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Presented By: Ritabrata Submitted to- Chinmayee Behera

Sarkar Divya Bharti Sahu
Regd. No. 1741901024 Asst. Prof.
Dept. Of Plant Breeding and Genetics
B. Sc Ag, 3 rd year
• Sunflower is a most important oil crop in world.

• Sunflower oil is used as a substitute for mineral oil in various applications such as
fuel or an oil for hydraulic system.

• Oil content ranges from 29-30 per cent and is of high quality having non-cholesteral

• The stakes of the head are used to make compost.

• Oil extracted from sunflower is edible as it is rich in un-saturated fatty acids like oleic
(19%) and linoleic acids (68%).
◦ Scientific name: Helianthus annuus; Helianthus tuberosus

◦ Family: Asteraceae

◦ Order : Asterales

◦ Chromosome number: H. annuus (2n=2x=34)

H. tuberosus (2n=6x=102)
Central America. This hypothesis is based on archaeological evidence.

◦ Soviet Union, Romania, Canada, USA.
◦ In India this crop is introduced in 1969 from Soviet Union.
◦ In India it is cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh,
Punjab and Haryana.
 Progenitor: Helianthus petiolaris
Helianthus gigants

 Wild species: Helianthus hirsutus

Helianthus rigidus

 The genus Helianthus comprises of 67 species.

 Two species H. annuus and H. tuberosus are cultivated as food plants.

 Genus has basic chromosome number of 17 and diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid
species are found.
Fatty Acid Composition
(g/100g fatty acid)

Oil Lauric Myristic Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Eicosenoic Erusi Total
Content Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid c unsaturated
(%) (12:0) (14:0) (16:0) (18:0) (18:1) (18:2) (18:3) (20:1) Acid fatty acids
(22:1) (%)
29 - - 5.6 6.5 19.1 67 < 0.5 - - 86.1

(Based on: Mitra and Bhatia, 1979 and Khanna and Singh, 1991)
Cultivars of Sunflower
1) Giant types: 6 - 14 feet tall. Late maturing, Large heads 12 - 30” in diameter, seeds
large, white or grey or with black stripes. Oil content is very low. E.g. Mammoth

2) Semi dwarf varieties: Medium tall - 4 ½ to 6 feet, Early maturing. Heads 7 - 9” in

diameter. Seeds smaller, black, grey or striped. High oil content 35%. E.g. Jupiter,
Pole star.

3) Dwarf types: 2 to 4½ feet tall. Early maturing. Head size 5½ - 6½ “ diameter. Small
seeds, high oil content 37%. E.g. Sunrise, Morden, Co1, Co2
It is distinguished from all other cultivated plants by its single stem and large

The inflorescence is head or capitulum.

It composed of many individual florets i.e. Ray floret and disc floret.

Ray floret: Flowers of the outer whorl; infertile florets.

Disc floret: Arranged in inner side of ray florets; fertile florets.

It is having a bisexual flower.

• Its includes diploid, tetraploid ,and hexaploid, species.

• The 17 chromosomes are divided into four group based on the position of

• The length of the 17 chromosome varies from 3.05 to 6.20 microns.

 It is protandrous in nature.

 Anthesis begins with ray florets and proceeds towards the disc florets.

 2-4 whorls open daily and total anthesis take 5-8 days.

 Anthesis is delay when the weather is cloudy, humid and cool.

 Flowering starts in the early morning 6-10 am.

 Pollen viability up to 12 hrs.

 Stigma receptivity up to 2-3 days.

1) To develop short duration varieties suitable for dry
land and irrigated conditions:
• Dryland successful in black soils only.
• In red soil under rainfed it is not successful.

2) High oil content:

 Ranges 38 to 48%.
 Complex character.
 Yield and oil content are negatively correlated.
3) Protein content and hullability:
◦ Another seed quality importance given to seed protein content.
◦ There is generally a negative correlation between oil and protein contents.
◦ protein content can be increased by increase the hullability of seed.

4)Breeding for fatty acid:

A further important quality character for sunflowers is the proportion of the different fatty
acids (mainly unsaturated fatty acid) in oil.

5)Breeding for self fertile lines:

• Protoandry and self incompatibility mechanism operates in sunflower.
• Hence hand pollination is necessary.
• To avoid this self fertile lines can be evolved.
6) Breeding for disease resistance:
 Maharashtra hybrid susceptible to powdery mildew. Hence ban is there.
 Powdery mildew, rust, charcoal rot, Alternaria blight are the major diseases.
 Wild species like H. hirsuta are moderately resistance to Alternaria.

7) Pest and insects resistance variety:

• The crop is attack by different insect and pests, which causes severe losses in
• So it become necessary to developed insect pest resistance variety to increase yield.
• Different pests attack to sunflower crop a are Heliothis , Grass hopper, Jassids.
8) Height, earliness, changes in architecture or
vegetation cycle:
 Plant height at flowering, flowering date and per cent humidity of seed at
harvest are characters regularly measured in sunflower breeding programmes.
Mostly to avoid very tall or very late material and to have a good knowledge of an
inbred line or a hybrid.
 Short sunflowers could be sown at higher density and thus increase yield, with a
crop of many small heads, covering the ground more quickly in spring and maturing
more rapidly, permitting an earlier harvest.

