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Adamantium Will X+ Invuln save of X against psychic focus/force weapons and perils of the warp.

Is 5+ unless specified

Armourbane Roll an additional d6 for amour pen, reroll wounds against dreadnoughts and automata. Melta only applies within half range

Assault Vehicle Models may charge after disembarking including emergency disembarkation. Unless vehicle has come in from reserves

Barrage Indirect fire as long as not within minimum range, can fire directly within minimum range. Indirect always scatters full 2d6". Hits vehicles on side
Battle-hardened X Increase the models toughness by x to determine instant death thresholds

Battlesmith X Repair vehicles, dreadnoughts and automata in base contact or embarked upon instead of shooting, roll a d6, if at least x then either restore a
hullpoint, restore a wound, repair a weapon destroyed, or repair immobilised. Destroyed weapons can be fired in following shooting phase. Cannot
be used if falling back or pinned
Bitter Duty May not be joined by any unit that does not also have this special rule

Blind Units hit take initiative test at end of phase, if failed then reduced to ws, bs 1 until end of their next turn

Breaching X Wound rolls of at least X are resolved at AP2, no effect on vehicles

Brutal X Inflicts x wounds instead of one, roll to save each wound separately, excess wounds do not spill over. No effect on models without toughness

Bulky X Models count as x models when determining transport capacity

Chosen Warrior Models may accept and issue challenges as if characters

Concussive Unit that suffer unsaved wounds take a ld test, if failed then reduce ws by x until end of next turn. Does not stack

Containment Breach Vehicles with this rule explode d6+3" instead of d6

Counter-attack X If charged unit gains attacks equal to x, no effect if unit is already in combat or they made hold the line reaction

Crawling Fire Move blast marker up to 2" after scatter as long as it will cover more models

Crusader (c) Roll an extra dice for sweeping advance and keep highest

Crushing Weight When ramming, against vehicles hits are str12. Against non-vehicles, inflict 6+d6 str 10 hits

Cumbersome Attacks made with this weapon are always at ws 1

Deadly Cargo If a vehicle with this rule takes a hull point of damage, and is not destroyed, roll a d6, on a 6 it explodes

Deathstorm Target up to 4 different enemy units when attacking with this weapon. Each unit is attacked with full weapon profile

Deflagrate Unsaved wounds cause additional hits as long as target is still in range. Does not benefit from preferred enemy etc

Detonation Weapons with this rule may only target vehicles, dreads, or automata, or immobile units. Then may only make a single attack in the fight phase,
regardless of attacks characteristic or other rules
Duellists Edge X When fighting in a challenge, add x to initiative. +1 Unless specified

Eternal Warrior Instant death only removes a single wound

Exoshock X On a pen, roll a d6, if at least x cause a second pen, no cover saves. 6+ Unless specified

Fear X Enemy models within 12" reduce ld by x for morale, regroup or pinning. In cc only affects units same combat. Is not cumulative. Does not grant
immunity to fear
Fearless (c) Auto pass pinning, regroup, morale. Ignores fear. Cannot use reactions that grant cover, armour, invuln save or damage mitigation of any kind.
Cannot use "our weapons are useless"
Feedback If you fail armour penetration, or a wound roll with this weapon, roll a d6. On a 1 the attacking model loses a wound/hullpoint

Feel No Pain X Models get a damage mitigation roll of x+, cannot be used against instant death.

Firing Protocols X May shoot with up to x different weapons

Fleet X Unit entirely with this gets bonus to all run, and as a modifier to charge rolls as x. If multiple values in a unit use the lowest

Fleshbane Always wounds on a 2+ in cc, must be on a weapon for shooting. No effect on vehicles or buildings

Force Make a psychic check before attacking, if passed then double str. If failed then perils, surviving psykers may attack as normal

Furious Charge X Add x to str when charging unless disordered

Fury Of The Legion If this model has not run or moved, then add one to the number of shots fired when making a shooting attack with a bolter. Does not include other
bolt weapons
Gets Hot On a 1 to hit after rerolls, the model suffers a single wound with ap equal to the weapon. Armour, invuln and feel no pain, but no cover or shrouded.
For vehicles roll a d6, on a 1 or 2 suffer a glancing hit. For weapons that do no roll to hit, roll a d6 for each shot, on a 1 suffer the same results
Graviton Collapse Instead of rolling to wound, make a str test on 2d6. If failed inflict a wound, normal saves except no shrouded. Against vehicles roll 4d6 for armour
Graviton Pulse Instead of rolling to wound take a str test, 6's always fail. If blast then leave the template in place, counts as difficult and dangerous terrain until end
of next game turn.
Guided Fire No line of sight required for shooting

