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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:

a. understand the basic conepts of tempo;

b. demonstrate slow and fast tempo through dancing; and
c. perform animal movements according to their speed

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Tempo
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, video presentation
References: Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 2 Illagan, Amelia M.,
2013 pp. 137-140, pp. 143-145
Values Intergration: Cooperation and Self- confidence
III. Learning Procedure
Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

A. Preliminaries Activities

a. Prayer
Let us all stand and pray. Please lead In the name of the Father and of the
the prayer _______. Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father who art in heaven...
In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Good morning Teacher Kim. Good

b. Greetings morning Teacher Angelyn. Good
Good morning class! morning classmates, it’s nice to see
c. Checking of Attendance (Pupils will check if their seatmates are
Is everybody present? present)
Check if your seatmates are there.

Very Good! Everybody is present. Let’s

clap our hand for ourselves.

d. Review Yes, Teacher!

Do you still remember our lesson

What is it all about?

Our topic yesterday is all about
dynamics, dynamics is how loud and
soft the music is.

Very good! What is dynamic again?

(The pupils will answer in unison)

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Before we move on to our next topic
, let us dance first. Everybody stand
and follow the movements in the
video. Are you ready?
Yes teacher!

In a video presentation: Learn to dance

fast and slow.
Pupils will imitate the mvements in the

Okay, you may take your seats.

Did you enjoy?
2. Activity Yes teacher!

To start our lesson for this morning,

we will have a game first. Do you want
to play a game?
Yes teacher!
The title of our game is “ Guess me”
I have a powerpoint presentation
consisting of animal pictures. I will
flash the pictures at a time, you will
identify if it is fast or slow. All you
need to do is to say the word “DARNA”
if it is fast and say “DING” if it is slow.
Okay, are we clear?

Okay here we go. Yes teacher.





(The pupils will answer in unison)
3. Analysis
Alright! Please go back to your seats
class. Do you have any idea what is our
lesson today based on what we did

Yes teacher. It is all about fast and

Very good! Now we are going to
discuss another Elements of music
which is Tempo. What is tempo? And
let’s find out.

4. Abstraction
Tempo is the speed of the music.
It can fast.
It can be slow.
Just like what we did earlier, we dance
as slow as a turtle and fast as a rabbit.

What is tempo again?

Tempo is the speed of the music. It can

be fast and slow.
Very well said!

5. Application
I will group you into five groups
according to the animals attached on
your name tag. You are going to
imitate animals’ movement. You will
be graded base on the rubrics
presented. Then choose what tempo
you will use, it’s either fast tempo or
slow tempo. We will give you 3
minutes to practice.

Walking Carabao
Group 1
Hopping Rabbit
Group 2
Running Dog
Group 3
Walking Turtle
Group 4
Running Horse
Group 5

Very good, everyone did well. Let’s

clap our hands for ourselves with slow
and fast tempo.

The pupils will clap their hands with

6. Assessment slow and fast tempo.
Now that you know what is tempo.
Let’s have an activity. This activity is
called “Dance Me”.

I will play a music, you will dance fast if

the music plays fast and dance slow if
the music play slow.
Are you ready?

Yes teacher!

Okay here we go.

Play Music 1 ( fast)

Play Music 2 ( slow)
Play Music 3 ( slow)
Play Music 4 ( fast)
Play Music 5 ( fast)

7. Assignment
The pupils will enjoy dancing.
In your assignment, group yourselves
with 10 members. Make a dance
presentation with fast and slow
tempo. You may use different music
for your presentation. Present it next
That’s all for today, good bye class. See
you next meeting.

Good bye and thankyou teacher!

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