9) Minor constituents:
Minor constituents like tocopherols and phytosterols should be increased to provide
a significant increased value.
 Introduction :
Established plants of an area are taken to the newer area for the use of mankind.
Eg: Morden from Canada.
 Mass selection :
In this method phenotypically desirable plants are selected and harvested from a
population and their seeds are mixed to constitute a new cultivar or a superior
source population.
E.g. Ec 68414 from Russia.
 Hybridization and selection :
Intervarietal: Hybrids obtained by crossing parents belonging to same species;
may be 2 varities or races of the same species.
◦ Currently there is increase emphasis in development of sunflower hybrid.
◦ For production of hybrid seed cytoplasmic genetic male sterile lines are used.
 Mutation :
Co3 (Mutant from Co2 through gamma rays)

 Heterosis breeding :
Development of inbred lines and crossing them to harness heterosis was first done as
early as 1920 in Russia.
During 1970 cytoplasmic geneic male sterility was identified in wild types and obsolete
cultivars. Now this system is being extensively used for production of hybrids.
 Eg: BSH-1, APSH -11
 Head to row and remnant seed method :
Developed by Pustovoit in Russia. By this method oil content is increased.
 Oil and hull analysis. 1000-1200 heads are selected from the original
population. From the separately harvested seeds half seeds are
reserved and half seeds are sown.
Original Population

 Growing of 1000-1200 plants.

 Evaluation for agronomic traits and resistance to diseases. Selection
of 150-200 heads of superior quality.
 Reserve seeds from the original plants are used to plant for second
year, based on progeny performance. Second year evaluation of
characters and selection of 20-50 heads for cross pollination.

 Growing of 20-50 selected plants. Removal of undesirable plants and

selection of best plants within 20-50 progenies.

 Mixing of seeds of selected plants to build and test preliminary strain.

Yield Trial
Selfing is done by bagging of the entire head. The bagging material could be cotton
cloth or paper bag or cheese cloth bag.

Crossing Techniques
1.Hand emasculation:
• Emasculation is done by removing the anther tubes with forceps on the morning that the
flowers open. Unemasculated flowers are removed.

2.Chemical induction of male sterility:

• This is achieved by spraying of 0.05% solution of gibberellic acid per plant during bud
• Application of gibberellic acid after bud initiation consecutively for 3 days in the morning
gives better results.
 Pollination is carried out by collecting the pollen from the male parent which are
already bagged prior to flowering.
 Pollen can be collected from the flowering head. Pollination is usually done in the
same morning after emasculation.
Hybrid Seed Production
Sowing Season: Kharif crop should be sown during June-July and rabi crop during

Isolation: 600 m

Spacing: 60cm × 30cm

Seed rate: About 7.5 kg of CMS 234 (female) and 2.5 kg of RHA 274 (male)
• BSH-1 = (CMS-234A X RHA-274)
• KBSH-41= (CMS-234A X RHA-95-C-1)
• KBSH-42= (CMS-851A X RHA-95-C-1)
• KBSH-44= (CMS-17A X RHA-95-C-1)

• Now, KBSH-53, 55, 58, 62 are released for Karnataka state.

BSH 1 All 85-90 1000-1500
KBSH 1 All 90-95 1200-1500
LSH 1 Maharashtra 85-90 900-1200
PSFH 67 Punjab 90-95 1000-1500
PKVSH 27 Punjab 75-80 900-1100
MODERN All 70-80 600-800
EC 68414 Karnataka 100-110 800-1000
SURYA Maharashtra 90-95 800-1000
CO 1 Tamil Nadu 65-70 500-700
CO 2 Tamil Nadu 85-90 800-1000
AICRP on sunflower was established in the year 1972,with head quarters at UAS,

Directorate of oil seed Research (DOR), Hyderabad.

 1974- No. of hybrids were developed by CMS lines. BSH1 and BSH2 were found
promising hybrids among them.

1975- EC-68414, 68415 for cultivation.

1978 -Morden –Early duration variety.

 Sunflower is one of the fastest developing oil seed crop. It was introduced in the year

 Today more than 1 million ha area is under sunflower cultivation.

 The productivity of sunflower is quite low in India (4-6 q/ha) as compared to other

◦ Ram H. H., 2016. Crop Breeding and Biotechnology, Sunflower, pp 394-408, Kalyani

◦ Singh, B. D., 2019. Plant Breeding Principles and Methods, pp 563-583, Kalyani Publishers

◦ Sindagi, S. S., Virupaskshappa, K.1986. Sunflower. Indian Council of Agricultural Research,

Krishi Bhavan

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