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Istilah – Istilah :

1. CWMS : Checklist Work Methode Standards

2. V&V : Verifikasi & Validasi
3. KPI : Key Performance Indicators
4. MKK : Mengatur Keselamatan Kerja
5. KKB : Keselamatan Kendaraan Bermotor
6. HE-MVS : Heavy Equipment Motor Vehicle Safety
7. LV-MVS : Light Vehicle Motor Vehicle Safety
8. HA : Hazard Analysis
9. L&R : Lifting & Rigging
10. WAH : Working At Hight
11. IHE : Isolation of Hazardous Energy
12. HW : Hot Work
13. CSE : Confined Space Entry
14. ET : Excavation & Trenching
15. SIMOPs : Simultaneous Operations
16. BCP : Bypass Critical Operation
17. ESW : Electrical Safe Work
18. PGD : Portable Gas Detection
19. SWC : Start Work Check
20. SYLA : Safety Your Live Action
21. PTW : Permit To Work
22. SWA : Safety Work Authority
23. SWP : Safe Work Practice
24. SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
25. PMCoW : Person Managing Control of Work
26. PPHA : Planning Phase Hazard Analysis
27. SME : Subject Matter Expert
28. WPS : Welding Procedure Spesification
29. SCBA : Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
30. TRT : Teknisi Ruang Terbatas
31. AMURT : Ahli Utama Ruang Terbatas

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