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Article 1 - Academic Registration
At the beginning of every semester, students must show up at the Department of Studies of their relevant
Faculty in order to sign up for the appropriate courses. They must attend all the courses in which they are
registered; otherwise an E grade will be given for the non-attended course.
However, students have the right to withdraw from one course or two at most, or from all of their courses
after being granted a special derogation. In order to do so, they must submit to the Department of Studies a
duly completed and signed “Course withdrawal request form”.

Course withdrawal can be done as follows:

1- Withdrawing before the first session of the course: the withdrawal will be free of charge (tuition and asso-
ciated course fees) and will not be recorded on the transcript. Therefore, a credit note will be sent automati-
cally to the student’s account.
2- Withdrawing after having attended the first and/or second session of the course: the withdrawal will be
granted with the payment of the associated course fees and will not be recorded on the transcript. The
student must inform the Department of Studies of his intent to withdraw within a time period of 5 working
days maximum from the second session of the course. However, the student can replace the course with
another one (Drop/Add) without having to pay the fees of the new course. A credit note will be then sent
automatically to the student’s account.
3- Starting the third session of the course, the course fees should be fully paid. The student shall have up
to one week prior to the final exam date to benefit from the right to withdraw. In this case, the withdrawal
will be fully charged and the grade “W” will be recorded on the transcript.
4- A missed registration for a whole semester will lead to a file closure.
However, in reference to intensive courses given by foreign professors, withdrawal will not be

Article 2 - Marks, Grade Point Average (GPA)

The students’ results are identified by letters. The maximum grade point average is 4.3 and is derived from
literal grades, each corresponding to a numerical value:

Mark/100 Letter Grade Grade Point Value Qualitative Value

[100-90] A+ 4.3
[90-85] A 4.0 Excellent
[85-80] A- 3.7
[80-77] B+ 3.3
[77-73] B 3.0 Very good
[73-70] B- 2.7
[70-65] C+ 2.3
[65-60] C 2.0 Good
[60-57] C- 1.7
[57-54] D+ 1.3
[54-50] D 1.0
< 50 E 0 Fail
I Incomplete
W Withdrawal Code: LCU-RReg-Underg-Eng-0915
AW Academic withdrawal Revision: 1 page 1 of 6
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Campus Aintoura - Kesrouan - P.O.Box: 32 Zouk Mikael, LEBANON - Tel: 961 9 232 183 / 185 - Mob: 961 71 499 538 - Fax: 961 9 233
Campus Hadat - Baabda - Saida Old Road - Mob: 961 70 499 538 -
Article 3 - Passing Conditions
In order to pass the semester, the undergraduate student must maintain a cumulative average of 2.0/4.3
or the equivalent letter grade (C).
If this requirement is not met, the Department of Studies may require the student to validate certain courses
specific to a given session, to retake a course that is passed with a grade of D or D+, or to limit the number
of courses that the student can take by semester. All of these measures will be taken within a time period set
by the university management.
It is noteworthy that the passing grade of all major courses is C (60/100).
If a student obtains the grade E (Fail), he must retake the course under penalty of being expelled from the
program. Only the last grade is taken into consideration when calculating the grade point average.
Any breach of these conditions will lead to an expulsion from the program.
In order to pass a course, the student must accumulate a minimum of 50% of the total grade attributed to indi-
vidual exams (mid-terms and finals).
The student who does not settle his due tuition fees will not have his grades released.

Article 4 - Double Major Diploma

In order to obtain a double major diploma, the student shall have to follow the courses of each chosen major after
having validated the core courses.

Article 5 - Recognition of courses taken at another establishment of higher education

Academic activities that have been successfully completed at other university establishments may receive the
relevant equivalencies in a given program, upon the presentation of an official document (official transcript).
The Department of Studies of the relevant Faculty is the only authority that is entitled to grant (or not to
grant) a transfer of credits (marked with a letter K), and to decide on the number of credits that are relevant
for the academic activities in question.
Students, transferring from other university establishments, having been granted course equivalency and
wishing to leave the LCU before completing their program, will only have the right to request a trascript
for courses pursued at LCU.

Article 6 - Rules for Make-Up Exams

The make-up exam is set by the Department of Studies in order to allow students, who missed an exam
(mid-term or final) or a final project, for some exceptional reasons, to make it up.

