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Electrical& Electronics Engineering Students

Instructor Dr. Gülnur Yenilmez Kaçar

Climate Change
Earth's climate is changing. In most
places, average temperatures are
rising. Scientists have observed a warming trend since the late 1800s. The fastest
warming has occurred in recent decades. Climate change is a real and urgent
challenge. It is affecting people and the environment worldwide. Many important
changes are happening on Earth. Some of these changes are the increasing of air
and ocean temperatures, the
melting of snow and ice, and the rising of sea levels.
Climate change refers to major changes in
temperature, rainfall, snow, or
wind patterns over a long
period of time. Both natural factors and human
activities cause climate change.
In the past, all climate changes happened naturally. Natural causes include
changes in Earth's movement, the heat of the sun, the movement of the ocean and
the atmosphere, and volcanic
Since the Industrial
Revolution, human activities have been altering
climate, too. Human causes include using coal and oil,
cutting down forests, and
clearing land for farms, cities, and roads. All of these
activities put
gases into the atmosphere. greenhouse
Human activities are
increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. Some greenhouse gases are necessary for life on Earth.
heat in the atmosphere and make the They keep
planet warm. But this natural greenhouse
effect is getting stronger as human activities
add more of these gases to the
The effects of climate
change are various. It affects only people but
also plants and animals. A
warming climate will have both positive and negative
effects. Local effects are the most difficult to predict. Nobody knows exactly who
or what it will affect.

Generally, the risk of negative effects from climate

change is increasing.
Faster climate change makes adapting to change more difficult
and costly. This is
true not only for children but also for old
people. Scientists suggest that
temperature increases above the range of 0.2 1.3°C over the next 100 years will
dramatically increase the negative effects of climate change.

Decide whether the statements below are true false

according to the text. Correct the false
1 Temperatures have started to decrease recently.
2. Human activitiessar the only reason for climate change.
3. Human activities put greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
4. Greenhouse gases are always dangerous for lite.
5. Climate change affects people, plants, and animals.
6. Climate change has only negative
Exercise 1. Match the words with their definitions.

5 a. occur 1. form, model

6 b. alter 2. tell in advance
4 c. challenge (n) 3. of greater
1 d. pattern 4. difficult situation
3 5.
e. major
happen, take place
9 f. decade 6. change, modify
2 g.predict 7. expensive, highly priced
8 h. adapt 8. make suitable, match
7 i. costly 9. a period of 10 years

Exercise 2. Use the following words to complete the blanks in the text.

uymak/ ana/esas/büyük
meydan okumak(v) (adjective)
değişim(v) uyum sağlamak (v) tahmin etmek(v)
altering adapt challenge major predict
biçim/şekil on yıllar
patterns costly decade OCcur
pahalı/maliyetli meydana gelmek
(a) (v)

Environmentalists are worried that the climate of the world is

1. altering
They can clearly see that weather 2. Patterns are

different from a 3. decade ago. Scientists 4. predict that this

5. occure in the future. The world will be

change will continue to
Challenge for the
hotter than it is today. They say that this is a big 6.

world. The 7. major problem is how to stop this change. It is

We need money to take action. We
8. costly to stop global warning.
adapt to this change.
will have to 9.
eademc h 2
What is special about academic English?
A Everyday words and academic uses
Many words in academic English are the same as everyday vocabulary, but they are often
also used with a slightly different meaning, which
may be specialised.
everyday or academic use meaning academic use meaning
Standards of discipline in ability to control Nanotechnology is a relatively area of study
schools have declined. oneself or other new discipline.
people vurgu
Underline your family draw a line The research underlines the gives emphasis to
name on the form. under it importance of international trade
The lake was frozen solid. not liquid or gas We have no solid evidence that certain or safe; of a
radiation has caused the problem. good standard

B Vocabulary and academic style

In writing, academics use many expressions which are neutral, but they also use rather
formal expressions which are not common in everyday language. Knowing whether an
expression is formal or just neutral is important.
neutral kısaca(adverb) more formal özetlersek neutral more formal
in short, briefly, basically in sum, to sum uP
try denemek(verb) attempt teşebbüs(verb)
only soley) tek/yegane(adj) mainly/mostly çoğunlukla primarily başlıca/esas(adv)
almostl more or less (adverb)
virtually hemen hemen
ypical of characteristic of
However, very informal vocabulary may be used in spoken academic styles in classes and
lectures. Learn to understand such language when you hear it but be careful nor to use it in
essays and written
assignments. Here are some examples of teachers using informal language.
OK. Have a shot doing task number 3. [more formal: Try/Attempt to do ...]
"There's no way schools can be held responsible for failures of
government policy. [more
formal: Schools cannot in any way be held..|
Academic language tries to be clear and precise, so it is important to
notebook (see page 8) and learn the differences between similar
keep a vocabulary
words, as well as typical
word combinations (underlined here).
The building is a prime
example of 1920s architecture. [excellent in quality or value]
The group's primary
concern is to protect human rights. [main / most important]
Noun phrases
Academic language puts a lot of information into
phrases rather than spreading it out
over a whole sentence. For example, instead of
over a 24-hour period,
saying Radiation was accidentally released
damaging a wide area for a long time, an academic might say The
accidental release of radiation over a 24-hour period caused
It is therefore important to learn the different forms of a widespread long-termn damage.
word, for example:
noun verb
adjective(s) adverb(s)
accidental accidentally
quantity/quantification quantify
quantitative/quantifiable quantitatively/quantifiably |
Finally, aware of 'chunks' or phrases which occur frequently, and learn them
units. Examples: in terms of, in addition, for the most whole
part, in the case of, etc. (See Unit 16.)
0 Academic Vocabulory in Use
I. Each word in the box can be used in two ways, one an everyday way, the other a typically
the same word for both sentences and
academic way. Complete each pair of sentences using
making any necessary doğrulamak
ortaya çıkarmak
grammatical changes. 1.poz(v)
2.tehdit yaratmak(v)
(v) dönmek(v) onaylamak(v) nature focus
generate turn katı(adj)
solid confirmbelirlemek identify underline character. pose
teşhis etmek(v) house.
1 A She loves to. pose ******e*«*ee~*****
for photographs in front of her fabulous
B The events *************************** a threat to stability in the region.
was so small.
2 A It was diffhcult to . focus -***a*************
.the camera on the flower as it
B We should focus our attention on the most important

3 A I called the airline and confirm . i y r e s e r v a t i o n .

- ******* ** *e******

B The data confirm m y hypothesis that

animal-lovers enjoy better health.

4 A The power plant. generates electricity for the whole region.

This issue always.. generates
B * *********************** a great deal of debate among
from fingerprints discovered at the
5A The murderer was. identify

B In this theory of history, progress is closely with technology.

6 A nature
She became interested in.*rmoopoaro ve ****** ***** . Conservation.

The first lecture in the series was on the . nature

o f human communication.
7 A Jim's a very interesting character meet him.
. I hope youcharacter .

B The book attempts to explain the fundamental of social life.

8 A I saw her. turn to to her husband and whisper something
in his ear.
B Let us now turn to ***************
to the subject of town planning.
9 A He always.underline .. every new word when he's reading.
*******« ***ee **..

B The study underline **** ******

the fact that very little research exists.
10 A The liquid became. solid as the temperature was lowered.
* *********************

B The study lacks solid evidence and therefore its conclusions are doubtful.
******s* *** .** ****************

1.2 Use more formal alternatives to the words in bolad. Make any necessary grammatical
of policing the internet.
1 The book is mainly concerned with the problem
2 Almost every school in the county had reported problems with the new system.
3 The work of the Institute is not only devoted to cancer research.
link between the two events.
4 Basically, we believe we have demonstrated significant

5 We tried to find a new way of understanding the data.

the way sociologists collect their data.
6 The study is a really good example of
control of their markets.
7 The reaction is typical of the way large corporations keep
8 There's no London can be compared to Sydney as a place to live and work.
Read the text and then answer the questions.

The production of plastics depends heavily on petroleum, but a novel way of making
plastics out of sugar could reduce our reliance on oil: The discovery that chemical

insugar can be converted relatively easily into a substance similar in structure to the be
material obtained from petroleum has led to the dlaim that plastics could soon

produced cheaply using the new method.

1 Underline two verbs with adverbs after them which it would be useful to learn as pairs.
two adverbs next to each other which
it would be useful tò learn together.
3 What are the noun forms of the verbs produce, rely, discover and claim?

nhi da

Climate change: What is special about Academic

1. F English?
2.F 1.1.
3.T 1. pose
4.F 2. focus
5.T 3. confirmed
6.F 4. generates
5. identified
Exercise 1: 6. nature
a.5 7. character
b.6 8. turn
c.4 9. underlines
d.1 10. solid
f.9 1.2.
g.2 1. primarily
h.8 2. virtually
i.7 3. solely
4. In sum
5. attempted to
Exercise 2: 6. prime
1.altering 2. Patterns 7. charcteristic of
3. decade 8. London can any way be compared to
4. predict …..
5. occur
6. challenge
7. major
8. costly
9. adapt
Lnguage and VWriting Focus
Underline the subjects and verb forms in the first paragraph of the reading text "Climate
I s the subject singular (one) or plural (many) in each sentencee?
How do the verb forms
SubjectYerh Agreement
The basic rule for subject verb agreement is:

A singular subject requires a singular verb form.

A plural subject requires a pural verb form.

Earth's climate ischanging.Average temperatures are ising.

Singular subject singularverb plural subject plural verb

If you are unsure of which verb form to use, look at the subject

OU Singular Subjects PluralSubjects

That book on the desk is mine. Those books on the desk are
This bag is new mine.
These bags are old.
My sisterand my brother are
going to a party tonight.
One ofthestudents was late for Many ofthestudents were late
class. for class.
Every student needs to study
Each student has to bring a book.
All the money is mine. All the students are here.
None of the money is mine. None of the students are here.
Reading English booksis fun.
Swimming is easy.
The United States has a big
Ten kilometres is a long distance.
Twohours is enough to finish
my work.
The news is interesting.
English is easy to learn. The English drink tea with milk.
The poor need help.
Exercise1. Below is a text on the effects of the global climate change. Choose the correct
with their subjects.
verb forms so that they agree

The Effects of Global Climate Change

Earth's average temperature 1. has / have increased about 0.5°C since
1900. This 2. sounds / sound like a small amount. But small changes in
temperature 3. lead / leads to large changes in the environment. The effects
of global climate change 4. is / are now happening. Global climate change
5. has have already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers
6. is/ are melting. lee on rivers and lakes 7. is/ are breaking up carlier
Plant and animal species 8. is / are in danger. Trees 9. is / are flowering
sooner. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 10. include

/ includes more 1,300 scientists from the United States and other
over the
countries. It 11. predict/ predicts a temperature rise of 0.1 to 0.5°C
next century. According to the IPCC, the extent
of global warming 12.

change / changes over time.

Exercise 2. Read the text below. There are 6 verbs used in the wrongform. Find the
and correct them.

and the environment is sensitive to

Many elements of human society
agriculture, natural ecosystems, and coastal
climate change. Human health,
increase in average
climate-sensitive systems. The
areas are examples of changes
environment. Some observed
temperatures are already affecting the
rivers and lakes, and
earlier break-up of ice on
includes later freezing and
rise as human
Global temperatures will
lengthening of growing

atmosphere. Most of the

gases to the
activities continue to add greenhouse
to experience an increase in average
United States are expected in the world's
change depend on the region.
The extent of climate
beneficial effects.
temperature has both harmful and

sereise . Below are some frequently confused and misused words. Studythe explanations
and fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words.

