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ep Pleyel Ceetee Issued and Published under the Authority of the Director General SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY ‘THE REPUBLIC OF SUDAN “Third Eaitin Khartoum September 2021, ‘SUDAN CVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS SSUCAR PART 14~ AERODROMES. SUBPART II HELIPORTS IRODUCTION — AUTHORITY To PUBLISH SSUCAR Patt 14 ~Aerodhomes; Subpart II~ Helports_has been promulgated pursuant to Atle (6-1) ofthe Givi Aviation Act, 2018 and isued by the Board ff Decors of Gli! Aviston, The SUCAR has been pubished under my ‘Authority on the advion ofthe Board of Directors of Cll Aviation as is required bay the Sudan Cit Aviation Ac. “The Standards contained inthis document including the associated Advisory CCreuare, Directives, Operational Policies, Orders, or Sudan Civil Aviation ‘Safety Publoatins, fully comply wih the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in Annex 14 Agrodromes; Volume l~ Helpots| to the Convention on Infomatonal Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago on 7 December 1944 (Chicago Convention) and related aerodrome design and ‘operations docurrenis and guidance material issued by ICAO. ‘This Thiel Ealion of SUCAR Part 14 ~Aorodhomes; Subpart II~ Heliport is designed to contain comprehensive requirements forthe design and operations fof ahellont or a defined area an a structure intanded to be used wally or in part for the arhal, departure and surface movement of heicoptrs in the Ropuble of Sudan, it duly replaces the document eniled Hellad planning and design standards (ASSU Publications 14/2009), ‘The Director General of the SCAA has been delegated to Issue, revise and amend the Advisory Circulars, Directives, Operational Policies, Orders, or ‘Suden Civil Aviaton Safety Publications, referred to in this SUCAR, athough they contain semi-reguatory requirements that are highly essential and ‘enforceable under the Act. The Director General ofthe SCAA shal inform the Board of Direcers of Chil Aviation on the Advisory Circulars, Directives, ‘Operational Polices, Orders, oF Sudan Civil Avalon Safety Publiestons heh Issued, revited or amended. SUCAR Part 14, Subpatt Is pat of te overall regulatory framework of cv aviation in Sudan and Is suppoted by other related SUCARS such as Par 11 ~ Ar Trafic Seniose, Part 14, Subpart | ~ Aerodrome Design and Operations Pan 15 Aeronautical Information Sonicos and Part 18.~ Safety Management, just to mention few ofthe SUCARS thal are closely related. glasil be 07 -- 202 | hoow eee | | PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 12 ‘The Republic of Sudan SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS 'SUCAR PART 14~AERODROMES SUBPART I~ Aerodrome Design and Operations FOREWORD Legal background Pursuant to Aricle (64-1) of the Chil Aviation Act, 2018 regarding the ‘empowerment ofthe Board of Directors of Givi Aviation to issue and amend Sudan Civil Aviaion Regulations (SUCAR) for acceptance and consent by the Competent Minster, SUCARS are issued to ensure ful compliance withthe ‘Annexes tothe Convention on Intemational Chi Aviation, signed in Chicago on 7 December 1944 (Chicago Convention) to which the Republic of Sudan is 3 Party. The Chicago Convention, trough its Annexes, establishes the minimum Standards and Recommended Pracioes (SARPs) to ensure the safely and ‘secuy of glob air navigation actives and environmental protec. Sudan Givi Aviation Regulations provide an appropriate and comprehensive framework for tha dafinion and implementation of common technical requirements and acminitatve procedures in the lt of cil aviation. Where rot covered by the speci SUCARs, ICAO Annex SARPS 2s well as the {echnical information in related technical publcatons and guidance material ‘orm a complimentary regulatery material fr implementation in Sucan, 28 may be applicable, and thus are considered an enforceable regulatory requlcements in the areas tha: they address but are not addressed by the relevant SUGAR, ‘Operational Directive or Safely Notice. Such Standards and Recommended Practices considered essential for implementation should be included in the telavant SUCAR as soon as practicable and In any case during the next ‘amendment of he SUCAR. [An aircraft other than an arora regjstoredin the Republic of Sudan, shal not fy over of land inthe teritories ofthe Republic of Sudan except under an futhorzation granted by the Sudan Ci Aviation Authority (SCAA) on behalf of the Goverman ofthe Republic of Sudan, 13 14 15 16 a7 1 19 ssenninnnsion QQ), sept ‘An sirrat other than an aircraft registered in the Republic of Sudan shall not take on-board or secharge any passengers or cargo at any location within the territories ofthe Republic of Sudan, being passengers or cargo carried or to be cared for hire oF reware, without the permission of the SCAA graned for the aircraft in accordance with any coneitions and limitations to which such permission may te subject. 'An aircraft shall not fy over oF land Inthe terrtory ofthe Republic of Sudan Lnloss itis regstered in The Republe of Sudan; or J. An ICAO Contracting Stato; or li, Any otor State where there isan agroomentarrangament between the Republic of Sudan ard that State making provisions for over-tight ‘orlanding in the terory ofthe Republic of Sudan. In accordance with the provisions of SUCAR Part 7 — Aircraft Nationality and Registration, an arraft registered in the Republic of Sudan shall comply with the Sudan Chl vation Regulations, ‘An Airrat, registered outside the Republic of Sudan shall comply with the ‘Sudan Chil Aviaton Regulations while operating tofrom or within the tntries the Republic o Sudan whereveris applicable. [An aircraft registered in the Republic of Sudan should comply with the regulations of oer States where lt may be operating or overlying. ‘Sudan SCAA accepts the coda ofthe Type Cetcatin Authority of the State fof Manufacturer andior Design, for the purpose of issuing or Revalidation of ‘Airworthiness Carfiates, worthiness Direcves (ADs), Minimum Equipment List (MEL), and al other eeiated issues in that respect. The Sudan Chil Aviation ‘Authority may impose additonal requirements. ‘Any diference that may exist between SUCAR requirements and ‘corresponding ICAO Annex SARPs shall be reported to ICAO tn line wit the requirements of Arle 38 ofthe Convention, Sigiteant diferenoes shall be pubished in the National Aeronauteal Information Publications (AIP). The procedure for amending the SUCARS and fling of ifferancas with ICAO are tontained inthe Rule Making Manual, Thid Editon, 2014 and is summarized In paragraph 4 blow. ‘September 2001 ant Saree ®) Peer [An effort has been made for SUCAR requirements to be fully compliant with ‘corresponding ICRO Annex provisions; hwever, where an aviation activity for ‘which a SUCAR regulation has not been promulgated is undertaken in the ‘Suden, the relevent Annex pravisons shal be applicable unt is addressed in ‘an amendment othe SUCAR (soe also paragraph 1.1 above) Provisions promulgated inthe SUCARS shall be applicable within sie months ater the date that they have been signed by the Competent Minster and publshed following promulgation by the Board of Directors. Layout of the SUGAR document 24. Sudan cWvil aviation regulations (SUCARS) 2.4.4 The Republic of Sudan has promulgated or in the process of promulgatng. operating regulations that-would fully comply. with ‘Corresponding Standards contained in the Annexes tothe Convention ‘on Intemstonal Cl Aviation, Uist of SUCARS promulgated in Sudan is contained in the Table below. The Ist shal be amended periodically {o rfloct ho status of SUCAR implementation 24.2 SUCARs, as may be applicable, re supported by various Guidance Materials, Procedures Manuals and inspectors Handbooks designed to enable the SCAA 10 effecvaly and efficenty mest ts safely ‘oversight ablgations as wel as to provide th Inspoctrato elf with a Complete sot of regulatory and supporting materials 2.4.8 Together, the SUCARs and relevant guidance materials, procedures ‘and hanchooks form the required by the SCAA to reguate and ‘Supervise cv aviation acy In Sudan and of Sudanese registered ‘sireraft operating outside of Sudan 2.14 Listof Sudan Civil Aviation Regulations is presented inthe Table below ‘which shall be amended as required from time-to-time to ensure is currency. ‘September 20m1 sone @ ey [Seana afte i [eveatratt [ame ig anon 07 2-_|suean at —[ Roe ie Seaton) 007 3 |sueanrans —[wetewnoges ees Seson/0%7 4 [sueanrata—[Avmstclch 2 etn) 507 s. [suearnans | unteof Measuerent rs Devslament | Ban Pa | Operate teat =Car Tansart grea [& [ssteant | Azogaee 203 7,_| ERTS operon fra eer ton 2 can? a | suaira = operons Ar= Carre cer | eanawauy Subpart it Operations ayaa a [Rar Tatar * kaon0%? sve Tra 10, | BOE nanag get a | ck an 7 — | Acro Ntsy nd epi rs 3 on 257 12. LEAS voto of A 1 eito2017 S008 | Riwortines ot Ara-C Niwas | pg 23 | subpart at Requirements — sa [HEMT aa | Arvorties oT Acro Craton oF eB — Toe canny Sutpatai | ondappimce [Ra | atin TATRA To au SC artd= | wort Awa -Wahtoance = 28 | subpart 145, Organization Agprovals. cffieenintanll sa. [suet | Atrios of ars RaoweeNIS Toe canny Subpart 147 Training Organizations: a [suena —[Faton 7 nT 15 can at 10 — [Arnal acne F517 30. suena at — [Tess FE 317 at fsucinnata2 [sur and nace 1 en/207 22 stanna3 | caf Aen andl isto edn 23. [ZOTAR Lode Ariane Dein and Opwstons | 2 edonse Sen Pak aaa [RASH pps ean 25] Sutra | eral a 7 een? 26 [BERR | roar Protecton~ Arr Noe a an ed ee 28 SucaR a7 — [tn Sec 2a HT 25. scat a s8 [rsp ange Gode tan 17 30. sucat at 19 —[Avatin Sey bigot Sato 317 —— September 3083 aeaeanee &) none 22 Each Part of SUCAR, but not necessarily al, 2) An noduction, b) Test ©) Defions; 4) Nows: fe) Tablas and figures; 1) Appendices; and 9) Attachments composed of 3, Rules of construction 3.1 Inthe Pats of these Regulations, unless the context requires ‘otherwise: '2) Words importing he singular nck the plural b) Words importing te plural include the singular, and {2} Words imparting be masculne gender include te ferinine, "Shel is used in an imperative sense. )‘Meyishoul Is used in a permissive sense to state authority or perission to do the act prescribed, and the words “no person may..." Or “a person may not...” means that na petson Is Feqired, authorized or permite todo the act prescribed, 4) Theword “includes” means includes but snot ited to, ‘g) The word “Show and its decvatves in these regulations have the ‘exact intent as shown inthe citonary 4. Amendment Rationale and Procedures “Tho axing Sudan Gl Aviation Regulations wil om time-to-time be amended to reflect the latest updates of ICAO Standards. and Recommended Practices (SARPs):it wil also be amended to reflect the later up-lodals aviation safely related matters detec by the {Chil Avion Authoriy, the aviation industry service providers or ‘operators, and inchicuals and authorization halders; amancment may ‘also be generated. to ensure safety. slandardization and. to ‘accommodate now inialves or technologies. Deallod information on the rule making procass are contained in the "Rule Making Manu Fourth Eaton, 2074 and a brief information on the amendment is presented below 41. Whhan the SCAA recolves an amendment to any of the current ICAO Annexes, te same wil be routed by the Oftee of the Director General of Chil Aviation to the Safety Polcy and ‘Standards Directorate (SPSD) which in turn wil provide a copy to the concemed Directorate for thar study and comments within & specified period of time (normally 15 days) and route the same ‘back to the SPSD for nal study and processing Foreword 2, Whan any ofthe diferent SCAA Directorates reques a change to be applicable SUCAR Par, it vill sand a letter stating the roqired change along with its justified reasons for such change “Therequestshallbe studied, discussed and as maybe applicable prozessed by the SPSD in accordance to the rule making prozadures contained inthe “Rule Making Manual.” 3. Any of the above mentioned change requests would then be presared in draft form and sent to the cancomed Directorates for furter study and comments within a specie period of ime (hs pred can te shart a long depanding onthe size and complexity fof he changes or amendments required) 4, All suggested changes wil be drafted in the form of Noticas of Proposed Amendments (NOPA) and adcressed to all concerned ‘nites including industy representatives for comments prior to ‘dcption 5. Any ferences between the now regulations and ICAO SARPs wil be reported and recorded as differences to ICAO and Fefloctod inthe AIP, as appicable, 6. Enty into foro time frame for any new regulations will be the responsibilty ofthe SPSD, The SPSD will algo be responsible for ‘oerdinating the identification ofaifferences from ooresponding 1CA0 Annexes in coordination withthe concemed Directorates, 7. ‘The Office of the Director General is responsible for fling “ferences with ICAO, inthe case that they exist, as scon as new regulations or amendments there to have been promugated 8. Alleoncemed parties wil be given a copy ofthe new amendment ‘anc will be requested to update thelr copy of the regulations Incding their ist of effective pages. 9. Approved amendments or coriganda of SUGAR or par) thereat will be disseminated to the industry through hardoopies (news. Felease circulars drecves and other) and softcopies (online or database, Intemet address, CD-ROM and othe). 10. Itisthe responsitlty ofall concamed partis to keep their copy of ie regulations upo-date ‘1, TheSCAAmay not release regulations priori the formal consent by he Competent Ainstr as determined in the Chil Aviation Act 2018 or by the Director General of the Sudan Civil Aviation ‘Auhotty on a writen delegation by the Competent Miniter, reward wi ‘September 2021 Reece ) See ae 5. Article 8abis ‘Sudan has raed Article 63bs ofthe Convention on international Givi ‘vation respecting the delegation of responsibiliios In instances ‘here asroplane are leased, chartered, or interchanged in particular Without erew, with any ICAO member State that had ratified tis att. 6. Requirements Apalcarts desiring to operate an aerodrome i the Republic Suen or have bean permite to do so shall submit application for cerfication in accorsance to the requirements of this SUCAR to the Sudan Civ ‘Aviation Authorty and shal ensure that they meet tho requirements providac for in his SUCAR prior to operating the aerodrome unless, they have been authorized fo do so by the Director General a8 an ‘exemption fora limited time, 7. Status of SUCAR components 'SUCARIs normally mad up ofthe following component parts, not all ‘of which however are found in every SUCAR; they have the status indicates Standard ‘Any specification or physical characteistes, configuration, materi performance, personnel or procedure, the unierm