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02-11 01:37:18.000 14417 14417 E droid.ugc.

tril: Not starting debugger since

process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-11 01:37:18.065 481 1602 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:14417, uid:10234
02-11 01:37:19.322 14417 14417 E flipped : init succeeded.
02-11 01:37:19.324 14417 14456 E flipped : Attach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:19.324 14417 14456 E flipped : Detach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:19.324 14417 14457 E flipped : Attach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:19.325 14417 14457 E flipped : Detach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:19.877 14417 14470 E droid.ugc.tril: No implementation found for int
com.bytedance.common.jato.jit.JitBlock.initJitBlockInternal(int, boolean) (tried
Java_com_bytedance_common_jato_jit_JitBlock_initJitBlockInternal and
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: Uninitialized ActivityThread,
likely app-created Instrumentation, disabling AppComponentFactory
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: java.lang.Throwable
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at$H.handleMessage(
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at$
02-11 01:37:20.056 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:37:20.274 14417 14517 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:37:20.275 14417 14517 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:37:20.483 14417 14455 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:37:20.483 14417 14455 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:37:20.735 14417 14583 E flipped : Attach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:20.736 14417 14583 E flipped : Detach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:20.737 14417 14584 E flipped : Attach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:20.737 14417 14584 E flipped : Detach current thread 0
02-11 01:37:20.997 14417 14569 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
02-11 01:37:21.369 14417 14458 E MediaCodecOpt: can't find
02-11 01:37:21.691 14417 14576 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 0
02-11 01:37:21.825 14417 14527 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
02-11 01:37:22.094 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
getAbConfigValue@sami_core_ab_config_context.cpp,194] Callback
function(getBoolValue_) return null, maybe given a non-exist abkey.
02-11 01:37:22.161 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
getAbConfigValue@sami_core_ab_config_context.cpp,177] Callback
function(getStringValue_) return null, maybe given a non-exist abkey.
02-11 01:37:22.161 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
getAbConfigValue@sami_core_ab_config_context.cpp,187] get string value from libra
failed id sami_test_string2
02-11 01:37:22.655 14417 14417 E LynxFluency: create factory failed!
02-11 01:37:22.658 14417 14417 E LynxServiceProxy: Failed init service proxy with
service name: com.bytedance.lynx.service.adapter.common.trail.LynxTrailService, e:
02-11 01:37:22.658 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.658 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: ENABLE_FLUENCY_TRACE
02-11 01:37:22.658 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.659 14417 14417 E lynx : No webassembly found in the host
[ com.bytedance.vmsdk.wasm.RegisterWebAssembly, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
com.bytedance.vmsdk.wasm.RegisterWebAssembly ]
02-11 01:37:22.660 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: disable_post_processor
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: useNewImage
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: enable_image_memory_report
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: enable_component_statistic_report
02-11 01:37:22.661 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.662 14417 14417 E LynxDevtoolUtils: LynxDevtoolUtils prepareMethod
failed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.lynx.devtool.LynxDevtoolEnv
02-11 01:37:22.662 14417 14417 E LynxDevtoolUtils: setDevtoolEnv failed:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])' on a null
object reference
02-11 01:37:22.663 14417 14417 E LynxFluency: create factory failed!
02-11 01:37:22.704 14417 14417 E Bench-TAG: ====== JNI_OnLoad ======
02-11 01:37:22.734 14417 14681 E KEVA.NATIVE: zx: using default value
02-11 01:37:22.734 14417 14682 E KEVA.NATIVE: zx: using default value
02-11 01:37:22.739 14417 14417 E BX : [void
Java_com_benchmark_port_nativePort_BSModuleInvoker_nativeSetJsWorker(JNIEnv *,
jclass, jlong):532] downloadJavaScript
02-11 01:37:22.886 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.886 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: enable_vsync_aligned_flush
02-11 01:37:22.886 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.916 14417 14417 E LynxDevtoolUtils: setDevtoolEnv failed:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])' on a null
object reference
02-11 01:37:22.964 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.964 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: enable_shadownode_statistic_report
02-11 01:37:22.964 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.969 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.969 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: trail_async_hydration
02-11 01:37:22.969 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.977 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.977 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: decouple_layoutnode_from_element
02-11 01:37:22.977 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:22.978 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:22.979 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
02-11 01:37:22.979 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:23.029 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:23.030 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: ANDROID_DISABLE_QUICKJS_CODE_CACHE
02-11 01:37:23.030 14417 14697 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:23.071 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:23.071 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: enable_check_access_from_non_ui_thread
02-11 01:37:23.071 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:23.080 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long request gcblock: 3005
02-11 01:37:23.080 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:37:23.080 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 116593669,3005
02-11 01:37:23.159 14417 14417 E Forest_null: could not get any valid access key
from remote settings
02-11 01:37:23.175 14417 14417 E Forest_ForestFacade: IO operation in UI thread
02-11 01:37:23.213 14417 14417 E TemplateAssembler: Load Template with zero
02-11 01:37:23.217 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:23.217 14417 14417 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: disable_lazy_css_decode
02-11 01:37:23.217 14417 14417 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:23.222 14417 14417 E lynx :
[] getScreenMetricsOverride should return
table with width and height fields as numbers!!
