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The Effects of Offset Loading Versus Traditional Loading in the Bench Press
Exercise on Muscle Thickness and Strength in Trained Males

Article in Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise · November 2022

DOI: 10.1007/s42978-022-00217-6


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7 authors, including:

Salvatore Loduca Matthew H Sharp

Robosport Technologies, LLC Applied Science and Performance Institute


Jacob M Wilson Charlie Ottinger

Applied Science and Performance Institute Applied Science and Performance Institute


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Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise


The Effects of Offset Loading Versus Traditional Loading in the Bench

Press Exercise on Muscle Thickness and Strength in Trained Males
Matthew Sharp1

Received: 14 April 2022 / Accepted: 13 September 2022

© The Author(s) 2022

Purpose This study compared the effects of offset loading (OSL) versus traditional loading (TDL) in the bench press exer-
cise on pectoral muscle thickness and bench press strength over a 4-week mesocycle. Methods: Twenty male participants
aged 18–45 years with at least 5 years of bench press experience and a bench press one-repetition maximum equal to or
greater than their body mass were randomly assigned to OSL and TDL groups. Before and after the 4-week mesocycle,
pectoral muscle thickness was assessed via ultrasonography and muscle strength was assessed by bench press one-repetition
maximum. Effects were explored with two-way mixed ANOVA and non-clinical magnitude-based inferences. Results: No
group-by-time interaction was detected for any variable (P > 0.05). When compared to small magnitudes, the pectoralis
major muscle thickness changes were likely greater in OSL compared to TDL for the dominant (ES = 0.70; 87% likely
greater) and nondominant pectoralis (ES = 0.77; 91% likely greater) as well as the sum of both pectorals (ES = 0.80; 92%
likely greater). Similarly, a likely greater effect for absolute (ES = 0.57; 82% likely) and relative (ES = 0.67; 85% likely)
bench press strength was seen with OSL. Conclusion: Magnitude-based inferences interpreted here support the notion that
OSL may be an advantageous training modality to enhance pectoral muscle thickness and bench press strength.

Keywords Resistance training · Offset loading · Bilateral movement · Asymmetrical loading · Performance

Introduction exercise both with and without the imposition of muscle

fatigue [24]. Over time, this asymmetry in muscle activa-
Strength training is a common practice undertaken by both tion can lead to a muscular imbalance (due to specificity)
the competitive athlete and fitness enthusiast. Athletes and and even injury due to overreliance on the dominant limb
practitioners utilize strength training in an effort to improve [12, 37].
relevant physical skills, such as muscular power, strength Muscle imbalances between dominant and nondominant
or endurance. Strength training for sport includes a variety limbs are common in high-level athletes [37]. Moreover,
of unilateral (one limb) and bilateral (two limbs simultane- repetitive tasks due to sport and position specific practice
ously) exercises that are employed in a sport specific man- can exacerbate these asymmetries due to overreliance on
ner [2]. However, recent research has uncovered that limb the dominant limb [12]. These progressively increasing dis-
dominance can influence muscular involvement in bilateral crepancies between limbs are potentially predicated by the
resistance training exercises and sporting movements. More relatively permanent nature of unconsciously stored instruc-
specifically, when participants perform a bench press exer- tions for movement [29]. Therefore, the very practice that
cise, their dominant side muscles achieve a greater level improves performance (training) also serves as a catalyst for
of muscle activation than their nondominant muscles [30]. greater injury susceptibility [37], and sport specific training
Similar findings have been uncovered with the barbell squat could intensify this stimulus [28, 34, 35].
Due to these concerns and similar considerations, numer-
ous strength training techniques and modalities have been
brought to the forefront of strength and conditioning which
Matthew Sharp have been proposed to mitigate a shortcoming of traditional
strength or sport training. A novel technique, termed “offset
Research Division, Applied Science and Performance loading” or “asymmetrical loading”, may be the next unique
Institute, 33607 Tampa, FL, USA