application of which {e recognized ae necessary forthe safety oF regulary of infmational ‘ie navigation and to which the holder of an Air Operator Certicate issued by the Sudan DGCA wil conform to “Appendices and Attachments Comprising material grouped separately for convenience but forming part o the Standards Defiation (Of terms used in the standards which are not self-explanatory in that they dohave accepted detionary meanings. A dion does not have indepenent status but is an estenial pat of each Standard in which the termie isad since change nthe meaning ofthe term woul affect the spotifeation. Table and Figures "Which ad to o lustrate a Standard which ara referred to therein, frm part of tho associated Standard and have the same stat. Decnasie Foreword © Septenber3on1 References ‘This Subpart is based on ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices and its guidance materas. Applicability SSUCAR Part 14, Subpar I seis out 1) Requroments, processes and procedures for operating a chil helped inthe Republic of Sudan; and ) Requrements, processes and procedures for the cettcaton of aeroctomes (arperis) that_ provide intmatonal aerodrome Ssorvces are contained in SUCAR Part 14, Subpart Its the goal ofthe Sudan Chil Aviation Authority ta cert all iorts and helports that provide, senices for commerial air transport ‘erations and the crtfication of aeradromes mentioned in 8) above Is cureniy related to airports. ‘Thus whlo SUCAR Part 14 requirements apply to all aerodromes authorized to provide services to commercial alr vansport operations, Subpart is specially designed to address heliport operations. PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Frew eptember 2 —— RECORDS OF AMENDMENTS. “The space below's provided to keep a record of amenéments ‘Amendment No, | Date of Entered b ‘Signature ‘enon: | ake Rnd = SetenberT smcrnceninan ))) septs PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ssecrneneninen GQ) snes TABLE OF CONTENTS SIGNATURE PAGE ‘ FOREWORD i TABLE OF AMENONENTS. xi TABLE OF CONTENTS sv LUST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES iv [ABBREVIATION AND SYUBOLS Xv 4. GENERAL 44 Definitions “4 12 Appia 4 13 Common Rifeence Syston 4 2. HELpoRT oATA 24 Reroaution Data 2 22 WeliportReerence Poin 2 23. Heliport Elvations 2 24 Heliport Dinensions ard Related Information 22 25 ecard Dstances 23 26 Coordinacn Between Aeronautical Information Services and Heliport Operator 2a 27 Rescue ane raightng 24 3. PHYSICAL SHARAGTERIST 434 Onshore nelpors oa 32 Haliaacks a5 33 Shipboard hlipots aor 4. opsTAG a 41. Obstacle Lintatin Surtees and Sectors 4“ 42 Obstacle Lintation Requirements a 5, VISuAL As 51 ndleators a ‘52 Markings and markers 32 53° Ugh 52 6, HELPORT SERVICES C1 Tetpor emergency planning oe 62 —_Restue and Fre Fighting 2 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK meet eeaeiaieed &) Sameer LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES. Chapter Page ‘Chapter + 411015 Chapter 2 211025 Chapter 3 3-110 3-20 Ghapter 4 4110421 Ghapter’5 5-1105:31, Ghapter 6 11067 September 2021 atca meee &) eee ee PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK us etctve pages me ncaa =) ener SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS ‘SUCAR PART 14 AERODROMES ‘SUBPART II HELIPORTS. ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS (Used in SUCAR PART 14, SUBPART I) Abbreviations AIP_——_Rerorautca Information Publication 'APAPI Abbreviated precision approach path indicator ASPSL Arrays of Segmented Point Source Lighting ee Candela em Gentineter DIFFS Deck htograted frefigting systom FAS Fixed application system FATO Final Approach and Take-Off Area FFAS Fixed am application system FMS Fredmonitor system Ft Foot GNSS Global Navigation Satelite Systom HAPI —Helicpter Approach Path Incieator HEM Helicepter Flight Manual Hz Here ko ‘ogra km Kilometer ker Kilometer per hour ie Knot L ter b Pounes LOAH Landing Distance Avallble Unnin Liter por Minute LOR’ Limited Obstacle Area LOS —_Limitel Obstacle Sector LP —_Luminasoent Pant m Meter MAPt Missed Approach Point MTOM —Mavimum Take-Of Mt OFS Obstase-Free Sector OLS Ostadieintation surface PAPL _Precison Approach Path Indicator PFAS Postale foam application system Pin Pointh-Space RFF Rescue ard firefighting REFS Resove and frefightng serve RIT Radioiblophony or Radlo Communications RTOD _ Rejectd take-off distance RTODAH Rojactd Take-Off Distance Available Abbreviations 8 Second {Tone (1000 kg) TOPO. Touchdounipostioning cele TDPM Touchdsumipostoning marking TLOF Touchdown and LIt-OW Area TODAH Take-Of Distance Available CW Undereariage Wieth ASI Visual pproach slope indicator VSS Visual Segment Surface ‘symbols 5 Degree = Equals % ——Pereeniage = Phsormmnus PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK va Setenber 7 ‘SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS ‘SUCAR PART 14— AERODROMES ‘SUBPART Il - HELIPORTS CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL 4.4. DEFINITIONS: Note: ‘Sudan Civi Aviation Regulation (SUGAR), Part 14, Subpart, contains definitions fer these terms which aro used in bath subparts, When the following terms are Used in his subpar, they have the same meanings as in SUCAR Part 14, Subpatt Heliport. An aerodrome ar a defined area on a structure intended to be used wholy ‘rin pat fr the arval, departure and surface movement of heleapters. Obstacle. All fied (wheter temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, that 2) are located onan area intended forthe surface movement of scr; oF 1) extend above «defined surface intended to protect areratin fight or ©) stand outside hose defined surfaces and that have been assessed as boing a hazard to air navigation. \When the folowing toms aro used inthis subpart, they have the meanings given below. . The largest overall dimension ofthe helicopter when rotor(s) are turing measured ‘rom the most forward poston of the main retr tip path plan tothe mast rearward positon of the tall rotor tp path plane or helenpter structure Design D. The D ofthe dasign helicopter. value. A limiting dimorsion, in toms of heliport or for a datined area within. for a holpor, holidock or shipboard Declared distances -helports. ‘2. Take-off distance available (TODAM). The length ofthe FATO plus the lonath of hetecper clearvay (if provided) declared avaiable and suitable for holcoptors 0 complete the take-off Rejected take-off distance available (RTODAM). The length of te FATO doslared avaleble and sultable for halcopters operated In performance ass 1 to complete a rejected take-off son eeaeaaed ©) eae Landing distance available (LAH). The langth ofthe FATO plus any dalional area declared avalible and sultable for helicopters to completa the landing manouver from a defined height Dynamic load-bearing surface. A surface capable of supporting the loads generated by & helicopter in mation, Elevated heliport. A helcort located on a ralsed structure on land, Elongated. When used wth TLOF o: FATO, elongated means an area, which has a length, more than twice ts with. Final approach and takeoff area (FATO). A defined area over which the fina phase ofthe approach maneuverto hover or laning is completed and from which the take- off maneuver is commenced. Whare the FATO Ist be used by nolcopters operated in parformanco cass, the defined area indudes the rejected take-off area aval Holicopter clearway. A defined area on the oround or water, selected