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D. The nonpolar tails are hydrophobic. E. The phospholipids form a bilayer. 4A Particular molecule or ion to freely protein allows a cross the plasma membrane as it enters or exits the cell. A. cell-recognition B. carrier C. receptor D. enzymatic E. channel 5) A protein combines with a substance and helps to move it across the membrane. A. carrier B. channel C. _cell-recognition D. receptor E. enzymatic 6) A protein has a specific shape such that only a particular molecule can bind to it. A. enzymatic B. receptor C. __cell-recognition D. channel E. cartier 1) Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding the plasma membrane structure? A. Protein molecules may be partially or wholly embedded. B. Protein molecules are localized toward one side of the cell. C. Phospholipids form a bilayer. D. Phospholipids have a fluid consistency. E. The head of the phospholipid molecule is attracted toward water. 2) Which of the following molecules would NOT be found in animal plasma membranes? A. proteins phospholipids glycolipids cholesterols moO®D nucleic acids 3) Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the phospholipid ‘molecules in the plasma membrane? A. The polar heads face outward. B. The nonpolar tails face inward. C. The polar heads are hydrophobic. CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall D. Molecules move from higher to lower concentration. 11)Diffusion does not necessarily require a membraneliifLipid-soluble molecules and gases enter the cell by A. diffusion through the channel proteins B. osmosis through the channel proteins c. diffusion through the lipid bilayer D. osmosis through the lipid bilayer E. active transport through the lipid bilayer 12)The diffusion of water across a differentially permeable membrane is called A. simple diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis exocytosis endocytosis moop 13)Which type of solution will cause cells to swell, or even to burst? ‘A. isotonic solution B. hypotonic solution C. hypertonic solution D. _hygrotonic solution 7) Which statement best describes the plasma membrane? A. It is freely permeable to all substances. B. tis selectively permeable to certain substances, C. It is nonpermeable to all substances. 8) Which of the following is NOT an active method where molecules pass across the plasma membrane? A. simple diffusion B. active transport C. endocytosis D. exocytosis 9) Pinocytosis is a type of A. endocytosis exocytosis active transport simple diffusion facilitated diffusion moo® 10)Which of the following conditions does NOT apply to diffusion? A. Diffusion continues even after the molecules are distributed equally. B. Diffusion is a physical process. C. Diffusion is a passive process. CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall 17)Which of the following transport processes will form a vesicle? A diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis active transport phagocytosis moop 18)Which of the following transport processes will utilize the Golgi apparatus? A. osmosis B. pinocytosis C. phagocytosis D. exocytosis 19)Pinocytotic vesicles or phagocytotic vesicles often fuse with a inside the cell for digestion. A. mitochondrion B. lysosome C. — Golgi apparatus D. rough endoplasmic reticulum E. smooth endoplasmic reticulum 20)The carriers for the electron transport system are located _ A. within the cytoplasm of a cell B. on the cristae of mitochondria C. within the — matrix of mitochondria D. within the Golgi apparatus 14)Which type of solution has a lower percentage of solute than the cell? A. isotonic solution B. _ hypotonic solution C. hypertonic solution 15)Which of the following conditions does NOT apply to facilitated transport? A requires specific carrier proteins B. transports molecules down the concentration gradient C. requires the expenditure of energy D. transports molecules from one side of the membrane to the other side E. transports molecules through the membrane much faster than simple diffusion 16)Which process will transport sodium ions to the outside of the cell and potassium ions to the inside of the cell? A. simple diffusion B. facilitated diffusion C. osmosis D. active transport E. pinocytosis CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall C. surrounds the cell D. helps make proteins 25) Which organelle. makes proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleus? A. — Golgi apparatus B. mitochondrion C. vacuole D. ribosome 26)What part of the cell serves as the intracellular highway? endoplasmic reticulum golgi apparatus cell membrane mitochondria pom> 27)Which statement —_correctly characterizes bound ribosomes? A. Bound ribosomes are enclosed in their own membrane. B. Bound and free ribosomes are structurally different. C. Bound ribosomes generally synthesize membrane proteins and secretory proteins. D. The most common location for bound ribosomes is the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane. . within the stroma of chloroplasts 21)Which of the following pathways will use coenzyme A during aerobic