Etkilemek / değişimine sebep olmak(verb)
affect (v): to act on; produce an effect or change in something.
effect (n): something that is produced by an agency or cause; a result or a consequence.
1. Air pollution affect not only children but also old people.
2. The effect
ofsmoking on passive smokers are not easy to see.
3. A new conference will be held to discuss the ofthe climate
change on world economy.

accept/ ..except
den başka
kabul etmek (v) (preposition)
accepr: to take or receive something offered; receive with approval or favor.
except: with the exclusion of.

1. All except
of the students were at the party my best friend.
2. The boss his employees' proposal to give a pay rise.
3. Every country. except the United Kingdom agreed to
accept the recommendation of the conference committee.

amount/ number
miktar(n) numara/sayı(n)
amount: used to state the quantity of uncountable nouns.
number: used to state the quantity of countable nouns.

1. The_ number of students is getting higher year by year.

2. The amount ofmoney to buy a house in Istanbul is high.
3. The number
of books is not enough for all the students.
discuss-->Bir konu hakkında fikir alışverişi yapmak
argue--> Bir konu hakkında karşı görüşlerin tartışması.
argue: to be on the opposite sides in a discussion, disagree verbally.
discuss: to talk about an issue in order to exchange ideas or decide something.

1. The boss wanted to discuss the new plan with the committee.
2. The residents argue about the construction ofthe new shopping mall.
3. The committee came together to discuss the proposed law on taxes.


• Jogging and walking……two different activities.

• Meeting your friends in your free time…… ….(help) you recover from depression.

• The meaning of the words in complex contexts …….……..(be determine) by other factors.

• The particles in the solution of the experiment tube ………..(be) highly infectious.

The adjective verb plural= adjective+people+ plural verb

Old people are weak.

The old are weak.

Rich people ignore poor people.

The rich ignore the poor.

French is difficult to learn.

The fRENCH don’t like coffee.

Small changes in temperature cause/ are


Small students in class are/ is

The enthusiastic researchers of the technology department in the pharmaceutical company has/
have applied to a patent.

A number of: some A number of people are (birkaç kişi)

The number of: the quantity of something The number of people is (insanların sayısı)
The Worst Inventor of All Time? Thomas Midgley Jr.

Thomas Midgley is either the worst inventor of all time or the unluckiest.
There were three main inventions in Midgley's life.
Firstly, Midgley began working at General Motors in 1916, and there in 1921
he invented leaded petrol. For this invention he earmed the first of many major
design awards, yet leaded petrol was very dangerous to produce. Eight peðple died
in the GM factory in 1923, and another five people died of lead poisoning in 1924.
Cars became very popular all over the world, so one major effect of Midgley's work
was the release of large quantities of lead into the atmosphere. Many countries
banned leaded petrol, and many countries planned to limit the sale of leaded
petrol. Leaded petrol is not available in the USA, nor is it available in the EU.
You can still buy leaded petrol in many countries, so it continues to cause
thousands of deaths by heart attack and poisoning worldwide.
Secondly, in the late 1920s Midgley invented Chlorofluorocarbons or CFC
gases. Midgley invented these to replace the dangerous gases in air conditioners
and refrigerators, but they became more dangerous. CFCs were very useful, andd
many factories put them in aerosol sprays. In the 1980s scientists realised CFC
gases create holes in the ozone layer, so many groups organized a worldwide ban.
Many people believe all governments must ban both leaded petrol and CFCs, or
many more people will continue to become ill and die.
Finally, in 1940, at the age of 51, Midgley became very ill and had to stay in
bed. He invented a system of ropes and gears to help lift him on and off his bed,
for he was unable to move easily. Unfortunately, one day Midgley got trapped in
the ropes and died.
J. R. McNeill, an environmental historian, said that Midgley "had more
impact on the atmosphere than any other person in Earth's history." In his life, ***

Midgley did not become famous, nor did he make a lot of money.

Decide whether the statements below are true or fase according to the text. Correct the fals

1. Midgley invented the modern motor car.

2 Midgley died after CFC gases were banned worldwide.
3. Midgley's first invention was CFC gases.

4. _Leaded petrol killed eight GM workers in 1923.

. Midgley invented CFC gases for aerosol sprays.

ictionary ork
Verb or noun?
All the
tollowing words are from the text above., All these
Ose a
go0d words can be both verbs and
of the words.dictionary to help you
complete the sentences. You may need to change thenouns.

ban trap plan work produce

attack limit lift lead cause

1. The government
the sale of weapons.
2. There is.a
on the sale of weapons.
3. Many countries lot of
4. You should eat raw
a greenhouse gases.
fresh to protect your body and help the planet.

5. I will be in the office all

day. Call me at later.
6. People in most
European countries around 40 hours a week.

7. The government is the country in the wrong direction.

8 is a highly toxic metal found in small amounts in Earth's

9. The whole world needs to

energy Consumption.
10. The government wants to increase the
age for the sale of alcohol.
11. The ofthe fire is not known yet.
12. CFC gases a problem in the ozone layer.
13. The government wants to the rebel area at the end of the week.
14. The immune system helps to protect against by bacteria.
15. Thomas Edison made many for unsuccessful inventions.
16. The government to increase the tax rate in the new tax

17. The is broken. Let's use the stairs.

18. Good inventions can our standard ofliving.

19. Government soldiers the rebels in the mountains.

20. You must be careful to avoid

Introduction to Relative Pronouns

1. She uses the shampoo. The shampoo prevents hair loss.

2. She uses the shampoo. The doctor has advised the shampoo.
3. She uses the shampoo. John is not fond of the shampoo.
4. I met the assistant. The assistant started to work yesterday.
5. I met the assistant. John invited the assistant to the party.
6. I met the assistant. You talked about the assistant.
7. I didn’t like the restaurant. The restaurant serves seafood.
8. I didn’t like the restaurant. My boss suggested the restaurant.
9. I didn’t like the restaurant. We ate seafood at the restaurant.
10. The car is very comfortable. The car has 7 gears.
11. The car is very comfortable. Jane has bought the car.
12. The man is staying at the Hilton Hotel. The man has come to Turkey for the
13. The man is staying at the Hilton Hotel. Journalists are trying to find the man.
14. The hotel is famous for its parties. The hotel has an Olympic swimming pool.
15. The hotel is famous for its parties. Jack’s company decorated the hotel.
16. The hotel is famous for its parties. Jenny and her husband will stay at the hotel.

Introduction to Translation
1. She avoids taking the drugs which contain paracetamol.

2. I would like to talk to the officer who is responsible for accounting.

3. Tom didn’t know the students who we chose as representatives.

4. Can I help you with the report which the boss wants by tomorrow.

5. The milk which we get from that dairy is really delicious.

6. The man whom you met yesterday was our boss.

7. The ship which started to sink belonged to an Italian company.

8. The employees who applied to the boss for pay rise will quit the job.

9. The class where we usually have our lessons is occupied now.

Translation from Turkish to English
1. Sınavdan 100 alan öğrenciyi tebrik ettim.
I congratulated student who got 100 point in the exam.

2. Dün tanıştığım kızdan hoşlanmadım.

I didnt like girl who I met yesterday.

3. Jane annesinin yaptığı yemeği yemedi.

Jane didnt eat food which his mom made.
4. Tim yere düşen kumandayı tamir etti.
Tim fixed command which dropped in the floor.

5. Alacağımız buzdolabı çok büyük.

The fridge which we will buy is huge.
6. Bütün gece havlayan köpek şu an uyuyor.
The dog which barks all night are sleeping now.
7. Ağlayan çocuk dondurma istiyor.
The kid who crying wants ice-cream.

8. Tatilde karşılaştığımız arkadaşlar Londra’da yaşıyor.

My friends who we came across live İn the Londra.

9. Geçmişte olan travmatik olaylar, kişiliği derinden etkiler.

Traumatic events in the past which it deeply affects the personality

10. Yaşadığımız ev şehir merkezinden uzak.

Our home where we live is far from city center.
11. Uyuyan çocuk eve giren hırsızı görmemiş.
The thief who entered the house did not appear to the sleeping child.
12. Dün aldığım yumurtayı yapacağın kek için kullanabilirsin.

13. Aldığım kitap okuduğum kitaptan daha iyi.

14. Kitabını bitiren adam, dün gece telefonda konuştuğu kadına yeni yazdığı şiiri okudu.
EXERCISE 28. Error analysis: adjective ciauses. (Chapter 12)
Directions: Correc the mistakes.

1. The book that I bought jé at the bookstore was very expensive.

2. The woman was nice that I met yesterday.

3. The people which ive next to me are friendly.

4. I met a woman who her husband is a famous lawyer.

5. Do you know the people who lives in that house?

6. The professor teaches Chemistry 101 is very good.

7. I wrote a thank-you note to the people who I visited their house on Thanksgiving Day.

8. The people who I met themn at the party last night were interesting.

9. I enjoyed the music that we listened to it.

10. The man was very angry who's bicycle was stolen.

11. A clock is an instrument measures time.

12. The apple tree is producing fruit that we planted it last year.

13. Before I came here, I don't have the opportrunity to speak to people who. their naive

Tongue is English.

14. One of the thing I need to get a new alarm clock.


1.The candidate won the elections. I voted for her.

2. The teacher is expecting à baby. She teaches us Maths.

3.Why did you choose to stay at the hotel? It is the most expensive one in town.

4.Can you repair the chair? lts legs are broken.

5.I wrote to the French couple. I met them on holiday.

6. The chair doesn't look safe. You are looking on it.

7.The man wasn't satisfied with the deal. I bought this car from him.

8. The girl is very messy. I am sharing the flat with her.

9.This is the machine. I described its properties.

10.I liked the house. I was born there.

11. The illness is very serious. Our boss is suffering from it.

12. One o'clock is the time. We usually break for lunch then.

13. Yesterday, we visited the museum. Masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci were displayed there.

14. July is a month. Itt was named after Julius Sezar.

that day.
15 forgot the date. They are holding the school picnic

Translation from Turkish to English
1. Sınavdan 100 alan öğrenciyi tebrik ettim.
2. Dün tanıştığım kızdan hoşlanmadım.
3. Jane annesinin yaptığı yemeği yemedi.
4. Tim yere düşen kumandayı tamir etti.
5. Alacağımız buzdolabı çok büyük.
6. Bütün gece havlayan köpek şu an uyuyor.
7. Ağlayan çocuk dondurma istiyor.
8. Tatilde karşılaştığımız arkadaşlar Londra’da yaşıyor.
9. Geçmişte olan travmatik olaylar, kişiliği derinden etkiler.
10. Yaşadığımız ev şehir merkezinden uzak.
11. Uyuyan çocuk eve giren hırsızı görmemiş.
12. Dün aldığım yumurtayı yapacağın kek için kullanabilirsin.
13. Aldığım kitap okuduğum kitaptan daha iyi.
14. Kitabını bitiren adam, dün gece telefonda konuştuğu kadına yeni yazdığı şiiri okudu.