anclor [prepared as a suitable area over which a helicopter operated In performance cass 1 may accelerate and achieve aspect height, Helicopter stand. A defined area intend ta accommodate a hlloptor fr purpose ‘of loading or unloading passengers, mall or cargo; fueling, parking or maintenance; and, where air taxiing operations are contemplated, the TLOF, Helicopter taxiway. A detned path on a heliport intended for the ground movement ‘of helcoptors and that may be Combined with an ar taxl-zoute to port both ground ‘andar taxing, Helicopter taxi-oute. A defined path established for the movement of helicopters ‘fom one part of a helipontto another. a) Airtaxtoute. A markad tax routo intended for ar taxing, ») Grouna taxeroute. A ta-oute centered ona taxiway. Helideck. A holiportloccted on a fixed or Hosting offshore facility such as an exploration andlor producton unit used for the explain of olor gas. Heliport elevation. The ebvation of he highest point of the FATO. Holiport reference point MRP). The designated location ofa heliport, intsin-space (PinS) approach, The pointn-space approach is hased on GNSS. ‘and'is an approach procedure designed for heleoptor ony. Mis aligned vith a reference point located to permit subsequent fight maneuvering or approach and landing using visual maneuvering in adequate visuel condtions to see and avold obstacles, eee ©) meme sees Pointsn-space (PinS) visual segment. This Is the segment of a helicopter Pins approach procedure from the MAPL to te landing location for a PinS “procoed \svally' procedure. This visual segment connects the Pinto the lang locaton, Protection area. A defned area surounding a stand intended to reduce the risk of damage from helicopters accidentally diverging from the stane, Rojactad take-off area, Adefined area on a heliprt suitable forhelcopters operating in performance cass 1 Io complete a rejected take-oft Runway-type FATO. A FATO having characteristics similar in shape to a runway. Safety area. A dotined area on a heliport surounding the FATO which is free of bstadies, other than those required for air navigation purposes, and intended to reduce the risk of damage to hacoptors accidentally diverging rom the FATO. Shipboard heliport. A hefoertacated on a ship that may be purpose arnen-purpose- bull. & purpose-built shipboard heliport is one designed specifically for Helcapter operations. 4 non-purpose-ull shipboard heliport is one that ullzes an area ofthe ship that is capable of supporting a helcoptor but not designed specifically for thet task Static load-bearing surface. A surface capable of suppoting the mass of a helicopter situated upon it Surface-level heliport. A helio located on the ground or an a structure on the surface ofthe water Touchdown and tif-off area (TLOF). An area on which a hellcopter may touch down orl ‘Touchdown/positioning circle (TDPC). A touchdown posoning marking (TDPM) inthe form ofa Grete used for omniiretional postioning in a TLOF. ‘Touchdown/positioning marking (TDPM). A marking or sot of markings proving visual ees fr the postion of hebcopers |Winching area, An area rovided forthe transfer by helicopter of personne or stores to-erfroma ship, ‘eer ro Sesonberzoa 12 424, 122. 123. 43. 434 132. Applicability Tho intomretation of somo of the specications in this SUCAR, expressly requires the exercising of discretion, the taking of 8 ‘ecision othe porformance ofa function by the heliport operator. In tother specficaions, the expression heliport operator does not ‘actualy appear although Is inclusion fs imple. n bath oases, any Getorminaton or action taken In this regard shall acquire prior approval fhe Authority. ‘The specications, unless ctheruise indicated in a particular context, shall app to all helipors open in accordance with the requirements of Aftide (64-1) of the Sudan Chl Aviton Act 2018. Tho Sspeciicatons of this SUCAR Part 14, Subpar Il shall apply to all, heliots intended to be used by helicopters in'inernational chil ‘aviation. They shall apply equally to areas for the exclusive use of helicopters tan aerodrome primarily meant for the use of aeroplanes. Whore relevant, the provisions of SUGAR Part 14 ‘Slat shall appl to the hefcopter operations being conducted at sch an eerodrome. Unless ohemise species, wherever a color i referred to in this SUCAR, the speciiatons for that color given inthe. Sudan Civil Aviation Publication ~ Colours and characteristics. for ‘aeronautical ground lights, markings, signs and panels, shal apply. Common reference systems Horizontal reference system: The World Geodetic System — 1984 (WGS-84) shall be used as the horlzontal (geodetic) reference system. Reported aeronautical geographical coordinates (incicating latitude and longitude) shal be expressed in tems of the WGS-84 (geordetiraference datum. Vertical reference systom: Mean Sea level (MSL) datum, which {gives the elabonship of graviy-related height elevation to asurtace Known asthe geold, shal be Used as the vertical reference system. 1.33. Temporal System: 1.3.4, The Gregorian calendar and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) shal be used as tho temporal ference systom in Sudan. one ne Seotomber 2035 Sudan Chil Aviton Authority SSUCAR part 14- subpart t PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK bocnosie | GupTens~ cane ra ‘Seotember 2081 smestratenony GB) scram ‘SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS SUCAR PART 14 ~ AERODROMES. ‘SUBPART Il HELIPORTS (CHAPTER 2~ HELIPORT DATA ‘Aeronautical data 24.4 Determination and repoting of heliper-telated aeronautical data shall be in ‘accordance wih the accuracy and integrity classication required to meet the reeds of the end-users of aeronautical data 24.2 Digital data enor detection techniques shall be used during the transmission “andlor storage of aoronautical data and digital datasets. Holiport reference point 22.1. Aholiport reference point shall be established for a helper not callocated with an aerodrome. 22.2. The heliport reference point shal be lacatad near the inital or planned geometric centre of the helport and shal normally remain where fst established, 2.23. Thepostion of the heliport reference point shall be measured and reported tothe aeronautical infermation services author in degrees, minutes and seconds 23. Holiport elevations 23.1. The heliport elevation and geoid undulation atthe heliport elevation positon shall be measured and reported to aeronautical information services to the accuracy of one-half meter or foot. 23.2 The elevation ofthe TLOF andlor the elevation and goold undulation of each threshold of tte FATO (ahere appropriate) shall be moasurad and reported to eronautical formation services fo the accuracy of one -half meter or foo. ‘HAPTER? HEUPORTONTA a September 202 insiteideaiaionty ®) pene ieee 2.4, Heliport dimensions and related information 24.4 The fllowing data shall be measured or deserbed, as appropriate, foreach facity provided on @ helper, and reported to the Sudan Aeronautical Information Seevees, 2) elipar type — surface tvel, elevated, shipboard or hlidack } TLOF — dimensions to the nearest meter or fool, slope, surace hype, bearing svength in tonnes (1000 kg); @] FATO — ype of FATO, tue beating to one-hundredth of a degro esignation number (whare appropriate}, length and with to the nears meter or foot, slope, surface type; 4) safety area —length, width and surtace type: ©) hllcoper taxiway and helicopter taxroute — designation, with, suace ‘ype: 1) apron — surface ype, helicopter stands {9} Geantay — length, ground prof; and sual ade for approach procedures, marking and lighting of FATO, TLOF, helcopter ground taxiays, hebcaptr alr taxways and helicopter stands. 