cellular respiration? A. glycolysis B. transition reaction C. Krebs cycle D. electron transport system E. fermentation 22)Based on chemiosmosis, hydrogen ions accumulate in the of the mitochondrion to create a large electrochemical gradient for aerobic cellular respiration. A intermembrane space B. cristae Cc. matrix D. stroma 23)The acts as a packaging and processing center in the cell to process proteins, A, Smooth E.R. B. Rough E.R. C. Golgi Body D. Nucleus 24)Which of the following is a function of the cytoskeleton? ‘A. helps a cell keep its shape B. contains DNA CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall A. The intestinal cells are fused together into one giant cell. B. The intestinal cells are bound together by plasmodesmata. C. The intestinal cells are bound together by tight junctions. D. The intestinal cells are bound together by gap junctions. E. The intestinal cells are bound together by the extracellular matrix. 32)The primary role of ___ is to bind animal cells together. A. plasmodesmata B. gap (communicating) junctions C. the cytoskeleton D. desmosomes E. tight junctions 33) aid in the coordination of the activities of adjacent animal cells. A. Gap (communicating) junctions B, Tight junctions C. Keratin fibers D. Plasmodesmata E. Desmosomes 34)Ribosomal subunits are manufactured by the __. ‘A. lysosome B. nucleolus 28)Which cell would be best for A. B. Cc. Db. Ey ‘studying lysosomes? muscle cell nerve cell phagocytic white blood cell leaf cell of a plant bacterial cell 29)In eukaryotic cells the first step in protein synthesis is the- A. translation of an RNA nucleotide sequence into a sequence of amino acids B. linking of nucleotides to form a polypeptide C. translation of a DNA nucleotide sequence into a sequence of amino acids D. transferring of information DNA to messenger RNA E. removal of introns from RNA and the stitching together of exons from 30)The cilia and flagella of eukaryotic cells are composed of _. A. microtubules B. intermediate filaments C. microfilaments D. tonofilaments 31)Your intestine is lined with individual cells. No fluids leak between these cells from the gut into your body. Why? CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall ‘A. Only eukaryotic cells can synthesize proteins but prokaryotic cells cannot. B. Only eukaryotic cells have DNA. C. — Compartmentalization of the cytoplasm by membrane-bounded organelles only occurs in eukaryotic cells. D. Eukaryotic cells have a plasma membrane and prokaryotic cells do not. E. Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells. 39)What is the functional connection between the nucleolus, nuclear pores, and the nuclear membrane? A. Subunits of ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus and pass through the _—nuclear membrane via the nuclear pores. B, The nuclear pores are connections between the nuclear membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum that permit ribosomes to assemble on the surface of the ER. C. The nucleolus contains messenger RNA (mRNA), which crosses the nuclear envelope through the nuclear pores. D. Endoplasmic reticulum membrane is produced in the C. peroxisome D. rough endoplasmic reticulum E. smooth endoplasmic reticulum 35)Which of these are hollow rods that shape and support the cell? A. plasma membrane B. microtubules C. chloroplasts D. microfilaments E. peroxisomes 36)Where is calcium stored? A. mitochondria B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum C. centrioles D. rough endoplasmic reticulum E. microtubules 37)Which of these —_ organelles produces H202 as a by-product? A. mitochondrion B. nucleus C. centrioles D. flagellum E. peroxisome 38)In terms of cellular function, what is the most important difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall A. ER — Golgi — vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane B. Golgi ER — lysosome C. nucleus + ER — Golgi D. ER — lysosomes — vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane E. ER — Golgi — nucleus 44)You would expect a cell with an extensive Golgi apparatus to__. () store large quantities of ions secrete a lot of protein move rapidly absorb nutrients in the Gl tract E. make a lot of ATP p:om> 45)The smooth ER is especially abundant in cells that synthesize extensive amounts of A. toxins B. proteins C. enzymes D. lipids E. nucleic acids 46)Intermediate Filaments (IFs) use the motor protein: A. Dynein B. Myosin C. Actin D. None nucleolus and leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores. E. none of the above 40)You would expect a cell with an extensive Golgi apparatus to ‘ A. make a lot of ATP secrete a lot of protein move rapidly perform photosynthesis ‘store large quantities of ions moo 41)Cilia and flagella move due to the interaction of the cytoskeleton with Which of the following? A. actin pseudopodia mitochondria ‘tubulin moog Motor proteins 42)Basal bodies are most closely associated with which one of the following cell components? nucleus A. mitochondria B. cilia C. the central vacuole D. Golgi apparatus 43)What is the most likely pathway taken