimo nimo daan thinking are (FM32,FM33) Thought and
daan, diskarte, (SS93) essential to Planning.
usa ana diskarte, anticipate
imohang usa ana challenges,
technique para di diskarte identify
ka masayop. (SS94) opportunitie
s, and
imohang develop
technique strategies.
para di ka (FM93)
(SS95) Consider
options and
when it
comes to
the best
strategy or

Taking the
time to
develop a
helps you

and take
RESPONDENT#4 maglisod ko Overcomin Overcoming Mistake Fear: Fear of
Ay ako maglisod ana nga di g fear of Accepting Imperfection in Making
ko ana nga di jud jud ta making Welding Mistakes
ta masayop kay masayop mistakes (FM,96FM97) and
taw raman ta di (SS96) involves Ensuring
man gyud ta recognizing Welding Quality Assurance: Welding
ingon nga kuan kay taw that Aiming for Excellence and Quality.
pero ang pag raman ta di mistakes Ensuring X-ray Examination
welding gud sure man gyud ta are a Compliance
sure ang imong ingon nga natural part (FM98,FM99,FM100,FM101,FM
trabaho unya ang kuan of learning 102,FM103)
pag lusaw, inig x- (SS97) and growth,
ray di man gud providing
nimo makita mao pero ang opportunitie
na nga sa akong pag welding s for
bahin dili ko sure gud sure improveme
nga ma perfect sure ang nt.
ang trabaho pero imong (FM96)
akong trabaho
paningkamutan (SS98) Recognizin
nga ma sure na g and
siya nga mo unya ang accepting
pasar sa x-ray pag lusaw that we are
kay mao manay (SS99) not perfect
labing importante encourages
gud mo pasar sa inig x-ray di us to
x-ray imong man gud embrace
trabaho. nimo makita our
mao na nga imperfectio
sa akong ns, learn
bahin dili ko from them,
sure nga ma and strive
perfect ang for
trabaho improveme
(SS100) nt. (FM97)

akong Welding
paningkamu requires
tan proper
(SS101) techniques,

nga ma sure and a

na siya nga meticulous
mo pasar sa approach to
x-ray ensure the
(SS102) integrity
kay mao strength of
manay the weld.
labing (FM98)
gud mo To ensure
pasar sa x- is to take
ray imong proactive
trabaho. steps to
(SS103) achieve a

and careful
to ensure a
result in the
n of a weld.

Precision in
attention to
detail to

heat and
but the
weld itself
is usually
making it
difficult to

The focus
is on
the weld
passes the
n, as it is
the most
aspect of
the job.
RESPONDENT#5 Ang imong The Precision and cleanliness are The
Ang imong siguruhon statement essential for ensuring accurate Importance
siguruhon jud jud "You must welding and safe work of Welding
pagtira nga klaro (SS104) guarantee" environments. Accuracy,
gyud imong emphasizes (FM104,FM105,FM106,FM107,F Clarity, and
trabaho, pagtira nga the M108) Cleanliness.
paningkamotan klaro gyud significance
nimo nga limpyo imong of fulfilling a
gyud ang imong trabaho commitmen
tirahan para sure (SS105) t in order to
gyud nga walay achieve a
kuan walay sayup paningkamo desired
mao ra daghan tan nimo result.
salamat. (SS106) (FM104)

nga limpyo Accuracy in


gyud ang welding is

imong essential to
tirahan produce
(SS107) welds that
para sure specificatio
gyud nga ns and are
walay sayup visually
mao ra clean..
daghan (FM105)
(SS108) Making an
energy, and
on to
achieve a
g a clean
t promotes
safety, and
a positive
t, fostering
focus, and
attention to
a clean
work area
reduces the
risk of

(FM108 )

These are the photos we took for documentation during Data Gathering in this


Here was a gripping look into the

heart of our interview with the extraordinary
respondent number one (1).

The picture here captures a

memorable moment, expressing the
essence of our interview with respected
respondent two (2).

The insightful conversation we had with the great respondent number

three (3) was preserved within the borders of this stunning snapshot.

This compelling image

contained an opening into the
extraordinary encounter we had with
the remarkable respondent number
four (4).

Within the borders of this

engaging picture was a visual
tribute to the illuminating
conversation we had with the
outstanding respondent number five

This is the photo we took when we asked the principal to sign our Transmittal
Letter so we could begin collecting data.

Curriculum Vitae

Full Name: Mark Leonard Benalayo

Address: Sangi, Toledo City
Email Address:
Personal Background:
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Male
Religion: Adventist
Date of place: Toledo City
Language: Filipino, Cebuano, English
Father’s Name: Leodegario G. Benalayo
Mother’s Name: Cheryl O. Borromeo
Educational Background:
Senior High
Toledo National Vocational School
Ilihan, Toledo City
School Year: 2022-2023
Junior High
Alternative learning system(ALS)
Toledo City, Cebu
Year of Completion: 2022
Sangi Elementary School
Sangi, Toledo City

Full Name: Kevin Cansiller

Address: Sangi, Toledo City
Email Address:
Personal Background:
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of place: Toledo City
Language: Filipino, Cebuano, English ,
Father’s Name: Junmar S. Cansiller
Mother’s Name: Rowena B. Cansiller
Educational Background:
Senior High
Toledo National Vocational School
Ilihan, Toledo City
School Year: 2022-2023
Junior High
Luray ll National HighSchool
Year of Completion: 2022
Sangi Elementary School
Sangi, Toledo City

Full Name: Rheean Kate Borja

Address: Sangi, Toledo City

Email Address:

Personal Background:
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Male
Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth: July 20, 2003
Date of Place: Dumlog Toledo City
Language: Filipino, Cebuano, English
Father’s Name: Cristino T. Bartolaba
Mother’s Name: Mary Jean Bartolaba
Educational Background:
Senior High
Toledo National Vocational School
Ilihan, Toledo City
School Year: 2022-2023
Junior High
Magdugo National High School
Don Juan Climaco Jr
Year of Comletion: 2019-2020
Sangi Toledo Elementary School
Sangi, Toledo City

Full Name: Jonathan Galili

Address: Sangi, Toledo City
Email Address:
Personal Background:
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of place: Cagayan de oro City
Language: Filipino, Cebuano, English
Father’s Name: Saturnino Taneca
Mother’s Name: Fedireta Taneca
Educational Background:
Senior High
Toledo National Vocational School
Ilihan, Toledo City
School Year: 2022-2023
Junior High
Magdugo National School
Don Juan Climaco Jr
Year of Comletion: 2018-2019
Manila Payatas B Quezon City

Full Name: Jude Buendever

Address: Sangi Tisa, Toledo City

Email Address:
Personal Background:
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of place: Toledo City
Language: Filipino, Cebuano, English
Father’s Name: Benjamin Buendever
Mother’s Name: Lucille Buendever
Educational Background:
Senior High
Toledo National Vocational School
Ilihan, Toledo City
School Year: 2022-2023
Junior High
Luray 2 National High School (Night)
Year of Completion: 2016-2017
North City Central School 2012-2013

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