LOCKOUT TAGOUT (LOTO) Course Outline - 1 Day

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Program Lockout /Tagout (LOTO) Program

Program Overview
A Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) training course is
designed to educate employees on the proper
procedures and prac ces for controlling
hazardous energy sources during maintenance,
servicing, or repair of machinery and

Mode Training

Tenure 1 Days
Day 1: 9.00am un l 5.00pm

Objec ve Understanding Hazards

Educate employees about the hazards
associated with unexpected startup, release of
stored energy, and accidental ac va on of
machinery and equipment during maintenance
ac vi es.

Compliance with Regula ons

Ensure that employees understand and comply
with relevant regula ons and standards
governing LOTO procedures, such as OSHA 29
CFR 1910.147 in the United States.

Preven on of Accidents and Injuries

Provide employees with the knowledge and
skills to properly isolate energy sources, apply
lockout/tagout devices, and perform
maintenance tasks safely to prevent accidents,
injuries, and fatali es.

Proper Lockout/Tagout Procedures

Train employees on the step-by-step
procedures for implemen ng LOTO, including
equipment shutdown, energy isola on,
applica on of lockout/tagout devices,
verifica on of energy isola on, and equipment

Methodology Lecture, Test/Quiz, Workshop, Presenta on

Targeted Industry Any related manufacturing industry

Target Groups 1. Maintenance Staff
2. Safety Officer
3. Supervisor
4. Operator

Content Module 1: Introduc on to Lockout /Tagout

 Overview of the purpose and
importance of LOTO procedures.
 Explana on of hazardous energy
sources and the risks associated with
unexpected equipment startup.

Module 2: regulatory Requirements

 Overview of relevant regula ons and
standards governing LOTO procedures,
such as OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147 in the
United States.
 Explana on of employer and employee
responsibili es under LOTO regula ons.

Module 3: Types of Hazardous Energy

 Iden fica on of different types of
hazardous energy sources, including
electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,
pneuma c, and thermal energy.
 Understanding the poten al hazards
associated with each type of energy

Module 4: Components of a LOTO Program

 Explana on of key elements of a
comprehensive LOTO program,
including wri en procedures, employee
training, equipment requirements, and
periodic inspec ons

Module 5: Lockout/Tagout Procedures

 Step-by-step instruc ons for
implemen ng LOTO procedures,
 Equipment shutdown and isola on.
 Applica on of lockout/tagout devices.
 Verifica on of energy isola on.
 Release of stored energy.
 Removal of lockout/tagout devices.
Module 6: Authorized Employees and Affected
 Defini on of authorized employees and
affected employees.
 Explana on of the roles and
responsibili es of each group in the
LOTO process.

Module 7: Lockout /Tagout Devices

 Types of lockout/tagout devices and
their proper use.
 Requirements for durability,
standardized iden fica on, and
employee accountability.

Module 8: Case Studies and Prac cal Exercises

 Review of real-world LOTO incidents
and accidents.
 Hands-on exercises to prac ce
implemen ng LOTO procedures and
using lockout/tagout devices.

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