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§ 1910.180 29 CFR Ch.

XVII (7–1–01 Edition)

(ii) Before starting to hoist the fol- ate properly, the appointed person
lowing conditions shall be noted: shall be immediately notified.
(a) Hoist rope shall not be kinked. (ii) The hoist limit switch which con-
(b) Multiple part lines shall not be trols the upper limit of travel of the
twisted around each other. load block shall never be used as an op-
(c) The hook shall be brought over erating control.
the load in such a manner as to prevent (o) Other requirements, general—(1)
swinging. Ladders. (i) The employer shall insure
(iii) During hoisting care shall be that hands are free from encumbrances
taken that: while personnel are using ladders.
(a) There is no sudden acceleration or (ii) Articles which are too large to be
deceleration of the moving load. carried in pockets or belts shall be lift-
(b) The load does not contact any ob- ed and lowered by hand line.
structions. (2) Cabs. (i) Necessary clothing and
(iv) Cranes shall not be used for side personal belongings shall be stored in
pulls except when specifically author- such a manner as not to interfere with
ized by a responsible person who has access or operation.
determined that the stability of the (ii) Tools, oil cans, waste, extra fuses,
crane is not thereby endangered and and other necessary articles shall be
that various parts of the crane will not stored in the tool box, and shall not be
be overstressed. permitted to lie loose in or about the
(v) While any employee is on the load cab.
or hook, there shall be no hoisting, (3) Fire extinguishers. The employer
lowering, or traveling. shall insure that operators are familiar
(vi) The employer shall require that with the operation and care of fire ex-
the operator avoid carrying loads over tinguishers provided.
people. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 40
(vii) The operator shall test the FR 27400, June 27, 1975; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10,
brakes each time a load approaching 1984; 51 FR 34560, Sept. 29, 1986; 55 FR 32015,
the rated load is handled. The brakes Aug. 6, 1990; 61 FR 9239, Mar. 7, 1996]
shall be tested by raising the load a few
inches and applying the brakes. § 1910.180 Crawler locomotive and
(viii) The load shall not be lowered truck cranes.
below the point where less than two (a) Definitions applicable to this sec-
full wraps of rope remain on the hoist- tion. (1) A crawler crane consists of a ro-
ing drum. tating superstructure with power
(ix) When two or more cranes are plant, operating machinery, and boom,
used to lift a load one qualified respon- mounted on a base, equipped with
sible person shall be in charge of the crawler treads for travel. Its function
operation. He shall analyze the oper- is to hoist and swing loads at various
ation and instruct all personnel in- radii.
volved in the proper positioning, rig- (2) A locomotive crane consists of a ro-
ging of the load, and the movements to tating superstructure with power-
be made. plant, operating machinery and boom,
(x) The employer shall insure that mounted on a base or car equipped for
the operator does not leave his position travel on railroad track. It may be self-
at the controls while the load is sus- propelled or propelled by an outside
pended. source. Its function is to hoist and
(xi) When starting the bridge and swing loads at various radii.
when the load or hook approaches near (3) A truck crane consists of a rotat-
or over personnel, the warning signal ing superstructure with powerplant,
shall be sounded. operating machinery and boom, mount-
(4) Hoist limit switch. (i) At the begin- ed on an automotive truck equipped
ning of each operator’s shift, the upper with a powerplant for travel. Its func-
limit switch of each hoist shall be tried tion is to hoist and swing loads at var-
out under no load. Extreme care shall ious radii.
be exercised; the block shall be (4) A wheel mounted crane (wagon
‘‘inched’’ into the limit or run in at crane) consists of a rotating super-
slow speed. If the switch does not oper- structure with powerplant, operating


