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G7 单元测验一词语表 2020-2021

词语 拼音 意思
熟悉 shú xī Familiar with

竟然 jÌng rán unexpected

亲切 qīn qiē gently

介绍 jiè shào introduce

别扭 biè niu awkward

拘束 jū shù Feel awkward

沉默 chén mò silent

愿望 yuàn wàng wish

善解人意 shàn jiĕ rén yì considerate

拆 chāi tear

陶醉 táo zuì Reveal in

滑稽 huá jī funny

礼貌 lĭ mào manner

捣乱 dăo luàn Make trouble

失踪 sī zōng disappear

恶作剧 è zuò jù prank

很有礼貌 hĕn yŏu lĭ mào Has good manner

G7 单元测验一词语表 2020-2021

哄堂大笑 hóng táng dà xiào Broke into laugh

双手灵巧 shuāng shŏu líng qiăo Both hands are skillful

寄托愿望 Jì tuō yuàn wàng Put the hope not some

黑黑瘦瘦 hēi hēi shòu shòu Black and skinny

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G7 单元测验一词语表 2020-2021

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