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Many countries now face an economic downturn, so it is better for each country to
focus on its own problems rather than helping other countries. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Use scholarly support to back up your

The statement that each country should focus on its own problems rather than helping
other countries during an economic downturn is a controversial issue. While some argue
that a country's priority should be its own people, others believe that global cooperation
and assistance can benefit all nations. In this essay, I will argue that it is important for
countries to help each other during an economic downturn.

Firstly, the global economy is interconnected, and economic downturns in one country
can quickly spread to others. Therefore, it is in the interest of every country to work
together to stabilize the global economy. For example, during the 2008 financial crisis,
countries worked together to implement coordinated policies, such as increased
government spending and monetary stimulus, to prevent a global economic collapse. This
global coordination helped to mitigate the effects of the crisis and contributed to the
eventual recovery.

- The OECD is a special forum where the governments of 30 democracies

collaborate to address the economic, social, and environmental challenges of
- Coordination of government actions can help address these risks, can produce a
more effective, longer-lasting solution and can also result in positive spill-over

Secondly, economic downturns can have a particularly severe impact on vulnerable

populations, such as those living in poverty or experiencing food insecurity. Providing
assistance to these populations can have a positive impact on their well-being and help to
prevent further economic decline. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many
countries provided financial assistance to businesses and individuals, which helped to
prevent widespread unemployment and poverty.

- In Russia, the government has put policies in place, such as low-interest rate
student loans, an increase in state scholarships, a freeze of tuition fees and free
student accommodation, to help enhance access to education.
- In October 2008, Australia announced measures to help small businesses through
the global financial crisis.
- Australia made announcements in October 2008 about how it would support small
businesses during the financial crisis. Along with a 10% investment allowance for
businesses, the Australian government also implemented a Small Business and
General Business Tax Break in its Nation Building and Jobs Plan.

Finally, providing assistance to other countries can also have long-term economic
benefits. For example, providing aid to developing countries can help to build their
economies, creating new markets for goods and services and increasing global trade. This
can lead to increased economic growth and stability for all countries.

- In 2008, official development assistance to Afghanistan increased significantly by

25 per cent, mainly from the United States and Japan. In addition to supporting the
reconstruction of Afghanistan, the United States and Japan both hope to exert their
influence in Afghanistan, because they know that Afghanistan has always been the
center of the United States war and has large oil reserves.

In conclusion, while it is important for countries to address their own economic

problems, it is equally important to work together to stabilize the global economy and
provide assistance to vulnerable populations. Through global cooperation and assistance,
countries can not only mitigate the effects of economic downturns but also create long-
term economic benefits for all nations.
There are several reasons why it is beneficial for countries to help each other during
economic downturns. Below are some arguments supported by scholarly sources:

1. Stimulating global demand: When countries help each other during economic
downturns, it can stimulate global demand and help to prevent a global recession.
According to a study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), coordinated fiscal
stimulus across countries can have a significant impact on global output (IMF,
2. Reducing trade imbalances: When countries help each other during economic
downturns, it can also help to reduce trade imbalances between countries. As
argued by Chinn and Frieden (2011), countries with large trade surpluses have a
responsibility to use their surplus to support other countries during economic
3. Promoting international cooperation: Providing assistance to other countries
during economic downturns can also promote international cooperation and
strengthen relationships between countries. As argued by Berg and Sachs (2010),
countries that cooperate during economic crises are more likely to be able to work
together on other global challenges, such as climate change and poverty reduction.
4. Reducing the risk of financial contagion: When countries provide assistance to
other countries during economic downturns, it can help to reduce the risk of
financial contagion. As argued by Obstfeld (2009), coordinated policy responses
can help to prevent financial crises from spreading across borders.
5. Improving global economic stability: Providing assistance to other countries
during economic downturns can also contribute to global economic stability. As
argued by Rodrik (2008), stable and predictable economic policies across
countries can help to prevent global economic instability.
Nunn, N., & Qian, N. (2014). US Food Aid and Civil Conflict. The American Economic Review,

104(6), 1630–1666.

International Monetary Fund. (2009). World Economic Outlook: Crisis and Recovery.

Obstfeld, M. (2009). International finance and growth in developing countries: What

have we learned? Peterson Institute.

Rodrik, D. (2008). The real exchange rate and economic growth. Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity, 2008(2), 365-412.

Henning, C. R., & Walter, A. (2016). Global Financial Governance Confronts the Rising

Powers: Emerging Perspectives on the New G20. McGill-Queen’s Press - MQUP.

2. Some people believe that developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
will have a negative impact on EFL learning and teaching activities in the near
future. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the given statement? Use
scholarly support to back up your points.