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

training method used by practitioners to potentially reduce Methods

asymmetries and improve bilateral performance in their
clients or athletes. Offset, or asymmetrical, loading is the Study Participants
practice of offsetting a planned portion of a given training
load towards one side of a resistance implement (typically Participants were recruited via social media advertisements
a barbell) [27, 41], thereby creating a “loaded” or “heavier” as well as electronic communications with previous study
side and a “de-loaded” or “lighter” side. participants at the laboratory. Thirty participants volun-
Jarosz et al. [27] were the first to demonstrate the acute teered but only 21 qualified for the study. The inclusion
neuromuscular adaptations to offset loading (OSL) in criteria were males aged 18 to 45 years; at least 5 years of
the bench press. These researchers discovered that OSL resistance training experience with the barbell bench press,
(“loaded”/“heavier” on the nondominant side) with as little and a bench press one repetition maximum (1RM) of at least
as 2.5% of the total load led to increased muscle activation their body mass; English literate, and the ability and will-
in the nondominant muscles. When compared to traditional ingness to sign an informed consent form. Exclusion crite-
loading (TDL), this led to a more symmetrical activation ria were musculoskeletal injury within 6 months of study
of nondominant and dominant muscle groups. Saeterbak- enrollment, prior use of OSL techniques; history of drug,
ken et al. [41] reported similar results by finding that OSL alcohol, or anabolic steroid use; daily usage of non-steroidal
can influence acute muscle activation by increasing activa- anti-inflammatory drug; or any serious health ailments that
tion in the muscle exposed to the heavier offset load. Since would impair study participation (thrombosis, high blood
muscle activation is often regarded as a measure of neural pressure, arrhythmias). For study enrollment, all partici-
drive [8], it is clear that OSL in the bench press may be a pants signed an informed consent form detailing the pro-
viable option to modify asymmetrical neural drive patterns cedures and inherent risk of the study, which was approved
between limbs during strength training. Additionally, this by an external Institutional Review Board and in agreement
unique training method may influence long-term adapta- with the Declaration of Helsinki [48]. A total of 20 of 21
tions (i.e., muscle strength and hypertrophy) due to these enrolled participants completed the study, as one partici-
acute changes in muscle activity and the novelty of the load- pant of the TDL group did not attend post-testing. Partici-
ing pattern. Seminal research from Barnett et al. [10] dem- pants were instructed to maintain their habitual diet and
onstrated that performing incline bench press causes greater refrain from ergogenic aid consumption during the training
muscle activation of the clavicular head of the pectoralis period. Baseline descriptive characteristics for the 20 par-
major. Furthermore, recent research has reported that sub- ticipants that completed the study can be found in Table 1.
jects performing incline bench press exhibited significantly Height and body mass were confirmed using a stadiometer
greater changes in upper pectoral muscle thickness com- (Seca, Model 217; Chino, CA, USA) and body composi-
pared to subjects performing horizontal bench press [16]. tion variables were collected via multi-frequency bioelectri-
Thus, it is plausible that increases in neural drive elicited by cal impedance (InBody 770 Body Composition Analyzer;
different bench press modalities may mediate hypertrophic Cerritos, CA, USA) following an overnight fast (≥ 10 h).
adaptations; however, no studies to date have examined this Prior to the body composition assessment, participants were
outcome with offset loading. given a manufacturer supplied antibacterial tissue (NaCl
Indeed, the current literature investigating OSL is mini- 0.9%, antimicrobial) to wipe the hands and feet to reduce
mal; therefore, the proverbial door is left open for further surface bacteria and control surface electrical conductivity.
investigation. In fact, the two aforementioned studies [27,
41] are the only ones to date that have investigated the acute Study Design and Protocol
effects of OSL, and both studies are consistent with report-
ing higher muscle activation in muscles exposed to the Following enrollment and approximately 1 week prior to
heavier side of the offset load. This leads to the following pre-testing, participants underwent one familiarization ses-
question: does higher muscle activation previously reported sion and one baseline session separated by at least 48 h to
to be induced by OSL enhance hypertrophy and strength understand particulars of testing procedures and generate
outcomes relative to TDL. Hence, the purpose of this study baseline data. Day one of familiarization included numeri-
was to compare the effects in pectoralis major muscle thick- cal scales used to assess perceptual measures, body and
ness and muscle strength from OSL to that of TDL in the hand positioning for the bench press, bench press warm-
bench press exercise. Additionally, we also observed the up protocol, and bench press exercise session protocol. To
impact of OSL on perceptual measures of recovery, exer- familiarize themselves with a bench press exercise session,
tion, and mental effort relative to TDL. all participants performed the bench press exercise for 3
sets of 10 repetitions at 60% of their self-estimated 1RM.

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

Table 1 Participant baseline descriptive characteristics

Variable OSL (n = 11) TDL (n = 9) ES (90%CI) Inference P-value
Age (year) 29.18 ± 6.23 29.89 ± 5.62 −0.12 (−0.86, 0.62) Unclear (25/32/43) 0.795
Height (cm) 181.49 ± 6.36 180.90 ± 5.79 0.10 (−0.64, 0.83) Unclear (42/32/26) 0.833
Body Mass (kg) 91.37 ± 14.00 87.23 ± 10.07 0.33 (−0.42, 1.07) Unclear (61/26/13) 0.467
Body Fat (%) 17.17 ± 4.69 17.23 ± 4.81 −0.01 (−0.75, 0.73) Very likely trivial 0.886
Fat Mass (kg) 15.69 ± 6.37 15.03 ± 5.32 0.11 (−0.63, 0.85) Unclear (42/33/25) 0.806
Fat-Free Mass (kg) 75.68 ± 9.13 72.20 ± 7.62 0.41 (−0.34, 1.15) Unclear (67/23/10) 0.374
Bench Press Experience (year) 11.00 ± 5.73 10.67 ± 4.95 0.06 (−0.68, 0.80) Unclear (38/35/27) 0.892
Bench Press 1RM (kg) 119.32 ± 25.49 110.73 ± 20.42 0.37 (−0.38, 1.11) Unclear (64/24/12) 0.424
1RM:BM (kg) 1.31 ± 0.21 1.27 ± 0.15 0.22 (−0.53, 0.95) Unclear (52/31/17) 0.615
D-PM MT (cm) 2.74 ± 0.47 2.70 ± 0.51 0.08 (−0.65, 0.81) Unclear (40/33/27) 0.863
ND-PM MT (cm) 2.73 ± 0.48 2.69 ± 0.48 0.08 (−0.66, 0.82) Unclear (40/33/27) 0.862
ΣMT (cm) 5.47 ± 0.93 5.39 ± 0.98 0.08 (−0.66, 0.82) Unclear (40/34/26) 0.860
Data are mean ± standard deviation. ES (90%CI) = the within-group standardized mean difference and its 90% confidence interval. D-PM
MT dominant pectoralis major muscle thickness, ND-PM MT nondominant pectoralis major muscle thickness, ΣMT sum of dominant and non-
dominant muscle thickness values, Bench Press 1RM bench press one-repetition maximum, 1RM:BM ratio of one-repetition maximum to body
mass (relative strength measure). The observed ES was evaluated at 0.2 for a small magnitude inference. P-value is from parametric, two-tailed,
unpaired t-test

