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I have a reservation at 07.

00 pm today/may i have your first

name please/it’s amanda/thank you for joining us, your table
is number 7 on the second floor/good evening madam, i
peter and i will be your waiter tonight/what would you we
like to have?/this is my first time here, any
recommendations/for appetizers i suggest to try either
smoked salmon mousse mugs or shrimp dip their delecious
taste won’t would let you down/okey i would like to have the
shrimp dip please/one of our best sellers are lobster and king
crab/ i am Not a big fan of crabs, so i will go for lobster
please/noted, would you like to have anything else?/maybe
fish soup the shimp/that is a good choice/fish soup is also
highly recommended at our the restorant/ i would like a
white wine as well/thank you madam/i would like to confirm
that we will serve you shrimp dip, a lobster, fish soup dan
white wine/that is right/the food will be ready ini fiveteen

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