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Drea DS Issued and Published under the Authority of the Director General SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY THE REPUBLIC OF SUDAN (arch 2021) ‘Sadan Ca ton Auboty SUGAR Pat, subpar 6 ‘Aerial work ‘SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS. ‘SUCAR PART 6 ~ Operations of Aircraft ‘SUBPART 6 ‘Aerial work SUCAR Part 6 ~ Operatons of Aircraft, Subpart 6 Aerial Work has been promulgated pursuant to Aticle 22 of the Sudan Civil Aviation Act, 2010 and issued by the Board of Directors of Civil Aviation. The SUCAR has been published under my Authority on the advice of the Board of Direcors of Civil Aviation as is required by the Sudan Civil Aviation Act This First Edition of SUCAR Part 6 ~ Operations of Aircraft, Subpart 6 ~ Aerial Work Is designed to contain comprehensive regulatory requirements for the operation of Aerial Work in the Republic of Sudan, While Chapters one to 9 of this SUCAR contain the Standards and Requirements that rule aircraft operations in Sudan, “The Director General of the SCAA has been delegated to revise and amend this SUCAR. The Director General of the SCAA shall inform the Board of Directors of Civil Aviation on the ‘amendments he has authorized to this SUCAR. 'SUCAR Part 6, SUBPART 6 is part of the overall regulatory framework of civil aviation in ‘Sudan and is supported by other related SUCARs such as SUCAR Part 1 — Personne! Licensing, SUCAR Part 8 - Aircraft Maintenance, SUCAR Part 18 — Transport of Dangerous ‘Goods by Air and SUCAR Part 19 ~ Safety Management System (SMS) to just mention few of the SUCARS that are closoly related to this SUCAR. As indicated in the Applicabilty, the ‘effective and sustainable implementation of this SUCAR may also be supported by Operational Directives and Safety Notices issued by the Director General Lieutenant General ‘Yassin Ibrahim Yassin Abdel Minister of Defense Decsesuba [voucion Ta, ‘Suen Ch Aton Auer ®) ‘TABLE OF AMENDMENTS Date Applicable Date Entered ‘SUGAR Pat, Supt ‘Rei work Baa ‘Sudan Ol Aton tty SUCAR Pan, Subpart 6 “Aeitwork PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK a ‘Sudan CM Alton Autoty ® SUCAR Pat, Subpat 6 ‘eri work ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS We ee ee TABLE OF AMENDMENTS: it CONSENT PAGE ‘ABBREVIATIONS = "TABLE OF EFFECTIVE PAGES. wil FOREWORD av | Legal Background av 2. | Layout of SUCAR Document "ov, '3.__| Rules of Construction owl 4.__| Amendment Rationae evil [Arise 83 bis 0 6. | Requirements poo T.__| Status of SUCAR companenis 2004 [Applicability 200 TABLE OF CONTENTS ca ‘APPLICABILITY ei CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL Ta Definitions 7 12 ‘General Rules. 1 13 Basic Requirersents 13 14 RESPONSIBILITIES OF The OPERATOR +3 15 Period Of Velicity Of An Air Operator Certificate 13 16 ‘Application For An Aerial Application Cerificate 7 14 47 Review And Audit Of Application For An AAC 14 18 ‘Safety Inspections And Audits 1-6 19 Dutios And Responsibiltios Of An AAC Holder 45 4.10 ‘Suspension/Cancellaion Of An AAC And Appeal 18 CHAPTER 2 - AGRICULTURAL AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 2A General - 244 ‘Applicability [22 ‘Certification Rules: [224 Cortficate Required 222 ‘Application Fot Certificate 223 ‘Amendment Of Certificate 224 Certification Requirements 226 Duration Of Certficate 23 (Operaiing Rules 234 ‘General 232 Canying Of Cerificate 23.3 [Limitations On Private Agricultural Airraft Operator 233.4 [Manner Of Dispensing 2.35 | Economic Poison Dispensing 236 Personnel [237 ‘Operations In Gontrofled Airspace Designated For An Airport Docseaubi | Table of Cartons © sara Sudan Cu Aion Autoty ® SUGAR Part, Subpart 6 “evil work 238 ‘Operation Over Congested Areas: General az 239 ‘Operation Over Congested Aveas: Pilots And Airraft 62. 