The 3 sets were randomized in loading styles as one set was hypertrophy whereas long rest periods may improve strength
performed with OSL on the dominant side, one with OSL to a greater degree [18]. Thus, the selection of an interme-
on the nondominant side, and one with TDL. The perceived diate rest period may allow for optimal adaptation in both
recovery status (PRS) scale was administered before initi- traits. The repetition scheme progressed from 12 repetitions
ating the control session and rating of perceived exertion per set in Week 1 to 6 repetitions per set in Week 4, with an
(RPE) and mental effort (ME) scales were assessed 5 min increase in intensity each week to promote strength adapta-
after the control session. On the baseline testing day, muscle tions. In the OSL group, the offset load distribution was ran-
thickness (MT) of the dominant and nondominant pectoralis domized between the right and left sides of the barbell for
major (D-PM and ND-PM, respectively) was measured, and sets 1–4 with the load being reset to balanced distribution on
participants completed an assessment for bench press 1RM. the 5th set (mimicking TDL). Participants were blinded to
Pectoral dominance corresponded to hand dominance, the randomization order of offset loads, which was chosen
which was determined by which hand participants use dur- to reduce the impact of prior knowledge of load placement
ing throwing. that may have led some participants to immediately com-
After completing pre-testing, participants were quartile pensate for the offset load. Prior to each training session,
ranked based on the sum of MT (D-PM plus ND-PM thick- participants completed the PRS scale and, 5 min following
ness) and participants within each quartile were randomly each session, they provided RPE and ME using standard-
assigned to TDL and OSL groups in a counterbalanced fash- ized numerical scales. After completing 8 training sessions
ion using an online software [44] used in prior research [7, in a 4-week period, participants returned to the laboratory
47]. Assessment evaluators were blinded to the participant’s on Week 5 for post-testing. Post-testing was completed
condition. Following randomization, participants under- 48–72 h following the last training session and consisted of
went OSL or TDL on the bench press twice a week, for 4 MT measurements and bench press 1RM.
weeks (8 sessions). All participants completed training ses-
sions on the same two days each week (Mon/Thurs or Tue/ Muscle Thickness
Fri). Additionally, participants performed their respective
training groups at the same time of day on every visit to Two-dimensional, B-mode ultrasound (GE LOGIQ P6,
the lab (± 1 h). During this training program, participants General Electric Company; Boston, MA, USA) imaging
were instructed to refrain from upper body pressing exer- with a 12 MHz broad-spectrum linear-matrix array trans-
cises utilizing the chest musculature as the primary mover ducer (Model ML6-15, General Electric Company; Boston,
(e.g., incline and decline bench press, chest flies, push-ups, MA, USA) was used to assess MT of the D-PM and ND-PM
dips, and variations thereof). For each training session, par- with participants lying supine. Water soluble hypoaller-
ticipants completed 5 sets on the bench press with 2 min rest genic ultrasound gel (Aquasonic® CLEAN® Ultrasound
between sets. This rest period length was chosen as previous Gel, Parker Laboratories, INC; Fairfield, NJ, USA) was
reviews have suggested shorter rest periods may optimize applied to the transducer to optimized spatial resolution and

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

Fig. 1 Example ultrasonographic

image of pectoralis major muscle
thickness. Yellow dashed line
represents onscreen digital
calipers used for pectoralis major
muscle thickness measure-
ment (2.62 cm in this example).
AT subcutaneous adipose tissue,
PM pectoralis major muscle,
IIC internal intercostal muscle

then placed at the marked measurement site with minimal session in trained individuals [11]. Additionally, to improve
force to avoid compression. Clavicle length was measured reliability, images were saved prior to making the measure-
with a Gulick tape measure (Blue Jay™; Middetown, NY, ment at pre-testing and images were notated for the distinct
USA) with participants laying supine with the elbow fully point along the fascia where the measurement was taken on
extended and the shoulder fully adducted to mimic the ana- the images using the crosshair tool from the manufacturer’s
tomical position. In this position a distinguishable mark was software to ensure the same measurement location at post-
made at the clavicle midpoint. The ultrasound transducer testing. The intraclass coefficient of variation and typical
was perpendicularly placed beneath the clavicle midpoint error for PM-MT was computed to be 1.5% and 0.04 cm,
between the third and fourth costas of the rib cage [36, 49] respectively, which was determined prior to the start of the
and onscreen electronic calipers with a single perpendicular study by assessing ten different participants with similar
line from bottom to the top of the muscle sheath (between characteristics to the current participants on three different
the superior and inferior layer of the facia) were used to occasions separated by 24 h. Using the variance compo-
measure MT of the D-PM and ND-PM. An example of a nents from a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the
resulting image is provided in Fig. 1. Two images for MT ICC and 95% confidence interval was calculated at 0.992
were captured and measured to the nearest 0.01 cm. The (0.987 to 0.998).
resulting measurements of the two images were averaged ICC = σ 2 (b) /(σ 2 (b) + σ 2 (w))
and used for data analysis. Additionally, the sum of both
pectoral MT sites (ΣMT) was used for analysis. The MT σ 2 (w) = pooledvariancewithinsubjects
assessments were performed at the same time of the day
at pre-testing and post-testing. In an attempt to minimize σ 2 (b) = pooledvariancebetweensubjects
training-induced muscle swelling, images were obtained
48–72 h after the latest training session before the com-
mencement of the study and 48–72 h after the last train- One-Repetition Maximum Muscular Strength
ing session at the end of the study. This time window was
adapted from other research assessing muscle hypertrophy Symmetrically loaded bench press 1RM was determined
via ultrasonography [4, 19, 40], and this is consistent with at pre-testing. All participants performed a standard-
research showing that an acute increase in MT returns to ized warm-up that involved 5-min on a cycle ergometer
baseline levels within 48 h following a resistance training at approximately 140 W followed by a general dynamic

