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YEAR 4,5 & 6

Practice 1

Read the notice below.


Get to know more about nature

Date : 19 September 2019

Time : 7.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Venue : Pusat Rekreasi Ulu Tebrau


4 km Jungle Walk ( 7.30 a.m. )

 Open to participants aged 16-18 years old

 RM 8 per person
 Maximum : 100 participants

Scavenger Hunt ( 9.30 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.)

 RM20 per group of 3 people

 Look for species of flowers, plants and trees

Other interesting activities include:

 Lucky Draw sessions with prizes to be won

 „We Care‟ Poster drawing competition
 Car Boot Sale


 Do not litter, use the recycling bins provided

 Bring your own cutlery, food and drinks containers

Answer the questions that follow.

1. The notice is mainly about …….
A school concert B a research
C activities for Earth Day D jungle tracking

2. Who is the organizer of the event?

A Pusat Rekreasi Ulu Tebrau B Go Green Club
C Ministry of Education D Earth Day

3. The jungle walk is open only for…..

A teenagers B men
C children D senior citizen

4. How long is the Scavenger Hunt?

A Three hours B two hours and fifteen minutes
C two hours D two and half hours

5. From the notice, we know that

A cutlery, drink and food containers will be provided
B all participants should pay RM 8
C visitors should not litter
D all events will start at the same time


Practice 2

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Farid was blessed with a powerful and melodic

singing voice ever since he was born. His family was very
proud of his talent and often asked him to perform for

One day, Farid joined a national singing competition.

He sang a popular ballad beautifully and won the
competition. HIs friends and family congratulated him
heartily. Feeling proud of his achievement, Farid started to
change his behaviour.

He believed that he was going to be a famous singer

someday. So, he refused to perform for his friends and
family. He felt that singing at small events was not suitable
for someone with talent like him. His friends started to
leave him alone as they didn‟t like his arrogance.

Without a care , Farid decided to audition with a big

record company. He practised singing day and night.
However, two days before the audition, he had a sore
throat. It quickly developed into a serious condition when
he stubbornly continued practising.

As a result, Farid had to be hospitalised for vocal

inflammation. He temporarily lost his voice and also lost his
chance to audition. More pathetically, he also lost his
friends as none of them felt sorry for him despite being

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. For the competition, Farid sang a …..

powerful opera
nursery rhyme /1
popular ballad

2. The most suitable proverb for the story is ….

Practice makes perfect

Beat around the bush
Every cloud has silver lining

3. In your opinion, what did Farid plan to do in the future?




4. Do you think Farid regretted of his behaviour? Why?




5. Farid continued practising despite having a sore throat. Was the action

correct? Why?




Practice 3

Read the speech below and answer the questions that follow.

Good morning to the headmaster, teachers and friends.

My name is Sharifah. I would like to tell you what should we do to save

the sea creatures. There are many ways that you can do to help look after
the seas and the creatures that live in them.

First, you should use less plastic products. Plastics which end up in
the sea can harm marine habitat. Thousand of marine animals get tangled in
plastic debris and die. You can help these marine creatures by using less
plastics yourself. Carry reusable water bottles or use non- disposable food
containers. When you go shopping, bring your own cloth shopping bags.

Another way to help save the seas and the creatures that live in them
is to be responsible when you go to the beach with your family and friends.
Clean up after enjoying your picnic. Don‟t remove coral or disturb any sea life
you see. If you see rubbish on the beach, help to clean it up.

Thank you for listening.

Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ in the space provided.

1. Plastic products that end up in the sea can

harm the lives of the turtle only.

2. We can bring home the coral when we go

to the beach.


3. Why are the plastic products harmful to marine animals?




4. How can we save the sea animals?




5. What is your action if you saw someone littering the beach?




Practice 4

Read the notices below carefully and answer the questions that follow.


Date: 24th December 2019

Fee: RM30 per person ( includes entrance fee, lunch and transport )

Closing date: 15th December 2019

Note: Those who would like to join the trip must have their parents’ permission. Please see

Puan Maria for the parents’ permission forms.


Date: 11th November 2019

Fee: RM50 per person ( includes dinner and transport )

Closing date: 5th November 2019

Note: Those who would like to join the trip must have their parents’ permission. Please see

Encik Zakaria for the parents’ permission forms.


Date: 28th November 2019

Fee: RM130 per person ( includes hotel, food and transport ) – 3 Days 2 nights

Closing date: 18th November 2019

Note: Those who would like to join the trip must have their parents’ permission. Please see

Puan Diana for the parents’ permission forms. Only 30 places available.

1. Which society do you think put up notices above?
A Swimming Club B English Society
C Science Society D Road Safety Club

2. Where would you be able to see a lot of plants and animals?

A Petrosains B Fraser‟s Hill C Selangor D

3. Pupils who would like to go to Fraser‟s Hill would have to….

A see Encik Zakaria
B pay RM30
C go on the trip on the 11th November
D be prepared to spend two nights there

4. Vijay wants to be a scientist in the future. Which of these trips would interest
him most?
A The Science experience at Petrosains
B The flora and fauna in Fraser‟s Hill
C The fireflies experience in Kuala Selangor
D Visit Malaysia Year 2019

5. Which of the following must the pupils do before they can go on the trips?
A They must bring along their birth of certificates.
B They must get permission from their parents.
C They must submit their names after the closing date.
D Their parents have to see the teacher in charge.

Practice 5

Study the poster below and answer the questions.


 1 hour 30 minutes, RM 10

 Romantic comedy
 Starring award winning actress

Helen John  1 hour 45 minutes, RM 15

 Action and thriller
 Adapted from a novel
 Directed by the famous director ,
 Shot in several locations in
Stamford Ford
Kashmir  Based on a true story
 Incredible visual  Amazing computer- generated
 Available in 3D


 1 hour 30 minutes, RM 20
 Musical drama
 Music by renowned song writer Faizal Tahir
 A remake of the popular 1995’s
 With subtitles
 Fun and suitable for kids

Present your student card at the

counter for a 10% discount!

 Terms and condition apply

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. Zulaikha wants to watch this movie with her six-year-old son. Which movie is

Didi and Barney Musical

Shark Attack /1
Dancing in the Rain

2. Firdaus watched „Shark Attack‟. How did he feel when he watched it?

Relaxed and happy

Bored and sleepy /1
Thrilled and excited

3. Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example

is given below.

List A List B
If you buy 1 large popcorn, you get 1 large soda for free
The scenes „Dancing in the rain‟ end at 9.45 p.m.
The movie „Shark Attack‟ will choose to watch „Dancing in
the Rain‟
People who enjoy comedy will were filmed in India.


4. What are the factor would you consider before buying a ticket to watch a




5. What do you understand by the phrase “ based on a true story”?




Practice 6

Read the news report below and answer the questions that follow.

Kluang, Saturday –A motorist miraculously escaped death in an accident yesterday. It

was just after a heavy rain and the road was wet. Lutfi Iman, 28, was driving home from

work after a long day at his office. As he was tired and sleepy, he did not realise that the

traffic lights had changed to red. He was in a hurry to get home and continued moving.

The headlights of oncoming car blinded him. Feeling confused, he swerved and skidded
on the slippery road. He rammed into a car coming from the left.

According to eye-witnesses, Lutfi was still in a daze when he was helped out of

the car. He sustained only slight head injuries. However, the left side of his car was total

wreck. He later said that his seat belt had prevented him from crashing through the

windscreen. He was lucky to have sustained only light injuries. The drivers of the cars
were not hurt.

Police mind drivers not to drive when they feel sleepy. When they are not alert,

they endanger the lives of other people and themselves. Drivers must always be alert at

all times when they are on the road. They must be extra careful especially after a rain as

the road will be wet and slippery. Drivers must always fasten their seat belts whenever
they are in the car.

Not everyone will be as lucky as Lutfi Iman. Prevention is always better than cure.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. The accident occurred because the driver was….

making a phone call /1

2. Lutfi Iman did not suffer from serious injuries because…..

he jumped from the car

he fastened his seat belt /1
he was lucky

3. What do you understand by the phrase „ total wreck „?




4. Imagine that you are the driver. What do you think the condition after you

crashed through the windscreen?




5. Based on the news report, explain the phrase „ Prevention is better than

cure „.



14 /2
Practice 7

Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow.

Julia : Mum, I’m home. What are you doing in the kitchen?

Mrs Jasmine : I’m baking your brother’s favourite walnut cake. How

was school?

Julia : It was fine. Did you hear about the open day in our

school next week?

Mrs Jasmine : Yes, I did. I’ve told your dad about it. Both of us will

be coming to the event. Don’t you worry, dear.

Julia : I’m glad to hear that! Do you need some help with

your baking?

Mrs Jasmine : No, thanks. That’s my job. I am on top of that. I think

you’d better get ready for your tuition class. It is only

an hour from now.

Julia : Okay. I will, mum.

Mrs Jasmine : Don’t forget to bring your new book that I’ve bought


Julia : I won’t.

1. The statements below are incorrect except …
A Mrs Jasmine and her husband are coming to the open day.
B She is baking a chocolate cake.
C Julia will be going to her piano class.
D Julia‟s mother has bought new stationery for her.