02-11 01:37:23.223 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:23.223 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: FORCE_LYNX_NETWORK_BLOCKLIST
02-11 01:37:23.223 14417 14697 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:23.223 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:23.223 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: FORCE_LYNX_NETWORK_ALLOWLIST
02-11 01:37:23.223 14417 14697 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:23.224 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:23.224 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: FORCE_LYNX_NETWORK
02-11 01:37:23.224 14417 14697 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:23.603 14417 14417 E byteio : <0x0,MDLJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,61>-----
compiled native library Jan 10 2024 06:18:16 (
02-11 01:37:23.603 14417 14417 E byteio :
<0x0,MDLJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,71><JNI_OnLoad,71> JNI_OnLoad (result=65540)
02-11 01:37:23.609 14417 14417 E byteio :
<0x0,MDLTTQuicHeJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,54>-----compiled native library Jan 10 2024
06:18:16 (
02-11 01:37:23.609 14417 14417 E byteio :
<0x0,MDLTTQuicHeJniBase.cpp,JNI_OnLoad,66><JNI_OnLoad,66> JNI_OnLoad (result=65540)
02-11 01:37:23.692 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:10
strType=android.sensor.linear_acceleration delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class num: 1
02-11 01:37:23.701 14417 14576 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 1
02-11 01:37:23.718 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:9
strType=android.sensor.gravity delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class num:
02-11 01:37:23.723 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:4
strType=android.sensor.gyroscope delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 1
02-11 01:37:23.733 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:11
strType=android.sensor.rotation_vector delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class num: 1
02-11 01:37:23.745 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 1
02-11 01:37:23.754 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:2
strType=android.sensor.magnetic_field delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class num: 1
02-11 01:37:24.167 14417 14697 E Forest_null: could not get any valid access key
from remote settings
02-11 01:37:24.178 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:24.178 14417 14697 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: enable_experimental_require_module_cache
02-11 01:37:24.178 14417 14697 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:24.194 14417 14697 E Forest_null: could not get any valid access key
from remote settings
02-11 01:37:24.218 14417 14697 I chatty : uid=10234(
Lynx_JS identical 2 lines
02-11 01:37:24.226 14417 14697 E Forest_null: could not get any valid access key
from remote settings
02-11 01:37:25.790 14417 14460 E Forest_null: could not get any valid access key
from remote settings
02-11 01:37:26.565 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:37:26.566 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 116597153,3007
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=true ,channel = shake_topview_eggs_template,bundle = template.js
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:28.326 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:29.008 14417 14469 E droid.ugc.tril: No implementation found for int
com.bytedance.common.jato.jit.JitBlock.initJitBlockInternal(int, boolean) (tried
Java_com_bytedance_common_jato_jit_JitBlock_initJitBlockInternal and
02-11 01:37:29.168 14417 14417 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_7202587737354093595, just delete it and store new
02-11 01:37:30.924 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long request gcblock: 3006
02-11 01:37:30.924 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:37:30.925 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 116601512,3007
02-11 01:37:31.350 14417 14417 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num:
02-11 01:37:31.696 14417 14619 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 1
02-11 01:37:31.788 14417 14619 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:9
strType=android.sensor.gravity delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class num:
02-11 01:37:31.795 14417 14619 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:4
strType=android.sensor.gyroscope delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 2
02-11 01:37:31.803 14417 14619 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:11
strType=android.sensor.rotation_vector delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class num: 2
02-11 01:37:31.824 14417 14624 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 11 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
setParameters@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,360] speech_ratio_loudness_adjust ab is
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain use_eq
02-11 01:37:31.830 14417 14513 E [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[Warning!