Hammer Of Wrath X Extra attacks equal to x after charging if in base contact at end of charge. Auto hit, initiative 10, base str no modifiers.Against vehicles hits the facing
the models is touching. Does not affect embarked units
Harbingers Of The Legion May not be joined by any other unit that does not also have this rule. Never counts as scoring or denial. But may reroll all failed shrouded rolls

Hatred X Reroll failed to hit against x in first round of combat. If already in cc and charged then it will apply. All enemies unless specified

Haywire Hits against vehicles, dreadnoughts and automata do not roll to wound, instead on a 1 nothing, 2-5 vehicles suffer a glance, dreads and automata
suffer an ap2 wound, 6 vehicles suffer a pen, dreads and automata suffer a wound with no saves or damage mitigation
Heart Of The Legion (c) When at least half the unit is within 6" of an objective then it gains feel no pain 6+ and stubborn. If it already has feel no pain then increase the value
by one instead
Heavy Beam When shooting draw a 1" wide line to the target from the end of the gun barrel. All models friendly and enemy under the beam suffer a hit with the
weapons profile except flyers. The beam will stop if it comes into contact with a model with 6 or more wounds, terrain, buildings, or vehicles. Units
inside transports that suffer a pen take d6 str 4 ap - hits with deflagrate in addition to any other effects
Hit And Run (c) Initiative test to leave combat at end of assault phase, if passed then move 2d6" plus movement value in a straight line away, ignoring models in the
combat. No sweeping advances. Units no longer locked in cc consolidate. Not slowed by difficult, dangerous as normal, stop 1" away from enemy
units if you would contact them.
Impact Reactive Doors When deployed any doors open to their full extent and then any embarked units immediately disembark. Then no other unit can embark on the
model for the rest of the game. The disembarking unit cannot make a charge that turn. The doors are then ignored for all purposes
Inexorable A unit that all has this rule ignores modifiers to ld when making morale or pinning tests except fear x, or the corrupted and anathema sub type.

Infantry Transport No model with bulky can embark on this model

Infiltrate (c) Deploy after normal deployment, more than 9 from enemy units out of line of sight, more than 12" of units in line of sight. Cannot charge in first turn.
Confers outflank, independent characters without infiltrate cannot join infiltrating units
Instant Death If a model suffers a wound with this special rule they are reduced to 0 wounds and removed as a casualty

It Will Not Die X At the end of your turn, rolla dice for each model with this rule on the battlefield that has lost a wound, if at least x then restore a wound

Lance Treat armour values higher than 12 as 12

Limited Ammunition After shooting this weapon roll a d6 with +1 if the weapon has fired previously. On a 6 or more the weapon may not make any more shooting
attacks and may not be targeted by weapon destroyed
Lingering Death When a blast weapon with this rule is fired, leave the template in play for the rest of the game. It is now dangerous and difficult terrain

Marked For Death After deployment and infiltration, a single enemy unit may be chosen as marked for death. When any model with this rule targets the marked unit,
reroll wound rolls of 1
Master Of Automata May join automata units. Gains fearless and the automata are not subject to programmed behavior. But this model may not make reactions

Master-crafted Re-roll one failed hit per turn with this weapon

Monster Hunter (c) `re-roll all failed to wounds against dreadnoughts, automata, primarch, and monstrous

Move Through Cover Unit with only models that have this rule suffer no penalty for moving or charging through difficult terrain

Murderous Strike X Instant death on wound rolls at least x, take these saves separately and first

Neutron Flux This weapon gains instant death against automata

Night Vision (c) Ignores effects of night fighting and units cannot take shrouded rolls to negate wounds suffered

One Use/one Shot Weapons with this can only be used once per battle. Once used no longer counts as a weapon and cannot be destroyed

Pathfinder (c) Auto pass dangerous terrain

Pinning After suffering an unsaved wound take a ld test after firing unit is finished. Multiple tests may be caused ina single phase. If failed suffer pinning until
end of following turn.
Plasma Burn If a vehicle loses a hull point to this weapon, then roll a d6, on a 4+ it loses d3 more wounds with no cover saves or damage mitigation

