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Name of Student : RACHMAT JUMAZNI

Student Reg. Number : 0910580520024
Program : English Education

It has been reviewed and approved to continue at the research stage

Supervisor I Supervisor II

D r . Andi Sadapotto M., Hum. Lababa, S. Pd., M. Pd.

Cognizant of Head
English Education Program

D r . Sam Hermansyah, S. Pd. I, M., Pd.

NIDN . 0920037702


PAGE TITLE ................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL.......................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ iii

CHAPTER I ..................................................................................................... 1
A. Background ................................................................................................ 1
B. Problem Statements ......................................................................... 2
C. Objective Of The Research ............................................................. 2
D. Significance Of The Research .................................................................... 3
E. Scope Of The Research ................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II ................................................................................................... 5
A. Literature Review ............................................................................ 5
B. Video Game Development .............................................................. 9
C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................... 14
D. Research Hypothesis ....................................................................... 16
E. Research Variables .......................................................................... 18

CHAPTER III .................................................................................................. 20

A. Research Methods ........................................................................... 20
B. Research Design to be Used ............................................................ 21
C. Population and Research Sample .................................................... 22
D. Research Instruments to be Used .................................................... 22
E. Data Analysis to be Applied ............................................................ 24

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 26


A. Backgrounds

English is an international language that is currently widely used by

communities around the world. Until now, English is widely used in
communication. In Indonesia, English is taught in schools and is one of the languages
Compulsory subjects that students must follow. By mastering English of course
A person's knowledge will become broader because they can interact with people
around the world and can access a wide range of knowledge. English is an international
language, this statement states that many countries use English to communicate with
countries around the world. Kustanti and Prihmayadi (2017: 172) state that English is the
official language of many Commonwealth countries and is widely understood and used. In
this case it can be concluded that many countries use English as the dominant language, so
that English has become one of the international languages in the world.

To be able to understand English well, it is important for a person to acquire and

understand vocabulary. English vocabulary is the basis for someone to master the skills of
reading, writing, listening and speaking in English. The more vocabulary someone acquires,
the better their understanding of a language, especially English. There are various ways you
can acquire English vocabulary. One of them is the circulation of video games that use
English as the language of instruction. When playing games they will indirectly acquire and
learn new vocabulary. For someone who doesn't understand English at all, they will start to
learn and get used to encountering vocabulary in English. Currently, video games are being
widely played by all groups, especially children. Not only for entertainment, but video games
can also be a means of acquiring second language vocabulary, English. This is possible
because the language used for game instructions is English.

There are ongoing efforts in the field of education, especially English language
teaching, to find more engaging and efficient ways to improve students' vocabulary and
communication skills. Using video games, which offer an interactive learning experience and
can increase student motivation, is an attractive alternative. Some of these video game genres
include MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and FPS (First-Person Shooter) games, all
of which can improve vocabulary and English speaking skills. Prior to this, research has
shown that video games can improve English speaking skills. However, further research is
needed that focuses on specific genres such as MOBA and FPS games to determine the extent
to which video games can improve vocabulary and English speaking skills. Qualitative
research is usually focused on results, and more in-depth quantitative research is needed.

Technological developments and contemporary educational practices are very

relevant to this research. Certain video game genres, especially those mentioned above, have
become very popular and encourage players to think creatively and act quickly. Therefore,
understanding more about how this type of video game can be used as a tool for teaching

English in the current era will be very beneficial for modern education. The aim of this
research is to find out how the MOBA and FPS game genres function to improve students'
vocabulary and English speaking skills. To measure the impact more objectively and in
depth, this research will use a quantitative research methodology. It is hoped that the results
will provide valuable insight into how to change educational curricula to better suit students'
needs to master English.

B. Problem Statemen ts

In an increasingly connected world, the ability to communicate with others in English

is essential. Over time, the role of technology, especially video games, in helping people
learn English has become increasingly recognized. However, more in-depth research on the
potential of video games to improve vocabulary and English speaking skills is still needed.
So, the problem of this research is as follows:

1. To what extent can video games help students learn English?

2. Do video games help students learn English to speak and write well?
3. Do MOBA and First Person Shooter video game genres differ significantly in terms of
vocabulary and communication skills?
4. What are students' perceptions of using FPS and MOBA video games as tools for
teaching English?

C. Objective of th e Research

Using quantitative research methods, this study aims to achieve several main
objectives, including increasing our understanding of the role of video games in improving
vocabulary and communication in English. The following are the research objectives:

1. To measure the level of increase in students' vocabulary after being involved in using
video games in English learning.
2. Analyzing how online games influence the learning strategies used by students to learn
3. to find out how well the use of video games with a MOBA theme helps students speak
English better.
4. to evaluate the elements that influence how effective the use of video games with MOBA
and FPS themes is in improving vocabulary and communication skills in English, such as
game difficulty level, duration of use, and level of interactivity.
5. to evaluate how students view the use of video games with MOBA and First Person
Shooter (FPS) themes as a tool for teaching English.