242 The geographical coordina of the goomatic conte of the TLOF andor of each theshoH ofthe PATO (where appropriate) shall be measured and reported tothe aeronautical information services authonty in degrees, minutes, seconds ‘and hundredths of seconds. 243. The geograptical coordinates of appropriate contre line paints of helicopter taxwaye and helicopter taxiroutes shall be measured and roporied to seronautcal formation services In degrees, minutes, seconds and hundredths ‘at seconds, 2.44 Tho goograptical coordinates of each helicopter stand shal be measured and reported to aeronautical information services in degrees, minutes, seconds and hundredths of seconds. 2.48 The goograptical coordinates of obstactes in Area 2 (the part within the heliport boundary) ard in Area 3 shall be measured and roporad tothe 2eronausical information services authority in degrees, minutes, seconds and tenths of ‘seconds. In addition, tho top elevation, type, marking and lighting (i any) of ‘ebstales shel be repored to aeranautical information senices. Sesenaratenarne ) Sone 25. 254 26. 264 262 263 264 Declared distances ‘The following distances to the nearest meter oF foot shall be declare, where relevant, for aheliport 4) take-off distance availa 1) rejected tato-of distance avalable; and ©} landing disance available. Coordination between Sudan Aeronautial Information Services and the heliport operator “To ensure that the Sudan Aeronautica Information Services obtain information| fo enable them to provide upsiodatepre- fight ‘infxmatin and tomeet_ the need for in fight information, the heliport operator shall make arrangements. with Sudan Aeronautical Information Services to report to the Sudan Aeronautical Information S2rvices, with a minimum of delay: 8) information on heliport conditions; the operational status of associated faces, seroes and navigation aids ‘withthe area of responsibly, «} any other infomation considered to be of operational signicance ‘Before introducing changes tothe air navigation system, due account shall be taken by the services responsible for such changes of the time needed by the ‘Sudan Aeronautical Information Services forthe preparation, production and ‘seus of relevant material for promulgation. To ensure timely provision of the Information te the Sudan Aeronautical Information Serdces, close coordination botven those services concemed is therefore required, Of a particule importance are changes to aeronautical information that afloct ‘chats andlor computer-based navigation systems which qualify to be notified by the aerorautical Information regulaton and contol (AIRAC) system, as spectied in CUCAR 15, Chapter 6, The predetermined, intemationaly agreed BIRAC effecive dates shal be observed by the responsible heliport services tan eubmnttng the raw informatin/datato aeronautical information services, ‘The helipart services responsible for the provision of raw seronautical Informationidata fo aeronautial information services shall do that wile taking Inte account accuracy and intel requiternents necessary Io mat the naar Of the end-user of aeronautical data 22 specified in the Sudan Civil Alain ‘Safely Publeston entiled Requirements for Aeronautical Data swmonnisminon QD) sca etceemns 21. ara 272 27a ama Rescue and firefighting Information conoeming the level ef protectin provided at a heliport fr elcopter ‘esc and firefighting purposes shall b made avallable, “The level of protection normally available ata heliport shall be expressed in terms (of the catagory ofthe rescue and firefighting service as descrbed in 6.2 and in ‘ccordance with tne types and amounts of extinguishing agents normaly available atthe heliport Cchangos inthe level of protection normaly avallable ata heliport for cescue and firefighting shall be notified to the appropriate aoronautal information services Units and, where. applicable, ar afc units to enable them to provide the hhecessary infomation to aving ané departing helicopters, When such @ change has been correcta, the above unis shall be advised accordingly. [A change shall be expressed In toms of the new category ofthe rescue and Sreighting service avalable at th heliport ‘aurea 2 HRuPORT OTA ne Septembor202 eas enereceard ©) es PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Penrose ® Sone SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS ‘SUCAR PART 14 — AERODROMES. ‘SUBPART Il - HELIPORTS, CHAPTER 3 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, 34. Onshore heliports Final approach and take-off area (FATO) 3.44 AFATO shalt 2) provide 4) an area tres of obstacles, except for essential objects which because of their function ae located on it, and of sufficient size and shape to ensure containment cf every part of the design lcopter in the final phase of ‘appreach and commencement of take-off in accordance with the intended procedures; 2) when solid, surface which is resistant tothe efflocs of rotor downwash; and |) when collocated with TLOF, is contguous and lsh withthe TLOF, has bearing strength capable of withstanding the Intanded loads and ‘ensures effective drainage; of 1) whan not colocated with 2 TLOF, is free of hazards should foroed landing be required; ) be associated wth a safety area, 34.2 Ahslipot shall be provided with at least one FATO, which need not be sol 3.413 The minimum dimensions of a FATO shal be 2) where intended tobe used by helicopters operated in performance cass 1: 1) the length of te rejected take-off distance (RTOD) forthe required take-off procedure prescribed in the helicoptar ight manual (HFM) of the helcoptars {or which the FATO Is intended, or .5 Design D, whichever fs greater, and 2) the with forte required procedure proscribed in the HFM of the hetcapters {or which the FATO Is intended, or 1.5 Design D, whichever Is greater and eotenber 2 »b) whore intend tebe used by holicopters operated in performance class 2 oF 3, the lesser of 1) an area within weich can be drawn a okele of diameter of 1.5 Design D: oF 2) when theres a lnitation on the directon of approach and touchdown, an ‘area of sufcient wth to meet the requirement of 3.11 a) 1) but not less than 1.5 times the overall wth ofthe design neicoper. 3.4.4 Essonlal objects ocated in a FATO shall not penetrate a horizontal plane atthe ATO elevation by more than 5 om, 3.4.5 When the FATO is solid, the slope shall not 2a) except as provided in b) orc) below, exceed 2 per centin any direction; ) hen the FATO is elongated and intended to be used by helicopters ‘operated in performance class 1, exceed 3 per cant overall, or have a local Slope exceeding 5 por cent; and ©) when the FATO is elongated and intended tobe used solely by helicopters ‘operated in perormance class 2 or 3, exceed 3 par cent overall, or have & Tocal slope excaeding 7 percent 3.1.6 Tho FATO shal bo located so as to minimize the influence ofthe surrounding envionment, inchding turbulence, which could have an adverse impact on helicopter operations, 3.1.7 AFATO shall be surrounded by a safely area which need not be sold Satety areas 3.41.8 Asafoty area shal provide: 2) an area fre of obstaces, except for essential abject which because of thelr function are located oni te compensate for manewvering errors; and ) whon sold, a srface which s contiguous and fush vith the FATO, Is esistant to he effec rotor counwash and ensures effective drainage, 3.1.9 The safety area surounding a FATO shall extend outwards from the periphery of the FATO fara dstance of a least 3 m of 0.25 Design D, whichever Is greater (00 Figure 3-1). snctrcnerons GG) serrate 3.1.10 No mobile objec shall be pemited ina safety area during helcoper oparatios. 