100per Science cl10 NF ch6

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Life Processes 1

Life Processes 6

Topic 1 (iii) More energy is released. Less energy is released.

1. (d) : Autotrophic nutrition is a kind of nutrition in which (iv) It takes place in cytoplasm It takes place only in the
and mitochondria. cytoplasm.
the organisms prepare (or synthesise) their own organic
(v) Complete oxidation of Incomplete oxidation of
food utilising only the inorganic raw materials carbon glucose takes place. glucose takes place.
dioxide, water, chlorophyll and sunlight. Some organisms that use the anaerobic mode of
2. Fats are digested in the small intestine. The bile secreted respiration are - yeast, bacteria, etc.
by liver, breaks down the large globules of fat into 3. The alveoli are present at the terminal of bronchioles.
smaller globules. This is called emulsification of fats. They are balloon-shaped structures with thin membrane
The bile also makes the medium alkaline so that the which increase the surface area for the exchange of
pancreatic enzyme, lipase further digest fats to form fatty gases and are richly supplied with blood vessels.
acids and glycerol.
4. Haemoglobin is a red pigment present in our blood
3. Saliva contains carbohydrate digesting enzyme salivary which carries oxygen to all the parts of the body. If there
amylase (ptyalin) and is released in our mouth. It breaks is deficiency of haemoglobin then amount of oxygen
down starch (complex carbohydrate) into simple sugar. reaching our body cells will decrease which may lead to
4. For autotrophic nutrition to take place, the conditions release of less energy in our body, leading to a disease
necessary are-sunlight, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and called anaemia. Breathlessness, tiredness, weakness are
water. The by-product of autotrophic nutrition is oxygen the symptoms of anaemia.
which is released through stomata. Also, haemoglobin deficiency will decrease oxygen-
carrying capacity of RBCs from the lungs to the body
Topic 2 tissues which causes hypoxia in the body tissues. This
1. (c) : During aerobic respiration, pyruvate enters into decreases the energy supply and metabolic rate of the
the mitochondria where it breaks down aerobically. The organisms.
complete breakdown of pyruvate results in the release
of carbon dioxide, water and energy. Topic 3
2. Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration 1. (a) : The xylem helps in upward movement of water and

are as follows : minerals from the roots to various parts of a shoot.

S. Aerobic Anaerobic 2. The heart of human beings consists of two sides – right
No. respiration respiration and left.
(i) It takes place in presence It takes place in absence The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood
of oxygen. of oxygen.
and sends it further for purification to lungs. The left
(ii) Its end products are carbon Its end products are
side of heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
dioxide and water. ethanol and carbon
dioxide. which is pumped further and sent to all the parts of
the body through blood vessels. This is called double Topic 4
circulation. The energy demands for human beings is
1. (c) : The excretory system of human beings includes a
too high and hence the separation of oxygenated and
pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a urinary bladder and
deoxygenated blood is necessary to meet this energy a urethra.
2. The difference between alveolus and nephron are as
3. The differences between transport of materials in xylem follows :
and phloem are: S. No. Alveolus Nephron
Transport Transport (i) It is the structural and It is the structural and
No. in xylem in phloem functional unit of lungs. functional unit of kidneys.
(ii) It is balloon shaped, It is cup shaped, thin
(i) Water and mineral Food in aqueous form is thin walled, has a walled, has a large surface
salts are transported. translocated. large surface area and area and is richly supplied
is richly supplied with with blood vessels.
(ii) The transport is The transport is bidirectional, blood vessels.
unidirectional, i.e., i.e., from source leaves or (iii) I t r e m o v e s c a r b o n It removes nitrogenous
from roots to tip. storage parts to sink. dioxide from the blood. wastes from the blood.
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