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.180

machinery and boom, mounted on a (16) The boom stop is a device used to
base or platform equipped with axles limit the angle of the boom at the
and rubber-tired wheels for travel. The highest position.
base is usually propelled by the engine (17) A brake is a device used for re-
in the superstructure, but it may be tarding or stopping motion by friction
equipped with a separate engine con- or power means.
trolled from the superstructure. Its (18) A cab is a housing which covers
function is to hoist and swing loads at the rotating superstructure machinery
various radii. and/or operator’s station. On truck-
(5) An accessory is a secondary part or crane trucks a separate cab covers the
assembly of parts which contributes to driver’s station.
the overall function and usefulness of a (19) The clutch is a friction, electro-
machine. magnetic, hydraulic, pneumatic, or
(6) Appointed means assigned specific positive mechanical device for engage-
responsibilities by the employer or the ment or disengagement of power.
employer’s representative. (20) The counterweight is a weight
(7) ANSI means the American Na- used to supplement the weight of the
tional Standards Institute. machine in providing stability for lift-
(8) An angle indicator (boom) is an ac- ing working loads.
cessory which measures the angle of (21) Designated means selected or as-
the boom to the horizontal. signed by the employer or the employ-
(9) The axis of rotation is the vertical er’s representative as being qualified to
axis around which the crane super- perform specific duties.
structure rotates.
(22) The drum is the cylindrical mem-
(10) Axle means the shaft or spindle
bers around which ropes are wound for
with which or about which a wheel ro-
raising and lowering the load or boom.
tates. On truck- and wheel-mounted
(23) Dynamic (loading) means loads
cranes it refers to an automotive type
introduced into the machine or its
of axle assembly including housings,
components by forces in motion.
gearing, differential, bearings, and
mounting appurtenances. (24) The gantry (A-frame) is a struc-
(11) Axle (bogie) means two or more tural frame, extending above the super-
automotive-type axles mounted in tan- structure, to which the boom support
dem in a frame so as to divide the load ropes are reeved.
between the axles and permit vertical (25) A jib is an extension attached to
oscillation of the wheels. the boom point to provide added boom
(12) The base (mounting) is the trav- length for lifting specified loads. The
eling base or carrier on which the ro- jib may be in line with the boom or off-
tating superstructure is mounted such set to various angles.
as a car, truck, crawlers, or wheel plat- (26) Load (working) means the exter-
form. nal load, in pounds, applied to the
(13) The boom (crane) is a member crane, including the weight of load-at-
hinged to the front of the rotating su- taching equipment such as load blocks,
perstructure with the outer end sup- shackles, and slings.
ported by ropes leading to a gantry or (27) Load block (upper) means the as-
A-frame and used for supporting the sembly of hook or shackle, swivel,
hoisting tackle. sheaves, pins, and frame suspended
(14) The boom angle is the angle be- from the boom point.
tween the longitudinal centerline of (28) Load block (lower) means the as-
the boom and the horizontal. The boom sembly of hook or shackle, swivel,
longitudinal centerline is a straight sheaves, pins, and frame suspended by
line between the boom foot pin (heel the hoisting ropes.
pin) centerline and boom point sheave (29) A load hoist is a hoist drum and
pin centerline. rope reeving system used for hoisting
(15) The boom hoist is a hoist drum and lowering loads.
and rope reeving system used to raise (30) Load ratings are crane ratings in
and lower the boom. The rope system pounds established by the manufac-
may be all live reeving or a combina- turer in accordance with paragraph (c)
tion of live reeving and pendants. of this section.