2. Mrs Jasmine is most probably a ______________________.

A teacher B servant C housewife D maid

3. When Mrs Jasmine says, “ I am on top of that” means she …..

A is able to bake the cake well
B she wants to bake the cake later
C she wants to bake the cake on the top floor
D she wants to put some strawberries on the cake

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. One day after a heavy meal it

was sleeping under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play

on the lion. Suddenly, the lion got up with anger and looked for those who disturbed

its nice sleep. Then it saw a small mouse standing trembling with fear. The lion

jumped on it and started to kill it. The mouse requested the lion to forgive it. The lion
felt pity and left the poor mouse. The mouse ran as fast as it could to save its life.

On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. The mouse came

near the lion and bit the net. Finally, the lion managed to escape. Since then, the
mouse and the lion became friends. They lived happily in the forest afterwards.

4. What is the best proverb for this story?
A A stich in time save nine
B Too many cooks spoil the brooth
C A friend in need is a friend indeed
D An apple a day keeps the doctor away

5. Why do you think the mouse bit the net?

A The lion was so fierce.
B The mouse wanted to repay the lion‟s kindness.
C It felt scared of the lion.
D It wanted to trick the lion.


Practice 8

Read the information in the table and answer the questions that follow.

Art and Craft Club

Activities : Learn to make things Fee : RM 10 a year

Club meetings : Every week Frequency of activity : doing crafts twice a month

Teacher in charge : Puan Rohana

Drama Club
Activities : Learn to act Fee : RM 15 a year

Club meetings : Every week Frequency of activity : a sketch: once a fortnight

Teacher in charge :Miss Jessica

Green Club
Activities : maintain school garden Fee : free

Club meetings : Every week Frequency of activity : maintain garden every week

Teacher in charge :Encik Zaharuddin

We Care Club
Activities : visit orphanages and old folks homes Fee : RM 5 a year

Club meetings : Every week Frequency of activity : visits once in two months

Teacher in charge :Cik Juhara

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. If Zikry likes to help people, he should join the ……

Green Club
We Care Club /1
Drama Club

2. Match the phrases in List A to suitable in List B. One has been done for

List A List B
The most expensive club is the Green Club.
Club meetings are held the Drama Club.
If the students love the We Care Club.
environment, they should join
The club that teaches you to every week.
lend a helping hand is


3. List two plants that might be found in the school garden.

i) ________________________________________________________

ii) ________________________________________________________

4. From the given list, which club will you join? Give your reason.




Practice 9

Read the story . Then answer the questions that follow.

Mike and Richard were playing on the see saw at the playground. Their mothers

were sitting nearby., talking to each other. Suddenly, Mike spotted a puppy. He ran after
the creature. Richard followed.

Soon after, a young man appeared. “Do you want to see more puppies?” he asked,
smiling. “Yes,” replied the six-year-olds eagerly.

“ Follow me,” replied the young man. He scooped up the puppy and let the boys
stroke it as they walked.

Half-way down the path, they heard their mothers calling them. They stopped and

turned around, smiling. Their mothers caught up with them and scolded them. “How many
times have we told you not to go with strangers?” said both mothers angrily.

Tears welled up in the boys’ eyes. “But big brother said we could see more
puppies,” said Mike.

“What big brother?” asked Richard’s mother. The boys turned around. No one was

1. How old were Mike and Richard?


2. Why did the children follow the young man ?



3. What do you think would happen if the boys‟ mothers did not call out them?




4. Who do you think was the young man? What did he use to trap the young



5. Give two suitable advice for children who are out in public places.
i) ___________________________________________________________

ii) ___________________________________________________________


Practice 10

Read the recipe below . Then answer the questions that follow.

5 Spice Onion Soup

This onion soup makes a good healthy eating choice. It combines onions with shiitake
mushrooms for a delicious flavour.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes



 1 medium onion  6 whole cloves

 6 cups of chicken or vegetable broth  3 star anise

 ½ inch of fresh peeled ginger (sliced)  1 cinnamon stick, about 4 inches long

 ½ teaspoon of dried fennel seeds  1 tablespoon of soy sauce

 6 whole dried medium shiitake mushroom

Additional Soup Ingredients

 2 onions  6 cloves of garlic  Salt and white pepper


1. Chop the onion for the broth. Thinly slice the two onions and garlic, which will later be
added to the broth. Let them all sit for 5 minutes to bring out their health benefits.
2. To prepare the broth, heat 1 tablespoon broth in medium-sized soup pot. Lightly fry
chopped onions over medium heat for 5 minutes until translucent. It is important to
slowly fry the slices onions for this soup to bring out their sweetness and to soften them.
The onions will be translucent, tender, and sweet when they are done. The thinner
you slice them, the better the result.
3. Add the rest of the broth, remaining broth ingredients and stir. Bring to a boil, reduce
heat to medium low, and simmer broth ingredients briskly together for 20 minutes.
Leave the pot uncovered. This will bring out a lot of flavour from the ingredients.
4. In a separate medium-sized stainless steel skillet, heat 1 tablespoonful soup broth over
medium fire. Lightly fry sliced onions over medium low heat in broth, stirring often for
about 5 minutes, until translucent. Add garlic and stir- fry for another minute.
5. After cooking soup for 20 minutes, strain while it is still hot. Then pour the liquid back
into the pan.
6. Slice mushrooms ( and discard rest strained ingredients) and put into the soup.
7. Add fried onions and garlic. Season with salt and white pepper to taste. Serve it hot
with a cabbage salad.

1. The recipe tells us how to make ….
A onion soup B vegetable broth
C mushroom soup D shiitake mushroom

2. Why must the sliced onions be fried slowly?

A To maintain its flavour B To bring out the soup flavour
C To bring out its health benefits D To make them soft and sweet

3. To bring out the flavour of the ingredients, you should…

A cook over a medium fire B cook in a soup pot
C not cover the pot D not cook in a skillet

4. How long does it take to cook this dish?

A 5 minutes B 30 minutes C 15 minutes D 20 minutes

5. The remaining broth and broth ingredients are added

A after lightly frying the chopped onions in broth
B after adding the fried garlic to the onions
C before chopping the medium onion
D when the sliced mushrooms are put into the soup


Practice 11

Study the flyer and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.


Organised by the English Language Club

14th – 18th August 2019

8.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

Prizes to be won:
School Hall
1st prize: RM 200
 Book Review Session
2nd prize: RM 150
 Story Telling Competition
3rd prize : RM 100
 Essay Writing Competition
Consolation prizes : RM 50 ( X2)
 Scrabble Competition
 Spelling Bee Competition

Open to all Years 4,5, and 6.

 Interested pupils should register by 1st August 2019

Contact Syakilla in Year 6 Pintar for more information

Winners will be interviewed for the school magazine!

Lili : Farhana, did you see the flyer on English Fiesta at the notice

board ?

Farhana : I did. There are so many activities this year compared to last year.

Lili : I‟m thinking of registering my name tomorrow with Syakilla. What

about you?

Farhana : Which competition are you joining ?

Lili : Oh, I want to join the Spelling Bee competition.

Farhana : Good luck. I hope you will win that.

Lili : Farhana, why don‟t you join Scrabble Competition? It‟s your

favourite game right?

Farhana : That‟s right. It will be better than joining the book review session.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. Farhana joined the Scrabble Competition and she managed to win first prize.
She is going to get …..

RM 300
RM 200 /1
RM 100

2. “ I hope you will win that”. The word that in the dialogue refers to the …

Consolation prizes
Spelling Bee Competition /1
English Fiesta

3. If your friend, Yazid, likes to share stories with others. Suggest a competition
for him and give a reason to support your answer.



“ It will be better than joining the book review session.”

Why do you think Farhana said that?




5. Why the winners will be interviewed for the school magazine?




Practice 12

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

The two children ate the cottage that made of cakes and biscuits
hungrily. Out of the blue, the door cracked open and an old woman
appeared. She asked Hansel and Gretel if they ate her cottage. They said
yes. They felt released when the old woman was not angry. Furthermore , she
invited them to rest in her house. Later, the children followed her in.

The next day, the old woman put Hansel and Gretel in a huge cage.
She asked Gretel to do the house chores. Only then did the children realise
that she was a witch.

Every day, the wicked witch fed Hansel with lots of food. She wanted to
make him fat so that she could eat him. She always asked Hansel to stick out
his finger to see how fat he had become. Hansel would stick out a chicken
bone. He knew the old witch had poor eyesight. The witch would then give
Hansel more food.

Finally, the day came when …….

Write True or False in the space provided.

1. The witch wanted to eat Hansel only. __________________

2. The cottage was made of chicken bone. __________________


3. Give one example to show that Hansel was smart.




4. What do you think the witch would do at the end of the story?




5. What do you think will happen to Gretel?




Practice 13

Read the poster below and read the message below. Answer the questions
that follow.

Date : 15th March 2019 ( Sunday )

Time : 8.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Venue: Kampung Harmoni field

 Take part in telematches and exciting games

 A range of local food prepared by our homegrown cooks
 Lucky draws – register at the counter ( Win Fabulous Prizes )
 Henna painting

Money raised will be used to buy books and computers for the
community library

Dear Rashdan,

There will be a Family Day at my place, Kampung Harmoni and I

would like to invite your family and you. There will be lots of games
and activitites. The money collected is for a good cause. I have
some information about the event. I will drop by your house this
evening to pass the flyer to you. See you later!

Your friend,


Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. If Yanti wants to attend the Family Day….

she has to pay RM10

she does not need to pay any admission fees
she has to take part in the competition /1

2. The Family Day is a ……………….

monthly event
daily event
yearly event /1

3. What should we do if we want to win prizes at the event?




4. What information do you think Khuzaimah has about the event? Why does
she want to pass the flyer to her friend?




Practice 14

Study the following graph carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.