UnredirectedLogger!!]: [mammon]android-14.42.3-mt[SAMICORE:
_fillValueFromJsonObj@loudness_strategy_graph.cpp,348] json doesn't contain
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel =
shake_b42521b7005d4e13b511e32168a31899_resource,bundle = default.res.json
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.381 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel =
shake_b42521b7005d4e13b511e32168a31899_resource,bundle = assets/hand_shake.png
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.383 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel =
shake_b42521b7005d4e13b511e32168a31899_resource,bundle = assets/hand_bg.png
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.384 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel =
shake_b42521b7005d4e13b511e32168a31899_resource,bundle = assets/eggs_0.png
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.385 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel =
shake_b42521b7005d4e13b511e32168a31899_resource,bundle = assets/eggs_1.png
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:33.387 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:33.900 14417 14455 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-11 01:37:33.969 14417 14455 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-11 01:37:34.416 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:37:34.416 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 116605006,3004
02-11 01:37:34.496 14417 14988 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:34.496 14417 14988 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: enable_async_thread_cache
02-11 01:37:34.496 14417 14988 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:34.497 14417 14988 E LynxSettingsManager: Unknow value type: null
02-11 01:37:34.497 14417 14988 E LynxSettingsManager: Failed to get value in
settings[lynx_common], key: multi_layout_thread_size
02-11 01:37:34.497 14417 14988 E LynxEnv : Failed get settings value, key:
02-11 01:37:38.703 14417 14417 E lynx :
[] getScreenMetricsOverride should return
table with width and height fields as numbers!!
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel = tiktok_webview_hook,bundle = hook.js
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.436 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel = fe_tiktok_lynx_search_transfer,bundle =
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:37:40.439 14417 14713 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:37:41.534 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long request gcblock: 3005
02-11 01:37:41.534 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:37:41.535 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 116612123,3006
02-11 01:37:44.798 481 1602 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:14417, uid:10234
02-11 01:37:44.856 14417 14417 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_7202587737354093595, just delete it and store new
02-11 01:37:47.136 14417 14469 E droid.ugc.tril: No implementation found for int
com.bytedance.common.jato.jit.JitBlock.initJitBlockInternal(int, boolean) (tried
Java_com_bytedance_common_jato_jit_JitBlock_initJitBlockInternal and
02-11 01:37:49.258 14417 15155 E SQLiteLog: (5) statement aborts at 1: [PRAGMA
journal_mode=TRUNCATE] database is locked
02-11 01:37:49.279 14417 15157 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:37:49.369 14417 15157 I chatty : uid=10234(
Thread-23 identical 2 lines
02-11 01:37:49.371 14417 15157 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:37:51.863 14417 14417 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_7202587737354093595, just delete it and store new
02-11 01:37:52.181 14417 15154 E SQLiteLog: (5) statement aborts at 1: [PRAGMA
journal_mode=TRUNCATE] database is locked
02-11 01:37:52.188 14417 15157 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:37:52.191 14417 15166 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_repost_guides in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DatabaseCache_repost_guides"
02-11 01:38:15.708 14417 14957 E JemallocExtend: mallctl version:5.1.0-0-
02-11 01:38:34.508 14417 15263 E SQLiteLog: (5) statement aborts at 1: [PRAGMA
journal_mode=TRUNCATE] database is locked
02-11 01:38:34.535 14417 15157 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:34.541 14417 15166 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_repost_guides in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DatabaseCache_repost_guides"
02-11 01:38:34.551 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:34.561 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_live_gift_guide_dialog_duration_predict in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:34.562 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_live_gift_guide_dialog_duration_predict in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:35.958 14417 14455 E Bench-TAG: ====== JNI_OnLoad ======
02-11 01:38:38.407 14417 15385 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-11 01:38:38.420 14417 15385 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-11 01:38:41.523 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:38:41.524 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 116672113,3005
02-11 01:38:50.155 14417 15415 E SQLiteLog: (5) statement aborts at 1: [PRAGMA
journal_mode=TRUNCATE] database is locked
02-11 01:38:50.159 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:50.163 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_live_gift_guide_dialog_duration_predict in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:50.165 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_live_gift_guide_dialog_duration_predict in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:50.170 14417 15415 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:50.174 14417 15157 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:38:50.175 14417 15166 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_repost_guides in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DatabaseCache_repost_guides"
02-11 01:38:50.202 14417 15415 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_tiktok_push_features in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:39:21.703 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 2
02-11 01:39:21.730 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 3
02-11 01:40:17.692 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 2
02-11 01:41:21.690 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 1
02-11 01:41:22.707 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 2
02-11 01:41:47.021 14417 15423 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:41:47.021 14417 15423 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:42:31.839 14417 14619 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 1
02-11 01:43:21.708 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 0
02-11 01:43:22.724 14417 14575 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 1
02-11 01:45:21.701 14417 14576 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 0
02-11 01:45:22.731 14417 14576 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 1
02-11 01:45:44.970 14417 14417 E TEAndroidJni: ===== VEBase_JNI_OnLoad start =====,
gJvm: 0xb4000079662f8380 0x7802daedf8.