3.1.11 Essontal objects located in the safely area shall not penetate a surface ‘xiginating atthe adge of the FATO ata height of 25 cm above the plane ofthe FATO sloping unwards and outwards al gradient of 5 per cont, 3.1.12 When sol, the slope ofthe safety area shall not exceed an upward slope of per ean ouards ftom the edge ofthe FATO. Safty sen = teat mor .25 den 0 z © ) Figure 3-1, FATO and associated safety area Protected side slope 3.4434 heliport shall bo providod with at leat ono protected sido slope, rising at 45 “degrees from the adge ofthe safely area and extending acistance of 10m (see Figure 3.2). 2.4.14 A aliport hall be provided with atleast two protected sda slopas, ring at 45 degrees outward rom the edge of the safely area and extending toa distance of som. 3.1.15 The surface of protected sido slope shal not be penetrated by obstaces. FN SACRE p eptenber 207 ee thts A sides sige espe ® C) Figure 3.2. FATO simplelcomplox safety area and side slope protection 3.1.18 A helicopter clearway shal provide: 4) an area free of obstaces, xcept for essential objects which because of thelr function are located on it, and of sufficient size and shape to ensure Containment ofthe design helicopter when itis accelerating in level fight, and dose to the surface, to achieve is safe cimbing speed: and ») tion coi, a eurfaco which ie contiguoue and ach with ho FATO, io roalatant {othe offecsofrotordownwash ands fee of hazards should forced landing bbe required, 3.1.47 When a helicopter clearway is provided I shall be lcated beyond the end ofthe FAT. ‘Seer 8.1.18 The width of a halcoptorclearway shall not be less than that ofthe FATO and associated safely area (see Figure 3-1). 3.1.18 When sold, the ground in a helicopter dearway shall ot project above a plane having an overall upward slope of 3 por cont, or having a local upward slope ‘exceeding 5 por cant, the lower imi of his plane being a horizontal Bre which s located an the petiphery ofthe FATO. 3.1.20 An object situate in a helicopter clearway, which may endanger hellopters in ‘the ai, shall be regarded as an obstace and shal be removed. ‘Touchdown and it-off area (TLOF) 3.4.21 ATLOF shal: 2) provide 1) an area roe of obstactes and of sufcent size and shape to ensure Containment ofthe undercariage ofthe most demaningRelicopter the TLOF isintended to serve in accordance withthe Intanded orentation; 2) a surface which 5} has sufficient bearing strength to accommadate the dynamic loads associated with the anticipated type of arrival of the hhefcopier at the designated TLOF; Ils treo of irogularites that would adversely affect the touchdown o ito of helicopters: ‘iy has suffetent Mcton to avoid skidding of hellcopters oF slipping of persons; in Is esistant tothe effects of rotor downwash; and 1) ensures effective drainage while having no adverse effect on the conta or stabilly of @ helicopter during touchdown and IMtoft, of when stalonary ard »b) be associated witha FATO ora stand 3.1.22 A heliport shall be provided with atleast one TLOF. 3.1.23,A TLOF shall be provided whenever itis intended that the undercarriage of the helicopter wi tough down within a FATO oF stand, oro rom a FATO or stan, 31.24 The minimum dimensions of @ TLOF shall be: 1) when in @ FATO inended to be used by helcanters operated in performance cass 1, the dimensions for the required procedure proscrted in tho HFMs of the helicopters for which the TLOF is intended; and ) when ina FATO intended to be used by hellcoptes operated in Performance class 2 oF 3, orin a stand: 41) when there Is. no limitation on the direction of touchdown, of Sulfiéent size to contain a crcie of ciameter ofa east 0.83 D of: Ijin a PATO, the design neticopor; or inn stand, the largest helicopter the stand intended o serve; and 2) when ther is imitation onthe direction of touchdown, of sufficient ‘wath @ meet the requrement of 3.1.21 a) 1) but not ess than ies the ndercartige width (UCW) of Din a FATO, the design helicopter or Tl in a stand, the most demanding helicopter the stand is Intended wo sare, 3.1.25 For an elovated hapa, the minimum dimensions of a TLOF, whan in @ FATO, shall be of sufiiew size to contain a crcl of diameter of at least 1 Design D. {3.1.26 The slope on a TLOF shall not 2) except as provided in b) or c) below, exceed 2 per contin any ‘recon; whan the TLOF is elongated and intended tobe used by hecopters ‘operated in performance class 1, exceed 8 percent overal,orhave ‘oal slope exceeding 5 percent and ©) when the TLOF is elongated and intended to be usod solely by halcaptrs operated in performance class 2 or 3, exceed 3 per cont ‘overall, or have a local slope exceeding 7 percent 3.1.27 When @ TLOF is within a FATO, it shal be: 2) centered on the FATO; or ) for an elongated FATO, centered on the longitudinal axis of the FATO. aoe ©) Sn 3.1.28 When a TLOF is within a helicopter stand, it shall be centered on the stand. 3.1.29, TLOF shall be provided with markings which clearly indicate the touchdown positon and, by ter form, any limitations on maneuvering, 3.1.80 Where an elongated performance dass 1 FATOITLOF contains more than one “TDP, measures shal bein place to ensure that only one can be used at atime, 3.4.31 Were allemalve TOPMS are provided, they shall be placed to ensure ‘containment ofthe undercariage within the TLOF and the helicopter within the FATO. 8.1.2 Safety devices sush as safely nels or safely sholves shall be located around the ‘edge ofan elevated heliport but shal nat excaed tha height ofthe TLOF. Helicopter taxiways. 3.4.39 helicopter taxivay shalt 8) provide 4) an area fre of obstacles and of sufficient width to ensure Conizinment of the undercariage of the most demanding ‘wheeled helicopter te taxiway I Intended 10 serve, 2) asurtace which i)has bearing stengt to accommodate the taxing loads of ‘the helicopters the taxvay is intended to serv; 1s tree of regulates that would adversely atfect the ‘ground taxing of helicopters; and iis resistant to te eects of rotor downwash; Ivjensures effective drainage while having no adverse effect ‘on the contol or stably of a wheeled helcoptor when being” maneuvered under its ‘own power, oF wen stationary, and b) be associated witha taxiroute 3.1.34 The minimum wich of a haicopler taxiway shall be the lesser of 42) twice the UCW ofthe most demanding helicopter the taxivay is intended to by a width mecting the requirements of 3.1.98 a) 1) 8.1.35 Tho transverse slpe of taxiway shall nol exceed 2 percent and the longitudinal slope shall not exceed 3 par cant Helicopter taxiroutes 3.1.36 A helicopter taxzout shall provide: 12) an area free of obstaces, except for essential objects which because of their function are located on it, established for the mavement of hellcoptes; of sufficient \width fo ensure ceatainment ofthe largest helcoptar the tx-oute Is intended to serve; and ) when cold, a surface which ic resistant to the effects of rotor downwash; and 1) when collated with taxiway: 1) Is comiguous and sh with the taxiway, i) oss notprocent a hazard to operations; and Iijensuies effective drainage; and 2) when not collocated with a taxiway, is tree of hazards should a forced landing be quired, 3.4.87 No mobile object shall be permitted ona taxl-route during helicopter operations. 