SK Bandar Baru
Eating Habits of Pupils




150 No of Pupils



Fried Rice Roti Canai Burgers Pizza

Types of Food
1. What is the graph about?
A The number of pupils of SK Bandar Baru
B The types of food sold at the canteen
C The eating habits of pupils of SK Bandar baru
D Food sold by pupils of SK Bandar Baru

2. How many pupils took part in the survey?

A 350 B 500
C 900 D 1000

3. What is the most popular food?

A Fried rice B Roti canai
C Burgers D Pizza

4. How many pupils like eating burgers and fried rice?

A 450 B 200
C 250 D 350

5. Which of the statements is true?

A Pizza is the least popular food.
B The same number of pupils like to eat fried rice and roti canai.
C 250 pupils like to eat burgers.
D A total of 350 pupils took part in the survey.


Practice 15

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Plant Life Cycles

Every living thing goes through changes. Living things grow through different

stages. Then, they reach the end of their life cycles and die. There are many kinds of

plants. Each kind has its own life cycle.

Many plants start their life cycles as a seed. The seed needs certain things or

it will not grow into a plant. Sometimes seeds wait in the ground until they can get

the things they need. They wait for warmth from the sun. They wait for water. When

they have what they need, they start to grow. A tiny little sprout will push out of each

seed. The sprouts stretch up until they poke through the dirt and into the air.

The plants continue to grow when they get sunshine and water. The stems

grow taller and leaves unfold. More leaves and stems grow on the main stems. The

adult plants grow flowers. The flowers of many plants make fruit. The fruit has seeds

inside it so more new plants can grow.

New plants look like their parent plants. Seeds from a parent plant will grow into

the same kind of plant as the parent. When a seed begins to grow, it is the beginning

of another plant life cycle.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. What is the process of living, growing, changing , and dying called?

Photosynthesis /1
Life cycle

2. How do many plants begin ?

Stems /1

3. What are the two things does a seed need to have it with in the ground
to be able to grow?




4. Where can you usually find seeds in adult plants ?




5. What kind of plant will a seed grow into ?



Practice 16

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Chess is called the game of kings. It

has been around for a long time.
People have been playing it for over
500 years. Chess is based on an even
older game from India. The chess we
play today is from Europe.

Chess is a two-player game. One

player uses the white pieces. The other
uses the
black pieces. Each piece moves in a special way. One piece is called the
king. Each player has one. The players take turns moving their pieces. If a
player lands on a piece, he or she takes it. The game ends when a player
loses his or her king. There are a few more rules, but those are the basics.

Some people think that chess is more than a game. They think that it makes
the mind stronger. Good chess players use their brains. They take their time.
They think about what will happen next. These skills are useful in life and in
chess. Chess is kind of like a work out for the mind.

You don't always have lots of time to think when playing chess. There is a type
of chess with short time limits. It's called blitz chess. In blitz chess, each player
gets ten minutes to use for the whole game. Your clock runs during your turn.
You hit the time clock after your move. This stops your clock. It also starts the
other player's clock. If you run out of time, you lose. Games of blitz chess are

Chess is not just for people. Computers have been playing chess since the
1970s. At first they did not play well. They made mistakes. As time went on
they grew stronger. In 1997, a computer beat the best player in the world for
the first time. It was a computer called Deep Blue. Deep Blue was big. It took
up a whole room. By 2006 a cell phone could beat the best players in the
world. Chess sure has come a long way. Don't you think so?

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. What is the author's purpose in writing the second paragraph?

To persuade people to play chess.

To compare different types of games.
To explain the rules of chess.

2. How long have people been playing chess?

Over 100 years

Over 500 years
Over 5000 years

3. How does a game of chess end according to the text?




4. How might playing chess be good for people?




5. Why might blitz chess be more challenging to play than regular chess? Use
text to support your answer.




Practice 17

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Once there lived a Country Bug and Town Bug. One day, the Town Bug

visited Country Bug who lived in a small village. For lunch, the Country Bug served

wheat stalks, roots and corns with plain water. The Town Bug ate sparingly, nibbling

a little of everything out of politeness.

After the meal, they had a long talk. The Town Bug told the Country Bug

about the luxuries and fun of city life. The Country Bug was amazed to hear all these

. He decided to go home with his relative to see for himself the delights of city life

that the Town Bug had described.

The next day, they set off early and arrived at a mansion in which the Town

Bug lived. They found on the table in the dining room leavings of a very fine bouquet.

There were many types of delicious food such as cheese, pastries, jellies and many

other tempting food that a bug could imagine.

Just as the Country Bug was about to nibble the cheese, he heard the dog

barked loudly and scratched the door. Before he could take a breath, the door

opened and two servants came to clear the table followed by the House Dog. Luckily

for him, he managed to hide himself in time.

“You may have luxuries that I have not, but I prefer my plain food and simple

life in the village with the peace and security that go with it,” he said to the Town Bug

as he hurried flew away.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. The main characters in the story are ….

the Town Bug and the Dog

the Town Bug and the Country Bug /1
the Country Bug and the Town Horse

2. The Town Bug ate _______ when he was served with wheat stalks, roots and

did not eat at all

ate a lot /1
ate a little

3. List two difficulties that the Country Bug faced during his visit to the town.
i) ___________________________________________________________

ii) ___________________________________________________________


4. Do you think the Town Bug enjoyed the food that were served to him?
Which sentence in the story tell you this?

Answer : __________________________________________________________

Sentence : ________________________________________________________


5. Why the Country Bug disliked the city life?




Practice 18

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

In a land, far away, there lived a farmer. He reared a cow, a goat and a
dog. The cow was very friendly with everyone. Even the squirrel on the tree
and the parrot came to chat with her. However, one animal that she did not
consider a friend was the crow. The crow cawed noisily from morning till
evening. The cow did not like the noise at all.

One morning, when the cow woke up, she could not open her eyes.
Something was stuck in her eyes. After a while, she managed to open her
eyes but her vision was blurred.

The cow told the goat about it. The cow said, “ Why don‟t you lick my
eyes? It might help.” “Oh no, my tongue will get infected!” cried the goat
and it went away..

Then, the cow went to seek help from the dog. “ Stop disturbing me. I
didn‟t sleep well last night. Go away!” said the dog sleepily. Later on, when
the parrot flew into the shed, the cow said, “Something has got into my eyes.
I feel very uncomfortable. Can you use your beak to peck it out?” “No!”
answered the parrot. “It‟ll damage my beak.” Then, she flew away.

The cow was all alone. She felt very sad. When she was in trouble, all
those she considered her friends had refused to help. Just then the crow
appeared. He was cawing as loud as ever. He saw the sad cow and went to
her. “You look very sad. What happened?”

With tears in her eyes, the cow told the crow what happened. After
hearing the story, the crow immediately asked the cow to open her eyes
wide. The crow looked into the cow‟s eyes. After a while, he said, “There‟s a
tiny bit of grass in your eyes. Allow me to take it out. Hold still.”

The crow gently pulled the grass out from the cow‟s eyes. The cow‟s eyes
were not in pain anymore and she could see clearly again. She thanked the
crow. She also apologized to the crow for not treating him well all this while.

From that day onwards, the cow became good friends with the crow.

1. Where did the cow live ?

A In a shed B In a burrow C In a hut D In a coop

2. What happened to the cow one morning?

A She could not wake up B She was very sad

C She could not see well D She became blind

3. Why did the cow not like the crow ?

A The crow did not help her. B The crow always made a lot of noise.

C The crow was not friendly. D The crow did not treat the cow well.

4. How did the crow help the cow?

A He licked the cow‟s eyes. B He cawed as loud as ever.

C He used his peak to peck D He gently pulled the grass out.

at the grass.

5. What lesson does the story teach us?

A Practice makes perfect B Unity is strength

C A friend in need is a friend indeed C Every cloud has silver lining


Practice 19

Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.

Mrs Ramesh : Where should we go this coming school holidays?

Reena : Let‟s go to Cameron Highlands.
Mrs Ramesh : We were just there last month. What about Kota Bharu?
We‟ve never been to the east-coast, have we?
Mr Ramesh : That sounds like a good idea. What do you think , Reena?
Reena : Okay. How are we going there?
Mr Ramesh : We can go by bus, train or taxi. We can also take the
Reena : Let‟s go by train. I‟ve never sat in a train before.
Mrs Ramesh : But , the journey‟s going to be very long and tiring. It‟ll take
us more than 12 hours. Furthermore, the journey is at night. I
don‟t like the idea.
Mr Ramesh : Why don‟t we take the aeroplane then? We should be in
Kota Bharu in less than one hour. But, the fare is the most
Reena : Let‟s take the bus, Dad. A friend in school told me that the
buses nowadays are very comfortable and spacious. Dad,
how long does it take to go to Kota Bharu by bus?
Mr Ramesh : I think it‟s about eight hours. I haven‟t taken a bus for a long
time. It‟s going to be fun. What do you think, Mum?
Reena : Please say yes, Mum. We‟ll also be able to enjoy the scenery
of the countryside and the towns we pass by.
Mrs Ramesh : Let me think about it.
Reena : Aw, Mum………
Mr Ramesh : It‟s cheaper to travel by bus than to travel by air. That means
you‟ll have more money to spend on shopping, Mum!
Mrs Ramesh : If you put it that way, I guess taking a bus is not such a bad
idea after all.
Mr Ramesh : That‟s settled, then. I‟ll get the tickets this weekend
Reena : Great ! I know I‟m going to enjoy myself.

