CL 6 (April - May)

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Lambunao, Iloilo

Name: _________________________________ Parent’s Signature: _____________
Miss Jee Ann
Worksheet # 23 (April - May)
I. OBJECTIVE: recall some of the miracles God did in spite of impossible circumstances and
intensify one’s faith in what God can do.
(Loving God by renewing our character)
A. Lesson Proper
Bible Verse: “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness,
knowledge; and to knowledge, self – control; and to self control, perseverance; and to perseverance,
godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these
qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:5-8

 John, also called Mark, grew up in a Christian home. It was believed that it was in their home that
Jesus and the apostles had their Last Supper, just before Jesus was taken away and crucified.
 When Paul and Barnabas left Jerusalem to return to Antioch. Mark went with them on their first
missionary journey, but then he deserted them and returned to Jerusalem.
 Paul must have been angry and disappointed with Mark, because later when Barnabas suggested
that they take Mark on their second journey, Paul refused. Their arguments were so severe that
they decided to go on separate ways.
 Paul took Silas and went one way; Barnabas took Mark and went another way. Paul thought it
would be unwise to take Mark with them again. Mark was supposed to help them, but he deserted
 Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement”, wanted to give Mark another chance. Mark
was his cousin and he knew that Mark needed encouragement to strengthen his faith and learn
from these stronger Christians.
 Twelve years later, Mark had regained Paul’s favor. Paul wrote a letter to the Colossians to
welcome Mark. (accept and treat him as they would treat Paul himself.)
 Mark also spent a long time with Peter, helping his ministry. Their friendship and love grew so
close that Peter called Mark his “son”. His trial and testing helped him grew close to God and
became an encouragement himself.
 Mark wrote the Gospel of Mark. His gospel was most likely written to Christians in Rome who
were beginning to experience persecution and suffering.
III. Assessment:
1. Why did Paul and Barnabas separate ways during their second journey?

2. It is possible to encounter trials and sufferings in serving God? Why do you say so?
3. If you were Paul, would you have given up on Mark or have encouraged him anyway?

II. BUILD YOUR FAITH. Solve the crossword below using your memory verse passage.
Across Down
1. Add this to goodness. 2. Jesus Christ is _________.
4. Add this to perseverance. 3. What you should do with these qualities.
5. How you should posses these qualities . 7. One thing they will keep you from being.
6. Add this to godliness. 9. Add goodness to this.
8. A useless kind of knowledge. 11. What kind of effort.
10. Add this to knowledge. 12. Add this to brotherly kindness.
13. Add this to self – control.
1K n o w 2L e d g e

6 7

10 11 12


Worksheet # 24 (March - April)

I. OBJECTIVE: appreciate that Jesus did not care about person’s social position.
(Loving God and People)
A. Lesson Proper
Bible Verse: “ For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” Acts 4:20

 Mary Magdalene once had seven demons living in her, but Jesus cast them out. After that, she
traveled from town to town with Jesus and His disciples and cared for their needs.
 She loved Jesus and remained with Him throughout His arrest and citification. After Jesus, died,
Mary even followed to the tomb to see Him buried. A heavy stone was rolled in front of the tomb
and it was sealed. Guards were posted because the Jewish leaders were afraid Jesus’ disciples
might try to steal his body and then say He had risen.
 When Sunday came, she visited the tomb to anoint His body with perfume and spices as their
custom. When she got there, she was surprised to see that the stone had been removed from the
 She told Peter and John that their Lord was taken out of the tomb. While crying and wondering
where to find the Lord, two men in white appeared to tell her that Jesus has risen.
 Not long enough, Jesus Himself appeared to her. Mary recognized Jesus voice when He called her
name. Mary run to where the others were and told them she saw Jesus, but they didn’t believe
 Later Jesus appeared to all disciples except Thomas who was not there at the time. Thomas
heard about it, but he said he wouldn’t believe until he saw from himself. A week later Jesus
appeared to the disciples again. This time Thomas was there, and he finally believed.
 The Bible tells us to share the good news of Jesus with everyone.
 Our testimony may be the only chance for someone to hear about Jesus. Pray that God will give us
the courage and opportunity to share His Word to others.
III. Assessment:
A. Answer the following questions:
1. What was the incredible news Mary was shouting about?

2. Why do you think the news of Mary was quite unbelievable for most of the disciples?

3. Why was everyone joyful instead of being afraid upon knowing Jesus’ resurrection?

4. Do you think Thomas’ response was just normal? Why do you say so?

5. Why is Christ’s’ resurrection called good news?

B. List different ways how good news or exciting information can be shared.

Worksheet # 25 (March - April)

I. OBJECTIVE: understand how important it is to keep promises.
(A Life of Faith - 2)
A. Lesson Proper
Bible Verse: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of
Hade will not overcome it.”
Matthew 16: 18
 God promised that He would build His Church and that it would be stronger that all the forces of
 Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter. Peter means , “rock”. Like a little rock – a stone or pebble.
Then Jesus said He would build His church on this rock, meaning Himself, a huge rock like a
cornerstone, the foundation block of a building.
 Peter was the one who cut off a soldier’s ear to protect Jesus when soldiers came to arrest Him
before He was crucified. Right after that he denied that he knew Jesus because he was afraid of
what might happen to him. He always doing things without thinking first. Now Jesus change his
name to Peter, the rock. A rock is firm, steady, unchanging.
 Peter acknowledges Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. God saw what Peter would
 He became very bold to preach the truth of Christ, the Son of the living God. He became one of
the leaders of the Early Church.
 After Jesus died, the disciples started what we call the Early Church. They prayed, preached, ate
together, and worshipped God so they would be strong and effective to tell others about Jesus.
The Bible says that about 3,000 people joined the church at one day.
 Jesus promised that His church would be victorious. We are the church. We could be victorious
as we tell others about Jesus, live a consistent godly life, grow to love Jesus more each day.
 The Church called out and summoned together as citizens of God’s kingdom for the purpose of
worshipping God.
Useful words and ideas:
A cornerstone of a building is found at the very corner and is the basis of the structure of the
building. It is also called the foundation.
Peter – the Greek word is Petros – meaning a small stone.
“on this rock” – the Greek word is Petra – meaning a massive rock or a rocky cliff.
 It is Jesus Christ Who is ‘The Rock”, the first and great foundation of the church.
God will build His Church upon the solid foundation as confessed by Peter and the other
disciples – Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
III. Assessment:
1. What is the meaning of Christ being the Cornerstone?

2. What do you think is the significance of changing Simon’s name to Peter?

3. What was Peter’s declaration about Jesus?

4. What authority was given to Peter?

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