3.1.38 When solid and eolocated with taxiway, the tax-route shall not exceed an ‘upward transverse stop of 4 percent outwards from the edge ofthe taxiway. Helicopter ground taxi-routes 34.99 Aholcoptr ground tx-route shal have a minimum wicth af 1.5 tines the overall ‘wth ofthe largest helcopter tis intended to eave, and be canted on a taxiway. (Boe Figure 3-3.) Tenet Terre RACERS oe eptember Entire ©) eee Figure 33. Helicopter taxiwaylground taxi-oute 3.1.40 Essential objects cated in a helicopter ground taxl-sute shal not 2) be located at «distance of lass than 50 cm outwards from the edge ofthe helicopter taxivay, and b) penetrate a surface originating 50 om outwards of the edge of te helicopter {axivay and ahoight of 25 om abowe the cufaco of the taxcway and sloping ‘Upwards and cutwards at a graient of 5 per cent. Helicopter ar taxl-routes 3.1.41 A helicopter sr taxroute shall have minimum width of twice the overall width of the largest helicopter tis intended to serve, 3.4.421f collocated wth a taxiway forthe purpose of pemiting bath ground and alr tax ‘operations (soe Fgure 34) 2a) the helicopter air tax-route shall be centered on the taxiway, and 'b) essential objects located in the halopler a tax-route shal ot 1) be lecatoo at a astance of ess nan 50 om outwards from the edge ‘ofthe helicopter taxivay and 2) penetrate a surface oniginating 80 cm outwards ofthe edge of the helicopter taxiway and a height of 25 em above the surface of the taxiway and sloping upwards and outwards at gradient of 5 per cent. Stenbe aa caecenneeao ®) eater cree 3.1.43 When not collacaied witha taxiway, the slopes ofthe surface ofan alr tax-route shall not exceed fhe slope landing limitations of the helicopters the taxi-oute is Intended to serve. In any event, the transverse slope shall not exceed 10 percent {and the longitudinal slope shal not exoved 7 per cert. Figure 3-4, Helicopter air texiroute and combined ar taxl-routettaxiway Helicopter stands: 3.1.44 Aholicopter stand shalt 2) provide: 41) an area free of obstacles and of suffclont sze and shape to ensure containmert of every part of the largest helicopter the stand is intended to serve wher itis bing positioned within the stand; 2) a surface which: | Ie resistant to the effets of rater downwash; I. ig reo of regulars that woul adversely affect the maneuvering of helicopters I has besrng strength capable of withstanding the inlended lads; 1v-has suticlent fiction to avoid skidding of helisapars 0” siping at persons; and >. ensure effective drainage while having no adverse effet on tho controlor stably ofa wheeled hetcopter when being maneuvered under ts own power, or when stationary; ‘and aL AERTS ‘ote ar sencanineton QQ) sean snes b) be associated with a protection area. 3.1.45 The minimum dimencions of ahalcopter stand shall be {a cco of dametor of 1.2 D of he largest helcopterthe stand i intended to when there isa tnitaion on manewvering and postoning, of sufficient with {tomeet the requirement of 3.1.44 a) 1) but not ess 1.2 times overall wth of largest heicoper he stands intended fo serve. 3.4.46 The mean slope ofa helicopter standin any direction shall not exoeed 2 percent. 3.4.47 Each helicopter stand shall be provided with postoning markings to cloary indicate where the helicopters tobe postoned and, by thelr form, any limitation’ ‘on maneuvering. 3.4.48,A stand shall be surounded by a protection area which need not be sold Protection areas 3.1.49 A protecon area shall provide: 2) an area foe of ebstacos, excop for essential bjects which because of thelr function are located on i ana when sali 2 surface which is comquous and lush with the stan, is resistant to the efocs of ior downwash and ensures effective drainage 3.1.50 When associated with a stand designed for tuming, the protection area shal {extond outwards rom he periphery ofthe stand for a distance of0.4D (see Figure 35), 3.1.81 When associated witha stand designed for taxsthrough, the minimum width of the sland and protection area shall not be less than the wid ofthe associated taxroute (soe Figres 3.6 and 3.7), 3.1.82 When associat 3.8 and 3.9) 2. the protection area of adjacent stands may aver but shall not be less than the fequted protection area forte larger ofthe adjacent stance an witha stand designed for ron-simuitaneous use (see Figures the adjacent non-active stand may contain a stale object butt shall bo wholly within the Boundary of the stand ie naar Setanta a 3.1.53No motile object shall bo permitid in a protection area during helicopter operations, 3.1.84 Essantal objects eal in the protection area shal not '. if located ata distance of les than 0.75 D from the centre of the helicopter stand, penetvale a surface ata height of om above the surface of the cera ‘one; and b. located ata distance of 0.75 D or more from the centre of the helicopter stand, penotate a surface ata height of 25 cm above the plane ofthe central “Zone and sloping upierds and outwards ata gradient of 8 per cont {31.55 When sod, the ype ofa protection area shall not exceed an upward slope of pt cant auiwards ram the edge of he stand, Location of a FATO In relation to a runway or taxiway 3.1.66 Where a FATO js located near @ runway oF taxiviay, and where simuaneous ‘operations are plained, the separation distance between the edge ofa runway oF taxiway and the edge ofa FATO shall not be les than the appropiate dimension In Table 31 31.67 AFATO shall not be located 12. near taxivay itersections or holding points where jel engine eis ily to use high turbulence; or bb) near areas where aeroplane vertex wake generation is key to exist ~TWaeropianemass andlor Distance betweon FATO helicopter mass are ledge and runway edge or taxiway edge “Wp but not including 3175 Kg om 3 475 kg upto but noincluding 5 760 kg 120m {760 kg upto but noincluding 100.000 kg 180m 100 000 kg and over 250. per 2 seecunimarn GQ) semysespas DOG Figure 35, Turning stands (witha tax!-outes) — simultaneous use oO Figure 2-6. Groundnxthrough stands (wth taxiayiground axoute) Diese [UTES RRL URNS 7 ‘epee Figure 3-7. Air tax/through stands (with ar taxi-route) simultaneous use Figure 3-8. Turing stands (with ar taxi-routes) non-simultaneous use — ‘outer stands active Dems Tented ra oaRRETRT ie September 2 oO Figure 39, Turning stands (with air tax/route)non-simultaneous use — Inner stand active 32. Helidecks FATOs and TLOFs 3.2.1 The specifieations in paragraphs 3.3.14 and 3.3.18 shall be applicable for hhlidecks completsd on or after 1 January 2012, 32.2 A holideck shall te provided with one FATO and one coincident or collocated TLOF, 32.3, AFATO may be ay shape but shall be of suicint size to contan an area within ‘which can be accommodated a cco of diameter of not less than 1 Do the largast helicopter the holidackis intended to serve, pier 2007 3.24 ATLOF may be any shape but shal be of suficient size to contain 2) forhalcopters with an MTOM of more than 3 175 kg, an area within which ‘an be accommodated a circle of dameter not less than 1 D of te largest helicopter the heldock intended to serve; and b)forhelicoptars with an MTOM of 3175 kg or less, an area within which can be accommodated a civle of ameter nat lass than 0.83 D of the largest halcoptr the hlideck is intended to serve. 