1. An electric circuit is a path in which electrons from a voltage or current source flow.

2. Manyetik kuvvetler bir malzeme içerisindeki yük taşıyıcılarının sayısı hakkında bilgi verir.

3. Mıknatıssal veya manyetik alan, bir mıknatısın mıknatıssal özelliklerini gösterebildiği


4. Enerji sağlayan piller olmadan bu devre çalışamaz.

5. Bu elektrik enerjisini ileten direnç kendisiyle temas eden yüzeyleri ısıtır ve erime
sıcaklığına çıkarır.

1. The aging process, an Inevitable stage of life, should not be regarded as a period during
which we'll lead an inactive life.
A) Yaşlılık süreci, yasamın pasif olarak yasanması gereken kaçınılmaz bir evresi olarak
B) Tam bir hareketsizlik olarak algılanmasa da, yasamın bir evresi olan yaslılık kaçınılmazdır.
C) Yasamın kaçınılmaz bir evresi olan yaslılık süreci, hareketsiz bir yasam sürecegimiz bir
dönem olarak görülmemelidir.
D) Yasamımızın dogal bir evresi olan yaslılık sürecini, hareketsiz bir dönem olarak
E) Yaslılık, yasamımızın kaçınılmaz bir evresidir; ancak bu, tam bir hareketsizlik anlamına

2. A leg Injury Is the worst thing for the cheetah, which relies on its speed for survival in the
A) Vahsi dogada hayatta kalmak için hızına güvenen çita için bacak yarası en kötü seydir.
B) Çita için bacak yarasından daha kötü bir sey yoktur; çünkü o, vahsi dogada hayatta
kalmak için hızına güvenir.
C) Çita vahsi dogada hayatta kalabilmek için hızına güvenir, bu nedenle ona en çok zarar
verebilecek yara, bacak yarasıdır.
D) Bir çitanın basına gelebilecek en kötü sey, vahsi dogada hayatta kalmak için hızına
güvendigi bacaklarının yaralanmasıdır.
E) Vahsi dogada hayatta kalma mücadelesi veren çita için hızına güvendigi bacaklarının
yaralanması çok kötüdür.

3. Because of the aridity, there are few major rivers in the Middle East, and those that exist
are vital sources of water.
A) Kuraklık yüzünden Orta Dogu çok az büyük nehre sahip oldugu için, var olan su
kaynaklarının önemi büyüktür.
B) Orta Dogu'daki kuraklık ve az sayıdaki büyük nehir, var olan su kaynaklarını hayati
derecede önemli kılmaktadır.
C) Kuraklık yüzünden Orta Dogu'da çok az büyük nehir vardır ve olanlar da hayati derecede
önemli su kaynaklandır.
D) Orta Dogu'nun çok az sayıda büyük nehre sahip olması kuraklık yüzündendir ve bu su
kaynaklan son derece önemlidir.
E) Kuraklık nedeniyle çok az büyük nehrin bulundugu Orta Dogu'da var olan su kaynakları
hayati öneme sahiptir.

4. Sonbaharın aşırı kurak geçtigi Hong Kong'da ilkbahar tehlikeli toprak kaymalan ve sellere
yol açacak kadar çok yagıslıdır.
A) Autumn is always extremely dry in Hong Kong, but in spring, due to intense rains,
dangerous landslides and floods are commonplace.
B) In Hong Kong, where autumn is extremely dry, spring is so intensely wet as to cause
dangerous landslides and floods.
A) In Hong Kong, there is an acute drought in autumn, whereas in spring, the city is
threatened by severe landslides and floods.
B) While drought poses a great danger in autumn in Hong Kong, in spring, there are such
heavy rains that the result is landslides and floods.
E) Hong Kong, which is extremely dry throughout the autumn, receives such a lot of
precipitation in spring that dangerous landslides and floods occur.

5. Çogu zaman, sosyal ya da duygusal yönden sorunlu bir ögrenciyi ilk fark edip aileyi
çocuklarının rahatsızlıgı konusunda uyaran okuldaki yetkililerdir.
A) Parents of a socially or emotionally troubled child often alert the school authorities when
they first notice the handicap.
B) School authorities are often the first to notice a socially or emotionally disturbed student,
and they usually inform the parents about their child's disorder.
C) Since school authorities are usually the first to spot a student with a social or emotional
handicap, they should alert the child's parents to the disorder.
D) School authorities are sometimes the first people to spot a social or emotional handicap
in a student, and then they bring this to the attention of the child's parents.
E) Very often, it is school authorities who are the first to recognize a socially or emotionally
troubled student and to alert the parents to their child's disorder.

6. Brahms, eserleri saglıgında tümüyle tanınan oldukça az besteciden biriydi.

A) Brahms was one of the relatively few composers whose works were fully recognized
during their lifetimes.
B) Few composers, with the exception of Brahms, were recognized to a considerable extent
during their lifetimes.
C) Only a few of the works composed by Brahms were fully recognized during his own
D) There were not many composers who were fully appreciated during their lifetimes, but
Brahms was among those who were.
E) Brahms was among the fortunate few composers whose talent was fully appreciated in
their lifetimes.

1-C 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-E 6-A
abulary: Frequent (Contusett or iisUsed Words
iNereis. 1. Below are somefrequently confused and misused words. Study the explanations
and fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words.

fun/ funny

fun: something that gives amusement, entertainment.

funny: something that provides comedy, laughter.
1. We enjoyed ourselves a lot at the
fairground. It was great
2. That comedy show on TV was
3. Clowns never make me
laugh. They are just not
4. Camping can be _
if it doesn't rain.

sensible/ sensitive

sensible: logical, practical.

sensitive: someone easily, quickly affected.

1. She always makes clear decisions; she is

obviously a very. Woman.
2. He understood the problem, so he gave me some advice.
3. She's so_ She always gets angry if you complain about her work.
4. Many people are about the way they look.

loose/ lose / loss

loose: not very tight.

lose: not win, unable to find.
loss: act or instance of losing/ something which is lost / defeat, destruction.

1. I like my trousers to be . not tight.

2. The of my pet cat was a very sad time for me.
3. I am always mywallet or my car keys.
4. Liverpool are much betterthan Leeds. Leeds always to Liverp0ol

infamous/ famous

infamous: well-known for something bad.

famous: well-known.

1. Ted Bundy was a(n). killer.

2. The most footballer ever is probably Pele.
3. Adana is for its kebabs.
4. Hitler is probably the most_ dictator of all time.

Identifying Points of Reference

One way to understand the relationship between ideas in a text is to identify the antecedents' which the
pronouns point to.

A word or phrase that a pronoun refers back to

A reference word can be a pronoun (he, she, it, they... etc.), a possessive adjective (my, your, his, their...
ete.), an object pronoun (him, her, you, them...etc.) or a determiner (this, that, these,those).


Possessive Pronouns
Person Adjectives Subject | Object Possessive
my me mine
your you you yours
SINGULAR | his he him his
3rd her she her hers
its t it its
Our We us ours
your you you yours
3Td their they them |theirs

Singular Plural Function

this* these referring to persons or things
that those

*this" often refers to complex situations.

Examplec Most students trying to participatein extracurricular activities along with their classes

without detailed planning. This is an extremely difficult task.


Here There

There are also other reference or substitute words/sentences (and even

The following is a list of the most widely used reference and substitute words
Words in bold (reference words) refer to the underlined words
1. one (ones), another, the other, others
Example: The collapse of the true sporting system is a result of many factors. One is the connection
between sport and business.

2. All, many, some, (a) few

Example: Aliens have always aroused the interest of people. Some believe that aliens look like
animals or large insects while some think of aliens as human-like figures clothed in
uniforms. Many believe that aliens can walk through walls.

3. such (+ noun)
Example: Children's language may vary in complexity or size of vocabulary. Such variations,
however, are of minor importance.

4. SO
Example: The politician is worried about the present economic situation. He thinks the rate of
inflationwill rise. I think so, too.

5. the former, the latter

Examples: Industrious, useful human beings may be divided into two classes: people for whonm work
iswork and pleasureis pleasure and people for whom work and pleasure are one. The
former are the majority.

Political authority and education are common sources of social status. The latter,
however, is usually easier to achieve.
The Simpsons and Game of Thrones are both great shows, but I prefer the former.
6. there, then
Examples: David returned from theascent of Annapurna a changed man. The experiences he
underwent there would have destroyed a weaker body and personality.

It is at theage of 6 to 9 months that the struggle between trusting and mistrusting the.
world comes to a climax, for it is then that children first perceive clearly that they and their
environment are things apart.

As you can see, reference words can replace (point to) one word, a group of words, or (a) whole
sentence(s). if you are unsure of which word(s) is (are) replaced by the reference word, try the substitution
test: Replace the reference word by the word you think it points to and then read the sentence to see if it
makes sense in context.

Exercise 1: What do the underlined words refer to? Choose the correct answer.

A) Martha's grandfather, David can speak four languages: English, French, Spanish and Turkish. He
can speak them very well. Her grandmother, Anna can sew beautiful quilts. Martha's mother,
Sarah cannot sew, but she can make delicious cakes and pies. Her father, Rex nnot sew or cook,
but he can sing very well. He likes singing with his daughter at family parties.

1. them" refers to:

a. four c. Spanish and Turkish
bEnglish, French, Spanish and Turkish d. languages

2. "Her" refers to:

a. Anna (bMartha C.grandmother d. he

3. she" refers to:

a. Martha (D Sarah C. Anna d. David

4. "He" refers to:

a. Her grandfather b. David cRex d. Sarah

B) Hi everybody! Here we are in Prague, the beautiful city of the Czech Republic. It is a city in
Central Europe. I anm betwcen Kelly and Jirka, our Czech friend. He is a student at
University. In this photo, we are at a café next to the Charles Bridge. Michele is trying to hide; she
is camera shy! Right across from the café, there souvenir
are shops. They are very popular in

1. "It" refers to:

(a Prague b.Czech Republic c.Central Europe d. everybody
2. "He" refers to:
a. A student b. Kelly
(c.Jirka d. Michele
3. "They" refers to:
a. camera
b. souvenir shops c. the cafe d. a souvenir shop

Exercise 2: Read the following sentences. The reference (substitute) words are written in bold. Underline
the word(s) or
sentencel(s) that the reference (substitute) words replace. The first one is done for you.
1. The press cannot be separated from the movements in popular culture any more easily than the other
media. The way it has developed has not protected it from contemporary pressures.
2. Although in recent years people have been watching movies less and less, filmmaking is still a
industry. There are a number of reasons for this.
3 The critics argued that although many popular novels claim to be involved with the "values of our
civilization", they offer an extreme simplification of experience.
4. The world faces many serious
problems. The one I am most concerned with is shortage of food.
5. To remain profitable, more firms have to devote time and money to market planning. It is not easy to
persuade them that it is a must to consider real needs and disregard the sales reports of their
competitors' current models.
6. Our era is distinguished by much discussion on patriotism, socialwelfarc, law, and order. Some
people believe that such talk is only a mask to hide private indifference to public.
7. In 1945, there was a shortage of two million homes, and the new
government promised to overcome it
by constructing subsidized housing estates.
8. George Orwell predicted that by 1984 war would have become peace. This is believed to have
happened in certain totalitarian states.
9. In the world of business
executives, images of status and achievement predominate. These, however,
are souniform that it is often difficult to evaluate
any act that does not conform to an absolute
1. Third-person pronoun (she, he, it, they, them)
Most students need to practice taking notes from a lecture while it is in progress.
2. This/These/That/Those
Most students need to practice taking notes. This is a very useful skill.
3. One
There are many skills that students can develop to be successful. One is note-taking skills.
4. Such (+ noun)
There are many skills that students should develop. Such skills are important for success.
5. So
Ahmet thinks taking notes in English is a difficult skill to learn, and I think so too.
6. The former, the latter
Taking notes and giving presentations are two important skills to learn. The former is important for
student life
whereas the latter can be more important in business life.
7. There/Then
I learned how to give presentations in high school. The experience I gained then has been beneficial
throughout my life.
I was lazy about schoolwork in University. I wish I had worked harder when I was there.