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

warm-up that included movements for both the lower and Table 2 Bench press exercise prescription
upper body. Following the general warm-up, participants Week % 1RM Repetitions Sets Rest (min)
1 60% 12 5 2
began a specific warm-up on the bench press by perform-
2 65% 10 5 2
ing 10 repetitions at 40% self-estimated 1RM, 8 repetitions
3 70% 8 5 2
at 60% self-estimated 1RM, 5 repetitions at 70% self-esti-
4 75% 6 5 2
mated 1RM, and 3 repetitions at 80% self-estimated 1RM 1RM one-repetition maximum
with 2-min of rest given between each warm-up set. The
self-estimated 1RM was the load that the participant himself
estimated to be his one repetition maximum on the sym- the scale was to assess the participant’s recovery from the
metrically loaded bench press [21]. After the specific warm- previous exercise session.
up, participants began performing single rep attempts at RPE was collected approximately 5 min after the com-
90% of their estimated 1RM. Five minutes rest were given pletion of every training session using the CR-10 Borg RPE
between each attempt and each successful attempt resulted scale [14] so that the fatigue from the final bench press set
in an additional 2.5–10 kg added to the next attempt. This did not influence the RPE rating. Participants were asked
procedure continued until participants reached either actual to select a number on the scale to rate their overall effort. A
or voluntary failure on a selected load (i.e., if a participant rating of 0 was said to be no effort (rest) and a rating of 10
declined the next attempt, the highest previous successful was considered to be maximal effort.
attempt was considered their 1RM). All participants reached To assess ME, an adapted version of the Paas scale, a
their bench press 1RM within 4 attempts. No supportive 9-point numerical scale ranging from 1 to 9, was used. This
equipment of any kind was allowed during bench press 1RM scale was shown to be reliable in a study testing problem
testing. Hand spacing on the barbell was controlled at 150% solving and cognitive load [38] and has since been used
biacromial width [22] for all participants and thumbs were to explore the effectiveness of graphical representation in
required to be wrapped around the bar. A successful attempt learning [26]. For this study, the scale was used to assess
required the participants to keep their back, head, shoulders, ME during the training sessions. Five minutes follow-
and buttocks in contact with the bench at all times and feet ing bench press cessation, the participants were instructed
flat on the floor during the lift and the barbell had to touch to “Please rate the mental effort required to complete the
the xiphoid process and return to the starting position with workout.” The rating descriptors are: 1 = very, very low
full elbow extension without any bouncing of the barbell or mental effort; 2 = very low mental effort; 3 = low mental
assistance from the spotters [23]. Two experienced spotters effort; 4 = rather low mental effort; 5 = neither low nor high
(National Strength and Conditioning Association-Certified mental effort; 6 = rather high mental effort; 7 = high mental
Strength and Conditioning Specialists) were present for all effort; 8 = very high mental effort; 9 = very, very high mental
attempts to ensure safety and judge successful attempts. effort. All perceptual measures were collected in isolation
Verbal encouragement was given to all participants dur- from other participants to promote accuracy and recorded as
ing 1RM attempts. All 1RM testing was performed using a arbitrary units (a.u.).
20.4 kg power barbell and standard power rack (EliteFTS;
London, OH, USA). Using the variance components from a Training Intervention
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the ICC and 95%
confidence interval was calculated at 0.997 (0.994 to 0.999). Prior to each training session, participants completed a stan-
dardized warm-up protocol that began with a general warm-
Perceptual Measures up (cycle ergometer and dynamic warm-up) then a specific
warm-up (20% 1RM × 15, 40% 1RM × 10, 60% 1RM × 5).
The perceptual measures collected in this trial were per- Then, participants began their prescribed load and repeti-
ceived recovery status (PRS) scale, rating of perceived exer- tion scheme as described in Table 2. Offset load distribu-
tion (RPE) and mental effort (ME). For assessing perceptual tions were set such that there was approximately 52.5% of
measures, standard instructions and anchoring procedures the adjustable load on the loaded side and approximately
were explained during the familiarization session. The PRS 47.5% on the de-loaded side (Table 3) for a 5% offset. For
is a numerical scale from 1 to 10 with visual descriptors example, a prescribed load of 60% of a 118 kg 1RM would
of “very poorly recovered” “adequately recovered” and be set at 70.8 kg. The adjustable load is the prescribed
“very well recovered” for perceived recovery are presented load (70.8 kg) minus the barbell mass of 20.4 kg, equal-
at numbers 0, 5, and 10, respectively. The PRS scale was ing 50.4 kg of adjustable load. Adjusting to the balanced
administered to participants following the bench press load used in TDL would amass 25.2 kg on each side. In
warmup, prior to the training session [32]. The purpose of OSL, a 50.4 kg adjustable load would create a loaded side

