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Candidate Name Brandon Lawy Grade 7 Goodness




Paper 2

Tuesday 17 November 2020 08.15 – 09.15

DURATION 60 minutes


 There are five sections on this paper. Answer all questions.

 An answer sheet is provided.
 For Section1,2,3,4, questions 1- 25 write the number you choose in answer sheet, questions
26 – 30, you must answer in Chinese Characters and write down in answer sheet.
 You are not allowed to use any kind of dictionary in paper 2.
 The total mark for this paper is 50.

Section Total Marks

Marks Achieve
1 字词选择 5分
2 选词填空 10 分
3 完成句子 10 分
4 词语搭配 5分
5 阅读理解 10 分
6 理解问答 10 分
总分 50 分

This question paper consists of 7 pages including the cover page.

Exam Paper Setter: Suk Fong Lao Shi

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一.辨字选择(5 分)
1. 我的弟弟天真 _____,很讨人喜爱。
1. 活泼 2. 淘气 3. 压抑 4. 欢迎
2. 我们要多吃水果和 _____菜,身体会更健康。
1. 疏 2. 梳 3. 蔬 4. 熟
3. 小强一家人打算明年____到美国。
1. 移动 2. 移开 3. 移居 4. 移去
4. 我的电脑坏了,我请他帮我_____。
1.整理 2. 修正 3. 健康 4. 修理
5. 小女孩白白胖胖的,脸色又 _____,真是太可爱了。
1. 滋润 2. 润滑 3. 红尘 4. 红润

二.选词填空(10 分)

1 灵巧 2 犹豫 3 责怪 4 羡慕 5 谨慎
6 骄傲

6 他每次考试都是第一名,真令人_____________。
7 妈妈双手_____________,能做各种各样美味的点心。
8 我们的好班长做事___________小心,非常负责任。

This question paper consists of 7 pages including the cover page.

Exam Paper Setter: Suk Fong Lao Shi

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9 当朋友有困难时,我们要毫不______地帮助他们。
10 小明功课好,却很______,所以同学们都不喜欢他。

三.完成句子(10 分)

1. 缓慢地走下阶梯(slowly walk down the stair)

2. 这只手表(this watch)
3. 感觉很孤独(feel lonely)
4.有一头乌黑的长发(has black long hair in her head)
5. 既然他知道错了(since he know he is wrong))

11 爸爸妈妈都出去了,我一个人在家_______________________

12____________________________,我们就原谅 (yuan liang=forgive)他



14 他背着弟弟,_____________________________________

15 新老师穿了一件深蓝色的连衣裙,_______________________

This question paper consists of 7 pages including the cover page.

Exam Paper Setter: Suk Fong Lao Shi

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四 词语搭配(5 分)

1 活泼 2 灵巧 3 羡慕 4 蔬菜 5 谨慎

16 双手( ) 17( )水果

18 天真( ) 19 小心( )

20 令人( )

五.阅读理解 :(10 分)


There is an old lady in India. He has never drunk water in his life. Her special function of not
drinking water is due to family customs. Neither her father nor grandfather had the habit of not
drinking water. They only cooked rice and vegetables with water.
In addition to not drinking water, the food for this old lady eat every day is also very special. Her
favorite food is rice. Even if it is spicy, she can't drink water.

This question paper consists of 7 pages including the cover page.

Exam Paper Setter: Suk Fong Lao Shi

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Although water is very important, the old lady has never been sick. On the contrary, her body
is healthier than most people. She has never been to the hospital or taken medicine in her life.
The doctor thinks that this ability of the old lady is indeed peculiar. Because among adults, there
are almost no people who can live on only food and no water.

21 老太太有什么特异功能?What special function does the old lady have?

1 身体不健康 2 只吃食物,不喝水

3 一生都进医院 4 不用水煮饭
22 老太太为什么会有这种功能? Why does the old lady have this function?

1 老太太的家族习惯 2 每天吃不一样的东西

3 水很贵 4 她不健康
23 老太太最喜欢的食物是…… The favorite food of the old lady is...

1水 2 米饭 3 青菜 4 豆类

24 老太太有没有生病过? Has the old lady ever been sick?

1 没有 2 常常

3 很少 4 每天
25 医生说,成人如果不喝水就会…… The doctor said that if adults do not drink
water, they will...

1 健康 2 很难生活
3 活到很久 4 感冒

五.理解问答: (10 分)

This question paper consists of 7 pages including the cover page.

Exam Paper Setter: Suk Fong Lao Shi

[Turn over]

有一年我的生日,爸爸给我一个生日礼物(birthday gift),我非

常高兴,以为是我喜欢的游戏机(game machine),可是打开礼物一

看,却是一只不倒翁(roly-poly toy)。


房间我就随手把它放在书柜(book cabinet)角落(corner)里,再也没有


直到我上初中,我们要搬家。我在房间里整理(tidy up)书柜,






One year on my birthday, my father gave me a birthday gift. I was very happy. I
thought it was my favorite game machine. But when I opened the gift, it was a roly-
poly toy. .
I don't like this tumbler very much. It has a fat body and an ugly face. I walked into the
room and put it in the corner of the book cabinet, and never looked at it again.
Until I was in junior high school, we had to move. I tidy up the bookcase in my room,
and suddenly found that the tumbler was still standing there quietly, except that
there was a thick layer of dust on his body, which did not change at all.

This question paper consists of 7 pages including the cover page.

Exam Paper Setter: Suk Fong Lao Shi

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I suddenly understood what my father meant when he gave me a tumbler. He wanted
me to stand strong no matter what time I encountered, and not to fall down when
encountering any difficulties.

26 生日时,爸爸给我的生日礼物不是游戏机,却是一只____________。

27 我不喜欢这只不倒翁,因为它的__________________________。

28 我随手把它放在哪里?


29 搬家时,突然发现不倒翁怎样了?


30 爸爸送我不倒翁的意思是:他要我不论在什么时候_____________


This question paper consists of 7 pages including the cover page.

Exam Paper Setter: Suk Fong Lao Shi

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