02-11 01:45:44.980 14417 14417 E TEAndroidJni: ===== VEBase_JNI_OnLoad end =====,
gJvm: 0xb4000079662f8380.
02-11 01:45:45.076 14417 14417 E AE_EFFECT_TAG: ## 2024-02-11 01:45:45
[threadid:1739072760,bef_amg_api.cpp,18] ERROR ##
[AE_EFFECT_TAG]bef_amg_register_vecodec_callback: callback address is 0x77672adac0.
02-11 01:45:45.222 14417 14417 E ByteNN: : Set AB string [memory_low:b:false]
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: Uninitialized ActivityThread,
likely app-created Instrumentation, disabling AppComponentFactory
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: java.lang.Throwable
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at$H.handleMessage(
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at$
02-11 01:45:45.871 14417 14417 E Instrumentation: at
02-11 01:45:48.339 14417 14417 E Forest_null: could not get any valid access key
from remote settings
02-11 01:45:48.650 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long request gcblock: 3005
02-11 01:45:48.650 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:45:48.650 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 117099228,3016
02-11 01:45:50.280 14417 17832 E libc : Access denied finding property
02-11 01:45:50.327 14417 14913 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 4 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
02-11 01:45:50.918 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 01:45:51.062 14417 17731 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
02-11 01:45:51.064 14417 17790 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
02-11 01:45:51.326 14417 14558 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 4 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel = textmode_bg_resource,bundle = main.png
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS157S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:22)
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.AqS177S0100000_7.invoke(Unknown Source:122)
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at$52(SourceFile:16777254)
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:442)
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
02-11 01:45:51.346 14417 17802 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at Source:0)
02-11 01:45:51.356 14417 17832 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=X.LA5@dbad647sensor=android.sensor.gyroscope num: 0
02-11 01:45:51.363 14417 17832 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=X.LA5@dbad647sensor=android.sensor.gyroscope num: 0
02-11 01:45:51.435 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 01:45:51.721 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 01:45:54.073 14417 14431 E gcblocker: too long GC blocking: 3000
02-11 01:45:54.074 14417 14431 E gcblocker: gc block end, 117104629,3039
02-11 01:45:54.657 14417 17790 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:45:54.658 14417 17790 E Otis.Native: not exist
02-11 01:45:56.282 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.290 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.290 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(1634496607):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.290 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.311 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.326 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 01:45:56.479 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.480 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.480 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.480 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.481 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.521 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.522 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.522 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.523 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.524 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.565 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.566 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.566 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.566 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.568 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.613 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.613 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.613 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.613 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.614 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.660 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.661 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.661 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.662 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.662 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.725 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.725 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.726 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.726 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.726 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.772 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.772 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.772 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.772 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.773 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.810 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.811 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.811 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.811 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.811 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.847 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.848 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.848 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.849 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.849 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:56.882 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:56.883 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:56.883 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:56.887 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:56.888 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.007 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.007 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.007 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.008 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.008 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.041 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.041 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.041 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.041 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.042 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.069 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.070 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.071 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.071 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.071 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.099 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.100 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.100 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.100 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.100 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.128 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.129 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.129 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.129 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.130 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.166 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.166 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.167 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.167 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.168 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.199 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.199 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.199 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.199 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.200 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.231 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.232 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.232 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.234 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.234 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.270 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.271 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.271 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.272 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.274 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.304 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.304 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.304 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.304 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.305 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.356 503 26683 E AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getInputForAttr
permission denied: recording not allowed for uid 10234 pid 14417
02-11 01:45:57.357 14417 17909 E IAudioFlinger: createRecord returned error -1
02-11 01:45:57.357 14417 17909 E AudioRecord: createRecord_l(644114799):
AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -1
02-11 01:45:57.357 14417 17909 E AudioRecord-JNI: Error creating AudioRecord
instance: initialization check failed with status -1.