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

Table 3 Offset loading examples where M1 and M2 are the overall study averages for OSL and
1RM (kg) 60% 1RM Adjustable Loaded Side De- TDL, respectively, and SDpooled is the pooled standard devi-
(kg) Load (kg) (kg) Loaded
Side ation from each group. Uncertainty in all outcome measures
(kg) was expressed with 90% confidence intervals (CI). Non-
100.0 60.0 39.6 20.8 18.8 clinical magnitude-based inferences were used to provide
120.0 72.0 51.6 27.1 24.5 an interpretation for all differences with inferences based on
140.0 84.0 63.6 33.4 30.2 the standardized thresholds for small, moderate, and large
60% 1RM 60% of one-repetition maximum differences set at 0.2, 0.6, and 1.2 of the standardized mean
differences. The chance of the difference being substantial
of 26.5 kg and a de-loaded side of 23.9 kg, accounting for or trivial was interpreted using the following scale: possibly,
52.5% and 47.5% of the adjustable load, respectively. All 25%–75%; likely, 75%–95%; very likely, 95%–99.5%; and
loads were rounded to the nearest 0.2 kg. The TDL group most likely, > 99.5%. If the qualitative chances of the effect
maintained a balanced load distribution for all sessions. In being greater or lower were both greater than 5%, the effect
the OSL group, loaded and de-loaded sides were randomly was assessed as unclear. Otherwise, the effect was inter-
applied to the dominant and non-dominant sides for sets preted as the observed chance [25].
1–4 such that each side (dominant and non-dominant) was
equally exposed to each loaded outcome (loaded and de-
loaded) within each training session. The 5th set of every Results
OSL session was reverted back to balance load (mimicking
TDL). In both OSL and TDL groups, whenever participants No differences were found between groups for character-
failed to complete their prescribed repetitions in a given set, ization parameters (P > 0.05, Table 1) or baseline 1RM
the absolute load was reduced by 10% for the following set. (P = 0.427), 1RM:BM (P = 0.615), ΣMT (P = 0.860), MT
Bench press volume was calculated for each session as (vol- of the D-PM (P = 0.863) or N-PM (P = 0.862). No dif-
ume = load × reps × sets). ferences were detected for cumulative volume load
(OSL: 27,057.1 ± 5642.3 kg, TDL: 25,077.3 ± 4673.7 kg;
Statistical Analysis P = 0.411). The percentage of prescribed repetitions com-
pleted was 96.0% ± 5.9% and 97.6% ± 3.5% for the OSL
Raw data for muscle strength, muscle thickness, and per- and TDL groups, respectively (failed normality testing;
ceptual measures are presented as mean ± standard deviation nonparametric Mann Whitney P = 0.858). Additionally,
(SD). Normality and variance were assured via the Shapiro the attendance for the training sessions was 100% for both
Wilk and Levene’s test, respectively. Baseline characteris- groups.
tics, cumulative volume load, and overall study averages of There were no group-by-time interactions for MT of the
perceptual measures were compared between groups using D-PM (P = 0.136) or ND-PM (P = 0.085), ΣMT (P = 0.071),
parametric, two-tailed, unpaired t-test. A two-way mixed bench press 1RM (P = 0.179), or 1RM:BM (P = 0.142).
ANOVA was performed on dependent variables of strength Time effects were detected for each of the 5 aforemen-
and muscle thickness assuming group (i.e., TDL and OSL) tioned hypertrophy and strength variables (each variable
and time (i.e., Pre and Post) as fixed factors and participants P < 0.001). No differences were found between groups for
as a random factor. In the event of a significant F value, a overall study averages in RPE (OSL: 6.61 ± 1.41, TDL:
post hoc test with Tukey’s adjustment was applied for mul- 5.81 ± 1.88 a.u.; P = 0.292), ME (OSL: 5.84 ± 1.54, TDL:
tiple comparison purposes. The alpha level was set at 0.05. 4.91 ± 2.06 a.u.; P = 0.261), or PRS (OSL: 7.52 ± 0.81, TDL:
Magnitudes of mean changes were assessed by standard- 7.68 ± 0.76 a.u.; P = 0.652).
ization (i.e., an effect size; the mean difference divided by the Using non-clinical magnitude-based inferences, no
appropriate SD). For between-group comparisons, Cohen’s clear substantial differences were found between groups
d effect sizes were calculated as (M1 minus M2) / SDpooled for characterization parameters (Table 3) or for cumu-
where M1 and M2 are the mean differences (Post minus Pre) lative volume load [OSL: 27,057.1 ± 5642.3 kg, TDL:
for each group and SDpooled is the pooled standard devia- 25,677.3 ± 4673.7 kg; ES (90%CI) = 0.26 (−0.48, 1.01);
tion of the changes from each group. For within-group mean unclear, 55/29/16].
changes, Cohen’s dz effect sizes were calculated by dividing Both study groups were independently evaluated (Post
the mean difference (Post minus Pre) by the SD of the mean vs. Pre) for their likelihood of obtaining small (0.2), moder-
differences. Perceptual measures and bench press volume ate (0.6), and large (1.2) changes in dependent variables for
data are reported as the overall study average and Cohen’s muscle thickness and strength (Table 4). There were most
d effect sizes were determined by (M1 minus M2) / SDpooled likely (100/0/0) small magnitude increases for all muscle

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

Table 4 Within-group data for muscle strength and thickness with inferences evaluated at small, moderate, and large magnitudes
Variable Group Pre Post ∆ (90%CI) ES (90%CI) Inferences at Different Magnitudes
Post vs. Pre
Small Moderate Large
D-PM OSL 2.74 ± 0.47 3.07 ± 0.55 0.33 (0.20, 1.39 (0.66, Most likely + Very likely + Possibly +/triv-
MT 0.46) 2.07) (100/0/0) (99/1/0) ial (72/28/0)
(cm) TDL 2.70 ± 0.51 2.90 ± 0.5 0.20 (0.12, 1.40 (0.58, Most likely + Very likely + Possibly +/triv-
0.28) 1.18) (100/0/0) (98/2/0) ial (73/27/0)
ND-PM OSL 2.73 ± 0.48 2.99 ± 0.46 0.26 (0.16, 1.47 (0.72, Most likely + Very likely + Likely +
MT 0.35) 2.18) (100/0/0) (99/1/0) (80/20/0)
(cm) TDL 2.69 ± 0.48 2.83 ± 0.51 0.13 (0.06, 1.00 (0.30, Very likely + (98/2/0) Likely + Possibly +/triv-
0.21) 1.66) (88/12/0) ial (73/27/0)
ΣMT OSL 5.47 ± 0.93 6.05 ± 1.00 0.59 (0.40, 1.70 (0.88, Most likely + Most likely + Likely +
(cm) 0.78) 2.46) (100/0/0) (100/0/0) (93/7/0)
TDL 5.39 ± 0.98 5.72 ± 1.00 0.33 (0.18, 1.27 (0.49, Most likely + Very likely + Possibly +/triv-
0.48) 2.00) (100/0/0) (97/3/0) ial (59/41/0)
1RM OSL 119.32 ± 25.49 127.58 ± 26.73 8.26 (5.76, 1.81 (0.96, Most likely + Most likely + Very likely +
(kg) 10.76) 2.60) (100/0/0) (100/0/0) (96/4/0)
TDL 110.73 ± 20.42 116.01 ± 19.93 5.28 (2.24, 1.07 (0.35, Very likely + (98/2/0) Likely + Possibly triv-
8.33) 1.75) (90/10/0) ial/+ (36/64/0)
1RM:BM OSL 1.31 ± 0.21 1.40 ± 0.22 0.09 (0.07, 2.43 (1.39, Most likely + Most likely + Very likely +
(kg) 0.11) 3.41) (100/0/0) (100/0/0) (99/1/0)
TDL 1.27 ± 0.15 1.32 ± 0.13 0.05 (0.02, 00.9) 0.95 (0.26, 1.60) Very likely + (97/3/0) Likely + Likely Trivial
(83/17/0) (24/76/0)
Pre and Post data are mean ± SD. ∆ (90%CI) mean delta change (Post minus Pre) and its 90% confidence interval. ES (90%CI) the within-group
standardized mean difference and its 90% confidence interval, D-PM MT dominant pectoralis major muscle thickness, ND-PM MT nondomi-
nant pectoralis major muscle thickness, ΣMT sum of dominant and nondominant muscle thickness values, 1RM bench press one-repetition
maximum, 1RM:BM ratio of one-repetition maximum to body mass (relative strength measure). The observed ES was evaluated at 0.2, 0.6, and
1.2 for inferences for small, moderate and magnitudes, respectively