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§ 1910.180 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–01 Edition)

(31) Outriggers are extendable or fixed load capacity and higher speed than
metal arms, attached to the mounting provided by the main hoist.
base, which rest on supports at the (48) A winch head is a power driven
outer ends. spool for handling of loads by means of
(32) Rail clamp means a tong-like friction between fiber or wire rope and
metal device, mounted on a locomotive spool.
crane car, which can be connected to (b) General requirements—(1) Applica-
the track. tion. This section applies to crawler
(33) Reeving means a rope system in cranes, locomotive cranes, wheel
which the rope travels around drums mounted cranes of both truck and self-
and sheaves. propelled wheel type, and any vari-
(34) Rope refers to a wire rope unless ations thereof which retain the same
otherwise specified. fundamental characteristics. This sec-
(35) Side loading means a load applied tion includes only cranes of the above
at an angle to the vertical plane of the types, which are basically powered by
boom. internal combustion engines or electric
(36) A standby crane is a crane which motors and which utilize drums and
is not in regular service but which is ropes. Cranes designed for railway and
used occasionally or intermittently as automobile wreck clearances are ex-
required. cepted. The requirements of this sec-
(37) A standing (guy) rope is a sup- tion are applicable only to machines
porting rope which maintains a con- when used as lifting cranes.
stant distance between the points of (2) New and existing equipment. All
attachment to the two components new crawler, locomotive, and truck
connected by the rope. cranes constructed and utilized on or
(38) Structural competence means the after August 31, 1971, shall meet the de-
ability of the machine and its compo- sign specifications of the American Na-
nents to withstand the stresses im- tional Standard Safety Code for Crawl-
posed by applied loads. er, Locomotive, and Truck Cranes,
(39) Superstructure means the rotating ANSI B30.5–1968, which is incorporated
upper frame structure of the machine by reference as specified in § 1910.6.
and the operating machinery mounted Crawler, locomotive, and truck cranes
thereon. constructed prior to August 31, 1971,
(40) Swing means the rotation of the should be modified to conform to those
superstructure for movement of loads design specifications by February 15,
in a horizontal direction about the axis 1972, unless it can be shown that the
of rotation. crane cannot feasibly or economically
(41) Swing mechanism means the ma- be altered and that the crane substan-
chinery involved in providing rotation tially complies with the requirements
of the superstructure. of this section.
(42) Tackle is an assembly of ropes (3) Designated personnel. Only des-
and sheaves arranged for hoisting and ignated personnel shall be permitted to
pulling. operate a crane covered by this section.
(43) Transit means the moving or (c) Load ratings—(1) Load ratings—
transporting of a crane from one job- where stability governs lifting perform-
site to another. ance. (i) The margin of stability for de-
(44) Travel means the function of the termination of load ratings, with
machine moving from one location to booms of stipulated lengths at stipu-
another, on a jobsite. lated working radii for the various
(45) The travel mechanism is the ma- types of crane mountings, is estab-
chinery involved in providing travel. lished by taking a percentage of the
(46) Wheelbase means the distance be- loads which will produce a condition of
tween centers of front and rear axles. tipping or balance with the boom in
For a multiple axle assembly the axle the least stable direction, relative to
center for wheelbase measurement is the mounting. The load ratings shall
taken as the midpoint of the assembly. not exceed the following percentages
(47) The whipline (auxiliary hoist) is a for cranes, with the indicated types of
separate hoist rope system of lighter mounting under conditions stipulated


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.180

in paragraphs (c)(1) (ii) and (iii) of this competent operation. All of these shall
section. be taken into account by the user.
(2) Load rating chart. A substantial
load rat- and durable rating chart with clearly
Type of crane mounting ings (per- legible letters and figures shall be pro-
cent of tip-
ping loads) vided with each crane and securely
fixed to the crane cab in a location eas-
Locomotive, without outriggers: ily visible to the operator while seated
Booms 60 feet or less .................................. 1 85

Booms over 60 feet ...................................... 1 85 at his control station.

