Aero Club of America History (1907)

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the Aero Club of America is' necesbrief one. The objects for which it was .formed are set forth in dett'.i in Its constitution, but they may be summarized in the brief statement that the club exists for the promotion and development of the science of. aerial navigation. Founded men who had almost without .exception never made an ascension In a free balloon, the club has In one year of existence earned for ltaelf ~*. position in the world of sport and It is tt> be hoped It nas opened up a brilliant, career for Itself In the future. -<of . Louis 3TVT. -France again has apparently taken th lead. -But it Is: the Aero Club is the first ' not too lato for America to be thi organization of aeronauts to be formed first to achieve actual success, and to ;<n :the American continent. It has that end all the energies of "her in-ventors should be applied.' ;". \u25a0-.:."; had a number of precursors in Europe, where the science of aerial navi: : <.' .; .; Costly Sport gation has for many >*ears received Itshould be the province of.the Aero careful etudy. It is not my purposo Club of America to encourage all at- : to eater into a history of balloons in : tempts at a solution of the flying,probSuffice to say that this connection. lem and It should Investigate and rer the revival of this sport which took place In Europe in the later years of port' upon every Invention -o'r-'conj:^^ centory did not reach tlie nineteenth .vance which seems to have Many of our this couf.try' till 1906. able chance of success.' countrymen . who had seen ballooni committee composed of 'experts" i find Paris, or who had . .<Jai)y passing ever scientists. In whose names and repuat Vinwitnessed the aerial contest tations the public will have confl'dehce* will;be appointed. This committee will \u25a0>*r.BM in. 1900. aid not realize that a ' ' b authorized to*. solicit and . rc*lv. balloon- -voyage was not an uneoma jnon thing* in the United States bscrlpr'ons, to be spent.' Judiciously spite of all these obYet in :generation ago. Parachute Jumping. \descent- th w-riu-r believe* that baland when there Is a good cliancs for jections a perilous adventure and on* requir- looning will yet become popular in thjLs a profitable return. Only b'yla-vtsb." exirq sklii.and courage, had become a ootintr.--. Americans are conservative penditure of money and by -continued-, ' at catchrrenny attraction ropular experiments can ..success In 'fiylrig;b anything Trountxy. faira. but the sport of'hil- and Plow to take holrl of achieved. In France alt that has been " novel. They "vrer reluctant to" take loonlng. as practiced by our forefath- ; accomplished In this direction has been up the automobile; its Introduction m^t ers had becomis quite "lost sight of. largely done by the generosity of * \u25a0with and violent opposition, yet : when the Aero Club of America in thisfierce of grace there is no country or aeronauUcs. year The; Jfew patrons eterabl balloons ' most nixed fts first exposition. In Janura successful iiortr - use. are in America. ry..i9oS, balloons were imported from 'where Rutomobilea than in more common by the French government are; owned ' Paris, and the public was given the or universal by due to the Lebaudys, who spent-largeinp & certain, start: also a co.ntest So it will be with bajloons, and the ; opportunity of seeing what they were several, balloons, the winner to be the sums of money in experiment* and . when like; Photographs of balloon ascen- time will come chief aero clubs willbe theUnited one who lands nearest, to a given spot whose wealth made possible their. co.nV founded cities of ' sions were displayed and an effort was States. In the Already Philadelphia designated -on' S a" map > beforehand. struction. The rich prizes offered by. St. made to arouse a popular interest in Louis have followed the lead andNew' of Prizes \u0084wlll..also \u25a0be given automo- M. Deutsch de la Muerthe stimulatedpracticed abroad. the sport as it is biles . which." : shall start iln pursuit of Sactos-Dumont to achieve his notable~ . .This show was followed by a num- York. Within the not distant future ' hopes to, balloons and reach them -within a flight' around the Eifel Tower. 