1. Match List A to List B.

List A List B
Mrs Ramesh suggested Kota but the most expensive.
Reena has never sat in a train because they have never
been there before.
Mr Ramesh said travelling by air because a friend told her so.
is the fastest
Reena said travelling by bus is so she suggested taking the
comfortable train.

1. What is the dialogue mainly about?




2. Why did Mrs Ramesh suggest they go to Kota Bharu?




3. Mrs Ramesh was not very keen to go to Kota Bharu by bus. Do you agree?
Which sentence show this?
Answer : ______________________________________________________

Sentence: _____________________________________________________


Practice 20

Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.


Due to the opening of our new store in Yakin Mall Nusa Damai, we have
vacancies for the positions:

 SPM qualification
 Fluent in English and Bahasa Melayu
 Working experience preferred
 Pleasant personality

 SPM qualification

 Must be computer literate

All applicants must be at least 18 years of age.


Transport allowance
20th and 21st January 2019
9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
At the Umar Umairah Jewellery in
Training Nusa Damai
Free medical treatment

Discount on all jewellery in Umar

Umairah Jewellers

Write True or False.

1. Umar Umairah Jewellers need staffs because _______________

They have opened a new outlet.

2. The word fluent has the same meaning with helpful. _______________

3. What are the job offered in the advertisement?




4. If Sharifah wants to be a sales assistant. What kind of person should her be?




5. What are the benefits that one will get if he or she works here?




Practice 21

Read the calendar below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

2019 Public Holidays in Malaysia

Holiday Date Day

New Year‟s Day 1 January Tuesday

Chinese New Year 28 – 29 January Tuesday and Wednesday

Labour Day 1 May Wednesday

Wesak Day 10 May Friday

Agong‟s Birthday 3 June Monday

 Hari Raya Aidilfitri 25-26 June Sunday and Monday

National Day 31 August Thursday

 Hari Raya Aidiladha 1 September Friday

Malaysia Day 16 September Saturday

Awal Muharam 22 September Friday

Deepavali 19 October Tuesday

Prophet Muhammad‟s 1 December Friday


Christmas 25 December Thursday

 Subject to change

1. The year of 2019 begins on _____________.

A Sunday B Monday
C Tuesday D Wednesday

2. The month with no public holiday is _________________.

A June B September C May D November

3. The calendar tells us that _____________________.

A Hari Raya Aidiladha is fixed.

B Chinese New Year is subject to change.

C Wesak Day is a state holiday.

D Hari Raya Puasa may fall on another date.

21st August – 2nd September 2019

Crazy Discounts !

Fish Oil : 40%

Ointment : 30 %

Vitamins : 50%
FREE notebook for the first
50 customers

For further information please contact: Mr Selva ( Manager ) 011- 7899654

4. How long is the promotion?

A A fortnight
B A year
C A week
D A month

5. A bottle of vitamin cost RM 70. How much does Puan Juhara have to pay for
it ?
A RM 40
B RM 60
C RM 35
D RM 25


Practice 22

Study the flyer and read the dialogue below. Then , answer the questions

that follow.




( 7-9 years ) ( Open to all ) (10-12 years )

Date: 31 August 2019

Time: 10 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue: Berseri Hall, SK Harmoni Jaya, Johor


Show off your talent and
patriotism! 1st prize: RM 200 , a trophy , a certificate
Only 35 contestants for each 2nd prize : RM 100 , a trophy, a certificate
3rd prize: RM 50 , a trophy, a certificate
Register quickly !
5 Consolation prizes : RM30 , a trophy, a certificate.

For more information, please contact Puan Aidah, En Farid, Cik Cher Ruey Ming.

Julia : Mom, look at this flyer we received in school. Can I take part in

the fashion show?

Puan Lina : Let me see. Hmm! That will be good. Shall I sew you a dress with

the national flag colours?

Julia : That would be wonderful. It will look very patriotic.

Puan Lina : What about your brother, Najmi?

Julia : I think he is decorating his bicycle for the flag parade.

Puan Lina : Well, then, let’s go to the store and get some material for your dress.

Julia : All right, mum. I really hope I can win a prize.

Write True or False in the space provided.

1) Julia wants to take part in the poem recital. _____________

2) The school is offering a total of RM600 as first prizes _____________

for the events.

3) List two costumes that students can come dressed in to show their patriotism
for the country.

(i) ______________________________________________________

(ii) ______________________________________________________


4) What would the third prize winners get?




5) Which event would you like to take part in? Give reason.




Practice 23

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

One day, a little rabbit was walking in the jungle. Suddenly,

a large eagle swooped down and caught the poor rabbit with its
sharp claws. “Help! Help,” begged the rabbit as it flew high in the
sky with the eagle. “If you let me go, I promise to help you if you
ever need my help”, continued rabbit.

The eagle was hungry but it was a kind animal. It felt sorry
for the rabbit. It thought to itself, “I am a beautiful and majestic
bird. However, if I cannot be kind, then I am not beautiful
anymore”. The eagle then dropped the rabbit on a tree branch.
The rabbit quickly scampered down the tree. “Thank you! Thank
you!” said the grateful rabbit to the eagle.

Several weeks later, the rabbit was walking in the jungle

again. Then, it heard a pitiful cry for help. The rabbit saw a huge
bird lying on the ground with an arrow in its wing. The rabbit ran
towards the eagle and realised that it was the same eagle that
had been kind to it. The rabbit bit into the arrow with its sharp
teeth. The arrow broke and the eagle could fly again. The eagle
was glad that it had not eaten the rabbit the other day. From
that day onwards, the eagle and the rabbit became good

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. The hungry eagle saw a rabbit …..

on a tree branch.
in the jungle.
in the sky.

2. The most suitable proverb for this story is …..

Slow and steady wins the race.

One good turn deserves another. /1
Look before you leap.

3. Why did the eagle drop the rabbit on the tree branch?



4. How did the rabbit save the eagle?




5. Were the rabbit and the eagle kind animals? Give reasons for your answer.



Practice 24

Read the information in the poster and answer the questions that follow.

English Language Society of SK Bandar Rengam

cordially invite you to :


Date : 27 July 2019

Time : 8.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Venue : School Hall and School compound


Briefing by Puan Afrina

Language games ( indoor )

Lucky Draw

Treasure Hunt

Haunted House

SKBR Got Talent

Light refreshment provided

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. The English in Camp is held…


2. Joshua wants to play Scrabble. Which activity is suitable for him?

SKBR Got Talent

Language games
Treasure Hunt

3. Match the phrases in List A to List B.

List A List B

The English in Camp is held at the advisor of English

Language Society.

Puan Afrina is during the programme.

The light refreshment will be involves indoor activity.


Language games only the school hall and school



4. List two other indoor games that you know.

i ) ____________________________________________________________

ii ) ___________________________________________________________


5. Which activity would you like to join? Why?




Practice 25

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Halim and his mother lived in a small village. They were very poor.
Halim often helped his mother to collect wood from the forest. He also cut
down small trees to make them into firewood.
One morning, a bird flew down from a tree and asked him not to cut it
down. The bird explained that the tree was its home. So Halim left the tree
alone. The bird was elated. It asked Halim to come back the next day and
bring along an empty bag.
The next day, Halim went to the tree and waited for the bird. The bird
soon appeared. It asked Halim to hold on to its tail. It then flew up, and
Halim followed it to the sky. They went to a faraway valley. The valley was
filled with gold. He picked up some pieces of gold and put them into his
The bird told him that they must leave the valley before the sunrise.
Halim quickly filled his bag with gold and returned to the forest. He then
returned home. He now had lots of money for himself and his mother. He also
helped the other villagers.

1. How does Halim earns a living?
A He cuts tree B He repairs cars and vehicles
C He rears animals D He mends shoes

2. From the passage, we know that …..

A Halim lived with his mother in a village.
B Halim lived with his mother in a forest.
C Halim lived in an orphanage.
D Halim lived alone in the forest.

3. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

A Halim did not cut the tree.
B The bird gave Halim some pieces of gold.
C Halim and his mother became rich.
D Halim helped the other villagers.

4. The word „empty‟ means ____________.

A tall B beautiful C bare D large

5. Halim must leave the valley quickly before ______________.

A sunset
B afternoon
C dawn
D sunrise


Practice 26

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Mum,

We would like to express our gratitude for all the things you have done
for us. We want you to know that we are very proud to be your children.
On this special day, we would like to wish you happy 45 th birthday and
receive our special present for you. We hope that you will like it. It is
made of genuine leather with enough compartments for your laptop
and other items. Happy birthday , Mum. We love you.


Your Sons

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. What did the children give to their mother?


2. What did they celebrate?




3. Why did the children write the card ?




4. Do you think the children love their mother? Why?




5. What would you buy for you mother on her birthday? Why?




Practice 27

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

The Peddlar of Swaffham

Long ago, there lived a poor pedlar in the town of Swaffham. ,

England. One night, he had a dream. He dreamt the same dream night after

night. On the third night, he decided to go to London. In London, he saw

many tall buildings on both sides of a big river and many boats in the river.

The next day, he walked up and down the bridge. For three days, the pedlar

went to the bridge but he did not hear any good news.

A shopkeeper walked up to the pedlar and spoke to him. He asked

whether the pedlar was about to ask donations as he noticed that the pedlar

was poor. The pedlar said he had a dream to come there and hear some

good news. Hearing that, the shopkeeper mentioned his dream. His dream

about a buried treasure behind a pedlar‟s house in Swaffham but he didn‟t

go there.