Locomotive, using outriggers fully extended ....... 80 (d) Inspection classification—(1) Initial
Crawler, without outriggers .................................. 75 inspection. Prior to initial use all new
Crawler, using outriggers fully extended ............. 85
Truck and wheel mounted without outriggers or and altered cranes shall be inspected to
using outriggers fully extended ........................ 85 insure compliance with provisions of
1 Unless this results in less than 30,000 pound-feet net sta- this section.
bilizing moment about the rail, which shall be minimum with (2) Regular inspection. Inspection pro-
such booms.
cedure for cranes in regular service is
(ii) The following stipulations shall divided into two general classifications
govern the application of the values in based upon the intervals at which in-
paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section for lo- spection should be performed. The in-
comotive cranes: tervals in turn are dependent upon the
(a) Tipping with or without the use of nature of the critical components of
outriggers occurs when half of the the crane and the degree of their expo-
wheels farthest from the load leave the sure to wear, deterioration, or mal-
rail. function. The two general classifica-
(b) The crane shall be standing on tions are herein designated as ‘‘fre-
track which is level within 1 percent quent’’ and ‘‘periodic’’, with respective
grade. intervals between inspections as de-
(c) Radius of the load is the hori- fined below:
zontal distance from a projection of the (i) Frequent inspection: Daily to
axis of rotation to the rail support sur- monthly intervals.
face, before loading, to the center of (ii) Periodic inspection: 1- to 12-
vertical hoist line or tackle with load month intervals, or as specifically rec-
applied. ommended by the manufacturer.
(d) Tipping loads from which ratings (3) Frequent inspection. Items such as
are determined shall be applied under the following shall be inspected for de-
static conditions only, i.e., without dy- fects at intervals as defined in para-
namic effect of hoisting, lowering, or graph (d)(2)(i) of this section or as spe-
swinging. cifically indicated including observa-
(e) The weight of all auxiliary han- tion during operation for any defects
dling devices such as hoist blocks, which might appear between regular
hooks, and slings shall be considered a inspections. Any deficiencies such as
part of the load rating. listed shall be carefully examined and
(iii) Stipulations governing the appli- determination made as to whether they
cation of the values in paragraph constitute a safety hazard:
(c)(1)(i) of this section for crawler, (i) All control mechanisms for mal-
truck, and wheel-mounted cranes shall adjustment interfering with proper op-
be in accordance with Crane Load-Sta- eration: Daily.
bility Test Code, Society of Auto- (ii) All control mechanisms for exces-
motive Engineers (SAE) J765, which is sive wear of components and contami-
incorporated by reference as specified nation by lubricants or other foreign
in § 1910.6. matter.
(iv) The effectiveness of these pre- (iii) All safety devices for malfunc-
ceding stability factors will be influ- tion.
enced by such additional factors as (iv) Deterioration or leakage in air or
freely suspended loads, track, wind, or hydraulic systems: Daily.
ground conditions, condition and infla- (v) Crane hooks with deformations or
tion of rubber tires, boom lengths, cracks. For hooks with cracks or hav-
proper operating speeds for existing ing more than 15 percent in excess of
conditions, and, in general, careful and normal throat opening or more than 10°


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§ 1910.180 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–01 Edition)

