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HDS Hilger & Daniel Software GmbH

Weilerstraße 44
D - 50321 Brühl

Program Installation

Table of Contents
1. First steps ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Installing SIMU-THERM 8 ............................................................................................... 2
1.2 Activating your license file .............................................................................................. 3
1.3 Change display language ............................................................................................... 4
1.4 Documentation and support ............................................................................................ 4
1.5 Setting the locations of the material database files ......................................................... 5
1.6 Convert material files from S-T 7.xx to S-T 8 ................................................................. 6
1.7 Adjusting the window and diagram size .......................................................................... 7
2. Print settings ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Creating own printing presets ......................................................................................... 8
2.2 Inserting your logo ......................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Define your contact data for printouts ............................................................................. 9
2.4 Changing the graph used for printouts................................................................................ 9
2.5 Creating a print form for headed paper ............................................................................... 9
3. System requirements ....................................................................................................... 10
4. Server version .............................................................................................................. 11

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1. First steps

1.1 Installing SIMU-THERM 8

Download from our website:

You will have received a download email with a link, username and password.
Double-clicking on the link pops up the following dialog:

Fill in username and password, then store the setup-file, e.g. ‘st80_Setup_BASIC.exe’ or
‘st80_Setup_TRANSIENT.exe’ on your computer.
If you lost your login credentials please contact us.

To install the software, please execute the setup-file and follow the instructions.
When prompted by Windows User Account Control, select ‘Yes’ to continue the setup process.

By default, SIMU-THERM is installed in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ST80 Transient or

C:\Program Files (x86)\ST80 Basic

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1.2 Activating your license file
Please download and store the license file archive you received by email on your computer.
The archive is called ‘ST8_TRANSIENT_Lic_*.zip’ or ‘ST8_BASIC_Lic_*.zip’.
On first startup, SIMU-THERM will ask you to import the license file.

Select ‘Yes’ when asked ‘import a license file?’. Then select the file you stored on your computer
in the previous step.
SIMU-THERM will automatically activate the license for you and place it in the program folder.
Your copy is now fully operational.

Method 2: If this does not work for you, you can also unzip the license archive manually and
place the file ST8_*.lic in the program folder.
Usually the program folder is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Simu-Therm 8.x Transient or
C:\Program Files (x86)\Simu-Therm 8.x Basic.
Please make sure to place the ST8_*.lic file in the program folder not the ST8_*.zip

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1.3 Change display language
You can change the display language under ‘options’->’Select program language’.
Select the language and click ok.

1.4 Documentation and support

You can find the complete manual of the software in the sub-directory “manual”.
You can also access the manual in SIMU-THERM itself.

a) With the drop down menu 'help’

The menu item "program description" opens a dialog where you can select one of the manual files. The
menu item "help about current module" directly opens the manual part that matches the currently active

b) With the ‚Help’ button in dialogs

SIMU-THERM starts Acrobat Reader and opens the suitable PDF file. Simultaneously, a search string is
copied in the Windows clipboard .
Activate the search function in Acrobat Reader (looking glass) and press ‘Ctrl+V’ to paste the string you
want to search in the document.

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Additionally, you can find the following tutorials in the folder ‘training’ :

Step by step tutorial explaining how to create a complete steady state calculation with the help of an exam-

This tutorial shows an example how to use the project page efficiently.

Step by step tutorial explaining how to enter new material into the database with the help of an example.
Step by step tutorial explaining how to import your existing Excel material database into SIMU-THERM .

Step by step tutorial explaining how use the fire protection module with the help of an example.

Tutorial_TransientIntroduction.pdf (S-T Transient only)

Step by step tutorial explaining how to perform transient calculations with the help of an example.

The completion of the tutorials is strongly recommended for first time users. This will enable you to perform
easy steady state calculations.

1.5 Setting the locations of the material database files

Simu-Therm 8 can access material data stored in up to ten different database files at the same time.
The files may contain material collections provided by different companies or user materials.
The material files can be at different locations on the computer or in the network.
The locations of the default material files are listed in the file “STMLOC_HDS.txt”.

You can change the entries in the list in a dialog under

"Options – Edit current material file list":

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With "Options –Select material file list" you can select another location list instead of
‘STMLOC_HDS.txt’. It can be useful to use different location lists if you work on different network environ-
ments. To create your own material file list please copy the file “STMLOC_HDS.txt”. and rename it.
Please comply with the naming convention ‘STMLOC_YOURDATABASENAME.txt’.

Where to store your own material data

Please do NOT store your materials in any of the 3 sample files (e.g. ST71mat_HDS.txt) delivered with
Simu-Therm, because they are overwritten in case of re-installation.
Use the menu option “Create an empty material file”, e.g. “ST80mat_MYCOMPANY.txt” and place it in a
location where it is accessible to your backup procedure.

1.6 Convert material files from S-T 7.xx to S-T 8

The mame convention for ST 7 material files is ’ST70mat_xxxxxx.txt’, Make sure that all of the files in your
‘STMLOC’ list meet this convention, as in the example in point ‘1.5’.
Please click on the menu item ‘extras – Convert connected material data from S-T 7 to S-T 8‘.

For each file is ’ST70mat_xxxxxx.txt’ in the list a copy is ’ST80mat_xxxxxx.txt’ will be created containing the
material data in the format of S-T 8.
If a file name does not meet the convention , e.g. ‘MyMaterials.txt’, please rename the file temporarily to
‘ST70mat_MyMaterials.txt’ before the conversion. Do not forget to include ‘ST70mat_MyMaterials.txt’ into
your file list.