Immediately the pedlar rushed home.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. Where is the story set ?

Winesburg, Ohio

Amity Harbour, Washington /1

Swaffham, England

2. When did the story take place ?

Last year

Long ago
Last month

3. What do you understand with :

I’m on the hunt for who I’ve not yet become




4. Imagine you are the pedlar, what had happened to you at the end of the

story? Give a reason.




Practice 28

Study the map carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Map of Kuala Harapan Resort


Jalan Hang Tuah

Jalan Melaka

Bowling Alley
Damai Flower
World Park


Jalan Hang Kasturi

Teratai Vivo Theme

Jalan Setia

Shopping Mall Park

Complex Rose Kluang
Inn Hotel

Jalan Hang Jebat

Jalan Johor

Craft to
Centre Swimming Mahsuri Star
Pool Hotel Cinema

1. Where is Riverside Resort located?
A To the east of Mahsuri Hotel B To the west of Underwater World

C To the north of Damai Flower Park D To the south of Selesa Resort

2. What is probably the main reason that people visit this town?
A To further their studies B To enjoy themselves
C To watch circus D To take flight

3. Encik Ariffin and his family enjoy shopping. Which is the best place for them to
A Rose Inn B Castle Hotel
C Kluang Hotel D Riverside Resort

Read the information and answer the questions that follow.

1 Day Trip to Malacca

7.00 a.m. Assemble at the school canteen

7.15 a.m. Started the journey

9.15 a.m. Arrival at Taman Mini Malaysia. Visit the traditional houses from
every state in Malaysia. Each house contains furnishings, fixtures
and works of art reflecting the culture of each state.

11.15 a.m. Melaka River Cruise. A flotilla of small boats transports us up and
down past historic buildings in Melaka. It is a lifetime experience.

2.00 p.m. Lunch. Visit to Taming Sari Tower. From a height of 80 metres,
visitors could watch spectacular and panoramic view of Melaka
UNESCO World Heritage City.

4.30 p.m. Dinner and shopping for souvenirs at Bandar Hilir.

10.00 p.m. Arrive at school compound

1 Day Trip to Malacca

4. The statements below are all correct except
A. visitors will have lunch at 1 p.m.
B. the journey to Melaka took about two hours
C. visitors can visit Kedah‟s house at Taman Mini Malaysia
D. the Melaka River Cruise is fun

5. From the passage, we know that _______________________

A. they can buy some souvenirs at Taming Sari Tower
B. the pupils will spend sixteen and a half hours for the trip
C. the height of the houses is 80 metres tall
D. the houses reflect the culture of the states in Malaysia


Practice 29

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Last week, Deeja was selected by her teacher to represent the school in
a debate competition. To prepare herself for the event, she read some books
and articles about the related issue. She also went to public library to borrow
some books. Every day she spent her time at the library. She did some
reading and discussion with her teacher and friends.
On the competition day, she , managed to go through the entire rounds
pretty well. She delivered her thoughts and argument excellently. The
audiences and the judges were captivated with her performance. She drew
to herself a load of applauds. In a nutshell, she was the anchor to her school
debate team’s victory.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. What is the suitable proverbs for the story.

Turn over a new leaf

One good turn deserves another

Practice makes perfect

2. Which is not Deeja‟s preparation for the competition?

Discuss with parents and friends.

Borrow some books from the library.

Read some books and related articles. /1

Brainstorm the ideas with teacher and friends.

3. Who selected Deeja to represent her school?




4. Why were the audiences and the judges captivated with her performance?



5. Give one good characteristic of Deeja. Give a reason to support you


Characteristic: ______________________________________________ /1

Reason : _______________________________________________

Practice 30

Study the programme and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions
that follow.



7.20 a.m. : The teacher s and pupils gather at the school hall.

Sing the national anthem and the school song

7.45 a.m. : Welcome speech by the head prefect

8.00 a.m. : Speech by the headmistress

8.10 a.m. : Prefects present gifts and flowers to all teachers

8.30 a.m. : Poetry recitation by Norbaini Fuad from Year 6 Pintar

8.45 a.m. : Action song by Year 3 pupils

9.00 a.m. : Short drama by the Art and Culture Club

9.30 a.m. : Telematch between teachers and pupils at the field

10.45 a.m. : Light refreshment at the school canteen for teachers and pupils

Puan Aidah : How was school today, dear ?

Fauzana : We had a celebration for our teachers, Mum.

Puan Aidah : Really? How was it?

Fauzana : It was fun !There were some performances by pupils. And

I didn‟t expect our teachers to be so sporty. Some of

them took part in the telematch events and played

games and sports with the pupils.

Puan Aidah : I think it‟s a good idea to celebrate Teacher‟s Day. We

should show our appreciation and gratitude to them.

Fauzana : Yes, I agree with you, Mum. Besides, it‟s only once a year

and it‟s during this time that we get to see the other side

of them. They usually have to be strict and stern at

other time.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. Where would the teachers be at 10.00 a.m. ?

The school hall.

The school field. /1
The school canteen.

2. “ It was fun !” The word it in the dialogue refers to ........

the telematch events.

the performance by pupils. /1
the Teacher‟s Day celebration.

3. “And I didn’t expect our teacher to be so sporty.”

Why do you think Fauzana said that ?




4 Zikry likes to play sports. Suggest an activity he should take part during
the Teacher‟s Day celebration and give a reason to support your




5 Why do you think the pupils have a celebration on Teacher‟s Day?




Practice 31

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Salted egg is a simple Asian recipe. It is eaten as an appetizer; however it

complements main dishes well. The original Asian recipe uses duck eggs.
Duck eggs are large and have a creamier texture than chicken eggs. You
can use chicken eggs if duck eggs are not available.

How to make salted egg

Step 1: Place 6 uncooked eggs into a large jar. Carefully place the eggs on

top of one another to avoid cracking.

Step 2: Combine ½ cup of salt and 3 cups of water. Stir the mixture until the

salt dissolves.

Step 3: Pour the saltwater onto the eggs inside the jar. Seal it tightly. Let the

jar sit at room temperature for 30 days.

Step 4: Take the eggs out of the jar and boil them. Refrigerate the eggs after

boiling and eat them whenever you want.

1. When is the salted egg eaten?
A. It is eaten for lunch.
B. It is eaten as a dessert.
C. It is eaten as an appetizer.
D. It is eater before dinner.

2. What does the original recipe use ?

A. The original recipe uses chicken eggs.
B. The original recipe uses bird eggs.
C. The original recipe uses duck eggs.
D. The original recipe uses goose eggs.

3. How many steps are needed for the above recipe ?

A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D.5

4. Where are the uncooked eggs placed ?

A. Into a large jar
B. Into a bottle
C. Into a basket
D. Into a bowl

5. How long is the jar sealed tightly ?

A. 30 days
B. 30 weeks
C. 30 months
D. 30 minutes


Practice 32

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Sabah is a blessed state that is made for adventure, nature, wildlife, and holidays.
It is the second largest state in Malaysia behind its neighbouring state Sarawak.
The different culture makes Sabah a stand out state to be visited.

Danum Valley is one of the oldest rainforest in the world and known as the “Lost
World”. You can visit Kundasang to see the tall Mount Kinabalu standing at
4,093 metres. The clear ocean perfect for diving is the Sipadan Island. One can
enjoy almost everything in Sabah from admiring the beautiful and big Rafflesia
to making contacts with Orang Utan in the largest sanctuary in the world.

Not to be missed is the food adventure as people can experience the delicious
traditional food that are popular to every race in Sabah.

Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.

1. The text is about …

The delicious Sabah food /1
Mount Kinabalu

2. Danum Valley is known as …

Lost World /1
Mount Kinabalu

3. Sipadan is known to have a clear blue water. What is the perfect activity to be
done in Sipadan?



4. Which state is the neighbour of Sabah?




5. What is your favourite traditional food that you like the most? Why?




Practice 33

Read the poster below and answer the questions that follow.

Venue: Hotel Putra Kuala Lumpur

Date : 1 May till 31 May

Time : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Entrance Fee:

Senior citizens and children below 12 – FREE

Adults – RM10

Exhibits of
costumes of the
various races

Cultural show

Fashion show

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. The exhibition will be on for _______________________.

30 days
31 days /1
29 days

2. From the notice, we know that ______________.

visitors have to buy a traditional costume to

see the exhibits /1
visitors are encouraged to come dressed in
any modern costume
there is no entrance fee for children and
senior citizens

3. Match the List A to List B. One has been done for you.

List A List B
The exhibition will be held the Ministry of Culture.
The exhibition is to show at Hotel Putra Kuala Lumpur.
The exhibition is organised by open the whole day.
The exhibition will be the national costumes of
various races in Malaysia.


4. Ying Yuen is a Chinese lady. Which traditional costume will she wear to the



5. If you wish to come to the exhibition. Which costume would you wear? Give
your reason.



Practice 34

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time , two good friends , Adam and Umar , went to the
forest to gather firewood. Suddenly , they saw a big , fierce bear coming
towards them. Adam immediately climbed up a nearby tree. Umar , who did
not know how to climb , begged Adam to help him. But Adam ignored his
friend and went on climbing .

As the bear approached , Umar lay on the ground, pretending to be

dead. The bear sniffed his face and ran off. Adam came down and asked
Umar what the bear had whispered to him. Umar said , “ It told me not to trust
anyone, not even my best friend.”

