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Bài 1:

The figures provide the number of three bird types at Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary
from 2001 to 2014.
Overall, positive increases were observed with the last year witnessing
simultaneous peaks in the number of three bird types. Also, Kingfisher and
Flamingo were always the most and the least popular at the location, respectively.
Regarding the Kingfisher birds’ chart, from 2001 to 2003, about only 0.1 to 0.2
thousand individuals were tracked at the location. However, a possible supportive
effort had resulted in a 10-fold increase in the number of Kingfisher birds from
2005 to 2014, peaking at more than four thousand in 2014.
About the Black Beak Pelican birds’ figure, the number rose exponentially from
only 1.5 thousand in 2001 to a summit of 6.5 million in 2005 before plunging
slightly to six thousand in 2008. Nevertheless, the plummet was shortcoming as a
re-peak at 6.5 million was recorded in 2014.
Observing Flamingo birds’ illustration, the pattern from 2001 to 2005 is similar to
that of Black Beak Pelican’s. After rising to more than eight thousand in 2005 and
2008, the number of this type of bird experienced another skyrocketing surge to hit
its new peak of 12 thousand in 2014.

Bài 2:
(18th July) Some people focus on news in their country, while others think it is
more important to be aware of international news. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.

While focusing on national news is the priority of some individuals, others

consider international news to be of greater value. Personally, although both
perspectives reflect a degree of relevancy, I endorse the idea that readers should
consume both domestic and international news, as concentrating solely on a type
often results in a polarized perception of life.
On the one hand, some people prioritize reading news in their country because it
holds more relevance to their life. In detail, national news is often
straightforwardly related to the life of people living in the country, including
essential topics of finance, crimes, or politics. By consuming such news coverage,
readers can understand changes that can immediately affect their future, helping
them to make accurate decisions. Consequently, with the nature of fitting the
demand of many people, national news becomes exceptionally popular to them.
On the other hand, international news, being broader in coverage, can give some
readers more information to further analyze issues that have immediate effects on
their lives. In fact, globalization has turned the world into a chaotic place with
instant and robust changes happening every now and then. Thus, any problem from
a distant country can immediately impact another. According to this
acknowledgment, some citizens are extremely aware of global changes via news to
analyze in-depth causes of different societal problems or crucial modifications.
To conclude, despite controversial opinions on determining the type of news that
grants the best benefits, in my opinion, the broader the spectrum of news that is
read, the better understanding of the world that readers can enjoy. As national news
gives an instant understanding, international news adds further details to analyze
vital problems and changes accurately.

Bài 3:
The given illustration provides information related to different portions of energy-
generating sources in two years of 1995 and 2005.
Regarding the 1995 graph, Coal, Gas, and Petro were essential production sources,
generating 29.80%, 29.63%, and 29.27% of the total energy, respectively.
Nevertheless, other non-mentioned sources in a combination created approximately
5% of the total energy production, playing the role of the least essential
contributor. Having the same diminutive impact, only 6.4% of the total energy
production originated from nuclear power.
About the 2005 chart, Coal increased the overall contribution to comprise almost
the largest portion of 31% of the total energy production. Despite surging 2-fold,
the combination of non-mentioned energy sources was still the most diminutive
portion of just under 10%. Petrol had become increasingly less important to the
overall energy production with the sharpest fall in contribution. Other and Nuclear,
nonetheless, escalated the contribution percentage, scoring the most enormous

Bài 4:
Modern communications mean that it’s no longer necessary to write letters.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people are of the opinion that writing letters has become an unnecessary
practice in the era of modern communication. Personally, I partly disagree with the
statement as, despite the effectiveness of other communicating methods, letters can
show how emotionally engaged the writers are.
Regarding their necessity, letters have long been replaced by other optimal options
due to the extended period of writing, sending, and receiving. In the modern age of
technology, information needs to be transferred in a dynamic fashion, which has
transformed the way people work and live. As letters demand writers’ high
commitment level, a lot of back and forth are taken in the writing process,
escalating the delay that has already extended due to delivery time. Compared with
the Internet that helps deliver information instantly, writing letters, from a view of
efficiency, is inferior.
Nevertheless, there is something that is irreplaceable about writing letters,
including the ability to convey emotional respect to the receivers. In fact, due to
the unfixable nature of letters, every written word contains an enormous amount of
carefulness, thoughtfulness, and time. Combined with the extended delivery
process, writers and receivers’ respect towards the letters are insurmountable,
helping information to be conveyed and inspirational. Consequently, letters are the
utmost effective option to show admiration and respect towards the ones who
receive them.
To conclude, despite the waning prevalence of letters due to the dominance of
modern communication methods, I still support the hypothesis that letters are not
going to die out completely. The way that letters emotionally attach both senders
and receivers is unique and can not be replaced.