3.2.6 For helicopters wih a MTOM of 3175 kg or less, the TLOF shall be of suficient sizo o contain an area within whic can be accommodated a crcl of siamater of not less than 1 D ofthe largest helcopter the helideck i intended to serve, 3.2.6 Ahelideck shal be arranged to ensure that asuficlent and unobstructed ai-gep Is provided which ancompasses the fll dimensions ofthe FATO. 3.2.7 The FATO shall bs ocated so a5 to avoid, as far as is practicable, the influence of environmental efocts, including turbulance, over the FATO, which could have ‘an adverse impacl on helicopter operations. 328 Tho TLOF shall be dynamic loac-boaring 3.2.9 Tho TLOF shall povido ground etfost 3.2:10No fied object sal be permitted around the edge of the TLOF except for ‘rangibledbjects, which, because oftheir funcbon, must be located thereon, 3.2.11 Ferany TLOF 1 Dx groalor and any TLOF designed for use by helicopters having 2 D-value of grestor than 16.0 m, objects insaled In the dbstace-foe sector “whose function requires them tebe located on the edge ofthe TLOF shal nat ‘exceed a height of 25cm. 3.2.12 Reserved, {3.2.13 For any TLOF designed for use by helicopters having a Dvelue of 16.0 m orless, ‘and: any TLOF having dimensions of less than 1 D, objects installed in the Cbstaclevroe sector whose function requires them to be lecated on the edge of the TLOF, shallnet exceed a heght of 5 om, {32.14 Objects whose funtion requres thom to be located winin the ILUF (such 8s lighting or nets) shall not exceed a height of 2.5 cm. Such objects shall only be presenti they do rot epresent a hazard to helicopters. 3.2.18 Safety devices such as safety nets or safety shelves shall be located around the fedge of halideck but hall nol exceed the height f the TLOF. 7 TERETE ie “Sotonber 3637 smeerantinary GD) seman '3.2.16-The surface of the TLOF shel be skid-resistant to both helicopters and persons ‘and be sloped to prevent pooling of water. 3.8, Shipboard heliport 3.3.1. The specifications in paragraphs 33.16 and 3.3.17 shall be applicable 10 shipboard heliport completed nar alter 1 January 2012 and 7 January 2015, respectively. 382 When helicopter operating arsas are provided inthe bow ar stom ofa ship o are purpose-bul above the ship's siructure, they shal be regarded as purpose-built shipboard heliport FATOs and TLOFs 3.83 A shipboard helps shal be provided with one FATO and one coincidental or ‘allocated TLOF. 38.34 AFATO maybe ary shape but shall be of sufficient size to contain an area within \ahich can be accernmerated a crcl of ciamater of not les than 1D of the largest helicopter the heliport is intended to serve 3.35 The TLOF of shipboard heliport shallbe dynamic load-bearing. 9.3.6 The TLOF of shipboard halpot shall provide ground effect, 3.3:7 For purpose-built shipboard hlipors provided ina location other than the bow or stom, the TLOF shall be of sufficient size to contain a crcle wih @ ameter not less than 1D of te largest helicopter the heliport is intended to serve. 3.8.8 For purpose-built shipboard heliport provided in the bow or torn of a ship, the TLOF shall be of sufficlent size to £8) contain cvle with a diamoter not halipot is inerdod to serve; or 38 than 1 D of the largest helicopter the 'b) for operations wit ited touchdown directions, contain an area within which ‘can be accommodated two opposing ars of a ice with a diameter of not loss than # Din the helicopter’ longitudinal direction, The minimum wicth of the heliport sal be not less than 0.83, (See Figure 3-10.) 3.39 For non-purpose-bult shipboard hespors, the TLOF shall be of suficent size 10 contain 2 otc wih 2 diameter not Tess than + D of te largest helicopter the helpers intended to serve. a TET v9 Setenber aT 3.3.10 A hipboardhelpe shallbe arranged a eneue that sufficient and unatstructes ‘ai-gap Is provided which encompasses the fll dimensions of the FATO. 3.9.11 The FATO shal be located so a8 to avoid, as far ais practicable, the infuence ‘of environmental eects, Including turbulence, aver the FATO, which could have ‘an adverse impac: on helicopter operations, 3312No fed object shall be permitted around the edge of the TLOF excont for frangible objects, whic, because of thelr function, must be located thereon 3.3.13 Forany TLOF 1D or greater and any TLOF designed for use by heleopters having 2 D-value of roster than 16.0 m, objects installed in the obstacle-fes sector ‘whose function requires them to be located on the edge of the TLOF shall not ‘exceed @ height of 25 om, 3.2.14 Reserved, 1.8.18 For any TLOF designed fr use by helicopters having a D-value of 160 m orless, ‘and any TLOF having dimensions of less than 1 D, obecs in the obstacle-treo Sector, whose funeion requires tem tobe located onthe edge of tre TLOF. shall, ot excoed a height of 5 on, 3.3.16 Objacts whose function requires them to be located within the TLOF (such as lighting or nets) shal not exceed a height of 2.5 em. Such abjcts shall only be presenti they do ro epresent a hazard to helicopters. 3.8.17 Safety devices such as safely nots or safely shelves shal be located around the fedge ofa shipboard heliport, except where structural protection exist, Dt shal not exceed the heght ofthe TLOF. {3.3.18 The surface of the TLOF shall be skid-esistant to both hellopters and persons. ‘pion Figure 310, Shipboard permitted landing headings for limited heading ‘operations: ‘Spin 2007 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ‘SUDAN CIVIL AVIATION REGULATIONS ‘SUCAR PART 14 — AERODROMES. ‘SUBPART Il - HELIPORTS. CHAPTER 4: OBSTACLE ENVIRONMENT 4.1, Obstacle Initation surfaces and sectors Approach surface 4414 Description — An incined plane ora combination of planes or, when a turns imolved, a complex surface sloping upwards rom the end ofthe sally area and centered on a tne passing through the centre of the FATO, 44.2 Characteristics —The limits of an approach surface shall comprise: 2) an inner edge horizontal and equal in length tothe minimum specified \wethllameter ofthe FATO plus the safety area, perpendicular tothe Centre ne ofthe approach surface and located atthe outer edge of the safty area; ) two side edges originating atthe ends of the inner edge cverging Lunifomily at'@ spectied rate fom the vertical plane contalning the centre ine of te FATO: an {an outer edge horizontal and perpendicular tothe centre fine ofthe ‘approach surface and ata specitid halght of 152 m (800 f) above the elevation ofthe FATO. 418 The elevation of te inner edge shal be the elovaion ofthe FATO atthe point on the innor edge that is intersected by the cenze line of the ‘Spproach surface. For heliports intended to be used by helcapters ‘operated n performance case 1 and when approved by an appropriate ‘uthoriy, he gin ofthe inclines plane may be raised dvecty above the FATO, 414 The slope(e) ofthe approach surace shall be measured in the vert plane containing the centre line of the surface 4.1.5 Inthe case ofan approach surface involving a tun, the surface shall be {2 compion surface containg the harzantal normale tote conta ine and ‘ha slope of the conte ine shall be the same as thal fora straight approach surface. 4.16 Inthe case ofan approach surface involving a turn, the surface shal not contain more than one ourved portion. OBSTACLE EWIRONMENT a ‘eptember 20a

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