1. Where did the story take place ?

A. in the forest B. at the beach

C. at the zoo D. at the park

2. What were Rahim and Basir doing in the forest ?

A. They were plucking wild flowers.

B. They were playing.

C. They were looking for their friends.

D. They were gathering fire woods.

3. The word “coming towards” in the passage can be best replaced with


A. approaching

B. moving

C. avoiding

D. directing

19 Who was pretending to be dead ?

A. Umar and Adam

B. Adam and his friend

C. Umar

D. Adam

20 All the statements below are incorrect , EXCEPT

A. Umar knew how to climb tree.

B. Umar pretended to be dead.

C. Adam can be trusted.

D. Adam was a good friend.


Practice 35

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

What do you understand by 3R campaign ? The 3R campaign signifies

“reduce, reuse, and recycle”. Under the campaign, three coloured waste
separation bins or better known as „recycling bins‟ are provided. The recycling
bins are placed at housing estates, schools, and public places to collect waste
such as paper, aluminium, and plastic for recycling purposes.
The blue bin is used to dispose of paper. Recyclable items such as
newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes can be disposed of here. Glass
items like bottled drinks, perfumes bottles, and glasses can be disposed of into the
brown bin. The orange bin is used to dispose of aluminium and plastic waste. The
waste Includes soft drink cans and food product tins

Tick ( √ ) for the correct answer.

1. The 3R Campaign signifies…

“reduce, reuse, and reject”.

“reduce, reuse, and recycle”.
“reduce, reuse, and recharge”.

2. The waste separation bins are also known as…

rubbish bin /1
recycling bins

3. Where can we find recycling bins?




4. Complete the table below. An example is given.

Recycling bins Items

Blue Paper, newspapers, magazines, cardboards.




5. In your opinion, what is the benefit of separating waste according to





Practice 36

Study the poster and answer the questions that follow.

Beware of Strangers!

A stranger is someone you don‟t know. A stranger may try to trick you into
following them in many ways. Here are some tips to help you keep safe.

 Don‟t talk to stranger.

 Never give your name or home address to someone that you don‟t know.

 Don‟t walk in public alone. Make sure you walk with parents or adults, friends or in


 Never accept a ride from someone you don‟t know, even when they sat that they

are a family friend.

 Say “No!” if the stranger offers you candy, money, presents or anything else.

 If a stranger tries to grab you, scream as loudly as you can and run away. Yell out

that this is not your father or your mother to let people know that a stranger is trying

to grab you.

 Inform your parents if you are approached by a stranger in school or anywhere


Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. The poster above is about …..

keeping safe from accidents

learning to say no
being wary of strangers

2. When a stranger offers you gifts such as candy or money, they could be …….

helping you
want to know more about you
trying to trick you

3. Why must we walk in a group in public ?




4. What should you do if a stranger tries to grab you ?




5. You are walking home from school. A stranger offers you a ride home? What
should you do?



Practice 37

Read the diary below and answer the questions that follow.


20 July
Today we are going to my uncle‟s farm. We are staying over the weekend. It should be
fun! It is a three hour journey to the farm. Father nearly hit a cow on the way there. Two
cows suddenly crossed the road and stopped in the middle. Father had to step on the
brakes quickly to avoid hitting them. The cars behind us started to honk as the cows did
not want to move!
We sat patiently and waited. The cows finally moved when a farmer came to chase
them away. Thank goodness! Or we should be stuck there forever.

21 July

It is our first day on the farm. I awoke to the sounds of cockerel crowing. After
breakfast, we followed our cousin, Danish to the cow shed. We were to help him milk cows.

It was not easy to do. After a few tries, I could get some milk from the cow. Some milk
got onto Fitri‟s face as he had squeezed too hard. The look on his face made us laugh. It was

Then we collected some eggs from the chicken coop. The chicken s were resting. I
woke up some of the chickens while collecting the eggs. One of the chicken tried to peck my
fingers. In my rush to avoid being pecked, I dropped some of the eggs.

22 July

We went to look at the cows and goats in the field. We were supposed to look after them. But
my brother left the field gate open and two goats ran out!

He started chasing the goats to get them back into the field. He ran all over the farm and
shouted at the goats. With my uncle‟s help, they managed to get the goats back. My brother
was so exhausted. He slept all the way home.

We had so much fun at the farm. What an adventure! We hope to visit the farm again.

1. Haslinda and her family stayed on the farm for
A four days B two days C three days D six days

2. What happened while Haslinda‟s family was going to the farm?

A A farmer brought some cows to the road.

B The writer‟s car hit some cows.
C Two cows blocked the road.
D Two cows crashed into some cars.

3. Why did Haslinda laugh at her brother?

A He dropped the chicken eggs.

B He got some milk on the writer‟s face.
C He spilt some cow‟s milk.
D He got some drops of milk on his face.

4. The word hilarious can best be replaced with

A strange B shocking C strange D funny

5. Haslinda‟s diary entry tells us that

A her brother released the goats and cows.

B her brother did not like to milk cows.
C she enjoyed her stay on the farm.
D she did not like the farm activities.


Practice 38

Read the information in the notice below and answer the questions that



Do you love reading? Enjoy helping people?

Here is your chance to do both.

The English Language Society is having a book fair.

Books will be sold from RM 1 to RM 20.

For every book sold, 35% will be donated to Permata Orphanage.

Let‟s do our part to help those in need!




TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 9.00 p.m.
DATE: 15/2/2019 – 20/2/2019
*Dates may be extended if response is good

Tick (√) the correct answer.

1. Which society is having a book fair?

The Red Cross Society

English Language Society /1
Tunas Kadet Remaja Society

2. How long will the book fair last?

3 days

4 days
5 days

3. Match the phrase in List A to the suitable phrase in List B. One has been
done for you.

List A List B

Books will be sold if it is well received.

Permata Orphanage will receive at Community Hall, Renggam.

The book fair will be held some money for every book
The book fair may be extended from RM 1 to RM 20.


4. List two other things you can donate to the orphanage.
a. ________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________


5. Would you go to the Book Fair? Give your reason.




Practice 39

Read the letter and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Khairul,

How are you and your family getting on? It has been already a fortnight since
we last met each other. Soon, the school holidays will be here again!. I have lots of
plans for the coming holidays.

I am surprised that you are always bored and sick during the school holidays as
you stated in your previous letter. Why is it so? I would like to suggest a number of
beneficial hobbies that you can carry out during the seven weeks‟ holidays. You will
be surprised at how wonderful and valuable these hobbies can be.

There are lots of hobbies that you can take up. For instance, board games like
chess and Monopoly. I know that you hate outdoor games. These board games are
perfect for you. Your siblings could join you in the game too. Chess is a game better
known as the battle of the minds. It makes you more alert, more observant and more

I know you like cycling. Cycling in the evening at the park near your house is
safe. Moreover, the air there is fresh; and there is a lot of greenery and a man-made
lake too. It is the beautiful sight to behold!

What about reading? You can read storybooks, magazines, newspapers and
any other articles. Reading keeps you mentally alert and helps build your critical
thinking skills. Besides, you gain knowledge and enrich your vocabulary.

Your parents own a bakery in town. Why don‟t you help them out there during
the school holidays? If you don‟t like baking, you can at least help them to serve the
customers. You will be surprised at how well you can do it. If you don‟t try, you will
never know.

Well, guess I need to stop here. Do write to me if you need further advice or if
you have other plans.

Bye and take care.

Your friend,


Write True or False in the space provided.

1. Chess is an outdoor game. _________________

2. Khairul‟s parents are baker. _________________


3. When did Jamil last meet Khairul?




4. Why does Jamil suggest board games to Khairul ?




5. State 2 other suggestions to help Khairul pass his time during the seven
weeks holidays.
( i ) ______________________________________________________________

( ii ) ______________________________________________________________


Practice 40

Read the advertisement below carefully. Then, answer the questions that


[ 10 – 16 July ]
This campaign aims to:

1 promote a healthy lifestyle

2 ensure the housing area is safe and conducive to live in
3 revive interest in sports and arts and crafts
4 encourage interaction among residents
All are invited to participate in the following activities:


Talk on health issues 10 July 8.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m. Taman Megah Hall
Sports match 11 July Refer to timetable Refer to timetable
Cooking Demonstration 12 July Session 1: Taman Megah Hall
9.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon
Session 2:
4.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.
Talks on Gardening 13 July Session 1: Harmony Nursery
Techniques 8.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. 19, Jalan Teratai,
Session 2: Taman Harmony
5.00 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Traditional Games 14 July 4.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. The field at Jalan
Competition Orkid
‘Gotong Royong’ 15 July 8.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. All areas
Barbecue Dinner 16 July 8.00 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. Taman Megah Club

This event is organised by the Residents’ Association of Taman Megah. For more
information, please contact Mr Johan at 013- 3149078, Mr Lim at 017- 3242527 or Mr
Azam at

1 The campaign held between _____________.
A 10 and 16 March
B 11 and 17 May
C 10 and 17 July
D 10 and 16 July

2 The campaign does not aim to promote ____________________.

A interest in sports
B a healthy lifestyle
C a safe environment
D a stressful lifestyle

3 What activity will most probably be held on the 14 July ?

A Sports match
B Congkak Competition
C Barbecue Dinner
D A talk on how smoking cigarette could endanger life

4 Which event will be held at Taman Megah Hall?

A The barbecue dinner
B The sports match and traditional games competition
C The sports match and cooking demonstration
D Talks on health issues and cooking demonstration

5 To find out more about the event, we can contact __________

A Mr Johan at 013- 3672527
B Mr Lim at 013- 3148867
C Mr Lim at 017- 3242527
D Mr Azam at
Practice 41

Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow

Shopkeeper : Good morning, Mrs Lim. What can I do for you today?