twist from the plane of the unbent (4) of this section and paragraph
hook. (g)(2)(ii) of this section before placing
(vi) Rope reeving for noncompliance in service.
with manufacturer’s recommendations. (iii) Standby cranes shall be in-
(vii) Electrical apparatus for mal- spected at least semiannually in ac-
functioning, signs of excessive deterio- cordance with requirements of para-
ration, dirt, and moisture accumula- graph (d)(3) of this section and para-
tion. graph (g)(2)(ii) of this section. Such
(4) Periodic inspection. Complete in- cranes which are exposed to adverse en-
spections of the crane shall be per- vironment should be inspected more
formed at intervals as generally de- frequently.
fined in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this sec- (6) Inspection records. Certification
tion depending upon its activity, sever- records which include the date of in-
ity of service, and environment, or as spection, the signature of the person
specifically indicated below. These in- who performed the inspection and the
spections shall include the require- serial number, or other identifier, of
ments of paragraph (d)(3) of this sec- the crane which was inspected shall be
tion and in addition, items such as the made monthly on critical items in use
following. Any deficiencies such as list- such as brakes, crane hooks, and ropes.
ed shall be carefully examined and de- This certification record shall be kept
termination made as to whether they readily available.
constitute a safety hazard: (e) Testing—(1) Operational tests. (i) In
(i) Deformed, cracked, or corroded addition to prototype tests and qual-
members in the crane structure and ity-control measures, each new produc-
boom. tion crane shall be tested by the manu-
(ii) Loose bolts or rivets. facturer to the extent necessary to in-
(iii) Cracked or worn sheaves and sure compliance with the operational
drums. requirements of this paragraph includ-
(iv) Worn, cracked, or distorted parts ing functions such as the following:
such as pins, bearings, shafts, gears, (a) Load hoisting and lowering mech-
rollers and locking devices. anisms.
(v) Excessive wear on brake and (b) Boom hoisting and lower mecha-
clutch system parts, linings, pawls, and nisms.
ratchets. (c) Swinging mechanism.
(vi) Load, boom angle, and other indi-
(d) Travel mechanism.
cators over their full range, for any
(e) Safety devices.
significant inaccuracies.
(vii) Gasoline, diesel, electric, or (ii) Where the complete production
other power plants for improper per- crane is not supplied by one manufac-
formance or noncompliance with safety turer such tests shall be conducted at
requirements. final assembly.
(viii) Excessive wear of chain-drive (iii) Certified production-crane test
sprockets and excessive chain stretch. results shall be made available.
(ix) Travel steering, braking, and (2) Rated load test. (i) Written reports
locking devices, for malfunction. shall be available showing test proce-
(x) Excessively worn or damaged dures and confirming the adequacy of
tires. repairs or alterations.
(5) Cranes not in regular use. (i) A (ii) Test loads shall not exceed 110
crane which has been idle for a period percent of the rated load at any se-
of one month or more, but less than 6 lected working radius.
months, shall be given an inspection (iii) Where rerating is necessary:
conforming with requirements of para- (a) Crawler, truck, and wheel-mount-
graph (d)(3) of this section and para- ed cranes shall be tested in accordance
graph (g)(2)(ii) of this section before with SAE Recommended Practice,
placing in service. Crane Load Stability Test Code J765
(ii) A crane which has been idle for a (April 1961).
period of six months shall be given a (b) Locomotive cranes shall be tested
complete inspection conforming with in accordance with paragraph (c)(1) (i)
requirements of paragraphs (d) (3) and and (ii) of this section.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.180