This research aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the influence of video

games in English learning and help discover the components that influence their
effectiveness. Apart from that, the aim of this research is also to provide guidance for

developing more creative and relevant English learning methods using video games as a

D. Significance of the research

This research has significant significance in many ways, and found significant
benefits from video game use in various ways. Following are some aspects of the research

1. Innovative Educational Development: The results of this research can serve as a basis for
new educational projects that use video games as a tool for teaching English. This will
help educational institutions improve teaching methods and make education more
2. Improving Students' English Skills: This research will directly benefit students by
improving their language skills, which are a valuable asset in an increasingly globalized
world, by focusing on vocabulary and communication in English.
3. Providing Robust Empirical Data: This research will collect reliable quantitative data to
assess the impact of using MOBA and First-Person Shooter (FPS) genre video games on
English language learning abilities. This will provide a solid basis for the educational
decision-making process.
4. Relevance to the Digital Era: This research is related to educational trends and the digital
era. This will help meet the growing needs of students amidst the dominance of
5. Contribution to Future Research: This research will add to the important literature on the
use of video games in English education by focusing on the MOBA and FPS genres. This
may encourage further research in this area.

This research has realistic significance and can be useful for various related parties
because it focuses on improving education, increasing students' English language skills, and
contributing to the educational community as a whole.

E. Scope of the Research

This research will focus on how video games help improve vocabulary and English
speaking skills, with an emphasis on the use of certain game genres, such as MOBA
(Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and FPS (First-Person Shooter) games. The following is a
list of journals and published articles that cover the scope of this research:

1. Use of Video Games in English Language Learning: This study will investigate previous
literature on the use of video games in English language education. Relevant articles and
journals will provide a conceptual basis for understanding how video games influence
language education.
2. Influence of MOBA and FPS Games: This research aims to gain an in-depth
understanding of the MOBA and First Person Shooter (FPS) game genres used in this
research. The use of data from previous articles and journals will help understand the
characteristics and learning potential of this game-genre.
3. Quantitative Research Methods: This study will examine quantitative research methods
used to measure the impact of video game use on English vocabulary and communication
skills. Relevant literature will provide the methodological basis for this research.
4. Differences in Effects Between Genres: This study will try to compare how the use of
video games in the MOBA and FPS genres impacts vocabulary and English speaking
skills. Previous studies may help explain potential differences between these genres.
5. Factors Influencing Effectiveness: An understanding of the factors influencing the
effectiveness of using video games in English language learning, such as game difficulty
level, duration of use, and level of interactivity, will be included in the scope of this
6. Student and Teacher Views: This research will also look at how students and teachers
view the use of video games in English learning. Previous studies of user opinions will
help understand these views.

This research will combine existing research on the use of video games in English
education, with particular emphasis on MOBA and FPS games. This scope will provide a
conceptual and methodological foundation for future research with the aim of understanding
in more depth how video games can help improve vocabulary and communication skills in


A. Literature review

a. Definitions of MOBA and FPS games, as well as English vocabulary and


MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game is a type of video game that involves two
teams fighting each other in a virtual arena. Each team consists of several players who control
characters or heroes with unique abilities. The main goal of the game is to destroy the
opponent's base while protecting your own base. MOBA games are usually played online with
players from all over the world. Examples of popular MOBA games are Mobile Legends,
Dota 2, and League of Legends.

FPS (First-Person Shooter) games are a type of video game that places the player in the
perspective of the main character seen from a first-person perspective. In FPS games, players
usually control characters who are fighting or fighting using firearms. The main goal in FPS
games is to defeat the enemy or achieve certain targets using the available weapons.
According to Kurniawan (2017: 98), FPS games are a type of online game that is played
online via the internet network. This FPS game usually involves many players playing
simultaneously and can be accessed via computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets.

Vocabulary in English refers to the collection of words used in the language, which
includes words used in oral and written communication, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives,
adverbs, and other words used to convey meaning. and ideas in English. To understand and
use English fluently and effectively, you need a good command of vocabulary.

Communication in English is when people speak in English and exchange information,

ideas, and meaning. Understanding and using vocabulary, grammar, intonation, and speaking,
listening, reading and writing skills are all aspects of English communication. As stated by
Anwar and Efransyah (In Widyahening and Rahayu, 2021: 109). English communication is a
process convey and understand messages in English between two or more people. This
includes the use of vocabulary, grammar, intonation, and facial expressions to convey and
understand messages. Communication in English can be done verbally, in writing, or through
other media.

b. The role of video games in English learning.

There is evidence to suggest that video games can have a positive impact on cognitive
abilities, including language learning. Video games that incorporate language learning
elements can provide an immersive and engaging environment for practicing and improving
language skills. These games can offer opportunities for vocabulary acquisition, grammar
practice, and listening comprehension. Additionally, multiplayer online games can facilitate
communication and collaboration with players from different linguistic backgrounds,
providing real-world context for language use. However, it is important to note that the
effectiveness of video games as language learning tools can vary depending on factors such as
game design, learner motivation, and the integration of learning strategies in the game.

Video games can play an important role in English learning. A study shows that playing
online games can help students acquire English vocabulary that is not taught in school. In this
study, students aged 8 and 10 years were able to produce several types of English words such
as "cheat," "build," "by one," "battle," "draft," "room," "shoot," "hero, ” “lag,” and “error.”
This vocabulary is taken from online games such as Mobile Legends, Minecraft, Roblox, and
Free Fire.

Apart from that, the characteristics of online games can also contribute to English language
learning. For example, in the game Minecraft, students can learn English through the game's
English language and the vocabulary used in the game such as "draft" and "build". This game
also teaches students to work together and strategize against enemies.

