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Objectives Reserves

Pre game sequence Placing markers - you may reserve any number of units.
- roll off to see who places first. - If a unit cannot be deployed on the table, it must
1 Decide on mission - Markers cannot be placed within 6” of the edge be reserved.
or within 12” of another marker. - You must specify in deployment any attached
2 Choose armies - Cannot be placed on impassable terrain. independent characters, transports, and if using
- Cannot be placed in buildings, but on buildings is ok. deep strike or outflank
3 Set up the battlefield
Controlling markers Arriving from reserves
- scenery can be set up any way both players agree on
- you control an objective if you have one model from a scoring
unit and no models from enemy scoring or denial units within
4 Determine deployment map Turn Roll required
- Unless specified otherwise. Only line units are scoring units
5 Place objective markers unless embarked zooming flyer, falling back, or pinned. 2/3 3+
- Any other unit is a denial unit, unless they are currently
6 Roll off for deployment zones embarked, a vehicle, falling back,or pinned. 4 Auto succeed
- Units in a building are within 3” of any markers on or within 3”
7 Roll off for deployment, winner chooses first or second of the building. - roll of 1 always fails to arrive.
- Units can control one marker at a time. - Moves on from the controlling player’s edge.
- Only one unit may control a marker. - If it cannot fit on the board with its max move,
8 Declare night fighting
move it as far as possible.
- Ongoing reserves: units which leave the board
9 Deploy armies
during the game reenter reserves and must roll to
Secondaries see if they enter again as normal
10 Infiltrators
Slay the warlord 1VP
11 Scouts destroy enemy warlord, +1VP if it was a primarch
Deep strike
12 Player who deployed first may choose who goes first Last man standing 1VP
side with greatest number of surviving units
1 Roll once for all deep strike units to enter from reserves
13 Seize the initiative, second player can go first on a 6 Attrition 1VP
side which destroyed the highest number of enemy units 2 Place one model from one deep striking unit anywhere
more that 1" from enemy, table edge, or impassable
First blood 1VP
first unit to be destroyed grants opposing player VP 3 Scatter 2D6"
Mission table
if two units destroyed simultaneously, then both sides if final position is within 1" of an enemy, table edge, or
1 Blood feud impassable, then opponent may move model to
- points per unit destroyed or falling back at end of game Linebreaker 1VP anywhere within 18". Must be placed in such a way that
in one secret chosen category: at least one scoring model within 12" of enemy table edge rest of unit can be deployed if possible
● infantry = +1VP deploy the rest of the models in the unit
● daemon = +1VP Price of failure 1VP
4 Roll a D6
● dreads and automata = +2VP destroy an enemy lord of war
on a 1 the enemy deploys the remaining deep strike
● cavalry and flyers = +2VP
units, anywhere within 24" of original unit
● non-flyer vehicles = +2VP
on a 2+ the controlling player deploys remaining deep
● primarch = +6VP
Deployment maps strike units anywhere within 12" of original unit
- so: slay the warlord, last man standing
- six turns, night fighting, price of failure, reserves. 5 Units within 6" of a deep striking unit take immediate
1 Clash of the line pinning test
2 Onslaught - arrowhead short edge 24" up
- place one 5VP objective in the opponent’s deployment - your edge is the short table edge. 6 Any interceptor reactions
zone more than 6” from the edge.
- 1Vp for each enemy unit destroyed in the first 2 Dawn of war
Units may shoot/assault as normal, but not move or run
game turn. - standard 12" long edge
in same movement phase
- So: slay the warlord, attrition, - your edge is the long table edge.
- six turns, staged deployment, price of failure, night
3 Search and destroy
fighting, reserves.
- quarters 9" from center Outflank
3 Shatterstrike - your edge is any part of the edge touching your
- 2VP for each scoring unit in the opponent’s deployment deployment zone.
1 After deployment, before infiltrate and scout place a
zone. 1Vp for each denial unit.
4 Hammer and anvil flanking marker at any point on any table edge
- So: slay the warlord, attrition.
- standard 24" short edge
- Variable game length, price of failure, night 2 Roll once for all flanking units to enter from reserves
- your edge is the short table edge.
fighting, reserves.
5 Ambush 3 Roll a D6
4 Dominion
- one player 18" from center, other player 12" from each on a 1 the opponent may move the flanking marker up
- five objectives, placed outside the deployment zones.
short edge 24" in either direction
1Vp for each objective controlled at the start of your
- centre players edge is both long edges. Other player on a 2+ the controlling player may move the marker up
player turn.
has both short edges. to 6"
- So: slay the warlord, attrition (both d3VP).
- Variable game length, price of failure, night 6 Vanguard strike 4 Move all flanking units on, measuring from the final
fighting, reserves. - diagonals. 12" Away from centre line position of the flanking marker
- your edge is the long edge touching your deployment
5 Tide of carnage:
zone 5 Units within 6" of a flanking unit take immediate pinning
- control areas of the battlefield by having a scoring unit
in the area and no enemy scoring units in it:
● 3VP for your deployment zone. 6 Any interceptor reactions
● 5Vp for no man’s land. Staged deployment
● 7Vp for enemy deployment zone. Units may shoot/assault as normal, but not move or run
- Heavy armour: non-flyer vehicles are scoring units. Player who deploys first deploys a single unit. Then their in same movement phase
- So: slay the warlord, last man standing. opponent deploys, etc, etc.
- Five turns, night fighting, price of failure, reserves - Order: fortifications, low and primarch, heavy support,
troops, elites, hq, fast attack.
6 War of lies:
- kill points 1VP per unit
- one central objective. Four more objectives placed by
players. Variable game length
- Each objective is worth a random amount at the end of
the game - roll D6: - if the mission includes variable game length, at the end of
1/2 = 0 VP turn 5, roll D6. On a 4+, the game continues, otherwise the
3/4 = 1VP game is over.
5/6 = 3VP - There are never more than six turns.
- so: slay the warlord.
- Six turns, price of failure, reserves.

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