I- Conditions:
1- The student must present a valid medical report (certified by the university medical doctor), or a valid
excuse (death, hospitalization, car accident…) along with an official justifying document and submit
a make-up exam request form at the Department of Studies of the relevant Faculty.
2- The request form must be approved by the Director of Studies.
3- The student shall have the right to a make-up exam only after having settled the make-up exam fees
and the due tuition of the semester in progress.
4- The student must pay the make-up exam fees at the Finance Department once he gets the approval
of the Department of Studies. Only in the event of death of a close relative, the student will be exempted
from the make-up exam fees. In case of hospitalization, make-up exam fees will be reduced by half.

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5- In case the student does not take the make-up exam, the grade 0 will be given and the paid fees will not
be refunded.
6- The make-up exam will take place within 15 days after the exam date (mid-term or final); the Depart-
ment of Studies is the sole entity that schedules the relevant dates.
7- The student has the right to take only one make-up exam per subject.
8- Once a prohibition to take the exam, due to non-payment of tuition fees, has been made, no make-up
exam will be allowed.
9- The grade I (Incomplete) is posted until a final grade is achieved.

II- Procedure
1- The student must present a valid excuse and submit the make-up exam request form on the first day of
attending classes following the missed exam at the Department of Studies of the concerned Faculty.
2- The Department of studies may approve or disapprove the request.
3- Any departure of the aforesaid rules will automatically lead to the refusal of the make-up exam.

Article 7 - Rules for Exam and Work Revisions

Exam and work revisions are a right that every student has. Professors should provide students with follow-ups
following written or oral tests.
Since the mid-term exams are usually reviewed in class, this procedure applies only to non-distri buted tests
such as term papers and final exams.

1- The student must submit a written and dated request during the week that follows the release of exam
grades. This request must be duly justified. Any request submitted beyond this deadline will not be
taken into consideration.
2- The request for exam and work revision must be submitted to the Department of Studies.
3- Requests for exam and work revisions are subject to fees that must be paid at the Finance Department
whilst submitting the request.
4- The Department of Studies shall transmit the request to the professor in question, who will study the request
and give its answer back within ten working days from the date the request for revision was submitted.
5- The student can attend the exams and/or academic work review meeting in the presence of his professor
and the dean. In case he is not able to attend, the grade will be reviewed in his absence.
6- Following the revision process, the professor may maintain or modify the grade downwards or upwards.
The final grade is then transmitted to the student in question.

Article 8 - Petition Rules

Students who have inquiries to direct to the University’s Administration, in the form of recommendations,
complaints or new ideas, may do so by filling out the form entitled “Petition”.
This petition form is to be completed and submitted to the Students Affairs Office and will be discussed by
the University Board within the 2 weeks that follow. An official response will be given immediatly afterwards.

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Article 9 - Rules for Providing Attestations
1- The Grade Report: the student has the right to a grade report (official or non official document) after
having paid his tuition fees; otherwise, the grade report will be held at the administration.
2- The Transcript (official document) is issued only once upon the successful completion of all the courses of the
program of study. Certified copies can be delivered upon request, provided that the student settles all his
tuition fees.
3- Attestations of internship, for National Social Security (NSSF), army, etc., will be given to students once
the latter have settled their dues that were accrued until the date of delivery.
4- The student shall not have the right to any attestation if he has not settled the tuition fees for the semester
in progress.
5- The student who wishes to leave the university shall not have the right to any certificate unless he signs a
Dropout form at the Administration Department and settles all his dues.
6- For a better delivery of attestations:
a. The student must fill out and sign - in person - the request for an attestation form.
b. The student must attach the relevant fees along with the request form.
c. Simple attestations will be delivered 3 working days after the date of the request while transcripts will
be delivered after 5 days.
d. The attestation shall be requested and taken from the Administration Department (Accounting Counter).

Article 10 - Courses Evaluation

All courses are evaluated by students in order to enhance the quality of the learning and teaching methods.
Evaluation forms shall be treated with strict confidentiality by the Department of Studies in each Faculty. The
teacher will have access to those evaluations only after handing in the final grades.


Article 11 - Rules of Correspondence with Professors of Partner Universities

Students who wish to communicate with professors or directors of universities in partnership with the Lebanese
Canadian University (LCU), either by email or by any other means of communication, must include the LCU
Administration in CC:
Dr. Rony Abi Nakhlé (;
Dr. Yolande Salem (;
Mrs. Rania Habib (;

Any departure from this article shall expose the student to either a warning or a permanent expulsion from the
program, as the case might be.