Thus, video games can be an effective tool in English language learning, as they can help
students acquire new vocabulary and hone their language skills through gaming experiences.

c. The relationship between MOBA and FPS games with improving English vocabulary
and communication.

There is a connection between MOBA (Mobile Online Battle Arena) games and FPS
(First-Person Shooter) games that improve vocabulary and English speaking skills. Studies
conducted on students who often play games, especially Mobile Legends, found that these
games significantly influenced their acquisition of English vocabulary. The research found
that 60% of respondents thought playing Mobile Legends helped them better understand and
use the vocabulary in the game to communicate and navigate. In addition, playing online
games like Mobile Legends can encourage students to learn English and expand their
vocabulary indirectly. However, it should be noted that excessive use of these games can lead
to low performance in school and a lack of desire to learn.

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) and First-Person Shooter (FPS) games have a
significant relationship with each other, especially because they allow players to speak and
develop vocabulary in English. The following are some of the ways these games can impact
English vocabulary and speaking skills:

1. Team Interaction: In MOBA and FPS games, players often have to work together to
achieve a common goal. This requires good communication with team members for various
reasons, such as giving instructions, organizing attacks, and sharing strategies. All of these
things can help players learn to speak English.

2. Specific Vocabulary: These games have specific vocabulary and unique terms that players
must understand. It includes terms about characters, weapons, items, abilities, and more.
Players will discover new words related to this game.

3. Chat and Voice Communication: Players often talk to other players via text or voice chat
features in this game. This is an opportunity for players from various cultural backgrounds to
speak English and improve their vocabulary and their communication skills.

4. Reading and Understanding Instructions: In MOBA and FPS games, players are often
asked to read instructions, guides, or descriptions of characters, weapons, and items. It
improves the ability to read and understand texts in English.

5. Writing Experience: Some MOBA games have online forums and communities where
players can interact and speak in English, allowing them to improve their writing skills.

6. Use of Slang and Idioms: Players from different countries may be exposed to various
styles of English, such as slang and idioms, when interacting with each other. This can help
players understand variations in the English language and expand their knowledge.

7. Cognitive and Strategic Abilities: MOBA and FPS games require strategic planning,
decision making and quick thinking. This can help players learn to think logically in English.

Overall, MOBA and FPS games can be a great tool to improve a player's vocabulary,
communication and English comprehension. However, it is important to remember that
players must maintain balance while engaging in various other activities that help foster
healthy language and communication while playing the game.

d. Previous studies on the use of video games in improving English vocabulary and

Studies on the use of video games to improve English vocabulary and communication have
shown interesting results. Video games, especially those in English, can be an effective tool
for improving vocabulary and communication skills in English. Previous studies have shown
that the use of video games can be effective in improving English vocabulary and

• Research by Aghlara and Hadiditamjid (2011) found that the use of digital games can
increase the retention of English vocabulary in foreign language learning. Apart from that,
research by Ali Derakhshan and Elham Davoodi Khatir (2015) also shows that the use of
games can help in learning English vocabulary.

• Apart from that, research by Eko, et al. (2020) shows that online games can affect English
language skills, especially in elementary school age children. They found that children can
learn and understand English vocabulary through online games, even though they are not
taught at school.

• Another study by Yip and Kwan (2007) shows that online games can be used as a tool for
teaching and learning English vocabulary. They found that online games can increase students'
motivation and involvement in learning English vocabulary.

• In research by Huyen and Nga (2003), they found that vocabulary learning through games
was effective in improving understanding and use of English vocabulary.

Overall, these studies suggest that the use of video games can be an effective method in
improving English vocabulary and communication.

 Research has found that the various benefits of playing video games in English education

1. Vocabulary Improvement: Playing video games often requires understanding instructions

and text in English. Players will be exposed to a variety of vocabulary used in the game,
including technical words and vocabulary that may not be common in everyday conversation.
This can help players understand and remember new words.

2. Communication Context: Video games often require players to communicate with other
players, either through text or voice chat. It can help players practice English in real
communication contexts, improving speaking and listening skills.

3. High Engagement: Video game characteristics such as challenge, interaction, and rewards
can increase motivation to learn English. Players often feel engaged and motivated to play
more, which in turn can enhance language learning.

4. Contextual Learning: In video games, players can learn English in specific contexts, such
as role-playing in MOBA and FPS games in conversations in real-life simulations. This helps
players understand the use of language in practical situations.

5. Improve Cognitive Skills: Some types of games, such as puzzles and strategy games, can
help improve cognitive skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and the ability to

However, it is important to remember that the benefits of using video games in English
learning can vary depending on the type of game, level of difficulty, and level of player
engagement. In addition, to ensure that the use of video games in English language learning is
effective and productive, adult monitoring and targeted teaching are often required.

Further research may be needed to gain a better understanding of how video games can be
incorporated into English language learning programs and to systematically measure their

B. Video Game Development

a. Details about the MOBA and FPS games that will be used in the research.