2.3.10 | Availablity Of Cerificate 82, 24 ‘Records And Reports 62 Bad Records: Commercial Agicultural Alrera Operator 62] 242 ‘Change Of Address 62 243 Termination Of Operations 62 CHAPTERS - ROTORCRAFT EXTERNAL LOADS aa ‘Applcabii 13 a2 Cortificaion Russ. 48 324 Duration Of Certificate 48 322 ‘Application For Cerificate Issuanca Or Renewal +3) 324 ‘Requirements For Issuance Of A Rotorcraft Extemal 13 325 ‘Load Operator Certficate 13 | 326 Rotorcraft 23 B27 Personnel 23 328 ‘Amendment Of Cerificate 23 33 ‘Avaliabilty, Transfer, And Surrender Of Garifcate Sudan Civil} 3-3 ‘Aviation aaa ‘Operating Rules 33 332 Carriage Of Porson or 333 ‘Crewmember Tiaining, Currency, And Testing Requirements er 34 ‘Airworthiness Requirements, 5S 341 Fight Characteristics Requirements 53 342 ‘Structures And Design 53 35 (Operating Limitations 63) 36 Rotorcraft-Load Combination Flight Manual 63, 37 Markings And Placards 73 38 Airworthiness Certification 73) CHAPTER 4 - GLIDER TOWNG. a4 ‘Applcabiity 1 42 Corificate Or Authorization Required 14 43, ‘Aireraft Requirements 14 44, Experience And Training Requirements 44 45 (Operating Rules 24 CHAPTER 5 - BANNER TOWING 5A ‘Applcabiliy 15 52 Cerificate Or Authorization Required 15 53 ‘Aircraft Requirements 15 5.8 ‘Experience And Training Requiremants 15. 55. ‘Operating Rules 15. (CHAPTER 6 - TV AND MOVIE OPERATIONS 61 ‘Applcabilly 16 | 682 Cerificate OrAuihorization Required 16 | 63 ‘Aircraft Requirement 1-8) [oa Experience And Training Requirements 16 Docse-wbi | Table of Contents 7a Hanan ‘Sudan Cl Aan Abaly ® SUCAR Pan, subpar 6 ‘evil work 65 ‘Operating Rules And Waiver Requirements 16 66 Contents Of A Motion Picture And Television Flight Operations | 2-6 Manual CHAPTER 7 - SIGHT-SEEINS FLIGHTS T_T Apalcabiity — 77_| 12 Cerificate Or Authorization Required +7 73 Experience And Training Requirements [7 74 Operating Rules 47 CHAPTER 8 - FISH SPOTTING aa ‘Applicability - 18 a2 Certificate or Authorization Required 18 83) ‘Operating Rules. 18 a4 Experience ard Training Requirements 18 (CHAPTER 9 - NEWS MEDIA AND TRAFFIC REPORTING on ‘Applcabiiiy 1 02, Certificate Or Authorization Required 19) 93. ‘Operating Rules. 19) o4 Experience And Training Requirements 4-9 (CHAPTER 10 - MICROLIGHT 40.4 Uitralight and weightshift microlight aircraft 10-1 102 Weightshift microight aircraft 10-1 103 Defintions ~a Discussion 0-1 10.4 ‘Aircraft Operaton 102 105 CCrlfication and Registration 10:3 106 Pict Licensing 103 CHAPTER 11 - PARAMOTOR tia Description | = wi crea Inspection requirements 41 13) Cortfication ard registration tt 114. Daylight operations 112 115, ‘Operations over congested areas 142. 116 (Operations in prohibited or restricted areas 142, CHAPTER 12— HOT AIR BALLOON ai aA 122 2 123 cra (26 2 Docseat TT of Conlon Ta Sudan i Aiton Autry SUCAR Pat, Subpart 6 “evil work Docseacei [Table of Connie 7 Sian ‘an Cain Auery ®) SUuCAR Pat, Subp 6 ‘eri work ABBREVIATIONS (Used in this SUCAR) AAC. ‘Aerial Application Certicate AGL ‘Above Ground Level AOC ‘ir Operator Certfcate ASD ‘Aviation Safely Department FR Instrument Fight Rules. Pic Piotin Command VER Visual Fight Rules i ry Sudan OM Aiton Atty SUCAR Pat 8, Spat “hail work TABLE OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ‘Number| Page Number Effective Date Romark 1 Tito vil Marchv2021 2 11 to FT March/2021 3 211023 Marchv2021 4 ‘S110%7 Marchv2021 5 441042 March’2021 a Sto 52 Marciv2021 7 11008 Marchv2021 3S T1107 March’202t 9. B41 1084 ‘March/2021 40 9110041 Marchv2021 Doesenbi [Table of Coranis wa wi Stan i Aiton Ast ® SUCAR Pan 6, Spat 8 22 DackoawT ‘eri work FOREWORD INTRODUCTION 'SUCAR Patt 6 Subpart 6 of the Regulations sets forth the requirements for ‘arial work operations, Including agricultural aviation, helicopter extemal load carrying, glider and banner towing, TV and movie operations, sight- seeing fights, fish spotting and trafic reporting Athough the requirements fof this Part appear to address operations internal to Sudan, in some instances, sircrat registered in Sudan wil be able to perform aerial