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Metaphor: The poet compares the city to "a series of moving

mouths." This metaphor is strange because cities don't actually have

mouths or move. It makes the city seem alive in a bizarre way, as if
it's constantly talking or communicating. This creates a disturbing
image because it's unusual and unsettling. It implies a sense of
constant surveillance and scrutiny. Just as mouths speak and convey
information, the city seems to be constantly observing and judging
its inhabitants. This suggests a lack of privacy and individual freedom,
as if every action and word is being monitored. It suggests that
everyone in the city is expected to be the same and follow the rules.
If someone tries to be different or go against what's expected, they
might face consequences or be punished. It creates a feeling of
claustrophobia and oppression, as if there is no escape from the
city's watchful gaze.

Symbolism: The symbolism of the white gloves with "grotesquely

dancing fingers" represents the unseen forces of authority and
control. The gloves, typically associated with cleanliness take on a
disturbing meaning as they are depicted as dancing in a grotesque
manner. This suggests that those in power are manipulating and
controlling the actions of the people, perhaps without their
knowledge. Implicitly, this symbolism conveys the idea of a society
where individuals are mere puppets, controlled by those in positions
of authority. It adds to the sense of helplessness and vulnerability
felt by the inhabitants of the city, as they are powerless to resist the
forces that govern their lives.

Imagery: The imagery of the city being "enormous" and "high-

walled," with "thick rugs" covering the streets, creates a sense of
isolation and captivity. The city's size and imposing walls suggest a
feeling of being trapped, as if there is no escape. The mention of rugs
covering the streets is unusual and unsettling, as streets are not
typically covered in such a manner. This imagery implies that the city
is hiding something beneath its surface, adding to the sense of
mystery and unease. Implicitly, this imagery conveys the idea of a
society that is closed off and secretive, where outsiders are not
welcome and information is tightly controlled. It creates a sense of
claustrophobia and paranoia, as the inhabitants of the city are cut off
from the outside world and forced to navigate its streets alone.

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