Bài 5:
The table provides information related to the percentage of children having various
issues in two schools in 2005 and 2015.
Overall, school B maintained a lower percentage of struggled students compared to
school A’s. However, school A was witnessed with dramatic improvements in
about 70% of all tracked skills.
About the 2005’s section, about one-third of school A’s students struggled with
Listening, Expressing ideas verbally, Concentrating; however, these issues only
troubled about one-ninth of school B’s students. Besides, the percentages of
students having problems with Reading, Handwriting, and Spelling in schools A
and B were 22% to 30% and 5% to 8%, respectively. Also, Following Instructions
was a problem of 42% and 6% of students from school A and B, respectively.
Observing the table in 2015, in school B, the percentages of students struggling
with Spelling and Following instructions increased 2-fold, while the rest
experienced stabilization. Besides, school A had probably undergone
improvements in teaching quality. Except for Reading and Handwriting, the
remaining skills had the percentages of struggled students dropping to about one-

Bài 6:
People are having more and more sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons?
What are the solutions to make people drink less.

Consuming sugary beverages has become more common. Personally, I suggest that
the reason is that it helps with energy in a demanding lifestyle in the modern
world. However, tremendous effort in promoting healthier drinks, yet impacting
positively on the energy level, is a potential solution to halt the dependence.
About the root of the problem, drinks with high sugar content help workers or
modern individuals get through a day that is more taxing on health. Currently,
working extra hours and having to sustain a tremendous workload are universal,
which takes away the time of people from preparing meals and troubles workers
with mental exhaustion. As a result, workers need to consume sugar-based drinks
to compensate for traditional meals while also having their mental stumps
recovered temporarily. Combined with the affordable price, sugary beverages have
been consuming exponentially.
Nevertheless, solutions are available as healthier drinks with sugar’s removal
should be promoted widely to consumers by governmental support. In fact, a wave
of new beverage generation that focuses more on enhancing energy without adding
more sugar has started to take shape in many regions. By effectively adding
specific vitamins and caffeinating the beverages with artificial sugar, the purpose
of boosting energy and satisfying thirst is still reserved. However, governments
should pay more attention to help this type of drink receive its spotlight as
conventional producers of sugary drinks still possess a drastic monopoly on the
To conclude, although many modern people have used sugar-contained drinks,
their potential toll on health has led to the need for alternative solutions. By
promoting drinks that contain no sugar, governments can help to alter the current
habit, thus promoting a much more effective way to handle thirst without having to
compromise health’s damages.

Bài 7:
(27th June) Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic
qualifications are more important than life experience or personal qualities
when they look for new employees. Why is it the case? Do you agree/disagree
with this view?

Currently, official academic certificates hold more value to some employers than
practical knowledge or personal qualities in the recruiting process. Personally, with
those employers, the affirmation from formal training more likely results in better
employees. However, I oppose the perspective, as a superior employee requires a
combination of academic performance, practical experiences, and moral qualities.
Considering the reason, as employee recruitment has become more packed with
candidates, employers prefer a quicker approach of relying on qualities that are
easier to confirm, such as academic qualifications. Generally, employers use
criteria to find individuals that hold the best potential to perform exceptionally in
the future. Among different factors, academic performances are the easiest to track,
and employers can quickly determine how much related the candidates are to the
working scope by judging the major. On the other hand, practical skills and other
qualities need more time to assess, making employers hesitant to rely.
Despite the mentioned explanation, judging an individual solely on academic
qualifications is not an optimal approach. In detail, as academic performances can
help with the ability to achieve the task, they can not guarantee sufficient stamina
and a responsibility level, which are required to engage committedly in working.
Consequently, ignoring practical experiences and personal qualities limit the
chance of recruiting individuals that are competent to run their jobs at the best
level. Thus, I against the view that considers academic qualifications as the sole
factor in the recruiting process.
To conclude, despite controversial opinions on choosing appropriate factors to
assess interviewed participants, a whole spectrum of personal qualities, academic
achievements, and life experiences need to be taken into account to find ones that
can do best for companies.

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