by a newly synthesized protein that will be secreted by a cell? CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall 50)A major function of glycoproteins and glycolipids in the cell membrane is to A. allow the cells to recognize each other. B. help the cell retain its shape. C. help the cell resist swelling. D. glue cells together to form tissues, E. attach the cell membrane to the cytoskeleton 51)A bacterial cell's DNA is found in its A. nucleoid region. ribosomes. peroxisome. capsule. Nucleus moo 52) facilitate the diffusion of water in plant cells and in animal cells. carrier protein channel protein aquaporin ion channel all of previous mOO@> 53)A stimulus causes channels to open or close. A. lon Channels B. gated channels 47)Who's dynamic? A. Microtubules B. Intermediate filaments C. Microfilaments 48)The membranous compartmentalization of a cell A. allows different metabolic processes to occur simultaneously. B. divides the cell into two equal-sized halves. C. requires the presence of a cell wall, D. is common in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. E. requires the presence of a large central vacuole. 49)Which of the following functions could be assigned to the cytoskeleton? A chromosome movement during mitosis. B. change in shape of an amoeba. C. movement (streaming) of cytoplasm in plant cells Do A&B E. A,B&C We / VY CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall D. Passive transport E. Diffusion 57)Bulk transport across the plasma membrane occurs by. A. Simple diffusion 8. _ Exocytose and Endocytosis C. Water channels D. be E. _ none of previous 58)Large molecules (e.g. proteins and polysaccharides) cross membranes by. A. Bulk transport B. Active transport Cc. Passive transport D. Facilitated transport 59)Phagocytes, pinocytosis. and receptor-mediated endocytosis are three types of. A. Exocytosis B. Endocytosis C. bulk transport C. type of facilitated diffusion D. type of channels protein E. all of previous 84). undergo a subtle change in shape that to translocation the solute-binding site across the membrane. A. carrier protein active transport passive transport channel protein moog none of previous 55)One of the following is non-living organism A. bacteria B. fungi Cc. virus D. algae 56)In certain inherited diseases, such as Cystinuria, specific transport systems are either defective or missing A. Channel protein 8. Cartier proteins \v- / \¥o C. Active transport CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall legends to receptors on the cell's surface. A. Bulk transport B. simple diffusion C. receptor-mediated endocytosis D. cell-signaling E. cell recognition 63)Cholesterol enters the cells by A. endocytosis B. exocytosis C. protein carrier D. receptor-mediated endocytosis E. protein channels 64)The cell adhesion proteins of the desmosome are members of the “ family of cell molecules. adhesion A. cadherins B. reticulin C. collagen D. albumin 60)Membranous organelles localization are specific character A. Viruses B. Prokaryotes C. Eukaryotes D. ac E. none of previous 61) Endocytosis of fluid droplets is A. phagocytosis B. pinocytosis C. receptor-mediated endocytosis 9 . cell Vaculation E. cell recognition 62)The process of importing specific macromolecules into the cell by the inward budding of vesicles occurs in fesponse to the binding of specific CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall E. Be made up of ionic particles in even balance 67)They are short hair-like structures that protrude from the surface of some eukaryotic cells. They can propel the cell through water, but are also found in the respiratory system of humans. A. Flagella B. Chloroplasts C. Lysosomes D. Ribosomes E. Cilia 68)It is a dark structure found in the nucleus that produces parts of the ribosomes. A. Nuclear Pore B. Cytoskeleton C. Organelles D. Nucleolus £. Cell Membrane 69)Tay-Sachs disease results from the absence of a particular enzyme found inthe ‘A. endoplasmic reticulum. B. mitochondria. C. lysosomes. -10- 65)Nuclear membranes contain pores that: A. Allow only water to pass into the nucleus B. Allow only nonpolar molecules to pass through the membrane C. Connect the inner and outer nuclear membranes, _ allowing mRNA and some ions to pass D. Are among the smallest structures in the cell, allowing no ions to pass through E. Are always open so that materials can enter or exit the nucleus 66)A major function of cellular membranes is to block the passage of water-soluble ions and polar molecules. To do this, the membrane should: . Contain many protein pores . Contain a nonpolar barrier made up of hydrocarbon tails of phospholipid molecules . Have a polar barrier in the interior of the membrane Be made up primarily of water-soluble molecules CamScanner + D. Golgi bodies. 70)Secretion involves _ information transfer from the DNA to A.mRNA which directs manufacture of proteins. B.tRNA which directs manufacture of proteins. C.tRNA which directs manufacture of mRNA. D.mRNA which directs manufacture of tRNA. CamScanner 2 92 4>g.uaall

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