In this research, researchers will use two types of games, namely Multiplayer Online Battle
Arena (MOBA) and First Person Shooter (FPS):

 MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)

MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) is a game where a group of players compete
against another group of players. In this game each player only plays one character while the
other characters are played by other players or the computer. Examples of popular MOBA
games are DotA 2, League of Legends , and Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends, an online game that belongs to the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
(MOBA) genre. Mobile Legends is one of the most popular games in Indonesia, with the
number of monthly active users reaching 50 million players. This game has a fairly long
playing time, with one match taking 20-30 minutes or even more if the battle lasts a long time.
The Mobile Legends game is also often played repeatedly, so the time spent playing can reach

In research conducted by Rani, Hasibuan, and Barus (2019), they used the MOBA game
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang as the research object. This research aims to investigate the
impact of the Mobile Legends game on students in terms of mastery of English and critical
thinking skills. This research involved 100 students from the University of North Sumatra who
volunteered to participate in this research.

The researchers used quantitative methods using questionnaires as a data collection

instrument. This questionnaire consists of questions related to English language mastery and
critical thinking skills acquired through experience playing Mobile Legends. The data
collected was then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques.

The research results show that there is a positive relationship between playing Mobile
Legends and students' mastery of English and critical thinking skills. The researchers
concluded that the Mobile Legends game can be an effective tool in improving students'
English mastery and critical thinking skills.

 (FPS) First Person Shooter

Meanwhile, FPS is a game genre that uses a first-person perspective, where players will be
made to act as if they were the main character in the game by focusing on the weapons or tools
being used. FPS were developed in 1973 and featured first-person viewpoints in greater detail,
especially in fighter simulators. Examples of popular FPS games are PUBG Mobile, CODM,
Free Fire, and Fortnite.

According to previous research by Robert Theopani Singkoh (2016), games apart from
being able to provide entertainment, can also provide educational value if used positively,
such as combining the concepts of learning (education) and entertainment (entertainment).
Meanwhile, Cahaya Sakti Wibowo's statement (2015) states that games are programs created
for entertaining purposes.

PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) is an online Battle Royale video game developed
by PUBG Corporation. In this game, players are dropped on a large island and must fight to
survive by collecting weapons, equipment, and fighting other players. Players must try to be
the last one survive in the game to win the match.PUBG is famous for its realistic graphics and
intense gameplay, making it one of the most popular battle royale games in the world.

In this quantitative research, the game used is PUBG Mobile. PUBG Mobile is an online
game based on first-person shooter (FPS) which has interaction features between players such
as Quick Chat, Chat, and Voice Chat. The Quick Chat feature is used as a quick message
when players want to convey messages instantly to other players. Some of the words in Quick
Chat are in English, so PUBG Mobile players who use this feature become familiar with
English. This research will collect data on the use of English in the Quick Chat feature and
analyze its effect on interactions between players in the PUBG Mobile game.

b. Reasons for choosing the video game.

The choice of MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and FPS (First-Person Shooter) video
games as the focus of research to improve vocabulary and communication in English has
several strong reasons:

1. Engagement and motivation: Video games often capture players' attention and motivate
them to interact with English-language content. Players will be more likely to communicate
and understand instructions in English to achieve game goals.

2. Multiplayer Interaction: MOBAs and FPS often require players to interact with other
players on the team or against them. This creates opportunities to communicate in English,
especially in strategic planning, leadership and coordination with teammates.

3. Active learning: Video games enable active learning where players are directly involved
in the learning experience. They have to think quickly, make decisions, and communicate in
English to solve in-game problems.

4. Understanding Strategy: MOBA and FPS require an understanding of game strategy in

relation to Choose your character, weapons, and tactics. This involves understanding
vocabulary related to game elements.

5. Use specialized vocabulary: MOBA and FPS games often have specialized vocabulary
related to characters, weapons, abilities, and other game elements, which can help players
expand their English vocabulary.

6. Clearly measure progress: Players' progress in English vocabulary and communication in

MOBAs and FPS can be clearly measured based on game ranking, ability to contribute to the
team, and in-game performance.

7. Game Popularity: MOBAs and FPS are very popular types of games, meaning many
players from various backgrounds participate. This makes them potential tools for
comprehensive English learning.

8. Real world connections: Research may also be relevant to understand the extent to which
the use of English in video games can be applied to real world situations and improve
communication skills in everyday life.

9. Continuous gaming motivation: Video games often motivate players to play, thereby
increasing their exposure to the English language. This allows for continuous language

This study can provide valuable information about the potential use of video games in
English language learning and its impact on players' communication skills and vocabulary. It
can also be a basis for developing more effective learning methods using video games in
English language teaching contexts. This study can also provide a better understanding of how
MOBA and FPS games can be used as effective tools to improve English vocabulary and
communication. It can also contribute to the development of better learning methods for
integrating video games into English language teaching.

c. How video games will be used in a learning context.

Video games can be used in a learning context in several ways:

1. Game-based Learning: Video games designed specifically for learning purposes can be
used as a tool to teach English vocabulary and communication. For example, Liu and Chu
(2010) used computer-based games in an English listening and speaking course and found that
the use of such games had a positive impact on students' learning outcomes and motivation.

2. Online Games: Online games can be used as a tool to expand vocabulary and improve
English language skills. Research by Yip and Kwan (2006) shows that online games can help
in learning English vocabulary. Apart from that, Eko et al. (2020) found that online games can
affect English language skills in elementary school-aged children.

3. Gamification: The concept of gamification can be applied in English learning by

integrating game elements, such as points, levels, and challenges, into learning activities.
Hamari et al. (2016) found that the use of challenging games can help students learn better.