Poisoned X Always wound against non vehicles on x, if str of weapon is higher than tough of the target then re-roll fails. Str is 1 unless specified

Power Of The Machine Spirit May target different units with each ranged weapon it is permitted to fire during any shooting attack

Precision Shots/strikes X Hits at least x are precision, wounds from precision shots are allocated by the attacking player rather than usual wound allocation, snap shots,
templates and auto hits can never be precision
Preferred Enemy X (c) Reroll hit and wound rolls of 1 against enemy units with x, applies if at least one model in target unit meets condition for x. Everyone unless
Rad Phage Models which suffer an unsaved wound from this weapon are -1 tough for rest of battle, to a minimum of 1. Can only be applied once

Rage X Unless disordered, gain x attacks for charging instead of 1

Rampage X Gain x attacks at the start of a fight if outnumbered, including bulky. All models in a combat count, not just the model/unit with rampage. If a random
value roll once and apply to all models in the unit. Does not apply if unit has made a disordered charge.
Reach X When attacking with this weapon add x to the models initiative

Reactor Blast If this vehicle explodes, the hits are resolved at str 10

Reaping Blow X If in base contact with more than one enemy model when they fight, add x to their attacks characteristic. 1 Unless specified

Relentless Can shoot heavy or ordnance after moving, counting as stationary. Can charge after firing heavy, ordnance, or rapid fire.

Rending X Wound rolls of x auto wound at ap2. Against vehicles each penetration roll of x or higher add d3 to the result. These are not resolved at ap2

Rocket Barrage If the model firing this weapon does not move, then it may be given rending 4+ and pinning until start of controlling players next turn

Scout (c) After infiltrators, infantry, artillery, dreadnoughts, automata may redeploy anywhere within 6" anything else redeploys 12". Can move outside
deployment zone, but must stay more than 9" away from enemy. Roll off if both sides can scout, then alternate. Confers to transports, confers
Shell Shock X Pinning tests taken from weapons with this rule suffer ld penalty equal to x

Shock Pulse Any vehicle, including super-heavy, dreadnought, or automata, that suffers a pen or unsaved wound from this can only fire snap shot in the next
Shred Re-roll failed to wound rolls

Shrouded X Models get a damage mitigation roll of x+, cannot be used against ignores cover or melee. 6+ Unless specified

Skyfire Fire at normal ballistic skill against flyers and skimmers. Can only snap shoot at other targets

Slow And Purposeful (c) Cannot run, sweeping advance, or react. Confers relentless

Sniper All wounds inflicted by its attacks are precision and are allocated by the attacking player

Specialist Weapon Cannot gain 2 weapon bonus unless both weapons have this rule
Spite Of The Legion If a unit with this rule charges a unit that is pinned, falling back, or includes no characters or chosen warriors. Then it gains a bonus +1 attack for the
duration of the assault phase
Split Fire One model in the unit may fire at a different target to the rest of their unit. Must be first, then others fire. Cannot be at units forced to disembark
transports by first models attacks
Strafing Run X When shooting at any unit without flyer subtype, increase bs by x

Stubborn When taking morale ot pinning tests, ignore any negative modifiers

Sudden Strike X In a turn this unit charges into combat then gain bonus x initiative. Cannot be used if the charge was disordered

Sunder Reroll armour pen rolls, can reroll glances to attempt to get pens, but second result stands

Support Squad Units may not be chosen as compulsory choices

Swarm Attacks with blasts and templates against this unit inflict 2 wounds unless the attack has instant death

Template Placed in any way as long as narrow end is touching base of firing model. Cannot cover friendly models. Any model partially covered count as hits.
Confers ignores cover and wall of death
Torrent X Follows normal rules for templates except that the narrow end may be placed anywhere with x of the firing model. The wide end must be further
away from the firing model than the narrow end.
Torsion Crusher Hull point damage from this weapon is doubled

Twin-linked Reroll all failed to hits. Can choose to reroll scatter, but second result stands. Templates reroll wounds

Two Handed Models attacking with this weapon can never receive two weapon bonus

Unwieldy Models attacking with this weapon pile in and fight at initiative 1 unless it is dread or monster.

Volatile Plasma Containment If this model loses its last hull point to gets hot, then it auto explodes, and the hits are inflicted at str 10

Wall Of Death Can fire snap shots at any non-flyer. Inflicts d3 auto hits as long as target has at least one model within 8" or if target is charging. Hellstorms inflict
d6 hits instead

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