work in Contiguous states. The Annexes to the Convention on International Civil ‘Aviation do not specifically address aerial work. Although Annexes 1 and 6 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation contain a definition of aerial ‘work, the historical background section in the Foreword of Annex 6, Part I, notes that this defnion is included so that States will know that the Annex 6 {does not address aerial work. Aerial work operations cattied out outside the boundaries of Sudan must be operated and maintained in accordance with the Intemational Civil Aviation Organization standards set forth in ‘other Parts ofthese Regulations. Legal background Pursuant to Artcle 22 of the Civil Aviation Act, 2018 regarding the ‘empowerment of the Board of Directors of Civil Aviation to issue and amend ‘Sudan Civil Aviaion Regulations (SUGAR) for acceptance and consent by the Competent Ninister, SUCARS are issued to ensure full compliance with the Annexes to the Convention on Intemational Civil Aviation, signed in ‘Chicago on 7 December 1944 (Chicago Convention) to which the Republic ‘of Sudan Is a Party. The Chicago Convention, through its Annexes, ‘establishes the rinimum Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) to ensure the safety and security of global air navigation activities and environmental protection. Sudan Civil Aviation Regulations. provide an appropriate and comprehensive framework for the defiiton and implementation of common technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation, Where not covered by the specif SUCARS, ICAO Annex SARPS as well as the technical information in related technical publications and guidance material form a complimentary regulatory materal for implementation in Sudan, as may be applicable, and thus are considered enforceable regulatory requirements in the areas that they address but are not addressed by the relevant SUCAR, Operational Directive oF Eafety Note. Suoh Standarde and Recommanded Practices considered essential for implementation should be included in the relevant 'SUCAR as soon as practicable and in any case during the next amendment of the SUCAR. ‘An aircraft, other than an aircraft registered in the Republic of Sudan, shall rot fy over or lend in the terior of the Republic of Sudan except under ‘an authorization granted by the Suden Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) on boehaif of the Government of the Republic of Sudan, Forward a anne, ‘Sudan Ct Aton Ay ® SUCAR Pat 6, Subpart 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2.10 am Docsomby ‘evil work ‘An aircraft other than an airratt registered in the Republic of Sudan shall ‘ot take on-board or discharge any passengers or cargo at any location Within the temtoties of the Republic of Sudan, being passengers or cargo carried or to be carted for hire or reward, without the permission of the SCAA granted for the aircraft in accordance with any condtions and limitations to which such permission may be subjected, ‘An aircraft shall rot fy over or land in the tortor of the Republic of Sudan Unless it's registered in: “The Republic of Sudan; of ‘An ICAO Contracting State; or ‘Any other Slate where there is an agreementlarrangement between the Republic of Sudan and that State making provisions for aver-fight oF landing in the tertory of the Republic of Sudan, \n accordance wih the provisions of SUCAR Part 7 — Aeraft Nationality and Registration, an aircraft registered in the Republic of Sudan shall comply with the Sudan Cvil Aviation Regulations, ‘An Aircraft, registered outside the Republic of Sudan shall comply with the ‘Sudan Civil Aviation Regulations while operating toffrom or within the territories ofthe Republic of Sudan wherever is applicable. ‘An aircraft registered in the Republic of Sudan should comply with the regulations of other States where it may be operating or overtiving, ‘Sudan SCAA accepts the codes of the Type Certification