thickness and strength variables in the OSL group and the ME [5.84 ± 1.54 vs. 4.91 ± 2.06 a.u.; ES (90%CI) = 0.48
inference for a small increase in the TDL group ranged from (− 0.27, 1.24); 74/21/5] were possibly greater in the OSL
very likely to mostly likely. For muscle thickness outcomes, group compared to the TDL group. Overall study PRS was
very likely to most likely moderate increases were pro- unclear [7.52 ± 0.81 vs. 7.68 ± 0.76; ES (90%CI) = − 0.19
duced in the OSL group and likely to very likely moderate (− 0.90, 0.52); 19/50/51]. No clear substantial differences
increases were produced in the TDL group. There were pos- were found when evaluating perceptual measures at moder-
sibly to likely large increases in muscle thickness outcomes ate and large magnitudes.
in the OSL group and the TDL group produced a possible
large increase. The change in relative strength (1RM:BM)
and absolute strength (1RM) was likely to most likely a Discussion
moderate increase in both groups. Furthermore, the OSL
group very likely produced a large magnitude increase in The primary purpose of this experiment was to investigate
both of these strength measures whereas this evaluation was the hypertrophy and strength adaptations to OSL compared
likely to possibly trivial in the TDL group. to TDL in the bench press exercise. Our secondary purpose
There was likely a small difference in the changes from was to observe the impact of OSL on perceptual measures
Pre to Post between the two groups for all muscle thick- of PRS, RPE, and ME relative to TDL. The findings did not
ness and strength variables (Table 5). When evaluating Pre yield an interaction effect for any variables assessing muscle
to Post changes between groups at a moderate magnitude, hypertrophy or strength, and overall study averages of per-
D-PM MT, ND-PM MT, ΣMT, and 1RM:BM were possibly ceptual measures were not different between groups. How-
greater/possibly the same (trivial) in the OSL group com- ever, magnitude-based inference analyses indicated likely
pared to the TDL group (Table 5). Between-group differ- beneficial effects for OSL compared to TDL for all strength
ences evaluated at large magnitudes were unclear and did and hypertrophy variables and possibly greater effects for
not yield substantial differences. RPE and ME. Thus, according to our findings, it is plausible
When evaluated at small magnitudes, overall study to assume that a four-week mesocycle of OSL can enhance
RPE [OSL vs. TDL: 6.61 ± 1.41 vs. 5.81 ± 1.88 a.u; ES adaptations in hypertrophy and strength and our findings
(90%CI) = 0.45 (− 0.3, 1.21); 72/23/5] and overall study

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

Table 5 Between-group data for muscle strength and thickness

Variable ∆ (90%CI) ES (90%CI) Inferences at Different Magnitudes
Small Moderate
D-PM MT (cm) 0.14 (− 0.01, 0.29) 0.70 (− 0.06, 1.47) Likely + (87/10/3) Possibly
ND-PM MT (cm) 0.13 (0.01,0.24) 0.77 (0.05, 1.48) Likely + (91/8/2) Possibly
ΣMT (cm) 0.26 (0.02, 0.49) 0.80 (0.08, 1.51) Likely + (92/7/1) Possibly
1RM (kg) 2.97 (− 0.71, 6.66) 0.57 (− 0.15, 1.29) Likely + (82/15/3) Possibly
1RM:BM (kg) 0.03 (− 0.01,0.07) 0.67 (− 0.11, 1.45) Likely + (85/12/3) Possibly
∆ (90%CI) Post minus Pre between-group differences and its 90% confidence interval, ES (90%CI) between-group (OSL vs. TDL) standardized
mean difference and its 90% confidence interval; D-MT dominant pectoralis major muscle thickness, ND-MT nondominant pectoralis major
muscle thickness, ΣMT sum of dominant and nondominant muscle thickness values, 1RM bench press one-repetition maximum, 1RM:BM ratio
of one-repetition maximum to body mass (relative strength measure). The observed ES was evaluated at 0.2 and 0.6 for inferences for small and
moderate magnitudes, respectively

