Java Setting

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Steps to be followed for Java Settings (Required for BOQ/Bids Upload):

Note: Ensure that below steps are done well in advance before hosting of new Tenders or
before Tender Closing Date and Time.

1. Install latest version of Java:

a. Latest Java can be downloaded from

b. To verify the version installed in system, open “Configure Java”:

c. Click on “About” button:

2. After installing Java, restart the System.

3. Delete the Java Temporary File:

a. Step1: Goto -> Configure Java -> General Tab -> Settings -> Delete Files:
b. Step 2: Goto -> Configure Java -> General Tab -> View -> Delete the files in
Applications, Resources, Delete Applications, System Applications, System

4. Delete System Temporary Files:

Run -> %temp% -> Delete All Files (Please ensure that “cert123” folder is deleted, if
not able to delete Restart and then try to delete the Folder).
5. Delete Browser History
To delete browser history in the Keyboard press “ctrl+shift+delete” button, then
select “All Time” and then clear the data:

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