Authority of the State of Manufecturer andior Design, for the purpose of issuing or Revalidation of Airworthiness Certificates, Aiworthiness Directives (ADs), Minimum Equipmant List (MEL), and all other related issues in that respect. ‘The Sudan Civil Aviation Authority may impose additional requirements, Any difference that _may exist between SUCAR requirements and ‘corresponding ICAO Annex SARPs shall be reported to ICAO in line with the requirements of Article 38 of the Convention. Significant diferences shall be published in the National Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP). The procedure for amending the SUGARS and fling of diferences with ICAO are contained in the "Rule Making Manuel, Fourth Editon, February 2021 and is summarized in paragraph 4 below. ‘An effort has been made for SUCAR requirements to be fully compliant with ‘corresponding ICAO Annex provisions; however, where an aviation actly for which a SUCAR regulation has not been promulgated is undertaken in the Sudan, the relevant Annex provisions shall be applicable unti It is ‘addressed in an amendment of the SUCAR (see also paragraph 1.1 above), Provisions promulgated in the SUCAR shall be applicable within si months after the date thet they have been signed by the Competent Minister end Published folowing promulgation by the Board of Directors, Foren me sano ‘Sudan Cation Atty ® SUGAR Part, supa 6 34 aaa 342 Decsoawy ‘eral work Layout of the SUCAR document ‘Sudan civil aviation regulations (SUCARs) ‘The Republic of Sudan has promulgated or in the process of promulgating ‘operating regulations that would fully comply with corresponding Standards ‘contained in the Annexes to the Convention on Infernatianal Civil Aviation List of SUCARS promulgated in Sudan is contained in the Table below. ‘The lst shall be amended periodically fo reflect the status of SUCAR Implementation. SUCARs, as may be applicable, are supported by various Guidance (Materials, Procedures Manuals and Inspectors Handbooks designed to tenable the SCAA to effectively and efficiently meet its safety oversight ‘obligations as well as to provide the Inspectorate staff with a complete sot (of regulatory and supporting materials. ‘Together, the SUCARS and relevant guidance materials, procedures and handbooks form the required by the SCAA to regulate and supervise civil aviation activiy n Sudan and of Sudanese registered alreraft operating ‘outside of Sudan, List of Sudan Civil Aviation Regulations is presented inthe Table below \which shall be arended as required from time-to-time to ensure its currency. Foreword va Svien Ot Aton Aubry SUCAR Pat 6 Sutpan6 ‘ei wrk SUGAR Pa no. {nos Titenane Eaton Year 4._|SUCAR Part 1_| Personnel Licensing 2° Edition/2017 2. SUCAR Bat? [Rules ofthe A 2 Ediont017 3. SUCAR Pat | Netcrgnl Sano 2 ediont017 | SUcAR Par ¢[Heronautea Chats i Edn ier 5. [sucan Pars [uns of Measurement aes ‘SUGAR Far =| Operas a ea = Commersarar na S-_| Subpart 1 Transport, Aeroplanes 4 Etoni2n2t SUGAR Pao 1. [Stipe | cperaton of Avra GeneaAvaion fis eaton2017 SUCAR PARE] Gpeaons Arent = Conor Faia 8__| Subpart it Gperations: |!" Ecition/2017_ SUGAR Pato oe Re [sera Wor i eavonaoet SUCAR Pane ; to, | SUCAR Fat | coun Hating = ona024 ect tna ra RST +1, |sucarean7 {ions 12_| SUCAR Pat | Arwen a a 7 Eon 1 SUcaR Pat | rataton io Edn 14 SUCAR Par 10 | ronal Tecommariatons ia Ein? 15_| SUCAR Ban 11 [A Tale Senics = Eao2017 16 SUCAR Pa 7 |Search and Ress a Edo0T7 Atte Acer and Ret 17, | sucan pans | tesipaons Etonz014 SUGAR Patt f wale sermon ~Aeottome esi and Subpart | Operations. 2x Edition/2016 SUGAR Pat 7 13, [Seog [reports ts eatona0%6 2i_| SUGAR Pa | Aseria ibmaon Sani Eon SUGAR Pat ie 21. [Sepant | Eweormenta Proteton Ata Nose __[1* Eaton 2018 SUGAR Pat 16 | Ewonmana Pratcion = Alsat 2 |supann___[Entsone 4m Edton/2016 23._|SUCAR Part 17 | Aviation Security. 