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Arjay S.




In the spaces below, answer these questions in two to three sentences.

1. Who sponsored the Rizal Bill in Congress? What are their arguments in support of
the bill?

Senator Claro M. Recto is the author of the Rizal bill. The church persisted in opposing
the bill mandating reading of Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere and EL Filibusterismo on the
grounds that it would violate both freedom and religion.

2. What are the arguments of the opposition of the bill?

Then, albeit with some difficulty, debates for the bill in support of legislation began.
opponents, mainly fervent Catholics. Senators contended that the suggested bill was too
controversial. These were their justifications or argumets:

1.) The bill was an attempt to discredit the Catholic religion

2.) Inimical to the tenets of the faith to which 170 lines in Noli Me Tangere and lines in El
Filibusterismo were offensive to the Church doctrine
3.) The bill might divide the nation
4.) The compulsion to read something against one's faith impaired freedom of speech and
religious freedom

3. What is the importance of having dissenting opinions in democratic

legislation processes?

Having opposing viewpoints is important, especially when it comes to the democracy like
the Philippines. This viewpoint has the power to influence other people's views on a
specific belief or subject pertaining to the nation. Dissenting opinions offer a deeper
interpretation of everything, so it also educates people.

4.) What are the amendments made in the original Rizal Bill in order to perfect it?

The Rizal Bill was converted into a Rizal as one of the amendments. It is mandated by law,
also known as Republic Act No. 1425, that all schools, colleges, and universities, whether
they're public or private, incorporate lessons on Rizal's life and works, such as his well-
known novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, into their curricula.

Mandates that José Rizal courses be offered in all Philippine educational institutions. An
act to include in the curriculum of all public and private schools, colleges and universities
courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo. To appease the opposition, he then emphasized the removal
of the word "compulsion." However, Senator Laurel stressed the importance of reading the
original, unedited edition of Rizal's novels because, if this isn't done, the primary objective
of studying these works will be defeated. The final amendment was put forth to include a
more amiable clause - the clauses regarding the "exemption" of certain restrictions on the
two novels' reading by students.


Reflect on the importance of law in a democratic society. As a law-abiding

citizen, what can you do to uphold the rule of law? What are the implications when the
rule of law is eradicated?

Naturally, as a citizen of this democratic nation, I support those rule of laws in order
to grow and demonstrate my love and respect for my nation. Government officials will imply
new laws to improve the nation if the rule of law is destroyed because an ungoverned nation
is miserable. If there was no such thing as the Rule of Law, the government might seize your
belongings or a wealthy person might get away with intentionally hurting someone without
being held accountable. The Rule of Law is significant because it aims to treat all people
fairly and equally. But I'm self - assured that none of those laws will be abolished so long as
they consistently benefit the people and the nation as a whole.

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