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In the realm where hearts break free,

Emerges strength, empowered decree.
Oh, Feminismo, relentless fire,
Resolute force, women aspire.

From a past of inequality's grasp,

Rise the voices, refusing to clasp.
Shackles of notions, cultural confines,
Weaving together equality's lines.

Equal they stand, with unyielding might,

Unwavering warriors, glowing bright.
With every stride, they break the mold,
A symphony of liberation, behold!

Feminismo, the anthem rings,

Across nations, without any strings.
From pounding drums to whispered prose,
Their story's strength forever grows.

In the corridors of forgotten lore,

Echoes their spirit, forevermore.
They carve pathways, uncharted and new,
Rejecting oppression, daring to pursue.

In sisterhood, they find their might,

Bound by resilience, shedding the plight.
Vibrant hues of feminism's canvas unfurl,
A tapestry of stories, each a precious pearl.

No longer confined to silent streams,

Feminismo blooms, where hope redeems.
They dismantle barricades of discrimination,
Uncage voices and dreams, without hesitation.

To redefine, reclaim, reshape and transform,

To shatter patriarchy's stubborn norm.
With every whisper, with every roar,
Feminismo etches change at its core.

For equality's drumbeat resonates,

Across generations, from different fates.
Feminismo, a legacy that ignites,
A melody composed of equality's rights.

So let us celebrate, empower, and embrace,

The spirit that refuses to leave a trace,
Of injustice, inequality, and disdain,
Together we rise, equality shall reign.

Oh, Feminismo, your tapestry unwinds,

Through time's dance, love forever binds.
In unity, we shall reclaim harmonious grace,
For equality's triumph, forever we embrace.

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