2 Eaition/2078 24 | SUGAR Part 18 [ Tw Sao Trnspor cf Dongorous Goods —[ > Eaien2017 25._[ SUGAR Pat [ Rrsion Safety Maranon STENT Ta TPT = Tar Suen Cl Aston Aart SucAR Pat 6, Sump ‘eral work De ee ee Each Part of SUCAR, but not necessarily all Is composed of ‘An introduction; Text: Definitions; Notes: Tables and foures; ‘Appendices; and Atachments 4. Rules of construction Inthe Parts of these Regulations, unless the context requires otherwise: 8) Words importing the singular include the plural Words impoting the plural include the singular, b) and ©) Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine, 4) "Shall" is used in an imperative sense. "Mayishould Is used in a permissive sense to state authority or ©) permission {edo the act prescribed, and the words “no person may..." Or*a pporgon may rot..." mens that no person is required, authorized or permitted to do the act prescribed, 4) The word “Includes” moans includes but isnot limited to. '9) The word “Show and its derivatives in these regulations have the exact intent as shown inthe dicfonary. 5. Amendment Rationale and Procedures ‘Tho existing Susan Civil Aviation Regulations will from time-to-time be ‘amended to reflet the latest updates of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS); it will also be amended to reflect the latest up-to-date aviation safely related matters detected by the Civil Aviation Authority, the aviation industry service providers or operators, and individuals "and ‘authorization holders; amendment may also be generated to ensure safety Standardization and to accommodate new inilaives or technologies. Detaled Information on tre rulo making process are contained in the "Rule Making Manua Fifth Eton, October 2018 an are ifmaton onthe amendment is prosented below: 1. When the SCAA receives an amendment to any of the current ICAO Annexes, the same wil be routed by the Office of the Director General of ‘Civil Aviation to the Safely Policy and Standards Directorate (SPSD) Deesoani [Foreword an Scan ht aon Auto SUCAR Pat6, Sutpan “era wre \which in turn wil provide a copy to the concomed Directorate for thoic study and comments within 2 spectied period of time (normally 15 days) ‘and route the same back to the SPSD for final study and processing. 2. When any of te diferent SCAA Directorates raquites a change to the ‘applicable SUCAR Pars, it wll send a letter staing the required change slong with It justified reasons for such change. ‘The request shall be studied, discussed and as may be applicable processed by the SPSD in ‘accordance tb the rule making procedures contained inthe "Rule Making Manual” {3 Any ofthe above mentioned change requests would then be prepared in aft form and sent to the Concemed Directorates for further study and ‘comments within a epecific period of time (this period can be short or long depending on the size and complexity of the changes or amendmonts required). 4. All suggested changes will be drafted in the form of Notices of Proposed Amendments (NOPA) and addressed to all concemed entitios ‘including industry representatives for comments porto adoption. 5. Any differences between the new regulations and ICAO SARPs will be reported and recorded as diferences to ICAO and reflected in the AIP, as applicable. 6. Entry into force time frame for any new regulations will be the responsbiliy of the SPSD. The SPSD will also be responsible for coordinating ‘he identification of differences from corresponding ICAO ‘Annexes in ocordination wth the concerned Directorates. 7. The Office of the Director General is responsible for fling differences with ICAO, in the case that they exist, as soon as new regulations or ‘amendments ihere to have been promulgated. 