Read the passage and chose the best answer for each question. Answer all questions based on what is stated
or implied in the passage.

A relatively new feature of radio broadcasts in the United States is the call-in therapy shows, in which callers get
the opportunity to air problems, however intimate, while the host offers them free and immediate advice. They
started, like so many other self-help psychology ideas, in California in the early 1970ʼs, but now they have spread
to many other parts of the country and enjoy considerable popularity. This phenomenon certainly doesnʼt please
all psychologists and the shows have become a matter of some concern to their professional association, the APA.

Present APA guidelines merely prohibit psychologists from diagnosing problems, or from offering psychotherapy
on the radio while the earlier ones had prohibited all giving of advice outside the traditional therapist-patient
relationship. This prohibition fails to satisfy many psychologists. Some consider all giving of psychological advice
over the radio to be totally unacceptable, but there are others who believe there should be even more of it.

The former are typified by a Hastings Center psychiatrist, who describes the activity as “disgusting”. On one
occasion, he backed up his view by walking out of a radio program when the host insisted he answer listenersʼ
calls. But radio therapy hosts, who are mostly attractive, youngish, and qualified women, are fully capable of
backing up theirs, and do so charmingly and effectively, as might be expected from professionals combining
psychological expertise with entertainment know-how.
___ 1. them (line 2) refers to ___ 7. it (line 9) refers to
a. problems c. callers a. this prohibition
b. call-in therapy shows d. hosts b. the traditional therapist-patient
___ 2. they (line 2) refers to c. giving psychological advice over the radio
a. problems c. callers d. psychological advice
b. call-in therapy shows d. hosts
___ 8. the former (line 10) refers to
___ 3. this phenomenon (line 4) refers to a. psychologists who object to call-in
a. the fact that the shows started in therapy shows
California b. psychologists who advocate call-in
b. the fact that callers air intimate problems therapy shows
c. the fact that the shows started in the c. the APAʼs present prohibitions
early 1970ʼs d. giving psychological advice
d. the fact that the shows enjoy
considerable popularity ___ 9. he (line 11) refers to
a. the Hastings Center psychiatrist c. the
___ 4. their (line 5) refers to listener
a. therapy shows c. the hosts b. the host d. the
b. self-help psychology ideas d. former
___ 10. theirs (line 12) refers to
___ 5. ones (line 7) refers to a. activity c. listeners
a. APA guidelines c. problems b. radio-therapy programs d. views
b. psychologists d. the shows

___ 6. this prohibition (line 7-8) refers to

a. no advice be given outside the traditional
therapist-patient relationship
b. psychologists mustn’t diagnose problems
or offer
psychotherapy on the radio
c. not all psychologists are pleased
d. it is a matter of some concern to the APA
abulary: Frequent (Contusett or iisUsed Words
iNereis. 1. Below are somefrequently confused and misused words. Study the explanations
and fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words.

fun/ funny

fun: something that gives amusement, entertainment.

funny: something that provides comedy, laughter.
1. We enjoyed ourselves a lot at the
fairground. It was great
2. That comedy show on TV was
3. Clowns never make me
laugh. They are just not
4. Camping can be _
if it doesn't rain.

sensible/ sensitive

sensible: logical, practical.

sensitive: someone easily, quickly affected.

1. She always makes clear decisions; she is

obviously a very. Woman.
2. He understood the problem, so he gave me some advice.
3. She's so_ She always gets angry if you complain about her work.
4. Many people are about the way they look.

loose/ lose / loss

loose: not very tight.

lose: not win, unable to find.
loss: act or instance of losing/ something which is lost / defeat, destruction.

1. I like my trousers to be . not tight.

2. The of my pet cat was a very sad time for me.
3. I am always mywallet or my car keys.
4. Liverpool are much betterthan Leeds. Leeds always to Liverp0ol

infamous/ famous

infamous: well-known for something bad.

famous: well-known.

1. Ted Bundy was a(n). killer.

2. The most footballer ever is probably Pele.
3. Adana is for its kebabs.
4. Hitler is probably the most_ dictator of all time.

1. Six people were inside the bank which was set on fire by people who took part in the
A. Six people who were rioting set fire to the bank in protest.
B. Six rioters involved in the arson attack were from the staff of the bank.
C. The bank was set on fire by six people who were taking part in a riot.
D. The bank which was set on fire by rioters had six people inside.

2. Naturally, a person prefers to make friends with people who accept him as he is.
A. If a person doesn't like you the way you are, then you shouldn't form a friendship with
B. The selection of one's friends usually comes from those with the same personalities as
one's own.
C. It is natural for one to choose friends from those who won't criticize the way one is.
D. It is preferable not to try and change the way one's friends are.

3. For my new project, I'm looking for a business partner who is honest and trustworthy.
A. I'm starting a new business project for which I will require a partner who is famous and
has a good reputation.
B. I hope my business partner, who is usually trustworthy, works efficiently for this new
C. I'm trying to find someone who can be trusted and is truthful to be my partner in my new
business project.
D. I wish I had a reliable and truthful partner, in my new business project.

4. Zengin bir A vitamini deposu olan tereyağında, D ve E vitaminleriyle, kalsiyum ve fosfor

mineralleri de bulunmaktadır.
A) Butter is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, containing vitamins A,D and E, and the
minerals calcium and phosphorus.
B) In butter, which is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamins D and E and the minerals
calcium and phosphorus are also present.
C) Among the vitamins and minerals present in butter are vitamins A, D and E and calcium
and phosphorus.
D) As well as vitamins A, D and E, butter also contains minerals, such as calcium and
E) Besides being rich in vitamin A, butter contains vitamins D and E and traces of the
minerals calcium and phosphorus.
5. While we were in the town, we visited the museum……………
A) whose work is highly representative of realistic art
B) when we go on our tour later this month
C) who had lived there since the 1940s
D) as we were late for the opening
E) which had some nice Phrygian exhibits

6. For some time now Alice has been busy writing a play....
A) which she intends to start when she's graduated from university
B) that will be performed at the end-of-term festival
C) which was a lot better than her previous works
D) who had been devoting her every spare minute to it for three years
E) whose favourite subject in high school had always been literature
Guessing Vocabulary
Answer these questions with information from the paragraphs below. Do not write the missing words
in the paragraph.

l. Where was Midori born?

2. What instrument did her mother play?
3. Where did Midori's mother take her when she was a baby?
Midori Goto was __________ an __________ child in Osaka, Japan. Her father was an __________ and her
mother was a __________ violinist. Midori’s mother, Setsu Goto, __________ that almost from the “
__________” Midori was _________, I knew she was __________ to be a musician.
When she went to the concert hall to __________, Midori’s mother took her baby daughter __________ .
Midori often ___________ in the front ___________ while her mother practiced on ___________. One day,
when Midori was __________ two years old, she began to __________ the music that her mother had
_________ two days before.
Do you need to understand every word in a reading?

When you are reading a text in English, many of the words may be unfamiliar. However, stopping to look up
every word in a dictionary can make it more difficult to understand the text. When you come across an
unknown word in a text,the best strategy for dealing with it is to try to guess what it means using context
clues. This strategy

• is fast because you don’t interrupt your reading.

• helps build vocabulary because you remember the words more easily.
• helps better understanding because you stay focused on the text.
• helps you enjoy your reading more because you do not have to stop often.
Example: Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours. That’s eleven days and nights without sleep.
ıf you don’t know the words “stayed awake”, you can guess the meaning from the context clue”without
A. Underline the context clues that help you guess the meaning of the boldfaced words.
1. After 24 hours without sleep, Gardner had trouble reading and watching television. The words and
iyi gözükmeyen,bulanık
pictures were too blurry.
2.By the fourth day, Gardner was hallucinating. For example, when he saw a street sign, he thought it was a
(v) dili dolaşmak/ ne dediği anlaşılmamak
3. Over the next few days, Gardner’s speech became so slurred that people couldn’t undertand him.
4. The test was so tough that no one passed it.
(adj) zor/sert/katı
TYPES OF CONTEXT CLUES böyle , bu gibi
Ø Examples may suggest the meaning of an unknown word. They are usually introduced with signal
words and phrases like for example, for instance, including,such as,once,in one case,one timeand
(n) ifade etmek
the surrounding information which functions as an example.

(n) girişim/insiyatif
“You told me to use my initiative if I neededmoney, so I sold your car.”
Note that the example of the wife’s using initiative—going out and selling
her husband’s car—helps you understand that initiative means “the ability to
make decisions and do things without needing to be told what to do.”

(adj) Olumsuz yorum,tepki

e.g. The adverse effects of this drug, including dizziness, nausea, andheadaches, have caused some serious
health problems.

Adverse means
a.beneficial.b. energetic.c. harmful.

The examples—dizziness, nausea, and headaches—helped you understand that the word adverse means


What does “X” mean in the following sentences?

1. …X …activities such as doing the laundry or dishes or going foodshopping or reading the newspaper all
help me relax.
X means
a. exciting. b. painful. c. ordinary. Mundane

2.…X….creatures, such as bats and owls, have highly developed senses that enable them to function in the
X means
a.flying. b. living. c. active at night.Nocturnal

3.His ...X…speeches were famous. One time, he talked for three hours.
X means
a.long. b.short. c. boring.loquacious
eş anlamlı

Ø Context clue is often available in the form of a synonym: a word that means thesame or almost the same
as the unknown word.They are usually introduced with signal words and phrases likelikewise, especially,
or,in that, similarly, in other words, that is, a phrase set apart between commas(,) and a phrase
between dashes( __ ).

(v) bitirmek/ sona erdirmek

“My doctor said smoking could terminate my
life. But I told him, ‘Everybody’s life has to end
some time.’”

Notice that the synonym that helps you understand

the word terminateis “end.”

(v) geliştirmek/ katkıda bulunmak

e.g.Fresh garlic may not enhance the breath, but it certainly improves spaghetti sauce.
The synonym given helps us understand the meaning of the bold-faced word ‘enhance’.
Enhance means ‘improve’.

What does bold-faced word mean?
(v) telaşlandırmak/endişelenmek
1.Speaking in front of a group disconcerts Alan. Even answering a question in class embarrasses him.
worry/ flurry
Disconcertmeans _______________.
(adj) becerikli/ hünerli
2.She was adroit at her job in that she could finish it in half the time of her coworkers.

Adroit means ______________

skillful/capable .
müzik tempo aleti
3. She used a metronome, a small machine that ticked out the timing of the music, as she practiced her violin.

Metronome means ______________.

(n) söz yitimi (v) engel olmak (n) kabiliyetsizlik/ yetersizlik
4.His aphasia did not hinder him. In other words, his inability to speak didn’t keep him from effectively


Aphasia means _________________

speech sickness .
(v) etkisini azaltmak/teselli etmek
5.Although the salesperson tried to assuagethe angry customer, there was no way to calm her down.

Assuage means ________________

calm .

The author sometimes offers the opposite meaning of the unknown word. Antonyms are often signaled by
words and phrases such as however,but, yet, on the other hand,while, whereas,in contrast, some...,but
others....,despite, although ,and …and then.

“It’s a special hearing aid. It decreases criticism andamplifies

Note that the antonym decreaseshelp you figure out that
amplifiesmust mean “increases.”

e.g.Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on the family, yet there
are many salutary effects as well.
Salutary means beneficial.

(v) geciktirmek/sekte vurmak
1. Trying to control everything your teens do can impedetheir growth. Toadvance their development, allow

them to make some decisions on theirown.

Impede means _________________

retard .