3df.-. actual ascents from different the Aero Club of America which will'._ of " iber Deutsch has built at his owa 'expeas.* given, interval after their launching. fora a national federation places 1 the Eastern tstates, an* thus a large airship which recently maneuof, this continent the aero 'AUp .to: this point we have- considered .".people in one section of this country unitewill act on cluba only,.so to speak. In vered near Paris and he has oCereif. the lines of the French aerial navigation' were giv*n an opportunity to and 'at least organization. relation^to.lts-past and to the desire prizes of great value for aeroplanes.. -..":become, familiar with aerial navlga- nationalfirst needs of the Aero. Club of ' : Is The of : the Aero Club to revive what has len there not in all thia land of awol-: ; lion in- its- simplest and safest form. fortunes some on* who will offer- a: America are suitable quarters and- a deed a pleasant' experience. :\u25a0 That, the\\': been forgotten, to do what other nadoing, and to bring prize of sufficient six* to rwa.rd the park equipped with a proper-balloonr -balloon tions have been becomes the plaything of what- : New Vorjc Is Poor Center garage. A*,has already been mentioned, balloon. 'up to - inventor and repay htm for an the; aeronauts -In? the United States . -The home* of the Aero Club, the city the city of^Plttsneld, from which a ever wind: blows -is of comparatively .: .them c on the same level years he has -to apend ia B*twesx?al . date and :place : Importance of. New York, is unfavorably situated number of iucce?sful Rfcensions were small the object \ to'\u25a0. be ; as. they stand In^European countries. effort? To England belongs til* oredltj v that . jas a ballooning center. The ocean, the made last year, combines all the requi- ascensions is pleasured attained :;by\ the ;recent,, years, and 'more par- of having Invented the steam railroad or.'recreation. '.' But *In rne peril of the aeronauts, is close at sites as a site for an aero park proper ticularly. In the last few months^, the engine; to Franc* belong* the honor order totthro'w.'safeguardsiaround ' % I Jiand. and ohly. with a .wind from a geographical ultuation : an<J abundant : Insport it, will ,be -necessary: to, adopt Shall science; of aerial navigation all "over of producing the autoxaobils. . this soutfcerly direction is an ascent to be the; world"has taken a sudden leap the United States of Amaric* allow facilities for making coal k?s of proper rules regarding 'rtie*lsulng;ot; licenses; The gas specific gravity, and. for promptly-in: with perfect safety. made forward. _r Man has^determlned to fly,. themselves to be left behind In th*' rao* to. those who; have; proved themselves, Important is flying maclrfn* that ; and r ;the . goal . he ; . has sought >. for cen- to bring forth a : capable of.handling balloons'' The Aoro' -.Question Aeroalo anhas found at factor, flating balloons. * Pitts*nd the Club In_ win ;fly;and thus oo2ar on* of th' /What the Aero Club needs is ?*? * Club : turies has all but 'been reached. field, Masa., a station combining the wealthy patron to do for- balldoning spect proposes.; to follow^ in- this"' rethis, as v.-lth ballooning In the time greatest benefits on mankindt i . -examples set by the .French necessary .jteatures for auccessful what Maecenas did for art^ and liter- Aero. the ; Club,V ; strict aV !*Eceat dlstance'from the sea and an ature In".the time of Augustus/ It course ; which ; of-tralnlng^before It;grants- a cannon was spread far and wide, they [ .'abundant.