8, All concerned partes wil be given a copy of the new amendment and will be requested to update their copy of the regulations including ther list of effective pages, 9. Approved emendments or corrigenda of SUCAR or pat(s) thereof will be dissemineted to the industy through hardoopies (news release circulars direcives and other) and softeopies (onine or database, Internet fddress, CD-ROM and other) 410. Iti the responsibilty ofall concemed parties to keep their copy of the, regulations upto-date Foenet a Tae eer corp @ ra 111, The SCAA may not release regulations prior to the formal consent by the Competent Minister as datermined in the Chil Aviation Act 2018 or by the Director General of the Sudan Civil Aviation Authority on a writen dolagation by the Competent Minster. Article 83bis| ‘Suan has ralifed Article 83bis of Convention an Intemational Civil Aviation respecting the delegation of respansbilies in instances where aeroplane are leased, chartered, or interchanged in particular without crew, with any ICAO ‘member Stato thathad ratified this arti. Requirements ‘Applicants for an ketal Application Cerificate (AAC) shall submit an aeroplanes ‘operations certfcation application following the stops that are clealy defined in the AAC Policy and Procedures Manual defining the process and procedures for the certification of aerial work operators in Sudan based on the five (5) phases of certification process. Applicants should also familiarize themselves With requirements contained in this SUCAR as well as the environment within the area oftheir proposed operation. Applicants are also advised to ensure that they fully meet aircraft operations felaled requirements that are contained In other SUCARS and SCAA publications prior 'o submitting an application for cetcation to the Sudan Civil ‘Aviation Authority Status of SUCAR components SSUCAR is normally made up ofthe following component parts, not all of which however are found in every SUCAR; they have the status indicated: ‘Standard ‘Any specification or physical characteristics, configuration, material, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of wich is recognized as necessary for the safety or regulaty of intemational. air ‘navigation and to which the holder of an Ar Operator Cerificate issued by the ‘Sudan DGCA wil conform to. Definition Dees oab Of terms used in the standards which are not self-explanatory in that they do have accepted dtionary meanings. A definition does not have independent Foreword a TA Suton Ch Aton Aer SUCARPat 6, Supa ‘vil wok status but isan essential part of each Standard in which the term is used, since «8 change in the meaning ofthe term would affet the specication, Table and Figures Which add to oF ilustrate a Standard which are refered to therein, form part of the associated Standard and have the same status Reforonces oa 92 93 4 95 ‘This Sub Par is based on ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices and lis guidance materas, Applicability ‘The requirements contained in this SUCAR including those that ere contained in the Appendices and Attachments aro applicable to all Sudanese AOC holders engaged in commercial operation It also apples to the following entities in respect of the operation of a leased ‘aeroplane by the lessee ifthe aeroplane is registred inthe name of the lessor 4) Sudanese aerial work operator that leases a Sudanese aircraft from “another Sudanese air operator, ') A foreign air operator that leases a Sudanese alrcraft from a Sudanese air ‘operator that is operating under SUCAR Part 6, Subpart 4; and ©) A Sudanese aerial work operator that ie operating under SUCAR Part 6, Subpart 4 and that eases an airoaft registered in another ICAO Contracting State, ‘This Subpart does not apply in respect of the operation of a General Aviation ‘aeroplane less thar 5,700 kg MTOW unless thal aeroplane is Being leased to a ‘commercial air operator certified under this SUCAR. A Sudanese operaior intending to dry-lease or wetease an aeroplane shall ensure thatthe aeroplane is operated in accordance with requirements of this regulation and obtain an approval from the Director Goneral of the SCAA prior tolmporting and opsrating the aeroplane. ‘The above approval shall be based