(c) Rerating test report shall be read- rioration and shall be performed by an
ily available. appointed or authorized person whose
(iv) No cranes shall be rerated in ex- approval shall be required for further
cess of the original load ratings unless use of the rope. A certification record
such rating changes are approved by which includes the date of inspection,
the crane manufacturer or final assem- the signature of the person who per-
bler. formed the inspection, and an identi-
(f) Maintenance procedure—General. fier for the rope which was inspected
After adjustments and repairs have shall be prepared and kept readily
been made the crane shall not be oper- available.
ated until all guards have been re- (iii) Particular care shall be taken in
installed, safety devices reactivated, the inspection of nonrotating rope.
and maintenance equipment removed. (h) Handling the load—(1) Size of load.
(g) Rope inspection—(1) Running ropes. (i) No crane shall be loaded beyond the
A thorough inspection of all ropes in rated load, except for test purposes as
use shall be made at least once a provided in paragraph (e) of this sec-
month and a certification record which tion.
includes the date of inspection, the sig- (ii) When loads which are limited by
nature of the person who performed the structural competence rather than by
inspection and an identifier for the stability are to be handled, it shall be
ropes shall be prepared and kept on file ascertained that the weight of the load
where readily available. All inspections has been determined within plus or
shall be performed by an appointed or minus 10 percent before it is lifted.
authorized person. Any deterioration, (2) Attaching the load. (i) The hoist
resulting in appreciable loss of original rope shall not be wrapped around the
strength shall be carefully observed load.
and detemination made as to whether (ii) The load shall be attached to the
further use of the rope would con- hook by means of slings or other ap-
stitute a safety hazard. Some of the proved devices.
conditions that could result in an ap- (3) Moving the load. (i) The employer
preciable loss of strength are the fol- shall assure that:
lowing: (a) The crane is level and where nec-
(i) Reduction of rope diameter below essary blocked properly.
nominal diameter due to loss of core
(b) The load is well secured and prop-
support, internal or external corrosion,
erly balanced in the sling or lifting de-
or wear of outside wires.
vice before it is lifted more than a few
(ii) A number of broken outside wires
and the degree of distribution of con-
(ii) Before starting to hoist, the fol-
centration of such broken wires.
lowing conditions shall be noted:
(iii) Worn outside wires.
(iv) Corroded or broken wires at end (a) Hoist rope shall not be kinked.
connections. (b) Multiple part lines shall not be
(v) Corroded, cracked, bent, worn, or twisted around each other.
improperly applied end connections. (c) The hook shall be brought over
(vi) Severe kinking, crushing, cut- the load in such a manner as to prevent
ting, or unstranding. swinging.
(2) Other ropes. (i) Heavy wear and/or (iii) During hoisting care shall be
broken wires may occur in sections in taken that:
contact with equalizer sheaves or other (a) There is no sudden acceleration or
sheaves where rope travel is limited, or deceleration of the moving load.
with saddles. Particular care shall be (b) The load does not contact any ob-
taken to inspect ropes at these loca- structions.
tions. (iv) Side loading of booms shall be
(ii) All rope which has been idle for a limited to freely suspended loads.
period of a month or more due to shut- Cranes shall not be used for dragging
down or storage of a crane on which it loads sideways.
is installed shall be given a thorough (v) No hoisting, lowering, swinging,
inspection before it is used. This in- or traveling shall be done while anyone
spection shall be for all types of dete- is on the load or hook.


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§ 1910.180 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–01 Edition)

(vi) The operator should avoid car- shall be in accord with his determina-
rying loads over people. tions.
(vii) On truck-mounted cranes, no (xv) A crane with or without load
loads shall be lifted over the front area shall not be traveled with the boom so
except as approved by the crane manu- high that it may bounce back over the
facturer. cab.
(viii) The operator shall test the (xvi) When rotating the crane, sudden
brakes each time a load approaching starts and stops shall be avoided. Rota-
the rated load is handled by raising it tional speed shall be such that the load
a few inches and applying the brakes. does not swing out beyond the radii at
(ix) Outriggers shall be used when the which it can be controlled. A tag or re-
load to be handled at that particular straint line shall be used when rotation
radius exceeds the rated load without of the load is hazardous.
outriggers as given by the manufac- (xvii) When a crane is to be operated
turer for that crane. Where floats are at a fixed radius, the boom-hoist pawl
used they shall be securely attached to or other positive locking device shall
the outriggers. Wood blocks used to be engaged.
support outriggers shall: (xviii) Ropes shall not be handled on
(a) Be strong enough to prevent a winch head without the knowledge of
crushing. the operator.
(b) Be free from defects. (xix) While a winch head is being
(c) Be of sufficient width and length used, the operator shall be within con-
to prevent shifting or toppling under venient reach of the power unit control
load. lever.
(x) Neither the load nor the boom (4) Holding the load. (i) The operator
shall be lowered below the point where shall not be permitted to leave his po-
less than two full wraps of rope remain sition at the controls while the load is
on their respective drums. suspended.
(xi) Before lifting loads with loco- (ii) No person should be permitted to
motive cranes without using out- stand or pass under a load on the hook.
riggers, means shall be applied to pre- (iii) If the load must remain sus-
vent the load from being carried by the pended for any considerable length of
truck springs. time, the operator shall hold the drum
(xii) When two or more cranes are from rotating in the lowering direction
used to lift one load, one designated by activating the positive controllable
person shall be responsible for the op- means of the operator’s station.
eration. He shall be required to analyze (i) Other requirements—(1) Rail clamps.
the operation and instruct all per- Rail clamps shall not be used as a
sonnel involved in the proper posi- means of restraining tipping of a loco-
tioning, rigging of the load, and the motive crane.
movements to be made. (2) Ballast or counterweight. Cranes
(xiii) In transit the following addi- shall not be operated without the full
tional precautions shall be exercised: amount of any ballast or counter-
(a) The boom shall be carried in line weight in place as specified by the
with the direction of motion. maker, but truck cranes that have
(b) The superstructure shall be se- dropped the ballast or counterweight
cured against rotation, except when ne- may be operated temporarily with spe-
gotiating turns when there is an oper- cial care and only for light loads with-
ator in the cab or the boom is sup- out full ballast or counterweight in
ported on a dolly. place. The ballast or counterweight in
(c) The empty hook shall be lashed or place specified by the manufacturer
otherwise restrained so that it cannot shall not be exceeded.
swing freely. (3) Cabs. (i) Necessary clothing and
(xiv) Before traveling a crane with personal belongings shall be stored in
load, a designated person shall be re- such a manner as to not interfere with
sponsible for determining and control- access or operation.
ling safety. Decisions such as position (ii) Tools, oil cans, waste, extra fuses,
of load, boom location, ground support, and other necessary articles shall be
travel route, and speed of movement stored in the tool box, and shall not be