Mrs Lim : Good morning. I’m making chicken curry today. I would like half
a dozen

onions, 250 grams of potatoes, a packet of curry powder and santan.

Shopkeeper : Is there anything else?

Mrs Lim : I know I’m supposed to get something else but it has just slipped
my mind.

Shopkeeper : Does it have anything to do with food? Maybe you’re cooking for a


Mrs Lim : Oh, yes. My husband is 40 years old today. We’re having a
surprise party for

him. I’m supposed to buy him a cake. Thank you for reminding me.
There are

so many things to do. I have to go now.

Shopkeeper : Er…Mrs Lim.

Mrs Lim : Oh, I almost forget. How much is everything, please?

Shopkeeper : RM 16.80.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. Mrs Lim was at the…

grocery shop
florist /1

2. How many onions did Mrs Lim buy?

8 /1

3. What do you understand by the phrase “slipped my mind” ?




4. Why did the shopkeeper called Mrs Lim again?



5. What did the shopkeeper probably said at the end? Why ?




Practice 42

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Once there were two brothers named Kasim and Ali Baba. They lived in a
town in Persia. Although they were brothers, they were very different. Kasim was
rich and unkind merchant. Ali Baba was a poor and humble woodcutter. He liked to
help poor people.
One day, Ali Baba was in the forest with his donkey. Suddenly, he heard loud
sounds coming towards him. He thought they were robbers. So, he climbed up a
tree for safety.
He could see forty men on horses. They were dressed in black. One man
from the group walked towards a large wall. He shouted “Open Sesame”. To Ali
Baba‟s surprise, the wall began to open. It was a big cave. Then, the men went
inside the cave.
Ali Baba waited until they rode off before he came down the tree. Standing in
front of the cave, he shouted, “Open Sesame,” and the wall opened. He went
inside and found many treasure chests. He took one of the treasure chests and
quickly went home.

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

1. To earn money, Ali Baba ……

stole things
sold donkeys /1
cut trees

2. There would probably _________ in the treasure chest.

gold coins
rugs /1

3. Why did Ali Baba climbed the tree ?



4. What do you think Ali Baba would do with the treasure?



5. How do you think the robbers would feel towards Ali Baba? Why ?




Practice 43

Read the letter and answer the questions that follow.

Dear grandma,

How are you? I hope you and Grandpa are well. Mom and Dad send you their
love. I have some exciting news for you.

Father took me to Kuala Lumpur City Centre and he bought me a new guitar. I
started guitar lessons at the melody Music School last week.

There was a storytelling competition at the National Library last Saturday. I took
part in it. I told a story about how a rabbit tricked a lion. I won the first prize.

My school holidays are coming soon. May I visit you in Kuala Kangsar? I want to
bring the prize I won and show it to you. I can play the guitar for you and
Grandpa, too.



1. Anusha is writing to her ____________

A father B mother
C grandfather D grandmother

2. The word exciting means __________

A interesting B unhappy
C bad D sad

3. The word it in paragraph 3 refers to the ____________.

A library B competition
C story D prize

4. How many animals were there in Anusha‟s story?

A four B three
C two D one

5. Where does Anusha want to go during the school holidays?

A The National Library B The Melody Music School
C Kuala Lumpur D Kuala Kangsar


Practice 44

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

The legend of Princess Santubong and Princess Sejinjang is from

Sarawak. They were two fairy princesses. They were very beautiful.
Both of them has their special talents. Princess Santubong was good at
weaving and embroidery works, while Princess Sejinjang was good at
planting and harvesting paddy. They lived harmoniously with each other until
one day.
They happened to fall in love with the same man. Princess Sejinjang
was very angry. She used her paddy club to hit Princess Santubong in the
cheeks. Princess Santubong retaliated by hitting Princess Sejinjang‟s head
with her weaving stick.
The God was angry with the two princesses and so transformed them
into two mountains- Mount Santubong and Mount Sejinjang.

Tick (/) the correct answer.

1. Where did the legend of Princess Santubong and Princess Sejinjang come

Sabah, The Land Below the Wind

Sarawak, The Hornbills Land /1
Both Sabah and Sarawak

2. What is the moral value of this story?

We must not be jealous of the others

Honesty is the best policy /1
Respect begets respect

3. What did Princess Sejinjang and Princess Santubong do?



4. Why did they quarrel?



5. Give TWO legendary stories that you have learnt or read.



Practice 45

Read the flyer and answer the questions that follow.


Jalan Besar, Kuala Lumpur

1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday, 23 August 2019

A special session for kids 12 years and below at Hall A,

3.00 – 5.00 p.m.
Strict admittance

Get your autographs for free.

Get your posters, souvenirs and toys from various booth.
Proceeds will be distributed to Orang Asli communities in Kelantan

Adults: RM 20
Organized Children below 12 years:
by Orang
50% discount on all tickets Asli Shelter RM10
for the first 100 participants Children under 3 years - free

Sam : Hey, John. Look! It‟s a poster on Captain Malaysia!

John : Yes! Is it true? Can we really meet him?
Sam : I think so. We can even get his autograph!
John : Perhaps we can even shake his hand!
Sam : Dad, look at this! Can you take us to this place?
Dad : Yes, all right. I‟ll not be working then. Who‟s going?
Sam : Both of us, and the girls if they want to. Dad, we‟d like to get some posters
and souvenirs if it‟s all right with you?
Dad : It should be okay. Are you both going to ask Captain Malaysia any
Sam : Of course, we are! We‟re going to ask him a lot of questions, aren‟t we,
John : Yes! We‟ll also ask him to take a photograph with us!

State True or False

1. Captain America will meet the children on Saturday, 23 August 2019.

2. The 100 early birds will get 50% discount on all the tickets.



„ Perhaps we can even shake his hand! ‟

Why did John say that?



4.Of the three items that can be bought at the booths, which do you think Sam
will choose? Give at least one reason to support your answer.



5. What do you understand by the phrase early birds? Why is the organizer
giving 50% discount on all tickets for the first early birds? Give one reason.



Practice 46

Read Fina’s diary entries below and answer the questions.

Tuesday 10th
Thursday 12th
Received some bad news today. Abah said
we are moving. He’s starting a new job in Tonight, Abah showed us a map of where our
Kemaman, Terengganu. Mama’s not very new home will be. We’re moving to a place
happy. She said she will miss her friends called Taman Harmoni. It’s far away from where
and her garden. I feel a bit sad, too. I’m we live now. I hope I like it in Kemaman. It
going to miss our home. Mama gave me doesn’t sound too interesting to me.
some photos to make me feel better.
Kemaman will be very different. How will I
ever find my way around?

Monday 23rd

Abah showed us a photo and a plan of our new house.

Saturday 28th He was really excited. He said I could keep the photo.
Our new house is a little bit smaller than this house.
We moved to our new house today. It was Mama said it will be easier to clean! And at least we’ll
a very exciting! Abang Long and I can walk still have a backyard to play in.
to the shops and to the park.

Sunday 29th
Monday 30th
Tomorrow Abang Long and I will be going
I started school today. The headmistress gave to our new school. Mama is driving us to
Mama and I a map each showing us where school tomorrow. After that we will have to
everything is. I’m going to take my map to take a bus.
school every day. My classroom is quite big and
the pupils are very friendly. I made some new
friends. I think I’m going to like it here.

1. Who wrote this diary?
A Mama
B Abah
C Fina
D Abang Long

2. What was the bad news?

A The writer was shifting house.

B The writer was going to a new school.
C The writer‟s father was starting a new job.
D The writer‟s mother was going to miss her garden.

3. The writer was not looking forward to moving into a new home. Which
sentence tells us this?

A „It was exciting!‟

B „I think I‟m going to like it here.‟
C „It doesn‟t sound too interesting to me.‟
D „I‟m going to take my map to school every day so I can find my
way around.‟

4. Why do you think that the writer wanted to bring the map to school every day?
A Her mother asked her to.
B She liked looking at maps.
C She did not want to get lost.
D She wanted to show Abang Long the way.

5. From the diary, we know that the writer‟s new home…………..

I is quite big
II has a backyard
III is near the shops and park
IV is smaller than her old home




Practice 1

1C 2B 3A 4B 5C

Practice 2

1 popular ballad

2 Practice makes perfect

3 In my opinion , Farid wants to be a popular singer in the future.

4 I think Farid regretted with his behaviour. It is because he lost his voice and


5 It was incorrect because it will make his throat in serious condition that can

make he lost his voice.

(Accept any suitable answer)

Practice 3

1 False

2 False

3 Plastic products are harmful to marine animals because they can get

tangled in the plastic products and eventually die.

4 We should use fewer plastic product and help to take care of the beach by

supporting the organization campaigns.

5 I would tell that person to throw the rubbish into the dustbin because we

should always keep the beach clean.

(Accept any suitable answer)

Practise 4

1C 2B 3D 4A 5B

Practice 5

1 Didi and Barney Musical

2 Thrilled and excited

3 * The scenes „Dancing in the rain‟ were filmed in India.

 The movie „Shark Attack‟ will end at 9.45 p.m.