on the operator meeting the requirements slpulated in the oferator’s Approved Operation Manual and the aeroplane is ‘ype certificated In accordance with the applicable Sudan vl Aviation Regulations, as follows: Foreword 7 Ban Scan Ci Aan Auto SUCARPat 6 Sibpan6 ‘eri work 96 97 98 Doesoaaby for @ dnytease in: ensure the aeroplane is operated and maintained in accordance with the Approved Operations Manual and the Approved Maintenance Program ofthe lessee. for a drylease cut; ensure the aeroplane 's operated and maintained in ‘accordance with the Approved Operations Manual and the Approved Maintenance Program ofthe lessee. for a wet lease in: ensure the foreign fight crew operate the aeroplane in accardance to the Operations Specifications ofthe lessee or lessor whichever is more resticive, and the aeroplane is maintained by the lessor to an ‘Approved Maintenance Program. for @ wotlease our: ensure the fight crow operate the aeroplane in accordance to the Oparations Specifications ofthe lessor or the lessee whichever is more testitve, and the aeroplane fs maintained by the lessor to an Approved Maintenance Progam. Preservation of dosuments of a leaso [An operator of a commercial air transport aeroplane who Is required to retain ‘documents for a s2ecfied period shall retain these documents forthe specfied period, Should the logal ownership change, the records will be provided to the Rules applicable ina foreign country ‘The holder of a Sudanese AOC, while operating an aeroplane in a foreign ‘country, shal comply with the rules and regulations of the Republic of Sudan Unless the foreign regulation is more restrictive, In the case where the foreign regulation is mare restrictive, the AOC holder shall operate the aeroplane in ‘accordance with the regulations of that foreign country. Charter fights In unususl circumstances an SCAA AOC holder may charter a fight or series of fights from ancther SCAA AOC holder in the appropriate category (Intemational, Domestic, Cargo, Passengers) for a maximum of five consecutive days. The SCAA must be advised of any charter at least 12 hours before the ‘commencement of the charter fight. A charter ftom a non-SCAA AOC holder rust be epproved by the SCAM af loast 24 houre bafore commencement of any fights. Foreword a aa Suen Out Aton Aut SUCAR Pat 6 Sutpeo ‘eval wore PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Foreword a rai Sten Cl stony SUCARPat 6 Supa “hoi work Applicability 1a) This part contains the cequirements for those operators and operations that are ‘considered to be aerial work in Sudan. by All persons who concuct aerial work In Sudan must comply with certification requitements ofthis Part ©) All persons who conduct aerial work in Sudan must comply with the applicable firworthiness end operatcnal requirements ofthis Part, except where this Part grants, relief from those requirements or specifies addtional requirements, Dorseaubt [ Apleabiy Te Eu ‘Sudan Oi Aion Abort SUCARPat 6, subpar ‘eri wrk PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Doeseaae) [Pople ‘a Sar ‘Scan il ion Abrty ® SUCARPat 6, Sutpan 8 ‘etal Vik CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1. Definitions. For the purpose of this Part 6 Subpart 6, the following definitions shall apply ‘Aerial work, An srcraft operation in which an aircraft Is used for specialized services fsich as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, Search and rescue, aorial advertisement, et. ‘Acrobatic fight." Man eauvres intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt chenge in an alert’ attitude, an abnormal atftude, or abnormal variation in speed. Agricultural alreraft operation. The operation ofan aircraft for he purpose of Dispensing any economic poison, Dispensing any other sibstance intended for plant nourishment, soil treatment, ‘propagation of plant Ife, or pest contro, or Engaging in dispensing

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