2. Its power seemed immutable, yet one day, it ended.

sabit/ değişmez
Immutable means _______________
eternal/constant .

3. Francine was not blithe at all. She was sad and serious.
Tasasız/ mutlu/ neşeli
Blithe means ________________ .

4.Many politicians do not give succinctanswers. They prefer long ones that help them avoid the point.
Kısa ve öz
Succinct means _________________ .

5.To keep healthy, older people need to stay active. Remaining stagnant results in loss of strength and health.
(adj) durgun,hiç gelişmeyen
Stagnant means _________________ .

Sometimes it takes a bit more detective work to understand the meaning ofan unfamiliar word. In such cases,
you must draw conclusions based on theinformation given with the word.Asking yourself questions about the
passage mayhelp you make a fairly accurate guess about the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

“I’d like a prescription that will alleviate my aches and pains and also
make me younger and thinner.”

To understand the meaning of alleviate, try asking this question: What

will the prescription do to his aches and pains? The patient’s words to his
doctor strongly suggest that alleviate means “relieve.”

e.g.The public knows very little about thecovert activities of CIA spies.
(adj) üstü kapalı/ gizli/saklı
Covert means secret.

(adj) çok aç
1. Could I have a piece of bread? I’ve missed the breakfast, and I’m simply ravenous.

Ravenous means ___________________.

(n) yalan, uydurma
2.After the accident, I was angry when the other driver told the police officer a complete fabricationabout
what happened. He claimed that Iwas the person at fault.
Fabrication means ___________________
lie .
3. He was quite prolificin his later years. During this time, he painted scenes from his hometown
andneighboring villages. He painted streets, bridges, haystacks, cathedrals, and houses. He believedthat
almost every scene deserved to be put onto canvas. For this reason, he created so manypaintings that his
apartment could no longer hold them.
Prolific means ___________________
productive (üretken) .
(adj) üretken, bereketli
(adj) engebeli
4. Susan and her husband lived a rugged life in the Alaskan Mountains with no electricity and no running
rough (engebeli)
Rugged means ___________________.
(n) gizem,muamma
5.Whether or not there is life in outer space is an enigma. We may neverknow for sure until we are capable of
space travel or aliens actually landon our planet.
Enigma means ___________________
mystery .

The author explains or defines the word in the same sentence in which it is introduced. Following are some
signal words and punctuation for this type of clue:

Signal words Sample Sentences_____________________________

is , are, has A protonis a positively charged particle in the nucleus

of an atom.
Carnivores are animals and plants that eat meat.
A person who is afraid of crowds has agoraphobia.
means A democracy means that the government is formed by all
the people.


defined as The denouement is defined as the climax of a story.

olarak tanımlanır
(v) azaltmak/düşürmek
1.I’m trying to curtail my coffee drinking by cutting down to just one cup a day.
Curtail means _________________.
(adj) şüpheli/belirsiz
2.Because the professor’s explanation was nebulous, several of the students asked him to make himself clear.
Nebulous means
a. unclearc. fascinating
b. boring d. short
(adj) tertemiz/pırıl pırıl
3. It’s amazing that my neighbors always appear immaculate, yet theirapartment is often
quite dirty.
Immaculate means ___________________
very clean .
4.Nature has endowed hummingbirds with the ability to fly backward.
Endowed means ____________________
contribute (bağış olarak .vermek)

a. brought b. sent c. provided d. asked

5. In the following text, there is a nonsense word ‘zop’. Read the text and guess what it means. Then replace it
with the actual word..

In Paris,it is wise to get yourself a zop as soon as possible. It is very easy to get lost if you leave the main
streets.You can buy zops in the train station, they are not complete. better zops can be found in bookstores.
These have more details , and they show all the named streets.

Zop means ________________

tourist maps
in conjuction with --> ile bir arada
in comparison with -->..'nin aksine/tersine
in addition to --> bir de/ilave olarak
to some extent --> bir dereceye kadar
in line with -->Uyumlu olarak
in spite of --> Rağmen/ Karşın
in particular -->Bilhassa/Özellikle
with the exception of -->İstisnasıyla/Dışında
on the whole -->Her şeyi hesaba katarsak

On behalf of --> Yararına/Adına

as a result of --> Sonucu olarak
by chance --> Tesadüfen
by far -->Fersah fersah çok
for the most part ->Genellikle/Çoğunlukla
from then on--> O andan itibaren
in other words-->Yani, bir başka ifadeyle
in some ways--> Bir bakıma
on the basis of-->Dayanılarak/Yola çıkarak
in turn -->O halde/ Sırasıyla
in the process --> Sürecinde
in terms of -->Açısından/ yönünden
at this stage -->Bu aşamada/ bu durumda
in With of

at this of

on the

in of

In to
on of

John Q. Public

Finding the Main Idea of a Paragraph

Everything you read has a point. The most important point the author makes about the subject or topic in a
reading text or even a paragraph is called the main idea. There are different words for main idea.The main
idea of a paragraph is called the topic sentence.

Identifying the Topic of a Paragraph

The topic is the word or phrase that best describes what all of the sentences in the paragraph are about. Words
relating to the topic are usually repeated several times in a paragraph. Looking for these words can help you
focus on the topic.
kenar mahalle
Read the paragraph and underline the words that are repeated. Then write a topic that is not too specific or
too general.
In developing countries, poor people have suffered the most from shortages of clean water. There are several
(adj) şehirsel
reasons for this. First, in many developing countries, the majority of houses in poor villages and urban slums
are not yet served by a pipedwater system. People living in these places often have to walk many miles to find
water and carry it home in jugs and plastic containers. Second, these people usually have few alternatives to
the piped water supply. There may be water closer by in rivers or lakes, but this is often dangerously polluted.
In poor areas, street (n) satıcı
vendors often sell water by the liter, but they often charge extremely high prices for water
that is not always safe to drink.
Topic: shortage of clean water in poor areas
A. Read each paragraph and decide which topic is the best.Write “too specific” or “ too general” after the
other topics.
1. People usually build their houses out of the materials that are easily available to them. In some areas, most
people build their homes out of wood. This is true in parts of North America and in Scandinavia. These areas
have large forests, so wood is easy to get and inexpensive. In many other areas of Europe, there are few
forests left. Stone and brick are cheaper, so most people build their houses of these materials. In tropical
regions, houses are sometimes made from plants that grow there. For example, in parts of Africa or Asia,
houses may be made out of bamboo. Finally, in the very coldest areas near the Arctic, people make their
homes out of blocks of ice.
a. Materials used for houses
b. The wooden houses of Scandinavia
c. Houses around the world

2. Houses in hot countries have many features that are different from houses in cold countries. Houses in hot
countries usually have thick walls and small Windows to keep out the heat. In colder climates and darker
regions, however, people do not have to worry about too much sun and heat. The houses therefore have larger
windows to let in the sunlight. Another difference is that houses in hot climates, of course, people spend less
time outdoors, so houses often do not have such areas.
a. The architecture of houses
b. Houses in hot and cold countries
c. Houses with small windows

Identifying the Topic and Main Idea of a Paragraph

Do you like your meat nicely browned, or even a little black on the outside? If you do, you should perhaps
change your tastes. Scientists hae found that meat cooked this way can cause cancer. One Hamburger or one
steak will not give you cancer, of course, but you should probably not eat browned meat every day. This is
especially true for children. Children who grow up on a regular diet of browned hamburgers have a much
higher risk of cancer. This risk can be prevented by cooking meat in another way. Adding soybeans to the
hamburger meat also removes the factors that cause cancer.
Topic: Browned or blackened meat

Main Idea: Browned or blackened meat can result in cancer if you eat it often.

B. Read each paragraph below and write the topic and the main idea.

1. People who work in large office buildings get sick more often than normal. They may have headaches,
stomachaches, or sore, red skin. The reason for this lies in the buildings themselves. These large buildings
usually have windows that cannot be opened. The same air stays in the building for a long time and becomes
unhealthy. It may be full of chemicals that come from the furniture, the rugs, or the photocopy machines, or it
may be full of cigarette smoke. This unhealthy air cause “sick building syndrome,” as doctors call this
Skimming & Scanning
Skimming and scanning are techniques for getting different kinds of information from a reading
passage. We skim a text to get a general idea about the text. We scan a text to find specific
information in a text.
Skimming Scanning
Purpose: Purpose:
. to get a general idea about the text .to find a specific fact
. to find out what the text is about . to find a specific word
. to identify the main ideas in the text . to answer a specific question
How to do it: How to do it:
• Don't read every word Let your eyes "skim" • Think about the likely form of the answer to
quickly over the text. the question. Will it be a number, a date, a
• Read the title and subheadings. person's name?
• Read the introduction or first paragraph. • Ask yourself the question repeatedly as you
• Read the first and last sentence of each move your eyes quickly over the text.
paragraph. • Move your eyes quickly over several lines at a
• Read the last paragraph. time.

1. Scan the reading for the information to complete the sentences.

A Long-Distance Runner

A lot of people like to run in their free time.Running is good exercise. Doctors say that exercise is important
for good health. They suggest 30 minutes of exercise three times a week.

Laura Gilbert usually runs three times aweek. She sometimes runs alone and sometimes with friends. But 30
minutes of running is not enough for her. Laura likes to run long distances. She says”It takes me about 40
minutes just to warm up.I start feeling good after two hours.” each year,she runs seeral marathons. A
marathon is 26.2 miles long ( or 42.1 kilometres).some of Laura’s races are even longer!

Every year, Laura runs in a race called II Passatore. It is 101 kilometres long. That is more than 62
miles.The race begins near her home in Italy.The runners start in the city and run up into the mountains.They
start at 3:00 P.M.,and some of them run all night.The race takes Laura about 12 hours.

All year, Laura looks forward to II Passatore, but before the race, she feels nervous. The race is a kind of
test for her. Can she do it? During the race, her legs and feet and stomach may hurt.She thinks about a nice hot
shower. She thinks about her nice soft bed. A part of her mind says”Stop! Go home! Why are you doing this?
This is crazy!” But she does not give up. She goes on running.After 101 kilometers, Laura is happy to finish
the race. Twelve hours is enough.
1.Doctors suggest __________ minutes of exercise __________ times a __________ .
2. Laura says she needs about __________ minutes to warm up.

3.She says she feels good after running for ___________ .

4. Laura runs several ___________ each year.

5. A marathon is ___________ long.

6.II Passatore is __________ long.

7. The runners in II Passatore start in __________ and run up into ____________ .

8. Laura lives in ____________ .

2.Skim the text and choose a heading for each paragraph.There is one extra heading.

S Eating healthy food S What people want S Stressful jobs S Healthy jobs


Florists ,personal trainers,professors, and nutritionists all have healhy jobs

according to research. There are many reasons for this. A florist , for example,
sells flowers and plants to customers. This is very relaxing work. a personal
trainer, on the other hand, is usually very fit. He or she trains other people to
lose weight and to keep fit. A nutritionist has a very healthy job too. He or she
knows all about healthy food and teaches people to eat well.

However, research also shows that some jobs are ‘unhealthy’. They cause a lot of
stress and worry. For example, a taxi driver drives all day. He often faces traffic
jams and difficult passengers too. A firefighter puts out dangerous fires and
sometimes saves people from burning buildings. An MD (Managing Director)
runs a large company. It is an interesting job, but it is also stressful.. The MD has
to keep everyone happy- the staff and the customers.