By using video games in English learning, students can be actively involved, increase
motivation, and expand their vocabulary through a fun and interactive learning experience.

When learning English, MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) video games such as
Mobile Legends can be used as a fun and effective learning tool. In this game, all instructions,
dialogue and text in the game are written in English. This allows users games to get to know
English vocabulary and phrases used in a fun and interactive context.

Through MOBA games, students can improve their mastery of English vocabulary without
feeling like they are learning. They will be exposed to various vocabulary and expressions
used in the game, such as character names, special abilities, team instructions, and interactions
with other players. In addition, MOBA games can also help students understand English
grammar and sentence structures used in real-life contexts.

Therefore, MOBA video games such as Mobile Legends can be used as an effective means
of learning English. Through this game, students can learn new vocabulary, understand
grammar and improve their English skills in a fun and interactive way.

FPS (First-Person Shooter) video games can be used in an English learning context in
several ways. The following is an example of using FPS video games in English learning:

1. Communication within a Team: In FPS video games, players often have to communicate
with their team members to plan strategies, provide instructions, or provide situation reports.
Teachers can use this feature to train students in communicating in English, such as giving
directions, giving orders, or giving reports to team members.

2. Reading and Translating: FPS video games often have text in English, such as
instructions, character dialogue, or in-game messages. Teachers can ask students to read and
translate these texts as English reading and comprehension practice.

3. Writing a Report or Analysis: After playing an FPS video game, students can be asked to
write a report or analysis about their experience in the game. They can describe the strategies
they used, identify problems they encountered, or provide suggestions for improving their
game. This will train students in writing in English and organizing their thoughts.

4. Discussion and Debate: After playing FPS video games, teachers can facilitate
discussions or debates in English on game-related topics, such as ethics in games, the impact
of video games on players, or game strategies. This will train students in speaking and arguing
in English.

5. Vocabulary Learning: FPS video games often have specific vocabulary related to
weapons, tactics, or the game environment. Teachers can introduce or expand English
vocabulary by using these vocabulary words:

1. Aim Down Sights (ADS)

2. Spray and Pray
3. Headshots
4. No-Scoping
5. Crosshairs
6. Reload
7. Respawn
8. Camp/Camper
9. Killstreak
10. Grenades

11. Cover
12. Friendly Fire
13. Lag
14. Folder
15. Objective
16. Team Deathmatch
17. Snipers
18. Noob
19. Bullet Spreads
20. Health Pack
21. Respawn Timer

d. How will these games be integrated into the context of English learning.

Integrating games such as PUBG Mobile and Mobile Legends into English learning can be
done through various approaches. One approach is to incorporate game-related vocabulary and
phrases into language lessons. For example, teachers can introduce and practice English
commands and instructions commonly used in these games, such as “protect me,” “attack,” or
“take the target.”

Another approach is to use gameplay scenarios as the context for language practice.
Teachers can create role-playing activities where students act as game characters and engage
in conversations using English. This allows students to practice speaking and listening skills
while using game-related vocabulary and phrases in meaningful contexts.

In addition, teachers can give assignments or projects related to games that require students
to use English. For example, students may be asked to write game reviews, create game
strategies, or participate in online discussions about games in English. This not only improves
their language skills but also encourages critical thinking and collaboration.

It is important to note that the integration of games into language learning must be done in
a balanced and controlled manner. Teachers should provide guidance and set clear learning
goals to ensure that the focus remains on language development, not just gameplay.
Additionally, monitoring and assessing students' progress in language learning through game
integration is essential to ensure effective learning outcomes.

Overall, integrating games like PUBG Mobile and Mobile Legends into English learning
can make the learning process more interesting and relevant for students. By incorporating
game-related vocabulary, using game scenarios, and providing game-related assignments,
students can improve their language skills while enjoying the interactive and immersive nature
of these games.

C. Conceptual framework

a. Theoretical foundations that support the use of video games in English language

The use of video games in English language learning is based on a number of theoretical
foundations. One of them is constructivism theory which argues that learning takes place
through active interaction between students and their learning environment. In this context,
video games can provide an interactive and enjoyable learning experience for students, so that
it can increase motivation, self-confidence and courage in expressing one's ideas.

In addition, game-based learning theory supports the use of video games in English
language learning. This theory argues that games can improve students' mastery of vocabulary
and English language skills through active, repetitive, and enjoyable learning experiences. In
this research, quantitative research methods were used to analyze differences in student
learning outcomes between English learning outcomes and learning outcomes when playing
video games.

Thus, the use of video games in learning English is based on the theoretical foundations of
constructivism and the theory of learning through games. Quantitative research methods are
used to collect and analyze data about students' English vocabulary proficiency.

 several theoretical bases that support the use of video games in learning English using
quantitative research methods:

1. Cognitive Theory: This theory centers on the way people understand and process data
during the learning process. In MOBA and FPS video games, understanding game rules,
strategy, and how to cooperate with other players is very important. This can help players
better understand English by reading and interpreting in-game information and talking to
fellow players in English. According to cognitive theory, learning occurs through mental
processes such as attention, memory, and problem solving. Video games provide students with
the opportunity to interact with game content and language while engaging in cognitive
processes. Studies such as Aghlara and Hadiditamjid (2011) and Ali Derakhshan and Elham
Davoodi Khatir (2015) support this theory, finding that video games can enhance vocabulary
learning when learn a new language.