- An important way in which AI has been applied in improving students’ learning is

the customization and personalization of curriculum and content in line with the
learner’s needs, abilities, and capabilities (Mikropoulos 2011)
- For example, Pokrivcakova observed that AI has enabled the development and use
of intelligent learning systems and adaptive content customized for each student’s
learning needs and capabilities, such as intelligent virtual reality and the use of the
same in simulation teaching and learning, which has been shown to have a positive
impact on learning [14] (p.143)
- AI provides students with practical or experiential learning experiences,
particularly when used together with other technologies, such as virtual reality, 3-
D, gaming, and simulation, thereby improving the student’s learning experiences.
- AI has made the performance of administrative tasks easier and improve teacher or
instructor efficiency and effectiveness in providing instructions and guidance to
students. Intelligent tutoring systems provide a wide range of functionalities that
enable instructors to perform different administrative tasks, including grading and
providing feedback [12].
- Teachers or instructors using AI or leveraging AI are able to achieve greater
efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of different tasks, including
completion of administrative tasks, such as reviewing, grading, and providing
feedback to students on submitted assignments. In addition, working with AI or
the different forms of AI, such as web-based and online intelligent systems,
cobots, and chatbots, teachers are able to achieve improvements in instructional
- Crowe et al. in their study, observed that AI may encourage dishonesty and
jeopardize academic integrity because it may facilitate or enable students to use
paper mills and paper churning sites or platforms [24].

3) Many people say that Chat GPT (a new online app) should be used by students so as to
replace teacher’s lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the given
statement? Use scholarly support to back up your points.

- Teachers can establish relationships with their students and learn about their particular
requirements, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. (Kim 2020, Attard & Holmes
2020, Alam 2022).

- Opportunities for experiential and hands-on learning are the best way for children to

- It is in the best position of those who teach to provide these possibilities, and they can
do so with hands-on projects, laboratory experiments, or field trips learning.

4) In the modern world, it is possible to shop, work and communicate with

people via the internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a
positive or negative development in your opinion? Use scholarly support to back up
your points.

- The ability of consumers to obtain the same quality products at a lower price thanks to
the cost savings on rent, store installation, and decoration—which are typically borne by
the owners of retail stores and are passed on to the customers—has further been
associated with low cost and savings.

- Classroom engagement, communication skills, and self-confidence can also improve in

an online learning environment; additionally, the learning environment may be
convenient for instructors and students.
- Online learning can also benefit from the use of real learning resources, such as videos,
television clips, and other useful multimedia from websites such as YouTube, Wikimedia,
Wikipedia, and Spotify. (Pazilah et al., 2019).

- An organization by the name of Telework approximates employees that work from home save
an estimated 15 days of time, which would have been spent such as driving, buses, subways,

- It has been conducive to the increasing population’s commute and accommodation, primarily in
the workplaces.

- Working from home permits you to save precious time fighting the traffic to get to work, you
save time, you save on gas and mileage, on clothing, accessories, grooming and etc.

- The annual savings to the employee from telework ranges from $1,600 to $6,800.

- Far more frequently than we anticipated, employees leave the company at a rate that is half that
of the office. Moreover, as expected, at-home employees expressed a lot greater job satisfaction.

Convenience: One of the primary benefits of using the internet for shopping, working, and
communication is convenience. Online shopping allows customers to buy products from the
comfort of their homes, without the need to visit physical stores. Similarly, online
communication tools such as video conferencing and instant messaging make it easy to
communicate with others from anywhere in the world. Research by Lee et al. (2017) found that
convenience is the primary driver of online shopping behavior.

Access to a wider range of products and services: The internet provides access to a vast range of
products and services that may not be available in physical stores or within local communities.
This benefit is particularly significant for individuals living in remote areas. For instance, a study
by Fernandes et al. (2020) found that online shopping provided rural consumers with access to a
wider range of products and services.

Cost savings: Online shopping can be more cost-effective compared to shopping in physical
stores. This is because online retailers often offer discounts and promotions to attract customers.
Moreover, online shopping eliminates the need for transportation costs, parking fees, and other
expenses associated with physical shopping. Research by Nambisan (2017) found that online
shopping platforms provide customers with cost savings opportunities.

Flexibility: The internet offers users flexibility in terms of working hours and location.
Individuals can work from home or other remote locations, which provides them with greater
control over their schedules. Similarly, online communication tools make it possible to
communicate with others at any time, from anywhere in the world. Research by Wang and Jin
(2017) found that online work offers greater flexibility and autonomy compared to traditional
office work.

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