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1.7 Adjusting the window and diagram size

The size of the Simu-Therm dialogs is determined by the

dialog font size.
In line 1 you can select a font size from 6 to 14 points in
order to adjust the size of Simu-Therm
to your screen.
When a font size is selected, you can switch to the project
page in to look at the corresponding page size. It depends
of the system font and the resolution of the screen.

In lines 2 and 3 you can determine the width and height of the visible frame around the main page. It should
be slightly larger than the page.

In lines 4 and 5 you can enter a size factor for the Simu-Therm diagrams on your computer monitor resp.
in printouts. You can fit the size of the diagram to the size and the resolution of your display and your
In line 6 you can enter a correction factor for the size of the image on the diagram page. The follow-
ing example shows the effect of the factor

Factor 0.9: Frame is too small Factor 1.1: Frame size ok

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2. Print settings

2.1 Creating own printing presets

The printing jobs in SIMU-THERM are configured by text files that can be modified by the user
to fit their needs. Every printing layout for steady state calculation is controlled by printing presets in a
text file that has to be named 'SFORM_*.txt'.
It is also possible to define more than one preset for different purposes. Prior to printing you can
choose the appropriate printing presets with the button 'print form' in the main dialog.
The file 'SFORM_HDS.txt' is already set as the default layout for steady state calculation.
To create your first custom printing layout, copy the file SFORM_ HDS.txt and rename it to

2.2 Inserting your logo

The page header of each print form is controlled by the files:
‘PAGEHEADER0.txt’ for steady-state printouts
‘PAGEHEADER1.txt’ for transient calculation printouts

As an example we work though inserting your own logo in the steady-state printout.
Prerequisite: Your logo has to be placed as a rectangular *.bmp file in the program folder.
In the file 'PAGEHEADER0.txt' the logo has to be replaced by the logo of your company.
The relevant lines here are:

SETABSPOS 113. -6. ' set position of the logo

IMAGEBMP hds_logo04.bmp 0 21.5 0. ' print the logo scaled 21.5

The command 'SETABSPOS' determines the position of the upper left corner of the logo on the
page. In the case shown above, the corner is located 113mm to the right of the left corner of the
page and 6 mm below the upper corner.

The command 'IMAGEBMP' prints the file 'hds_logo04.bmp' at the position that was defined in the
previous step. The figure 21.5 is the factor the image is stretched to. This number depends on the
size and the resolution of the picture.

The logo is replaced with the logo of the company by replacing the file name in the command
'IMAGEBMP'. Furthermore, the position and the size of the logo have to be adjusted so that the
actual print corresponds to the desired proportions.
The two lines with the custom logo might look like this:

SETABSPOS 140. -11. ' set position of the logo

IMAGEBMP cust_logo.bmp 0 8.0 0. ' print the logo scaled 8.0

By adjusting the values in the command 'SETABSPOS' it is also possible to change the position
of other elements in the print out.

Line 1: Position of the date and page number

Line 18 and 21: Position of additional texts in smaller print

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2.3 Define your contact data for printouts
Select in the main menu ‘Options > contact data’ and enter up to 8 lines

2.4 Changing the graph used for printouts

The printout is controlled by SFORM_HDS2020.txt in the program directory.

In the line PRINTCONTENT you can choose which graph you want to use.

PRINTCONTENT S0 1.09 ' use S-T diagram, enlarged 9%

S0: standard non-coloured graph
S1: coloured graph

2.5 Creating a print form for headed paper

Copy the file SFORM_CUST.txt in the new file SFORM_CUST_FORM.txt. Delete the lines 6 and
7 in the file SFORM_CUST_FORM.txt, to ensure that the logo is not printed anymore. Also, it is
possible that other elements have to be moved to another place or deleted. This is done by ad-
justing the values of the positioning command or by deleting the corresponding print command for
the element altogether.
A detailed description of all commands can be found in 'MANUAL7_PRINT_CONTROL.PDF'.

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3. System requirements

AMD/Intel processor with a minimum of 2.2 GHz or faster.

max. 30 MB per user (in your case of a maximum peak of 40 concurrent users: 1.2GB).
Of course this case will rarely if ever occur in practical use.

Hard Disk Space:

300 MB are required for the installation and user profiles (up to 100 users).
Depending on your own material and calculation data more space is required. A typical file size
for a medium calculation project will be 100KB

Operating System:
Tested on all current versions of Windows server and home. Minimum recommendation is Win-
dows server 2003. The software does not depend on any server features.

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4. Server version

SIMU-THERM 8 is also available as a dedicated server version for multiple users.

There are two ways to install SIMU-THERM 8 Server:

1.) Installation on a terminal server

The program, along with the license file is installed on a terminal server and accessed from here.
The server version offers a helpful user management - each user can register under a unique id
and store their preferred settings (e.g. contact data, paths to material database files).

On startup, each new user can enter a 3 character

ID of their choice.
Select ‘Yes’ when prompted to create a new user.
Now you can use this ID to login and save individ-
ual user settings.

2.) Installation on the client

Alternatively, the program can also be installed on each client individually.
In this case, the license file has to be placed in the installation folder and rolled out to all clients.
The program can be installed once and then copied to all client machines. It does not place any
registry entries in the Windows registry.
The material database is usually placed on a network shared to be used by everyone.

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