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Assessment Explanation of the Problem Objective Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Subjective:” Agkakapsut ak Fatigue is a feeling of being Short-term goal: Independent: 1.This establishes client`s Short-term
ken nasaksakit bagbagik “ as extremely overtired that After 8 hours of nursing 1. Evaluated client’s capabilities and needs and goal:
verbalized. makes it challenging for the interventions, the client response to activity. Note facilitates choice of Goal met
individual to carry out their will report an improved reports of dyspnea, interventions. After 8 hours
regular activity and normal sense of energy. increased weakness, 2. Frequent rest periods of nursing
Objective: daily routines. It can cause fatigue, and changes in and naps are needed to interventions,
> individuals to feel as if they Long-term goal: vital signs during and restore and conserve the client will
have no energy to complete After 3 days of nursing after activities. energy. Planning will report an
their tasks. It also makes some intervention, the client 2. Planned care to allow allow client to be active improved sense
Vital signs: feel that they need to sleep will be able to perform for rest periods. during times when energy of energy.
BP:140/100 mmHg much more often, but upon ADLs and participate in Scheduled activities for level is higher, which The feeling of
HR:75 waking they still feel tired and desired activities at the periods when a patient may restore a feeling of fatigue is
RR:19 not refreshed. There are a level of ability has the most energy. well-being and a sense of relieved.
Temp:36.6 variety of signs to look for in Involved client and control.
SPO2:96 an individual that may be watcher in schedule 3. Weakness may make Long-term
fatigued. planning. ADLs difficult to goal: Goal
Nursing Diagnosis: Fatigue 3. Established realistic complete or place the partially met
related to body weakness activity goals with the client at risk for injury After 3 days of
client during activities. nursing
4. Explained the 4. To decrease metabolic intervention,
importance of rest in the demands, thus conserving the client will
treatment plan and the energy. be able to
necessity for balancing 5. To promote rest. perform ADLs
activities with rest. 5. 6. To assist patient’s and participate
Assisted in assuming a needs in desired
comfortable position for and to secure safety. activities at the
rest and sleep. 7. Minimizes exhaustion level of ability
6. Encouraged watcher to and helps reduce oxygen Client has
stay at bedside always. demand. improved sense
7. Assisted with self-care 8. To maintain diet of
activities as necessary 9. To sustain the energy and is
such as ambulation, motivation of the client. able
sitting up in the air, 10. To promote balance to accomplish
bathing, etc. between oxygen supply some ADLs
8. Encouraged to and demand. such
consume low salt and as eating alone
low-fat diet . and walking.
9. Ascertained client's Days
ability to stand and move renal therapy
about and degree of replacement
assistance needed or use client
of equipment. also starts to
Dependent: feel
10. Provided fatigued again.
supplemental oxygen as

Assessment Explanation of the Objective Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluatio

Subjective:” Agkakapsut Infections occur when STO: 1. Monitor vital signs regularly. 1. Changes in vital signs may STO: Go
ak ken nasaksakit the natural defense Within 8 hours of effective indicate Within 8 h
bagbagik “ as verbalized. mechanisms of an nursing interventions, the 2. Monitor the patient for any signs infection. nursing in
individual are patient will be able to: of 2. These are the cardinal patient wi
inadequate to protect  Verbalize Swelling, purulent discharge or signs of infection.  V
Objective: them. Microorganisms understanding of the presence of pain from site. un
> Weak in appearance such as bacteria, viruses, situation. 3. Perform handwashing when 3. Handwashing is an si
>irritability fungi, and other  Identify the risk dealing effective technique to prevent  Id
>appears restless parasites invade factors that are with patient. the spread of fa
susceptible hosts present. infection. Dry surfaces are pr
through inevitable  Have a partial 4. Wear gloves during any contact better in preventing transfer  H
Vital signs: injuries and exposures. understanding about with of microorganisms. un
BP:140/100 mmHg People have dedicated the infection control mucus, blood, and other body fluids. th
HR:75 cells or tissues that deal regarding the 4. lt prevents the transfer of re
RR:19 with the threat of intrajugular catheter in 5. Encourage adequate rest microorganisms that are in
Temp:36.6 infection. These are the left neck. 6. Provide a clean environment. already on the in
SPO2:96 known as the immune 7. Assist in performing ADLs, hands and to protect the LTO: Goa
system. LTO: After the 3 days of especially ones related to hygienic hands from After the 8
nursing intervention the patient measures. becoming contaminated. interventio
will be able: 5. lt can reduce stress and be able:
>To remain free from any 8. Maintain an aseptic technique boost the >To remai
infection. when immune system. infection.
performing wound dressing. 6. A sanitized environment
creates a
9. Educate S/0 on signs of infection the colossal effect when
and when to call for help. preventing infection, as this
10. Teach S/0 how to perform reduces contamination to the
procedures at home, like dressing patient
changes once discharged. 7. To decrease the risk of
pathogens and infection.
8. Regular wound dressing
fast healing and drying of
9. Round-the-clock
available for bedside care,
hence, S/O's must watch out
for any signs of
infection present and report
immediately to healthcare
staff for immediate
10. Patients and caregivers
need to master these skills to
make sure that they can
continue preventing the risk
of infection even if they are
already discharged.


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