Most people are looking for the perfect job. They want a job that is interesting,
with a good salary and not much stress. However, it is difficult to get everything.
Healthy, relaxing jobs are usually not very well paid. On the other hand, people
with stressful jobs often get good salaries. For example, the head of a big
company gets a lot of money, but he or she does not always have good health, or
the time to enjoy life.
3. Skim the text. Then choose the statement you think describes the main idea.
A. Teaching science is not an exciting job, but opening a store is interesting.
B. A. J. LaFleur was not happy with his job, so he changed his job and became a businessman.
C. A. J. thinks mountain climbing is exciting, so he is going to Tibet on his next trip


Today. A LaFleur is a successful businessman, but he wasn't always a businessman. He was once a teacher.
He taught science to high school students for many years. For a long lime. A. J. enjoyed teaching. He liked
his students. and they liked him. He did a good job at his school. Then he got bored. He wanted take a break
from teaching. He wanted to try something new and exciting. So he decided to take a trip to Nepal and climb
mountains. Mountain climbing was a challenge. It was also a great adventure.
The next year. A. J. was in the classroom teaching science again,but teaching wasn't exciting anymore. He
wasn't learning very much. It was a good job, but A. J. wanted something more. He
wanted a new job.What could he do? He thought about what kind of job he would
like. Finally. he decided to open a store.He named the store The Mountain Goat..
The Mountain Goat is a special kind of store. It sells clothes and equipment for
outdoor sports like mountain climbing. You can buy skis,maps. tents, boots. and lots
of other things at The Mountain Goat.
Opening a store was A. J"s first job as a businessman. He was worried but excited. Could he earn enough
money for his family?A. J. worked very hard. He was a good businessman. and he understood what his
customers needed. He was happy because everyday was a challenge. He liked the hard work, and his business
was successful. And there was always something new to learn. "You can't fall asleep!" he said.
Today. A. J.likesbeing rhe boss. Now he has three stores and a website. He has an assistant,and he can take
vacations when he wants. He is already planning his next trip. He's going mountain climbing in Tibet!
Making Inferences

A.Can you answer the following questions?

1.It’s white.
It’s not sweet.
You can put it on meat or vegetables.
You don’t put it in coffee.
What is it? ____________________
2. He works in a tall building.
His office is on top.
He has meetings in restaurants.
He makes telephone calls in his car.
What is his job? _________________
3. It’s in a building.
There are lots of tables.
Some people are eating.
Some people are cooking.
Some people are bringing food to the tables.
What is it? ________________

Making an inference in reading is the process of combining the current text information with one’s own
experience in order to create meaning that is not directly stated in the text. Logical reasoning will help you to
make inferences about ideas or concepts that the author has not directly stated.

T Mike is a student in Professor Brown’s biology BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE

class. OR
E Class starts at 9 a.m
X It is now 9.15 a.m. and Professor Brown is LOGICAL REASONING
speaking to the class. Although class starts at 9 a.m., Mike comes in
T Mike walks into the classroom at 9.15 a.m. at 9.15

I N F E R E N C E : Mike is late for class.

In short, an inference is a good guess or conclusion you can make from the facts you have.

Fact; Mr. Kazi owns 168 restaurants.
Inference He's probably very busy. He has a lot of employees.
Fact: Mr. Kazi wanted a job in the airplane industry but he took a job with a car rental company.
Inference Mr. Kazi probably couldn't find a job in the airplane industry.
Fact:Your friend is in the hospital.
Inference Your friend had an accident. Your friend is not well.

B.What inferences can you make about Mr.Kazi from the information below? Circle the best answer.

1. One day Mr. Kazi's two co-workers didn't come to work. That day,Mr.Kazi did the work of three people.
From this information, you can understand that. . .

a. Mr. Kaziprobably worked very hard that day.

b. Mr. Kazi is probably a tall man.
c. Mr. Kazi probably didn't know his co-workers very weII.

2. Mr. Kazi sold his first three restaurants for more money than he paid for them. From this information, you
can understand that . . .

a. Mr. Kazi is a good businessman.

b. Mr. Kazi is an honest man.
c. Mr. Kazi became a millionaire when he sold the restaurants.

C. What can you infer from these sentences from these paragraphs? Circle the correct word(s) in
parentheses to complete the inferences.

1. In most African countries more than 90 percent of the population lives witliout electricity. And if you've
been to Africa, you know that almost that many people play soccer whenever they get the chance."
Inference: You can infer that soccer (is / isn't) very popular in Africa.
2. "Kids can play a game, then bring the ball home and charge an LED lamp, cell phone, or battery. They no
longer need to use unhealthy and expensive kerosene lamps or walk three hours to charge their cell phones."
Inference: You can infer that an LED lamp is (more expensive / healthier) than a kerosene lamp.
D. Instructions: Study the facts from each situation. Underline the clues to help you make a logical
inference or draw a reasonable conclusion. Do not read the following passage until you finish the one

1. Situation: The ticket line for the flight to Kuala Lumpur was long. Ploy was standing in line ahead of Chai.
The ticket agent sold Ploy the last ticket.

Inference: ______________________________________________________________________
2. Situation: Chai stood at the window, watching the flight to Kuala Lumpur depart with Ploy on board. He
desperately needed to get to Kuala Lumpur that night. However, there were no more flights available until the
next morning. Half an hour passed as he sat in the passenger hall of Suvarnabhumi Airport, wondering what to
do. Suddenly, Ploy walked down the hall, waving to him.
Inference: ______________________________________________________________________
3. Situation: Ploy explained that one engine of the plane had caught on fire and they were forced to return to
Bangkok. The crew was now getting another plane ready to go to Kuala Lumpur. Although the flight to Kuala
Lumpur had originally been full, there were many seats available now. Some passengers had missed their
connections, while others decided not to fly at all. However, Chai was not afraid.

Inference: _______________________________________________________________________

E. Circle the letter of the inference you can make based on the information in the paragraph.
The South Beach diet, the Perricone prescription and Atkins diet are popular diets which have been designed
by well-known doctors. If they are followed over time, these diets reportedly can result in significant weight
loss. Supporters of these nutritional plans also claim that they have other health benefits and can prevent
disease. Although there are differences in three diets, all have low-carbohydrate menus, which restrict
carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, bread and pasta. Many restaurants now offer low-carbohydrate selections
for those who are dieting. Each of these diet plans has devoted followers who have successfully lost weight.

A) There are three popular diets, which have been designed by famous doctors who want to lose weight.
B) In addition to weight loss, these diets have other health benefits, and they can prevent disease.
C) Eating a large amount of carbohydrates can contribute to weight gain.
D) The dieters, who follow these diets strictly, have succeeded in losing weight.

F. Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions.

1 This month, the 7 billionth person has been born on our planet. Since our planet is fighting serious
problems like global warming, famine and disappearing energy resources, there was panic and fear around the
birth of the 7 billionth person on the planet. Roger Martin, chair of the NGO Population Matters, wrote in the
Guardian recently: “The 7 billionth person is a scary reminder of our planet's future. We are increasing by
10,000 an hour. Every additional person needs food, water and energy, and produces more waste and
pollution. Therefore, that affects the planet badly. While we are growing in number, we reduce everyone else's
share. It is a well-known fact that all environmental and many economic and social problems are easier to
solve with fewer people.”

1.From paragraph 1, we can understand that Roger Martin ______.

A) fears that humans will become extinct in the near future
B) believes 10,000 die each year as a result of environmental pollution
C) feels sorry for the thousands of people who die every day due to hunger
D) sees population growth as a big threat to the world
2 Later experiments only confirmed and supported the findings. “Even when the frenemy is just in another
room in the lab, volunteers have higher blood pressure and higher levels of anxiety,” says Holt-Lunstad. “It’s
just the expectation of having to interact with frenemies.” Most interesting of all, volunteers were shown the
names of their frenemies on a computer screen for a very short time. Seeing the frenemy’s name on the
screenseemed to increase their heart rate and stress level.

‘ Frenemies”, means both a friend and an enemy.

2. From paragraph 2, we can understand that frenemies ________.

A) love talking to people through their computer screen
B) do not cause stress when we are not interacting with them
C) may help us to deal with our psychological problems
D) may affect our physical and psychological health badly

3 Over the past 15 years, numerous studies have found that children who attend schools near the flight paths
of large airports lag behind in their exam results. However, general noise seems to have a negative effect,
too. Bridget Shield, a professor of acoustics at London South Bank University, has been conducting studies
on the effects of all sorts of noises. She lists them as traffic, sirens, and also noise which is produced by the
children themselves at schools. When she recreated those particular sounds in an experimental class while
children were doing assignments, she found a significant negative effect on exam scores. Shield says also the
sound of “babble”, the talk of other children, is particularly bad for concentration in the classroom. “People
are very distracted by speech – particularly if it’s understandable, and if they are not involved in it.”
4 Last year, Ravi Mehta from the College of Business in Illinois and his colleagues studied the effects of
background noise on learning. In a series of studies, they tested people’s creativity while they were listening
to a soundtrack. It was made up of background noises – such as coffee-shop chatter and building-site drilling
– at different volumes. They found that people were more creative when the background noises were played
at a medium level than when the volume was low. On the other hand, loud background noise damaged their
5 This makes sense for a couple of reasons, says psychologist Dr Nick Perham, at Cardiff Metropolitan
University in the UK. Firstly, he says, sounds that are most distracting tend to be very changeable. A general
hum in the background suggests a steady-state sound with not much acoustical difference. “So there’s not
much there to capture your attention,” he says. At the same time, the background noise might cause people’s
brains to be more active, says Perham. You don’t want too much or too little stimulation. “Medium
stimulation is best for good performance. So, a low continuous sound in the background might be useful in
making people’s brain function more actively.” Therefore, according to Perham, there may be some benefits
of playing music or other sounds in a class like art where creativity is important.

3. From paragraphs 3 and 4, we can infer that a background noise ________.

A) comes from your mind
B) can damage your hearing
C) is the noise around you
D) is impossible to hear

4. From paragraphs 4 and 5, we can understand that the effect of background noise ________.
A) on the learners was impossible to measure
B) depended on what kind of noise it was and its volume
C) caused people to drink more caffeinated drinks
D) caused people to play games with more creativity

5. From paragraphs 4 and 5, we can understand that Ravi Mehta and Nick Perham ________.
A) have similar opinions on the effect of background noise
B) have similar disabilities about hearing noises
C) are important art professors at different universities
D) have opposite ideas about the impact of background noise
oeabulary: Frequentiy Contused or Nlisused Yords
ENercise 1. Below are some frequently confused and
misused words. Study the
and fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words. explanations
fun/ funny

fun: something that gives amusement, entertainment.

funny: something that provides comedy, laughter.
1. We enjoyed ourselves a lot at the
2. That comedy show on TV was
fairground. It was great fun

very funny
Clowns never make me laugh. They
4. Camping can be
are just not fun
funny if it doesn't rain.
sensible/ sensitive
sensible: logical, practical.
sensitive.: someone easily, quickly affected.