2. Active Learning Theory: Using video games as an action-based learning tool allows
students to actively participate in their learning. In MOBA and FPS video games, students
must actively participate in decision making, problem solving, and communicating with other
players in English. This can improve understanding and fluency in English.

3. Sociocultural theory: Sociocultural theory emphasizes the role of social interaction and
cultural context in learning. Video games often involve online community or multiplayer
modes, which allow learners to engage in collaborative language learning experiences. This
theory is supported by the research of Yip and Kwan (2007 ) who found that online games can
increase motivation and engagement in learning English vocabulary.

4. Experiential learning theory: Experiential learning theory states that learning occurs
through direct experience and reflection. Video games provide immersive and interactive
experiences that allow learners to practice and apply their language skills in meaningful
contexts. This theory is supported by research such as Eko et al. (2020) who found that online
games can improve English language skills in elementary school children. This theoretical
basis provides a basis for understanding how video games can improve English language

Quantitative research methods allow researchers to collect empirical evidence that supports
the use of video games to improve vocabulary and communication skills in English language
learning. Additionally, quantitative research methods include experiments, surveys, and
analysis. The data collected from this research can help formulate

b. Research conceptual framework illustrating how MOBA and FPS games can improve
English vocabulary and communication.

Research Sample Survey Questionnaire

purposes Selection Development

Data analysis Data collection Survey to


 Research purposes
namely to explore the effect of playing MOBA and FPS games on increasing
vocabulary and communication in English.
 Sample Selection
Students at SMA Negeri 4 Sidrap are between 15 and 18 years old. Students have
experience playing MOBA or FPS genre video games. Students are willing to
participate in the research survey.

 Survey Questionnaire Development

Create a questionnaire that includes questions related to experience playing MOBA
and FPS games, changes in English vocabulary, as well as respondents' feelings about
improving their communication skills.

 Survey to Students

After a certain period of time, a survey was conducted on students using a
questionnaire to assess changes in their vocabulary and English communication skills
after using MOBA and FPS games.

 Data collection
Distribute the questionnaire to the respondents in your selected sample. Make sure
you get permission from respondents before collecting data.

 Data analysis
After collecting data from the survey, analyze the data to identify patterns and
relationships between playing MOBA and FPS games and improving English
vocabulary and communication.

This research process will collect data from SMAN 4 SIDRAP by distributing questionnaires
to the school's students by conducting direct observations at school.

D. Research Hypothesis

a. The research hypothesis to be tested.

"Playing MOBA and FPS video games regularly over a period of time significantly
improved players' English vocabulary and oral communication skills compared to a control
group that did not play video games."

Explanation of hypothesis characteristics:

1. Specific: This hypothesis details the type of video game (MOBA and FPS), frequency of
play (regularly), and expected outcomes (increased vocabulary and oral communication
skills in English).

2. Literature Support: This hypothesis is based on previous research showing the potential
positive role of video games in improving certain aspects of the English language, such as
vocabulary and communication skills. This reflects an understanding of the theoretical
framework that supports the research.

3. Verification: This hypothesis can be tested empirically by collecting data on vocabulary

and English communication skills before and after a period of video game playing.

4. Falsifiability : This hypothesis can be broken if the data collected does not support a
significant increase in English vocabulary and communication skills after playing video

5. Relevant: This hypothesis is relevant to the research objective of identifying the impact of
video games with the MOBA and FPS genres on English, which is an important topic in
the context of education and entertainment.

b. Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

Research hypothesis regarding the role of video games with the MOBA (Multiplayer
Online Battle Arena) and FPS (First-Person Shooter) genres in improving vocabulary and
communication in English:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in the increase in vocabulary and
English communication skills between the group who played MOBA games and the group
who played FPS games.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference in the increase in

vocabulary and English communication skills between the group that plays MOBA games and
the group that plays FPS games.

In this hypothesis, the null hypothesis (H0) states that there is no significant difference
between the effects of playing MOBA games and playing FPS games in improving English
vocabulary and communication. Meanwhile, the alternative hypothesis (H1) states that there is
a significant difference between the two groups. .Quantitative research will involve collecting
data that can be statistically analyzed to test this hypothesis.

The data collected can include vocabulary measurements before and after playing games,
as well as evaluation of English communication skills through certain tests. In addition, this
research can also consider various factors such as playing duration, playing intensity, and
playing experience in assessing the impact of video games on vocabulary and English

The results of this study will help determine whether video games in the MOBA and FPS
genres have different impacts on improving English language skills and can provide insight
into which types of games are most effective in this context.

E. Research variable

a. Independent variable (type of game played: MOBA or FPS).

1. type of game played: MOBA

 Mobile Legends game

The independent variable in the Mobile Legends game that can influence vocabulary
mastery and English communication is the frequency of playing games. The more often a
player is involved in the game, the more exposure to English vocabulary and communication
in the game. By playing Mobile Legends regularly, players can improve their understanding
and use of English words and phrases commonly used in the game, such as hero names,
abilities and in-game commands. This can contribute to the development of their vocabulary
and communication skills in English.