may be used to justify its inclusion in strength and condi- The primary mechanism through which mechanoreceptors
tioning programs. detect mechanical tension is deformation of their plasma
membrane due to muscular force production [15]. There-
Muscle Thickness fore, for a muscle fiber to detect mechanical tension and,
eventually, undergo hypertrophic remodeling, a muscle
We report favorable likelihoods for each group to small fiber likely must be activated during a given exercise. This
and moderate increases in muscle thickness outcomes. The can be inferred through previous research showing that the
groups began to differ when evaluated at a large magnitude most activated portion of a muscle exhibits the greatest
as the OSL was likely to produce this magnitude of change hypertrophy response following a long-term strength train-
for ND-PM MT and ΣMT whereas the TDL group possi- ing program [46].
bly produced this magnitude. When comparing groups, we The necessity of mechanical tension as a driver of muscle
report a likely greater effect (evaluated at a small magnitude) hypertrophy is underlined when comparing long-term train-
in OSL over TDL for MT in the ND-PM (9.5% vs. 5.0%) ing adaptations to endurance training and strength train-
and D-PM (12.3% vs. 7.7%) muscles, and ΣMT (11.0% ing. While both exercise modes can induce high levels of
vs. 6.4%). The greater MT seen in the OSL group may be metabolic stress and muscle damage, the discrepancy in
attributed to the novel training stimulus of OSL. Practitio- mechanical loading is a major difference between each type
ners often examine training volume in respect to hypertro- of exercise [45]. Since the OSL group randomized the order
phy adaptations [42], however, in our study, no differences and placement of the offset load, a plausible theory is that
in training volume were found between groups. Fonseca et the increased load lifted by the PM muscles during OSL, as
al. [20] previously demonstrated that utilizing a variety of well as higher muscle activation in the PM during dynamic
novel exercises was more effective at inducing hypertrophy OSL repetitions, as evidenced by Jarosz et al. [27], led to
in the quadriceps muscles as opposed to employing a single likely greater increases in PM thickness compared to TDL.
volume-matched exercise (barbell squats). While these results certainly require further investigation
The novelty of a loading pattern and its effects on muscu- in future research, it is plausible that using OSL provides
lar hypertrophy is not completely understood. Mechanical a novel stimulus which can produce greater muscle hyper-
tension is likely the primary driving stimulus of muscu- trophy over TDL. Importantly, these effects were observed
lar hypertrophy [45], thus, training variables designed to in as little as a 4-week mesocycle; interventions of greater
maximize mechanical tension are presumed to induce duration may discover more significant findings. Moreover,
greater hypertrophy. Importantly, muscles experience this it is also conceivable that the training status (1RM:BM ~ 1.3)
mechanical tension at the individual muscle fiber level and experience (~ 10 years) of our participants underlined
through somatosensory receptors called mechanoreceptors. the effect of the novel stimulus. It is unclear if untrained

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

or recreationally trained individuals would garner the same strength. Bompa and Buzzichelli [13] (pp. 41–52) note that
hypertrophic benefits of OSL compared to TDL. both changing exercises and changing loading patterns can
constitute a form of progressive overload. OSL likely falls
One-Repetition Maximum Muscular Strength into one or both categories and, thus, may be instituted as
a form of progressive overload beyond TDL bench press
Both groups exhibited to mostly likely moderate increases training. Due to the training experience of our participants,
in bench press 1RM (7.1% vs. 4.9%) and 1RM:BM (6.9% the inherent progressive overload from OSL may have influ-
vs. 4.8%). When evaluated at a large magnitude, the strength enced the likely greater strength gains seen in this group.
improvements in the OSL group remained very likely sub-
stantial and the TDL improvements were possibly trivial. In Perceptual Measures
the evaluation of a small magnitude of the between-group
differences, there was a likely greater increase for OSL com- An intriguing, but not unexpected, finding was reported in
pared to TDL in bench press 1RM (82/15/3) and 1RM:BM regard to the perceptual measures of RPE and ME as the
(85/12/3). These results are certainly interesting given the OSL group showed a possibly greater effect in both mea-
chasm in bench press specificity between groups. By study sures compared to the TDL group. Due to the novelty of the
design, the OSL group only performed 20% of their training technique and the uncomfortable nature of the loading pat-
volume with a symmetrical (TDL) bench press load. Thus, tern, it is conceivable that OSL provoked greater perceived
it would have been reasonable to expect a greater increase exertion despite a similar volume load to TDL. Greater RPE
in bench press 1RM in the TDL group. However, it could has been reported when training on unstable versus stable
be interpreted from previous research that multiple varia- surfaces [3], suggesting that exercise with greater stability
tions of bench press training can improve 1RM in the TDL requirements elevates exertion and this could be applied to
bench press. More specifically, Langford et al. [31] found OSL in theory.
that groups performing machine, barbell, isokinetic, and Mental effort can be defined as the degree of strain expe-
water-filled log bench press training for 10-weeks were all rienced by the mobilization of controlled cognitive process-
able to increase TDL bench press 1RM to a similar degree. ing with limited energetic resources [39]. If a task requires
Thielen et al. [43] recently reported similar improvements executive function or self-regulation, ME is needed the
in squat 1RM in a group performing traditional squat train- instant the individual begins mobilizing the task. In exer-
ing and a group undergoing suspended load squat training. cises performed at uncomfortable intensities, ME is neces-
Intriguingly, the study participants utilized in this study were sary to sustain neural drive and force output throughout the
collegiate baseball players with at least 2-years of resistance bout [5] and inhibit the bodily afferences that emerge with
training experience on average and a relative squat strength physical fatigue [6]. Thus, one potential influential factor
of approximately 1.75 times body mass. Therefore, while in the ME data may be that OSL is inherently more intense
the specificity of strength improvement in resistance train- than TDL. Indeed, Saeterbakken et al. [41] found that a 5%
ing is still a valid principle, it may not be regarded as a rule offset load resulted in a 12% reduction in 1RM load relative
in scenarios such as ours, Thielen et al. [43], or Langford to a traditionally-loaded 1RM. While participants in both
et al. [31]. Regardless, the degree of specificity differences groups achieved a similar number of successful repetitions
between OSL and TDL may not be great enough to produce in each training session, participants in the OSL group may
unique strength adaptations to each mode of bench press, have been training at a higher relative intensity due to the
but this outcome certainly warrants further investigation. disparity in 1RM load between 5% offset conditions and
The likely greater PM MT seen in the OSL group also traditionally-loaded bench press. An additional explana-
potentially influenced strength outcomes as Akagi et al. tion may lie within the inherent elaborate processing, which
[1] reported a significant relationship (r = 0.866; P < 0.001) may occur when comparing OSL to TDL. Specifically, we
between PM cross-sectional area and bench press 1RM per- adjusted loads on the final (5th) set in all OSL sessions to a
formance. While it is generally believed that muscle size balanced (traditional) load as we believed that OSL would
more so influences 1RM performance of single joint exer- force lifters to compare and contrast their previous OSL sets
cises that are not as reliant on skill [9], it is possible from the to the final TDL set, thereby forcing their TDL bench press
results of Akagi [1] and our own that prime mover muscle back into a high cognitive effort phase in order to enhance
size still likely plays a large role in 1RM performance of the strength transfer. According to the elaborate processing
bench press exercise. model, this comparison and contrast situation would induce
Finally, progressive overload is a largely accepted princi- a more robust cognitive experience [33].
ple of strength and conditioning and widely acknowledged Finally, PRS measures between groups resulted in an
as a primary prerequisite to improvements in muscular unclear effect. While the novelty of OSL may have impacted