 People who enjoy comedy will choose to watch „Dancing in the Rain‟.
4. I will think of the price and whether I would like the movie based on the


5. It means the movie was based on an event that happened in real life.

(Accept any suitable answer)

Practice 6

1. sleepy
2. he fastened his seat belt
3. The phrase means the car is badly damaged.
4. I would sustain serious head injuries. I may die from the injuries.
5. It means it is better to take steps to stop an accident from happening
than to suffer from consequences.
(Accept any suitable answer)

Practice 7

1 A 2 C 3A 4C 5B

Practice 8

1 We Care Club
2 - Club meetings are held every week.
- If the students love environment, they should join the Green Club.
- The club that teaches you to lend a helping hand is the We Care
3 hibiscus, roses
(accept any suitable answer )
4 I would join the Green Club because I always help my mother in her
garden. I would like to know about flowers and how to grow them.
(accept any suitable answer)

Practice 9

1 They were six years old.

2 It is because he said that he had several puppies to show them.

3 The children would probably be taken or kidnapped by the young
man. ( accept any suitable answer )
4 I think the young man was a kidnapper. He used puppies to make the
children follow him.
5 i) Do not talk to strangers
ii) Do not stay far away from parents.
( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 10

1A 2D 3C 4D 5A

Practice 11

1 RM 200

2 Spelling Bee Competition

3 I would suggest the Story Telling Competition because he likes to tell stories,

and he might be able to win a prize for that.

4 She finds book reviews to be less interesting compared to the other

5 The school magazine will have an interesting article to attract more
readers, and more people can know about the English Language Club
and join it.

Practice 12

1 True

2 False

3 Hansel did not put out his finger. Instead, he put out a chicken bone so that

the witch would feed him more.

4. I think the witch would probably eat Hansel because she could no longer

wait for him to be fat. ( accept any suitable answer )

5 The witch probably eat her too. ( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 13

1. she does not need to pay any admission fees.

2. yearly event
3. We should take part in telematches and games. We also have to
register our name at the counter to win the lucky draw prizes.
4. Khuzaimah probably has information about the date, time, place and
the activities of the event. She wants to pass the flyer to her friend
because all the information is stated on the flyer.
(accept any suitable answer)

Practice 14

1C 2C 3B 4A 5A

Practice 15

1 Life cycle

2 Seeds

3 The two things that a seed need are warmth from the sun and water.

4 The seeds can be found in the fruits of adult plants.

5 It will grow in the same kind of plant as the parent.

Practice 16

1 To explain the rules of chess.

2 Over 500 years

3 According to the text, the game end if one player loses his or her king.

4 The game is good for people because it makes the mind stronger ,

because it makes us think what are we going to do next.

( accept any suitable answer )

5 Blitz chess be more challenging to play than regular chess because each

player gets ten minutes to use for the whole game. If we run out of time, we

will lose the game.

Practice 17

1 the Town Bug and the Country Bug

2 ate a little

3 i) he heard the dog barked and scratched the door

ii) two servants cleared the table before he could eat the food

4 Answer : No. He did not enjoyed the food.

Sentence : The Town Bug ate sparingly, nibbling a little of everything out of


5 He disliked the city life because it was dangerous and he did not feel

secure there. ( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 18

1A 2C 3B 4D 5C

Practice 19

1 * Reena has never sat in a train so she suggested taking the train.

 Mr Ramesh said travelling by air is the fastest but the most expensive.
 Reena said travelling by bus is comfortable because a friend told her so.
2 The dialogue is mainly about how to travel to Kota Bharu.

3 Mrs Ramesh suggested them to go to Kota Bharu because they have never

been there before.

4 Answer : Yes, I agree with that.

Sentence: “Let me think about it.”

Practice 20

1 True

2 False

3 There are sales assistant, cashier and general clerk.

4 She should be a kind person as the criteria mentioned in the advertisement.

5 The workers will get transport allowance, free uniform, annual bonus, free

training, free medical treatment and discount on all jewellery in Umar

Umairah Jeweller.

Practice 21

1 C 2D 3D 4A 5C

Practice 22


2 True

3 Baju Melayu

Baju Kurung ( accept any suitable answer )

4 The third prize winner will get RM50, a trophy, and a certificate.

5 I will take part in poetry recital because I want to show my talent and I love

poem a lot. ( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 23

1 in the jungle

2 One good turn deserves another

3 The eagle dropped the rabbit on the tree branch because it felt pity for the


4 The rabbit saved the eagle by biting the arrow.

5 The rabbit and the eagle were kind animals because they helped each


Practice 24

1 yearly

2 Language games

3 Puan Afrina is the advisor of English Language Society.

The light refreshment will be provided during the programme.

Language games only involves indoor activity.

4 i) Chess

ii) Carom

( accept any suitable answer )

5 I would join treasure hunt activity because I like adventurous and outdoor


Practice 25

1A 2A 3A 4C 5D

Practice 26

1 bag

2 They celebrate their mother‟s birthday.

3 The children wrote the card to express their gratitude for their mother.

4 Yes, it is because they remembered their mother‟s birthday.

( accept any suitable answer )

5 Since my mother is a florist, I would buy for her a bouquet of flower because

she loves flower very much.

Practice 27

1 Swaffham, England

2 long ago

3 The sentences means he was on the way to search for the treasure and

he was sure that he will become a millionaire. (accept any suitable answer)

4 I think I have become a rich man. It is because I found a lot of treasure

behind my house.

Practice 28

1C 2B 3B 4A 5D

Practice 29

1 Practice makes perfect

2 Discuss with parents and friends.

3 Her teacher selected her to represent the school.

4 The audiences and judges were captivated with her performance because

she managed to deliver her thoughts and ideas excellently.

5 Characteristic : diligent

Reason : She put a lot of effort to win the debate such as discussion

with teacher and friends and also read books.

( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 30

1 school field

2 the Teacher‟s Day celebration

3 I think Fauzana said that because her teachers were serious and stern all

the time. ( accept any suitable answer )

4 He can join the telematch because it is suitable for him besides the games

between the teachers and pupils.

5 I think the celebration can show our appreciation and gratitude to the


Practice 31

1 C 2C 3C 4A 5A

Practice 32

1 Sabah

2 Lost world

3 The perfect activity to do in Sipadan Island is diving.

4 Sarawak is the neighbour state to Sabah.

5 My favourite traditional food is ambuyat. It is because I like the taste that is

sweet and creamy. ( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 33

1 31 days

2 there is no entrance fee for children and senior citizens

3 - The exhibition is to show visitors the national costumes of various races in


- The exhibition is organised by the Ministry of Culture.

- The exhibition will be open the whole day.
4 I think Ying Yuen will wear a cheongsam to the exhibition. It is the Chinese

traditional costume.

5 I will wear Baju Kurung because I am a Malay lady and I feel comfortable if

I wear this costume. ( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 34

1A 2D 3A 4C 5B

Practice 35

1 “reduce, reuse, and recycle”.

2 recycling bins

3 We can find recycling bins at housing estates, schools, and public places.

Recycling Items Marks

Bottled drinks, perfumes bottles, and glasses 1

Aluminium and plastic waste 1

5 In my opinion, the benefit of separating waste according to categories is

the process to recycle waste will be more efficient.

( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 36

1 being wary of strangers

2 trying to trick you

3 We must walk in a group in public because there is safety when we walk in


4 I will scream as loudly as I can and run away.

( accept any suitable answer )

5 I should ignore the stranger and run away to where there are many people

and scream loudly.

Practice 37

1B 2C 3D 4A 5C

Practice 38

1 English Language Society

2 5 days

3 - Permata Orphanage will receive some money for every book sold.

- The book fair will be held at Community Hall, Renggam.

- The book fair may be extended if it is well received.
4 a) clothes b) money ( accept any suitable answer )

5 Yes, of course. It is because I am a bookworm and reading is my hobby.

Practice 39

1 False 2 True

3 They last met a fortnight ago.

4 Jamil suggested board games because he knew that Khairul hates outdoor


5 – doing social work

-Painting, drawing, sewing

( accept any suitable answers)

Practice 40

1D 2C 3B 4D 5C

Practice 41

1 Grocery shop
2 6
3 The phrase slipped my mind means Mrs Lim has forgotten what to buy.
4 The shopkeeper called Mrs Lim again because she forgot to pay for her
5 The shopkeeper would probably said Happy Birthday because it was
Mr Lim birthday.

Practice 42

1 cut trees

2 gold coins

3 Ali Baba climbed up the tree because he thought there were robbers.

4 I think he would give it to the poor people. ( accept any suitable answer )

5 The robber will feel angry towards Ali Baba because he took their treasure
chest. (accept any suitable answer )

Practice 43

1D 2A 3B 4C 5D

Practice 44

1 Sarawak, The Hornbills Land

2 We must not be jealous of the others
3 Princess Santubong was good at weaving and embroidery works, while
Princess Sejinjang was good at planting and harvesting paddy.
4 They were quarrel because they fell in love with the same man.
5 a) Mahsuri
b) Awang Kenit
( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 45

1. True
2. True
3. I think John said this because he felt excited to meet Captain Malaysia.
( accept any suitable answer )
4. Sam will buy posters and souvenirs at the booth. It is because he wants
to keep it has its own sentimental value for him.
(accept any suitable answer )
5. The phrase early birds means the person who come early. The
organizer gives 50% discount to attract more customers.
( accept any suitable answer )

Practice 46

1C 2C 3C 4C 5C


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