Article 12 - General Discipline Regulations

1- Shall be subject to disciplinary measures, any student who neglects his homework, or commits an unethical
behavior, or disrupts the security of the university environment or abuses and misuses the Internet. The disci-
plinary measures that will be taken by the university shall be independent of those taken by courts.

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2- Acts that are subject to sanctions consist of:
a. Committing a penal crime pertaining to the student life.
b. Threatening or disturbing security, the order and the rules on the LCU Campus.
c. Attacking any person present on campus.
d. Rebelling against university rules.

Any departure from the disciplinary or ethical rules or any act of vandalism shall lead to disciplinary measures
that consist in:
• A warning.
• A suspension for a period of one week to one month or a semester.
• A permanent expulsion from the program.
• A permanent expulsion from the university.

Article 13 - Class Discipline Rules

1- Class arrival: The student must arrive to class on time. For a better application of this rule, the professor
will make sure to close the classroom door as soon as the class session begins.
2- Absence: Attending courses is mandatory. Three non-justified absences per course shall lead to the loss of
the grade percentage reserved to attendance and participation. A fifth non-justified absence shall automatically
lead to an academic withdrawal of the course.
3- Attitude in class:
a. Mobile phone use: Students are strictly forbidden to use or display their mobile phones during class
hours. If a mobile phone is used in the classroom, it will be automatically confiscated and taken to the
administration who will take the appropriate measures.
b. Teachers’ computers: Students are strictly forbidden to use the teachers’ computers in the classroom and
to unplug any cable whatsoever.
c. Leaving classes: Students are forbidden to leave the classroom during class hours except for reasons
of utmost importance (sickness, incident…).
d. Any non-disciplinary attitude of a student towards his teacher will lead to a permanent expulsion from the
course in question.
e. Any act of vandalism will yield to a financial penalty for repairing the damage and it shall be set by the
University. If the responsible remains unknown, relevant expenses shall be shared between all class students.
Students must inform the Student Affairs Office of these damages.
f. Students must inform the Student Affairs Office in case of an accident or a sickness in class.
g. It is strictly forbidden to eat and smoke in the classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, on balconies and stairs and
inside the university buildings.

Any breach of disciplinary and ethical regulations will lead to disciplinary measures that consist of:
• A warning.
• An expulsion from the classroom.
• A suspension for a period ranging from one week till one month or one semester.
• A prohibition from taking the exam.
• A permanent expulsion from the program.
• A permanent expulsion from the university.

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Article 14 - Exams Regulations
I- Students
1- Students who have unsettled their overdue tuition fees shall not have the right to take the exams (mid-terms,
finals and make-up exams) or present their final projects. They must first settle their due tuition for the semester
in progress; otherwise, they will not be able to sit for the exam or submit the project.
It is noteworthy that no make-up exam will be allowed once a prohibition to take the exam, due to the non-
payment of tuition fees, has been made.
2- The student must show up 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the exam. Late arrival of more than 15 minutes
after the exam has started shall lead to exam cancellation. Further, no student is allowed into the classroom once
a student had already left the classroom and the exam papers have been handed out.
3- Students are forbidden to leave the classroom before 45 minutes from the beginning of the exam.
4- In case a student shows up late for an exam, he will not benefit from an additional time.
5- Students must respect their assigned classrooms and seats.
6- Any student who attempt to cheat will have his exam paper automatically confiscated and given the grade 0.
7- The student who is placed out of the exam room by a supervisor has no right to go back in.
8- During an exam, it is strictly forbidden:
• To exchange objects and documents.
• To use or even display a mobile phone or another electronic material.
• To leave class before handing in the exam paper.
• To communicate by means of words or gesture.

Any type of communication will lead to a warning followed by the confiscation of the concerned students’ exam

II- Supervisors
1- Supervisors shall be responsible for applying the disciplinary rules and the Director of Studies shall have the
last word concerning conflict management.
2- Supervisors have full authority to:
• Change a student’s seat during an exam.
• Confiscate the exam paper when a student does not abide by the disciplinary rules.
• Manage the exam duration.

Article 15 - The Commencement Ceremony

The commencement ceremony is held once per academic year. All participating students will have their names
and pictures appear in the ceremony yearbook.

Article 16 - Students Health Service

A medical clinic is put at the service of students and a medical specialist shall provide them with assistance in
case of emergency or discomfort.

LCU reserves the right to modify its programs and curricula without prior notice.
In the present document, masculine is used with no intention of discrimination. It was solely used to simplify the text.

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