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

this measure early on in the training protocol, previous investigating adaptations to a training program involving
research has shown that the repeated bout effect can signifi- OSL, future studies should experiment with targeted OSL
cantly ameliorate muscle damage and perceived soreness to uncover a greater understanding of this novel training
even following a single training session [17]. Therefore, method. For instance, a crossover study design implement-
over a 4-week training program, one would not expect OSL ing OSL and TDL conditions may be useful in more long-
to result in higher levels of muscle soreness following the term studies to verify the theory that OSL is likely a form of
initial sessions. progressive overload.

Study Limitations
As is common in strength training literature, a primary limi-
tation of this study is the small sample size. Indeed, this This study demonstrated, for the first time, the training adap-
limitation may make it difficult to apply our results to the tations to OSL versus TDL in the barbell bench press exer-
general population, however, research into OSL is certainly cise. TDL has been well-established as a beneficial training
in its infancy and future investigations will help develop a modality for muscular adaptations such as strength and
deeper understanding of this novel training method. Fur- hypertrophy. The novelty in the current study is that magni-
thermore, the current study utilized participants who were tude-based analyses supported a likely beneficial effect from
trained (1.31 and 1.26 1RM:BM for OSL and TDL, respec- OSL in muscle thickness and strength adaptations compared
tively) and well experienced (~ 10 years on average) on to TDL; thus, suggesting a progressive exercise effect that
the barbell bench press exercise. Other populations (e.g., can be used to promote continual adaptations. The outcomes
untrained, elderly, or adolescents) may experience force of magnitude-based inferences reported in this investigation
imbalances from OSL to an extent that increases injury permits sports practitioners and coaches the opportunity to
risk. Therefore, the performance outcomes and the safety judge the practical relevance of OSL. While the concept
of OSL should not be generalized to all populations. Also, and application of OSL certainly merits future inquiry, OSL
during participant recruitment, the authors did not account is a unique training method that can be applied in strength
for bench press training frequency prior to (< 6 months) and conditioning settings to assist in optimizing hypertro-
the commencement of the study. Even though both study phy and strength outcomes or when progressive overload
groups had similar bench press strength at baseline, and beyond the TDL bench press is required.
similar training experience, it is possible that prior training Future investigations should endeavor to confirm our
frequency could have been a confounding variable influenc- findings as well as uncover the long-term impacts of OSL on
ing the response to the training protocol. injury risk and overall performance. Ultimately, an athlete
Additionally, the length of the training period and not cannot display maximal physical skills while sidelined with
conducting ultrasonography measures on secondary mov- an injury, and any training modality that can alter injury risk
ers of the bench press (anterior deltoid and triceps brachii) is worthy of study. OSL may be a novel training method
may be considered limitations. However, our results sug- that reduces asymmetrical neural drive between dominant
gest that adaptations took place in both groups, indicating and nondominant limbs, and further research is warranted
that 4-weeks appears to be sufficient for detecting resis- for investigating these long-term outcomes and effects on
tance training adaptations, but performing longer training injury rates in sport.
programs may provide further clarification of future results.
The PM was the only muscle group subjected to ultrasonog- Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the participants
for their time and enthusiasm given to the study.
raphy as it is the primary mover of the criterion movement
in this study (barbell bench press). Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Matthew Sharp, Salvatore
Lastly, another limitation is the randomization of offset LoDuca and Jacob Wilson; methodology, Matthew Sharp, Charlie Ot-
loads in the OSL group. This method was chosen in order to tinger, Matthew Stefan, Salvatore LoDuca, and Jacob Wilson; formal
reduce participant anticipation of load position which may analysis, Matthew Sharp and Jacob Wilson; investigation, Charlie Ot-
tinger, Matthew Sharp, Raad Gheith, Matthew Stefan; data curation,
have resulted in pre-planned compensation patterns. Impor- Charlie Ottinger, Matthew Sharp, Raad Gheith and Matthew Stefan;
tantly, the participants were blinded to the randomization writing—original draft preparation, Charlie Ottinger, Matthew Sharp
order of the offset loads. Future studies should endeavor to and Jacob Wilson; writing—review and editing, Charlie Ottinger, Mat-
better understand the use of targeted OSL, in which OSL thew Sharp, Ryan Lowery, and Jacob Wilson; visualization, Matthew
Sharp; supervision, Matthew Sharp; project administration, Matthew
is employed in the case of a known asymmetry, which Sharp and Jacob Wilson; funding acquisition, Matthew Sharp and Ja-
may persist following musculoskeletal injuries, surgery, cob Wilson. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
or even sport-specific training. Since this is the first study of the manuscript.

Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise

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