1. She always makes clear decisions; she is obviously a very sensible woman.
2. He understood the problem, so he gave me some sensible advice.
3. She's so sensitive She always gets angry if you complain about her work.
4. Many people are sensitive about the way they look.

loose/lose / loss

loose: not very tight. gevşek

lose: not win, unable to find. kaybetmek,yitirmek
loss: act or instance of losing / something which is lost / defeat, destruction. zarar,kayıp,hasar,yenilgi

1. I like my trousers to be, loose not tight.

2. The lose of my pet cat was a very sad time for me.
3. I am always lose my wallet or my car keys.
4. Liverp0ol are much better than Leeds. Leeds always loss to Liverpool.
infamous /famous

infamous: well-known for something bad. kötü şöhretli

famous: well-known. ünlü

1. Ted Bundy was a(n) . infamous killer.

2. The most famous footballer ever is probably Pele.
3. Adana is famous for its kebabs.
4. Hitler is probably the most infamous dictator ofall time.
On behalf on --> Yararına/Adına
in conjuction with --> ile bir arada as a result of --> Sonucu olarak
in comparison with -->..'nin aksine/tersine by chance --> Tesadüfen
in addition to --> bir de/ilave olarak by far -->Fersah fersah çok
to some extent --> bir dereceye kadar for the most part ->Genellikle/Çoğunlukla
in line with -->Uyumlu olarak from then on--> O andan itibaren
in spite of
in particular
--> Rağmen/ Karşın
CHAPTER 1 in other words-->Yani, bir başka ifadeyle
in some ways--> Bir bakıma
with the exception of -->İstisnasıyla/Dışında
on the whole -->Her şeyi hesaba katarsak
Recognizing Synonyms on the basis of-->Dayanılarak/Yola çıkarak
in turn -->O halde/ Sırasıyla
in the process --> Sürecinde
in terms of -->Açısından/ yönünden
A synoym is a word or
phrase which is
closest in meaning to a given at this stage -->Bu aşamada/ bu durumda
may often replaCe the given word. wo
also in reading. The Synonyns are important not only in Wnung
answers to many
restatcnents, which often based onare
comprehension questions
synonyms. This chapter focuses on expan
your vocabulary through the introduction
Enghsh, you should do your best to increase
If you want to synonyms.
your word power by learning synou
of important words.

Exercise 1 : Match the underlined words or

cach group of sentences. The first set is
phrases with heir synonyms given Ar
done for you.

I. Prepositional Phrases
1. a) He failed again in spite of his great effort.
b) He had to cancel his trip on account of his illness. Dolayısıyla
... ile ilgili
c) Will you go to the meeting instead of me? yerine
d)The police are anxious to hear any information concerming his whcreabo
aksine e)Unike George, who likes classical music, Bill likes pop music.
Farmers grow flowers aswellas vegetables.
because of; owingto; due to
1. on accont of
2 unlikke different from; in contrast to

3in spiUE QL- despite

in addition to; besides; apart from
4 as wellas
5.concerming about
instead of in place of

2. a) Everyone meeting but him.

was at the
occurred. sebebiyle/-den dolayı
b) Owing to his negligence, an accident
c) Weather forecasting has already been substantially improved throueh yoluyla
computer analysis.
d) Therell be five of us for dinner, besides Bill.
-in aksine/ aykırı e) Contrary to popular beliei, sometimes men gossip more than women do.
We have received complaints concerning the doctors' bad treatrnent of
..ile/ vasıtasıyla but
1.. by means of; by except
because of 5. besides in addition to
2. Owing to
Concerning about; regarding Contrary to in opposition to

Success Intermediate - Unit 8 – Extra Grammar - Relative Clauses / Rules and Exercises


Punctuating Relative Clauses: General guidelines for the punctuation of adjective clauses

(1) DO NOT use commas IF the adjective clause is necessary to identify the noun it modifies.
(2) USE commas IF the adjective clause simply gives additional information.
e.g. 1: The professor who teaches Chemistry 101 is an excellent lecturer.
Professor Wilson, who teaches Chemistry 101, is an excellent lecturer.
e. g 2: Hawaii, which consists of eight principal islands, is a favorite vacation spot.
e. g 3: Mrs. Smith, who is a retired teacher, does volunteer work at the hospital.
* Compare the meaning
e. g 1: We took some children on a picnic. The children, who wanted to play soccer,
ran to an open field as soon as we arrived at the park.
We took some children on a picnic. The children who wanted to play soccer ran
to an open field as soon as we arrived at the park.
*The use of commas means that all of the children wanted to play soccer and all of the children ran to an
open field. The relative clause is used only to give additional information about the children.

Exercise 1: Add commas where necessary. Change the connector to that if possible.

1. Alan and Jackie who did not come to class yesterday explained their absence to the teacher.

2. The students who did not come to class yesterday explained their absence to the teacher.

3. Only people who speak Russian should apply for the job.

4. Matthew who speaks Russian applied for the job.

5. The rice which we had for dinner last night was very good.

6. Rice which is grown in many countries is a staple food throughout much of the world.

7. The newspaper article was about a man who died two years ago of a rare tropical disease.

8. Paul O'Grady who died two years ago was a kind and loving man.

9. I have fond memories of my hometown which is situated in a valley.

10. I live in a town which is situated in a valley.

11. The Mississippi River which flows south from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico is the major commercial
river in the United States.

12. A river which is polluted is not safe for swimming.

13. Mr. Brown whose son won the spelling contest is very proud of his son's achievement.

14. Goats which were first tamed more than 9,000 years ago in Asia have provided people with milk, meat,
and wool since prehistoric times.

15. Mrs. Clark has two goats. She's furious at the goat which got on the wrong side of the fence and is
eating her flowers.

ITU SFL Materials Office / Spring 2012 Page 1 of 6

1) If there is a “be” (am/ is/ are/ was / were) form after relative pronoun, just omit “be”.

The man who is in the green car is a pilot. The man in the green car is a pilot.
The boys who were wearing jeans talked to the boss. The boys wearing jeans talked to the boss
The man who is called Mikey is a pilot. The man called Mikey is a pilot.
Tom, who was injured in the accident, was a pilot. Tom, injured in the accident, was a pilot.
The girl who is happy about the result is smiling. The girl happy with the result is smiling.

2) If there is a verb other than “be” after relative pronoun, add –ing to that verb.

I have a dog which barks a lot. I have a dog barking a lot.

I need a bottle which holds 2 liters of liquid. I need a bottle holding 2 liters of liquid.
The customer who wanted the new product was angry. The customer wanting the new product was angry.

3) If there is the first, before the relative clause, put the verb in relative clause into TO +V1
the second
the last
the only
the + superlative

I was the last person who left the office. I was the last person to leave the office.
The best road that can be followed is here. The best road to be followed is here.
The only person that knows the secret is Ali. The only person to know the secret is Ali.
The first man who was on the moon was Neil Armstrong. The first man to be on the moon was Neil Armstrong.

4) If there is nothing/ something/ anything..etc.

noone/ someone/ anyone ….etc. before the relative pronoun and a modal (can, must, should..etc.)
in relative clause use the verb as TO + V1 disregarding the subject.
Would you like something that you can eat? Would you like something to eat?
There was nothing that we could eat. There was nothing to eat.

5) If the verb in relative clause is one past form of the main verb, use having V3 in reduction.

The students who attended our course last year will get a discount this year. The students having attended our
course last year will get a discount this year.
The bill which was paid yesterday is now a problem among us. The bill having been paid yesterday is now a
problem among us.
The students who have finished their work can go out. The students having finished their work can go out.

6) In non-defining relative clauses reduced forms can be used before the defined subject.
Istanbul, which was the capital city of Ottoman Empire, had a population of 300,000.
Istanbul, the capital city of Ottoman Empire, had a population of 300,000.
The capital city of Ottoman Empire, Istanbul had a population of 300,000.
Madonna, who lives in London, has one daughter.
Madonna, living in London, has one daughter.
Living in London, Madonna has one daughter.
2012-13 SPRIU

relative clauses.
Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences below, reducing the

put in effect just recently)

is a good one.
1. The new law (which was
* *

* " * * * * * * * * .

* * *

is the oldest man in the town), is still healthy.

2. Tom White, (who

(who is wet and weary), feels unhappy.

3. The mailman,

4. The paragraph (which is above) is too long.

involved in cheating) should wait here.

5. The students (who are

****************** ***

6. The house (which has been painted recently) looks nice.


with sonar and cameras, located
7.The Deep Drone, which was an underwater robot that was equipped
the black box of the plane.

8. The tiger is an animal which eatsing


9. A huge fish, which was either a shark or a barracuda, glided silently.

* * * * * .

10. Good dental care is something which you should sink your teeth into.
* * * * * * * *

11. We could provide you special guides if there are people who are visually impaired in your group.

12. Those that adapt good study habits and know how to plan their time efficiently are definitely going to
graduate from here.

13. You need someone who can look after you.

*****a* ************

14. In those stiff, narrow streets, I walked and looked at the identical houses which had dark roofs and

private gardens which were filled with rose trees.


15. The study showed that the average lQ of the children who spoke Gaelic was 85.

16.I have got one lastexam that I will take.
tak ************ ***********

e upon sleepy towns which have wonderful street-side cafes

17. As you drive down the coast, you come
and colourful houses.


the memory of his dead wife, left the concert early.

18. Mr. White, who was tormented by

who cook.
19.I am seeking a man who looks good and can


20. China is the only country which produces such interesting goods.

******** ****°*******°°* ****

21. Our teacher, who is an excellent speaker, never talked too much.

22. Two women that are smartly dressed approach us and ask if we're the band that will sing the U2 songs.

********************°******a********* e* n*****e**** ***************

who has full beard is much easier to spot than who does not have a beard.
23. A man a one

of the south coast.

24. The Spencers and the Thatchers are just the latest couples who discovered the appeal
*****o************** ****

25. The way you should start this car is to give it a push.
*********°*********°***** ********** *** *** ****

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences below, reducing the relative clauses.

1. Ourgarden, which hasn't beèn weeded all summer, resembles a jungle.

* **************** ** ****** o********************** *******°**

2. His supporters, who had been campaigning for him for months, were delighted when it was
announced that he had been elected.

Mr Charles Demsey, who is the delegate from New Zealand, abstained from the final vote.
****** ******************e*****e*°******°**e*****************************°****°°*******°*****.********

4. The player who was the last to be awarded his medal tripped down the stairs.

a************************** *********

5. Thave some messages here that I should give you.

neooe** *oo*****enoeo***a*****************e***********a**** ********

6. The player, who was leaping to reach the ball, slipped on the wet grass.
**°°°*°**** ******°*** ***

7. The protesters who were throwing stones and bottles were blasted with water cannon by the police.
**************°******** ****°°°*

8. The Mississippi, which is America's longest river, is deceptively fierce.


9. One of the houses that overlook the park is for sale.

10. Some nurses, who don't want to work 'with inadequate resources, have left the profession.

**************** **

11. The song, which was written in her memory, was played at the funeral.

12. The woman who has been chosen to play Juliet is an Australian film actress.

aPter hem
-ed, -ins isnt ado that +be
hot can cave
-Japanese researcherr deveoped a device called " rechenna

rodio oves nmaving arand n the a elcetciks

-' '$***AZ

ent o m 3 0
-The signals received were om a dgita) terestnal boadeas
he Toko tower 6.5 km a

EXERCISE 12: Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.


had been seaview, complained to the manager about

l The guests, who promised a

their rom.
*°****°***°* * **°***** * * * * * * ° ° * * ° * * * * * * ° * * * ° ° ° * ' * °

2 The suspected murderer was relieved when the police discovered evidence which

proved his innocence.

*********** ** **°****°°°°*** ****

3- Menmbers who are involved in the conservation project will be giving us a talk on

°****** ***°°*******°*

4 I don't mind doing a job which requires a lot of time and energy so long as I think it is
1. i
. ce***********a.a*o**************************************a******

5- The film Braveheart, which was filmed on location in Scotland, teils the story of a
Scottish hero, William Wallace.
*°*°ee* ********************************* *°*°°°**°*************************

Several chemical companies, which don't care about the environment, are pumping
waste into rivers and streams.