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.181

permitted to lie loose in or about the

(4) Refueling. (i) Refueling with small
portable containers shall be done with
an approved safety type can equipped
with an automatic closing cap and
flame arrester. Refer to § 1910.155(c)(3)
for definition of approved.
(ii) Machines shall not be refueled
with the engine running.
(5) Fire extinguishers. (i) A carbon di-
oxide, dry chemical, or equivalent fire
extinguisher shall be kept in the cab or
vicinity of the crane.
(ii) Operating and maintenance per- (3) A basket derrick is a derrick with-
sonnel shall be made familiar with the out a boom, similar to a gin pole, with
use and care of the fire extinguishers its base supported by ropes attached to
provided. corner posts or other parts of the
(6) Swinging locomotive cranes. A loco- structure. The base is at a lower ele-
motive crane shall not be swung into a vation than its supports. The location
position where railway cars on an adja- of the base of a basket derrick can be
cent track might strike it, until it has changed by varying the length of the
been ascertained that cars are not rope supports. The top of the pole is se-
being moved on the adjacent track and cured with multiple reeved guys to po-
proper flag protection has been estab- sition the top of the pole to the desired
lished. location by varying the length of the
(j) Operations near overhead lines. For upper guy lines. The load is raised and
operations near overhead electric lines, lowered by ropes through a sheave or
see § 1910.333(c)(3). block secured to the top of the pole.
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 49
FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 51 FR 34561, Sept. 29,
1986; 53 FR 12122, Apr. 12, 1988; 55 FR 32015,
Aug 6, 1990; 61 FR 9239, Mar. 7, 1996]

§ 1910.181 Derricks.
(a) Definitions applicable to this sec-
tion. (1) A derrick is an apparatus con-
sisting of a mast or equivalent member
held at the head by guys or braces,
with or without a boom, for use with a
hoisting mechanism and operating
(2) A-frame derrick means a derrick in
which the boom is hinged from a cross
member between the bottom ends of
two upright members spread apart at (4) Breast derrick means a derrick
the lower ends and joined at the top; without boom. The mast consists of
the boom point secured to the junction two side members spread farther apart
of the side members, and the side mem- at the base than at the top and tied to-
bers are braced or guyed from this gether at top and bottom by rigid
junction point. members. The mast is prevented from


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