02-11 01:45:57.358 14417 17909 E Error code -20 when
initializing native AudioRecord object.
02-11 01:45:57.542 14417 15415 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:45:57.582 14417 15157 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:45:57.588 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_antiauto_client_inteli_model in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:45:57.602 14417 15270 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_live_gift_guide_dialog_duration_predict in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:45:57.603 14417 15415 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_tiktok_push_features in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
02-11 01:45:57.616 14417 15166 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table:
DatabaseCache_repost_guides in "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DatabaseCache_repost_guides"
02-11 01:45:57.927 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 01:45:57.967 14417 14417 I chatty : uid=10234(
identical 1 line
02-11 01:45:58.195 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 01:46:10.952 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 02:14:55.492 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:55.498 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:55.507 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:55.526 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:55.637 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 10 lines
02-11 02:14:55.645 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:55.664 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.528 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 75 lines
02-11 02:14:56.535 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.544 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.563 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.578 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 2 lines
02-11 02:14:56.598 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.605 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.613 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.633 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.638 1305 1355 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{9322d3d} (pid=14417, uid=10234)
requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
02-11 02:14:56.645 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.650 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.670 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.677 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:56.686 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.681 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 86 lines
02-11 02:14:57.689 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.708 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.715 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.742 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 2 lines
02-11 02:14:57.749 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.757 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.846 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 7 lines
02-11 02:14:57.853 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.861 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:14:57.921 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 5 lines
02-11 02:14:57.930 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.253 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.259 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 02:29:02.269 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.288 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.295 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.304 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.327 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.333 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.343 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.365 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.371 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.380 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:29:02.399 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.007 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.031 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.034 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 02:33:25.041 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.063 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.070 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 02:33:25.078 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.097 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.138 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 4 lines
02-11 02:33:25.147 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.166 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.173 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 02:33:25.182 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.272 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.348 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 7 lines
02-11 02:33:25.356 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.375 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.391 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 2 lines
02-11 02:33:25.411 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.417 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.430 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 02:33:25.445 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:14:58.242 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:14:58.689 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 39 lines
02-11 03:14:58.699 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:14:58.718 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:14:59.655 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 81 lines
02-11 03:14:59.661 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:14:59.671 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:15:00.070 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 34 lines
02-11 03:15:00.076 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:15:00.086 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:15:00.104 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 03:15:00.523 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 37 lines
02-11 03:15:00.533 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:00.865 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:00.910 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 4 lines
02-11 04:15:00.918 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:00.937 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:01.491 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 48 lines
02-11 04:15:01.498 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:01.506 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:01.680 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 15 lines
02-11 04:15:01.699 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:01.705 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.115 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 35 lines
02-11 04:15:02.123 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.129 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.363 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 20 lines
02-11 04:15:02.371 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.395 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.410 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 2 lines
02-11 04:15:02.429 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.436 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.445 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:02.465 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:15:03.223 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 66 lines
02-11 04:15:03.229 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:22:06.587 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 04:22:12.715 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 04:22:26.621 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 04:22:43.716 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 04:23:08.876 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 04:58:50.454 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.460 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.469 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.489 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.495 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.524 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.544 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.551 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.567 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.589 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.599 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.607 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.626 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.632 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.641 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.661 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.668 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.677 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.697 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.704 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 04:58:50.715 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 04:58:50.744 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:03.543 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.311 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 67 lines
02-11 05:15:04.320 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.339 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.389 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 5 lines
02-11 05:15:04.408 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.414 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.424 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.444 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.449 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 05:15:04.459 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.479 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.484 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:04.493 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:05.218 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 63 lines
02-11 05:15:05.236 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:05.242 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 05:15:05.861 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 54 lines
02-11 05:15:05.871 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:00.897 14417 14417 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
02-11 06:15:08.943 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:08.951 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:08.970 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:08.977 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:08.986 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.005 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.011 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.019 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.037 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.043 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 06:15:09.052 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.072 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.078 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.089 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.105 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.112 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.120 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.138 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.144 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.151 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.172 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.179 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 06:15:09.186 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.206 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.216 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.233 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.238 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.247 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 06:15:09.252 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.271 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.280 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.286 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.305 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.312 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.321 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.339 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.345 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 06:15:09.352 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.371 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-11 06:15:09.378 14417 14699 I chatty : uid=10234(
Krypton_GPU_0 identical 1 line
02-11 06:15:09.385 14417 14699 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin
2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0

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