- supply of. coal gas. The .needs a bouse and a balloon shed.. and license'to an" aerial. pilot.y.Aifew:years' " A Four Footed Bird are not duplicated elsewhere, and they igreat drawback is its distance from :It must appeal to Its friends for'funds. ago the French" club ;,counted "only,two: ' ilCew York and other centers of popula- Although only,rock ' the club nan now nearly 250 or three v pilot*" among- Its j- members. * SOUTH AMERICAN traveler has remain the record. *cannon o wMc.-v I is any nearly as many as the captured a rare bird of:great ln- there =-..tloru Aero Club has acquired two bal- members, ths' United Kingdom,' lta :Aero:,' Now a large proportion <ofr them hold" Amarlca, represented by one of Its hon- .has been assured that three i balloons Club of reve^V these coveted ; ' The ortlflcate,:'and ?:6everal orary \ member s.:;lJeuteri*Jity Franks P.; '\u25a0 of 2200 ,meters, the maximum capaoity Centaur, having nues are small, and all of Icons, one of them, the these must, member* have ' 200 ascensions or more : Lahm. '-\u25a0 -.'. . .; \u25a0\u25a0<.*'"-.-' '-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0','-' v;~~" ",.! permitted under the rules, willbe avail- ; Count his four feet. >It Is known to .made the record balloon Journey from go for current expenses.-. to their. credit. One member ha^i sev- X).Aaa'/result; of^thli. victory lt <*-..; able il li champions.^: There ? are < al-? These aeroParis to' Russia In 1900. eral times i made 'two ascents- in a day, : volves upon the Aero : Club jof-'America* :ready, ?; many applicants i %the '> honor, the .natives a* the elgana, or gypsy RUSSIAN doctor has spent a great for ' stats are available for ascensions by To Popularize ;Ballooning recently". made>hls^honey-' and vthe;;thre blrd._ For,: many days after hatching, and : holds the contest" for< deal of time' finding out what anibefore .- members and it is hoped that acquire 1There' Is also needed ; a permanent moonanother . in a balloon.'^ As yet on jy;thisorganize,j1907.:!"jSuch an 'event ywlll* defenders '<ofI thefcupj; and? It'la'" certain before it Is able to fly, the young on* Journey be cup In -long the. club will be able to mals can count, and has found that :\u25a0 dozen (: Americans !|hold "*\u25a0; pilot "of world! of, expert workmen; tb;attendsto, a" ; Tcannoty fair that.UhVre:iwlll/,be;a ilarge 'field- from half V wide jinterestiand \u25a0' -new. balloons. Both the French and " staff Inflation of balloons and: to: the,lr! licenses ;: f uses its.claw.s to climb up bushes and horges ican count more numbers than rom %tho 7French Telub, ; the one : to arouse :a healthy Interest'lnvballoon^- iwhichitojmake^the'selectlon. . .\u25a0-, ! British dub have special balloons ;of vcare, both before and efter ascensions. member In particular having made his ;Ing, as iaA sport fthroughout | iUnlted ] <'iThe? greatest^ Interest has beeh ' " dljf-": tre/s.'; The front feet gradually de- any : the ,He states that a other, their own- and during the -season v That .'- this will all come v In due' x time iten 'required \u25a0' ascents (within"the. space States.N^Tho clublhas ; selected: St^Louls.l r playedi throughout*, the/ civilizedJ world." velop Into wings.-' The -favorite haunt parrot can animals. count four, a cat six. crows * .ascent* are made at reduced rates ;for we do not? doubt. ;of one month' last aumfner:^, . :j, f '";\u25a0'. .a centrally located"! clty.'S InJ order.-- that and "Ispecial facilities ;Twlll!;be ./offered The" French> Aero' of-this iatrange creature Is among the ten, and some few dog* twenty. But .'the benefit of membera who cannot af- Club secured theee things,'; and imov? ' \u25a0\u25a0'In ; addition %to the 'Areasons ?. already m 'recordifllghtsrmaylbV rgadei whatever; -to 2 all, aeronauts I visiting fSt.lL.6als if '"u\25a0 or count more ' ford their owo- aerostats. Bo great ii In a very V short; time, 'and ,through- given the Aero Club. believes lnpromot^r the T. direction' 'of the ;,wlnd.K. Eight? na- I *conteft.'vl 5-Through .