2. type of game played: FPS

 PUBG Mobile game

The relationship between playing the PUBG Mobile game and mastery of English
vocabulary and communication, the independent variables can be various factors that can
influence players' mastery of English vocabulary and communication. The independent
variables that are relevant in the research are:

1. Playing time: PUBG Mobile playing time. This can be an independent variable to test
whether players who spend more time playing tend to use better English vocabulary and

2. Game Intensity: The player's level of involvement in the game, such as how many games
they play in a day or how often they play. This can be used to see whether players who play
more often have a greater impact on their ability to master vocabulary and communicate in

3. Forms of in-game interaction: If players often communicate with other players in English
during game play, for example through in-game chat. This can be an important factor in
language acquisition.

4. Use of additional resources: Shows whether the player uses external resources such as
dictionaries or English learning apps while playing. This may affect your ability to master
vocabulary and communicate in English.

5. Initial English Level: The player's English level before starting to play PUBG Mobile.
This may be a factor in the extent to which the game influences language acquisition.

b. Dependent variable.

in the context of using games such as Mobile Legends and PUBG Mobile to improve English
vocabulary and communication skills are:

 Mobile Legends game

An increase in English vocabulary and communication while using the Mobile Legends
game can be interpreted as a result or change that you want to measure or observe as a result
of using the game. In this case, two dependent variables must be taken into account:

English vocabulary increase: measures the change in the number of English words a
Mobile Legends player knows or uses after playing the game. Vocabulary increase can be
measured by pre- and post-game testing, or by tracking progressive player behavior over a
period of time.

Improved English communication skills: measures the change in a player's ability to

communicate in English after playing Mobile Legends. This may include changes in the
ability to speak, write or understand English. Such improvement can be measured by
observing the player's communication behavior, testing communication before and after the
game , or evaluation by a competent evaluator.

 PUBG Mobile game

Increasing vocabulary and communication skills in English when using the PUBG Mobile
game can be defined as the results or changes that you want to measure or observe as a result
of using the game. In this context, there are two relevant dependent variables:

English Vocabulary Improvement: measures the change in the number of English words
PUBG Mobile players know or use after playing the game. Vocabulary improvement can be
measured by tests before and after playing the game, or by monitoring the player's progress
over a certain period.

Improved English Communication Ability: measures the change in a player's ability to

communicate in English after playing PUBG Mobile. This may include changes in the ability
to speak, write, or understand English. This improvement can be measured through
observation of players' communication behavior, communication tests before and after playing
the game, or assessment by a competent assessor.

In this research, data was collected on the two dependent variables before and after players
played Mobile Legends and Pubg mobile to find out whether there was a relationship between
playing these games and increasing vocabulary and communication skills in English or not.
Apart from that, it is also necessary to take into account the independent variables. that can
influence the results, such as the amount of playing time, the level of game addiction, and the
learning methods used by players.


A. Research methods

The research method used in this research is a quantitative research method. Quantitative
research methods are research approaches that use numerical data or data that can be
measured quantitatively to answer research questions and test hypotheses. This method
involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data related to the variables studied. The main
goal of quantitative research methods is to produce generalizations that can be applied to a
broader population.

The quantitative research process begins by conducting a study or preliminary research to

identify research problems based on phenomena that are based on empirical evidence or facts
that form the background for the research. Next, the researcher prepares a research proposal
containing background, objectives, methodology and data collection plan. After the proposal
is approved, the researcher collects data using data collection techniques such as surveys,
experiments, or observations. The collected data was then analyzed using statistical methods
to test the research hypothesis. The results of data analysis are then interpreted and presented
in the form of a research report.

Quantitative research methods have several advantages. First, this method allows
researchers to collect data that is objective and can be measured quantitatively, thus allowing
for generalization of research results. Second, this method allows researchers to test
relationships between variables and identify factors that influence the phenomenon under
study. Third, this method can provide a strong basis for decision making and policy
formulation. However, quantitative research methods also have several limitations:

1. This method tends to ignore the social context and complexity that may influence the
phenomenon under study. This method focuses more on measurement and statistical
analysis, so it can ignore qualitative factors that may be relevant.
2. Quantitative research methods tend to produce data that is limited in terms of detail and
depth of understanding. The numerical data collected may not be able to describe the
nuances and complexities present in the phenomenon under study.
3. This method can also be limited in terms of generalization. Generalization of quantitative
research results can only be done to populations that are similar to the samples used in the
research. This can limit the applicability of research results to a wider population.
4. Quantitative research methods tend to require representative samples and large sample
sizes to produce valid and reliable results. This can take significant time, resources and
5. Quantitative research methods tend to ignore the social and cultural context that may
influence the phenomena under study. This can produce research results that are not
completely relevant or applicable in different contexts.

Despite their limitations, quantitative research methods still have important value and
utility in generating objective data, testing hypotheses, and providing a solid basis for
decision making. Therefore, it is important to consider the advantages and limitations of this
method in designing research that is appropriate to the desired research objectives and

B. The research design to be used (e.g., experiment, survey, case study).

The research method used is a survey method:

Survey research is defined as research conducted by recruiting participants, collecting

data, and utilizing various instrumentation methods to gather information relating to the
behavior and preferences of a sample of individuals about the characteristics, actions, or
opinions of a large group of people through their responses to questions. This type of research
allows for a variety of survey research methods such as using quantitative research strategies
(e.g., using questionnaires with numerically rated items), qualitative research strategies (e.g.,
using open-ended questions), or research that is a mixture of both. Because they are often
used to describe and explore human behavior, surveys are often used in social and
psychological research. The main goal of this type of survey research is to obtain information
that describes the characteristics of a large sample

The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of multiple choice
and open questions. Questionnaires are distributed to a sample of participants selected based
on certain criteria. The data collected from the survey is analyzed using statistical techniques
such as descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are used to
summarize and describe the characteristics of the sample, while inferential statistics are used
to make conclusions and draw conclusions about the population. Overall, the research method
used in this research is a survey method, namely data collection through structured
questionnaires and data analysis using statistical techniques.