*********°° ******************°

7- The trade in imported torloises, which is considered to be cruel because so many

32-1 . animals die during transportation, is now banned in England:

8 If we go away next week, we will have to find someone who will look after our dog.

sssssssnaneeeeseassusasnsssssssnenne********nonneossnna*ssss*sssansansoo* **** ....

9. The head teachers are the ones who are responsible for organistng the school trip.
*** °°°°°°**°*°°

10- After we had taken a look at the research results, which indicated that the product
would be successful, we felt more confident.

******************************************************os*oseesere*uoasnasrs*o***os**.** ..


v e ed. Fie

EXERCISE 1: Change the adjective clauses to adjective phrases.

1. The woman who is sitting at the corner table seems familiar to me.
2. The students who wanted to postpone the exam were eventually able to persuade
3. their teacher.
4. Only those who have their identity cards with them will be allowed into the
5. building.
6. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
7. The fence that surrounds their house is not so high. We can jump over it.
8. The children, who were very excited about going on holiday, helped their mother
9. Mr. Jacobs will be the most important person who is in charge of the office during the absence
of the manager.
10. She, who was once a famous star, is now a hopeless alcoholic.
11. I have a lot of letters that I must write.
12. In some areas children, who don't know the danger, play in sewage waters.
13. His first book, which was published in 1975, didn't get so much praise.

EXERCISE 2: Change the adjective phrases to adjective clauses

1. I would prefer to buy a house overlooking the sea rather than a large one.
2. We were all relieved to get further news concerning the accident.
3. The twins, wearing identical bright red jackets, really stood out in the crowd.
4. If we go away next week, we will have to find someone to look after our dog.
5. The film Braveheart, filmed on location in Scotland, tells the story of William Wallace.
6. Simon having sold his car weeks ago took train to work.
7. She is the only person to save our lives.
8. We ate the meal having cooked over boiling water.
EXERCISE 3: choose the best answer.
1. Geomorphology is the study of the changes that ………….on the surface of the earth.
a) taking place
b) takes place
c) take place
d) they take place

2.The horse ……….. the race belongs to a rich man.

a) that it won
b) it won
c) that it was the winner of
d) that won

3. Hong Kong,…………………….., acts as a gateway into and out of the Republic of China.
a) strategically located
b) it is located strategically
c) where strategically located
d) that it is located strategically

4. Neil Armstrong is the first person……………………

a) Who walks on the moon
b) To walk on the moon
c) That he walk on the moon
d) Who he walked on the moon

5. It was the best play ……….. that year.

a) having performed
b) which performed
c) to be performed
d) performing

6. The girls…………… to Sam are gossiping about Mr Smith.

a. to sit
b. sitting
c. that sits
d. who they sit

7. The device ……………….last week is quite efficient in laboratory.

a. Which repaired
b. Repaired
c. Repairing
d. That is repaired

Gülnur Yenilmez Kaçar 2021- January


A. Choose the best option.

1. Candidates have to comply with the rules established by the board.
A. Adaylar kurul tarafından konmus olan kurallara itiraz ettiler.
B. Adaylar, kurulun yanında kurallar koymak zorundadır.
C. Adaylar kurul tarafından konmus olan kurallara uymak zorundadır.
D. Adaylar, kurul tarafından, kurallara uymaya zorlandı.

2. Experts point out that 85 per cent of the accidents occurring in city centres result from driver
A. Uzmanlar, sehir içinde olan kazaların % 85 inin sürücü hatasından kaynaklandığını
B. Uzmanlara göre, sehir içinde olan kazaların % 85 i sürücü hatasından kaynaklanmaktadır.
C. Uzmanlar, sehir içinde sürücü hatalarından kaynaklanan kazaların % 85 oranında arttığına dikkati
D. Uzmanların iddiasına göre, sehir içinde olan kazaların % 85 inden sürücüler sorumludur.

3. Scientists working in the nuclear industry claim that the risk of radioactive waste escaping from
one of their plants during routine operation is very small indeed.

A. Nükleer endüstride çalısan bilim adamları, küçük santrallerden birinin bakımı sırasında sızan
radyoaktivitenin gerçekten çok tehlikeli olduğunu ileri sürüyorlar.
B. Bilim adamları, nükleer endüstride çalısan birinin, santrallerin rutin bakımı sırasında sızan
radyoaktiviteye maruz kalma riskinin gerçekten çok az olduğunu söylüyorlar.
C. Nükleer endüstride çalısan bilim adamları, santrallerden birinin rutin bakımı sırasında sızan
radyoaktivite tehlikesinin gerçekten çok küçük olduğunu iddia ediyorlar.
D. bilim adamları, risk oluşturan bir nükleer endüstride çalışıyor ve santrallerin bakımı sırasında
kaçan radyoaktif maddeler gerçekten çok küçük olduğunu iddia ediyor.

B. Translate the following sentences into Turkish.

1. The current source charging a battery must often be integrated into a mP-based
system controlling the charging current applied to the battery.

2. The battery charging current corresponding to this voltage is dependent on

the overall gain of U2 and the attenuators containing Q1, Q2 and the resistors R10 and R3.

3. In the typical (constant-voltage) mode of operation, the LM3420 is the controller in a

feedback loop regulating the voltage of the batteries.
ocaia; Frequently Confused or Misused Vords
xercise1. Below are some frequently confused and
misused words. Study the explanations
and fill in the blanks using the corect forms of
the words.

happen /become

happen: to take place, especially without a plan.

become: to start to be something, or to
develop in a particular way.
. It happen
suddenly and I did not see anything.
2. Heart diseases
have become an important problem in moderm society.
3. This new device is
going to become
4. The police investigated how the accident
the best invention ofall times.
aciz olanak happen
men etmek
yapamaz vermek etkisiz kılmak
unable/ enable / disable

unable (adj.): not able to

do something.
enable (v): to give somebody the ability or the opportunity to do something.
disable (v): to stop a machine or to harm somebody.
1. I will be unable to call you because I have a meeting at that time.
2. If you press the "off° button, it will_ disable all the functions of the device.
3. This new model1. enable users to call other users for free.
4. A new kind of virus has been spreading. It will disable many computers.
temin etmek
provide/ enable
provide: to give someone something that they want or need (provide someonë with
something, provide something for someone, and provide something to someone).
enable: to give somebody the ability or the opportunity to do something.

1. Yesterday, the rich man provide toys to children in the neighbourhood.

2. The company wil1. provide the necessary equipment for the project.
3. This equipment will enable us to work more efficiently.
önlemek Kaçınmak
engel olmak Sakınmak
prevent: to stop somebody or something from doing something.
avoid: to keep away from somebody or something.

1. The government is trying to . prevent street crimes.

2. I leave home early because I want to . avoid traffic jams.

3. My grandmother is trying to avoid eating unhealthy food because she has
4. The school has a new plan to , prevent smoking in the restrooms.
a) In contrast to Mary's room, which is a mcss, Helen's room is very orderly.
b) Babies have big heads in_proportion to thcir bodies.
c) The book has been well reviewed, but in terns of actual sales, it hasn't been
very successful. in contrast to-->Tersine/rağmen
d) For my part, I daon't mind where we eat. in proportion to --> -e nazaran
in terms of --> açısından/yönünden
c) This factory employs womecn as wellas men. for my part --> Bana göre
Two minutes' silence was obscrved prior io the well as--> olduğu gibi/ Gibi
prior to --> -den önce/ evvel
as far as --> olduğu kadar /-e kadar
1. prior to before with regard to --> ile ilgili olarak
2. in relation to hakkında/ ilişkili olarak
as far as l am
as well as
with regard to; from the point of view of
in terms of
unlike; different from aksine/farklı
5.. in contrast to

6. in addition to; besidcs

************ ** * ********* ******* ******* ***" *"** "****

I. Verbs

Exercise 2: Match the underlined words with their synonyms given after each
roup of sentences.
incelenen (adj)
products are carefully inspected before being offered for sale.
.a )a) All
denenen/gayret edilen
b) The football team attempted to win every garne.
talep edilmek/talep görmek
c) demanded my rights.
d) The serviceman installed our new heater today.
ispat edilmiş/edilen
e) The science teacher demonstrated how water could be made to run uphill.
Mary has developed from a plain, shy child into a beautiful, charming
young lady.

1.. installed put in ilave etmek/katmak developed grown

2. inspected examined incelenmiş demonstrated showed
3. attempted tried 6 demanded asked for; claimed
a) He was appointed to a new post in Adana.
b) He was selected to ertelenmiş/ertelenen
represent his school in the competition.
c) The meeting was postponed because of the manager's sudden illness.
aşırı derecede şaşırtılmış
d) We were astounded to hear that he had won.iptal edilmiş
e) The rock concert in the open air theater was cancelled because of the rain.
bölünmüş/ ayrılmış
Rocks can be divided into three main groups according to the way in which
they have been formed: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

1. divided classified 4. cancelled called off iptal etmek

2. postponed put off ertelemek 5. appointed assignedd tahsis edilen/atanmış
3 selected chosena seçilmiş 6. astounded surprised greatly

3. a) The results indicated that the students had madc considerable progress.
b) Madam Curie dcvoted her life to science.
itiraz etmek/ karşı çıkmak
c)Susan objectedlo the plan because it callcd for cach member to contributea
large sum of money.
terk edilmiş
d) They abandoned all hopc of finding the child.
c) Shc's accomplished a great deal in the last few weeks.
W e were astonished at the two-year old's ability to sing.
şaşmış/ şaşkın

devoted dedicatedadanmış accomplished achieved

2. objected to opposed karşıt/aleyhtar . astonished
3. abandoned gave up 6. indicated showed

elde etmek
4. a) Where can we obtainyanıtlamak/karşılık
some information about this topic?
b) The disease failed to respond to the drugs.
c) The cabbages had already started to decay.
izin vermek
d) My mother won't allow me to go out until my cold is better.
varsaymak/farz etmek
e) I asume that we should arrive one hour before the plane takes off.
I recall having met you at last year's party.

1. recall rcmember allow pernit olarak
2. assume 5 respond react favorably
rot; decompose 6 obtain
3.. decay ge

sahip olmak
5. a) Television possesses a unique if superficial magic.
b ) T h e word "encrgy " atfetmek/atıftaabulunmak
refers t a ny kind of power.

katılmak / iştirak etmek

c) The whole farnily attends church.
d) An architect designs buildings.
e) My son participates in many differcnt activities in his school.
gerekmek/ ihtiyaç olmak
f I t requires a lot of time to acquire a skill.

1. concems; relates to 4.. attend goes to

2. design plans 5. require needs

6. participate in takes part in katılmak/yer
3. . possesse has almak
niyet etmek
6. a)Ali intends to start his own business.
-den oluşmak/meydana gelmek
b) The United Kingdom comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. takdir etmek
c)I don't think he fully appreciates the dangers of swimming alone.
d) The amy distributes food and clothing anmong the poor.
iş vermek/ çalıştırmak
eThe company employs people according to their skill.
ürün vermek/sağlamak
A well-designed and carefully administered questionnaire yields reliable

• Raymond Murphy, Grammar in use Intermediate, Cambridge, 2004.

• Raymond Murphy, Essential Grammar in use, Cambridge, 2005.
• Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell- Academic Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge
University Press, 2008.
• Cesur Öztürk- Building Skills for Proficiency, Pelikan Yayınları, 2009.

• James Charles, Hatice Bilgin, Sharpening Academic Skills 2, 2012, Istanbul

Technical University Press.

• Glendinning, E. H., & Glendinning, N. (1995). Oxford English for electrical

and mechanical engineering. Oxford: Oxford University Press

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