- the J, liberality huge calla-llke flowers of the tropics. ha found horses that couldplow across thU ' than ' : who desire to par- - the liberality *of a few of Its mem- ing ballooning as f the most practicable tlon's--Frarice,liaermany,\Qreat| Britain,": of various citizens and organizations In, low.*,muddy places. In* size "the a fieldthis. On would would then twenty times and " the number ofllhose tlcipate in* there excursions that lets beri; ;.,:;.\u25a0 '"".\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 r '-'^,iX'mean* yof;*tudylng!tlvilalrjandl stimuli Belgium.^ Switzerland^ Italy,^Spain f and ;;of ithatfclty-jthe-HAero^Club^of JAmerf; cigana^ls about, as "big as the ordinary stop and rest.; bnt It never stopped. at are drawn by apjjllcants for the privi- .The first step, therefore, inr the prop-"? latlng public interest . in aerial naviga-- ;theUnited states^-each'.wlthithree'.balii - weird;>. mournful nineteen or twenty-oaa: always Just " lea has : been able to ; er cash prizes fpheasant. Itt off *undertaken by the> Aero .Club - tlon; the ; J lege. \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: >'3 aganda .4*T/ . >,: dream 'of ithe | future. ''; i ;V^ lqons^: uf e>'i entitled.*to\ compete," and | ;i the amounting Hoi12600,1^ **> jdlstrlbuted': cry.t calculated has | a horp* always counted '.to disconcert J th ,tray-_ twenty.' not :the ease, in the United :of America Is the popularization. of bal^'- 'Thai Aero respects araong^thei contestants winning re- : Such is lnterV i r ofjrAmerica _was,;for-> all S 'elerlwhenihellSiin^the'mldstof.a'.wild, the; miles along:the road by th* white > Btates, wh ere *-*t-takes a good deal of loenlng as aV'sport," epecialjy?amongv v tunateinVbelna;? organized ; ;|inationalf It lsestlmated;that:the;great ;pectfvelyj, i in. second.*ithlrd. ufourth "and unfrequented mile-posts that -.were set up. and person the leisure and more wealthy class; It:become one of the original;members of - European, .balloon i persuasion before- the average : stopped every ; twenty- five miles, .as It : * * oontt ',oti190 fcWr |flfth;plcea>:ilThliis}ln^addltlbn to the ' will go up in a balloon. Americans are Is not ltd be my; task In this article *to r the | Itionale, Federation Aeronautiqua Interna- I turnJ of ;' |2500 ?.tOj;be| given i;bjr.: Mr.*Ben- j taught i do. to b*. fad. eacb.^ witnessed byj400,000 S ipectatori, I had been: to lacking in coarage, descant upon the delights of balloonvv;The ;wu founded In 1905 and :andilt?lsshopedftbatithllr.osOfUo7 |a*tt2 l f;th* not .supposed* to be which aof| ' cup. the ; a but they look forward to a: balloon ing as a :pastime. Many others ? have '- is composed of the eight leading aero- \willj?command at^leatS|ual atrest Club Hof America <; also]-' offers i Ohlyxock Cannon prize !to;|_the S 4 contestant ?.*'remaining- *; | "asoent with fear and trembling. There dona this and 'inJ ah eloquent fashion. nautic clubs, from as many countries. slt*wlli:rQuire;aUHb*ieuree:ofthe i I HEN v the- Island of Malta was Mountain of Iron really should be nothing to Inspire fear Suffice It to nay that the balloon, with This organization is In reality an inter| Aero Club of America! and all the ener- Uonge*tHn^he^alr."yS*.V'r V-':.v; V ' . -\u25a0 : Templars V,aeronauts/ aa jits gies tof 3its members S toj? properly ;:or- a^As^"turtherJstimulus: to ballooning.", X ms^FtInipossession iofithe ; in an ascent with a competent- pilot. all ,lt limitations. Is I today? the Sbnlyj national | TTHE; most, remarkable . mountain ia ~ I federatlon of rare, and the rec- form of aerial navigation that/ ordinary 7 name i those "knights^defended* 'their r. '.the i ganlze = and ; h the Aero Club 1 has founded and of-i * implies. ;tIt' olds ]an: annual tcon-T i conduct %tb.lul contest-^Thls 313 world." in many respects,' is " Accidents have been. I I r ; eredi forfcompetltlon Za*challenge tro-1 ,;. forts 'by!the usejbf cannon cut