Examples that can be applied in research methods using Survey Design:

1. Survey Design: The survey will be used to collect data on players' perceptions of the use
of MOBA and FPS video games as an English language learning tool.
2. Sample Selection: Participants in a survey can come from the same population as the
experimental group.
3. Independent Variable: Use of MOBA and FPS video games as an English learning tool.
4. Dependent Variable: Players' perceptions of the effectiveness of using MOBA and FPS
video games in English language learning.
5. Survey Procedure:
a. Development of a survey questionnaire that includes questions about players'
perceptions of the use of MOBA and FPS video games in English language learning.
b. Distribution of questionnaires to video game players and collection of survey data.
6. Survey Data Analysis: Use statistical methods to analyze survey data and evaluate
player perceptions.

Analysis of the survey data will provide an understanding of the effectiveness of MOBA
and FPS video games in improving English vocabulary and communication skills, as well as
players' views on their use as learning tools. The research conclusions will include

experimental and survey findings, as well as their implications in the context of English
language learning through MOBA and FPS video games.

C. Research population and sample

1. Research population:

The subjects of this research include students of SMA Negeri 4 Sidrap aged 15 to 18
years, who play MOBA or FPS genre video games and are interested in developing
vocabulary capital and communication skills in English.

2. Research Sample:

For research that uses survey methods, we need to select a sample that represents the
population concerned. The following is an example of sampling:

 Selection criteria: Students at SMA Negeri 4 Sidrap are aged between 15 and 18 years.
Students have experience playing MOBA or FPS genre video games. Students are willing
to participate in the research survey.
 Sampling method: Using a simple random sampling method from a list of students who
meet the requirements selected at different class levels (classes X, XI and XII) at SMA
Negeri 4 Sidrap.
 Sample size: Suppose we select 100 students as research sample.

D. Research instruments to be used

To collect data, researchers will use a Survey Design, namely by distributing a survey
questionnaire which includes questions about players' perceptions of the use of MOBA and
FPS video games in English language learning. There are also examples of survey question
designs that might be used, namely:


1. Age: ____________

2. Gender:

[ ] Man

[ ] Woman

3. Class:


[ ] XI

[ ] XII

4. How many hours a week do you usually play video games?

[ ] Less than 1 hour

[ ] 1-3 hours

[ ] 3-5 hours

[ ] More than 5 hours

5. Types of video games you play most often:

[ ] MOBA (Example: Mobile Legends, League of Legends)

[ ] FPS (Example: Pubg Mobile, Counter-Strike)

6. How do you believe video games have influenced the improvement of your English

[ ] Greatly Increased

[ ] Increase

[ ] No effect

[ ] Decrease

[ ] Very Decreased

7. Do you feel playing video games has helped you in communicating in English?

[ ] Greatly Increased

[ ] Increase

[ ] No effect

[ ] Decrease

[ ] Very Decreased

8. Based on your experience playing video games, to what extent do you feel your English
skills have improved? (1 = Not Improved, 5 = Significantly Improved)

MOBA: ______

FPS: ______

9. Do you have additional suggestions or comments regarding the influence of MOBA and
FPS video games on English vocabulary and communication? Please write below:

[ ] I have no additional suggestions or comments.

[ ] I have additional suggestions/comments:

[Text area]

E. Data analysis to be applied

The data analysis that will be applied in this research is Logistic Regression Analysis
using Logistic Regression Analysis aimed at understanding the factors that influence video
game players' perceptions of increasing English vocabulary or communication, using logistic
regression analysis. This will help in research to determine the factors that are significant in
predicting positive or negative perceptions

Logistic Regression Analysis is a statistical method used to study the relationship

between one or more independent variables and a dependent variable that is binary or
categorical. The goal of logistic regression analysis is to understand the factors that influence
the likelihood of a specific event or outcome occurring.

In logistic regression analysis, the dependent variable is usually a binary variable that has
two categories, for example "yes" or "no", "success" or "failure", or "affected by the disease"
or "not affected by the disease". Independent variables can be categorical or continuous

Logistic regression analysis uses a mathematical model called the logistic regression
equation. The logistic regression equation estimates the probability of occurrence of a
category of dependent variable based on the value of the independent variable. The logistic
regression equation has the following general form:

log(p / (1-p)) = a + bX


- p is the probability of occurrence of the dependent variable

- X is the independent variable

- a is the intercept, i.e. log-odds when X = 0

- b is the regression coefficient, i.e. the change in log-odds expected when X changes by one

Estimation of regression coefficients in logistic regression analysis uses the Maximum

Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. This method looks for coefficient values that
maximize the possibility of the observed data occurring.

The results of logistic regression analysis can be used to interpret the influence of
independent variables on the probability of occurrence of the dependent variable. A
statistically significant regression coefficient indicates that there is a significant influence of
the independent variable on the probability of the dependent variable occurring.


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