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Instructions to the examinee:-

1. Word Limit for answers:
VSA- One word/ sentence. SA- One or two sentences. LA-Three to four sentences

V.S.A. (10*1=10)

I. Observe the picture and choose the correct options.

1. What do you observe in the picture ? The ladies are -

A) Attending a function B) Fetching water C) Organizing village fair D) Playing game
2. Which water container are they carrying on their head?
A) Bucket B) Pond C) Pot D) basket
3. Which type of water resource is shown in the picture?
A) Natural B) Artificial C) Ground Water D)None of these
4. Which type of area is depicted in this picture?
A) Plain B) Hill C) Desert D) Mountain
5 What type of water source do you observe in the picture above?Choose the best suitable answer-
A) Pond B) Sea C) Well D) River
II. Observe the picture given below carefully and choose the correct options.

1. Who has written this post card?

A) Malviya B) Reena C) Ahmad Ali D) Agartala

2. To whom is it written?
A) Ahmed Ali B) Reena C) Agartala D) Malviya

3. Once the post man reaches Block-C, what will he be looking for?
A) New Delhi B) House No. 15 C) Malviya Nagar D)Ahmed Ali

4. What is the cost of this postcard?

A) 15 Paisa B) 50 Paisa C) 107 Paisa D)101 Paisa

5. What could be the possible relation between the sender and the receiver of the postcard?
A) Brother – sister B) Friends C) Mother – son D) Teacher- student

1. Name two grass eating animals.

2. Name two leaves which have medicinal values.

3. Name the things used by potter to make pots._______________________________

4. Who brings letter to your address?

5. Write the names of two games which are played in open ground.

1. Write all parts of your house.
2. How can we reuse water? Give two examples.


3. How does a person become member of his family?


1. Write the differences between a Kutcha house and a Pucca house.





Answer in one sentence.

1 Why do we need water?

2 Why do we wear clothes?

3 Who invented Braille Script ?

4 Why should we play games?

5 Why should we water plants?__________________________________

S.A. (3*2=6)
1 . Why should we eat healthy food?



2. Write two basic directions and four main directions.


3. Why are animals known as our friends?

1.Why we should not waste water ?


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