ords of European* ascensions in these care being used, is free from danger. of necessity,^ be: lt:Chlef|takif or. 1 " " -ference/iln'lsome^one^of ' Durango. Mexico. found tn rri an Itwill<be argued;" and? it-may -be ad-'- capitals, and the number of delegates a9o7ji:andstoUhls-allJelse"mmitTbe sub- phy to be known as jthe l*h ,Cup ; d into ' last years are almost free from them. the",solid rock. y Each -was {capable ; ItIs 2000 the State of its three-quar' feet' high, and that the balloon today 'Is vtr- J~ from \ each ; to the! ordinated. \u25a0' \u25a0^l :: turn ibyfeachiof jits] mem- ' ;of :}-'-,'-^jclub >. I* proportioned ! ; -:-^'^--"-:-:,'r i /\u25a0' \u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;> -v Ito^be > held |Itii | " ..-It is a noteworthy fact that women mltted. what it was entire barrel J of gun- ters of a mile of thickness at an"' (hovr.maoh less fear than do men.' .; tualiy when first. lnvented; number ofi|gas jicon-I|viWhile;a largVeiitry list tr^mstbe^for^ \u25a0'. bers .who % exceeds Uthe dls tance 4 02 powder ths'b^a rand [could * throw 10,000 pounds is almost entirely of solid iron Another drawback ,- '\u25a0. to ballooning ) la a century and a quarter ago, and that.. suroed.ln Its ascensions during the.pre- ,eign'-clubs Us t desired^ Inborder ;to; en- i^winnlng~thSlnternatibnalpCup^;: mlles-^covered'ibyj Lieutenant -[Lahm; in) 3 ofj ; projectiles' ?:As ;these ,natural cannon . stance. Speculators have" tried to leas 4 year. ,'\u25a0 : '\u25a0. \u25a0f/:/^->--'i' : ;;..' - -:\u25a0"' r--i"*'--hance 1907, difeulty of.'com- ,/ there has bn no program in lt da- vious i 't'\ this country Is the : .J-' JlnS the lcontest|. Of 3 f aot remains i ; , to*= ?\ ,The? j Inf. that '. It wa* -, ta Ithi*i&body. :that James , i xnunication in the inland districts and velopment, Yot ithe f greater Club'of ?Amerlca';does not pur- '.r: AerofClublwlllfendeavor country Fcould^notibejalmed.^Cfty^were* cut Tout; the mountain a rom the Government.^fo work It Mexican popularize '<In thr* coinpeti- 'posefto" letthe^cuplbeHo*rriedv|oft delight fI Gordon jBennett; presented . for : troduce and ; bf!the]rbck;guardlnglthe;.various ',*.of authoritiesas aremine, but the do/ r tbls good road*, which pre- \ no '\u25a0- form of sport gives' the absence of waiting: to ;nels -of and ; ;_,vessels produces more agree- | j1;j ; the ' to lta tlonI | his International Challenge Ctrp, S withoutfa Ivallantl \u25a0trugl ItoI kep|H hthe*various contests : in\r- connection ,^that V;.time /.were '-:, unable'i' to vent purault by autemobllM. Tnlr able devotees or 'i themselves,, when financial arrange; novel, sensations. -'To;'gall /and | ' wa*\ under j | starting point auspices 1 and it it* that % the I the overihere; -iWeihope ithat ; hUtoryiof makes the return to the can > being* i said .that 'the tram*! ! Frahee^These *eyv wlthliis-thelr.-; own;range -before ; of! ments from be made. IsItIsper. cent pure flrst^oontertlwaathaldf^tor.^thi* JcupTonv ithelAmerlca'ifCttPiwtlJibilrepaatadland $ $of*ttraotivlIn%sjid? cap tur*byjgln^ l more dlOcult a4- les:: pleasant ;,for o^ff ': the country,' Tiewin g "lt|lig a s% Btp yield the ore 87 ;byj these ?huge>weapons holgbt?.' and lin tat variety;; ots- t hta, % ,win-1I that', the! Inter oaMonallCup\hM I Xlo*V?|Tbel ojroff4 elude the^. pursuit | pilot timber'oup* JO." ladles and ofUn anvolvet the^fpend' Iroar^v-.:'-.'.-^^ .'-*,. -V-.-*: vV" 7~" -> of- a hay- defense.'-- Although : balloon the" fame^of- these noiae; smell or vibration, liin* ningthl* fell*toj^^the ifAero*: lubfof the ocean never ito -return. The^.elup ~rai balloons log of the Blrht t3dlaotnfon-afttr \ without C
tartly a very


in the umratr

of 180 5

by virtually the same men who had organized t the Automobile Club of America, the history of

a"reasi^B .A'-'ttchnfcaf"







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Horses Can










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