Lab Report 7

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Siniloan, Laguna

College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 1

(ME Lab 1)

Laboratory Report 7

Pressure and Temperature Measurement

Submitted by:

John Eric S. Alvarez

4 November 2023

Date Submitted

Engr. Michael V. De Guzman

I. Introduction

Pressure and temperature measurement are critical components of

instrumentation and monitoring in a wide range of fields, including
research, engineering, and industrial operations. These measures are
critical for managing and understanding the behavior of gases, liquids, and
solids. Pressure Measurement, Pressure is the force exerted to a surface
per unit area. Temperature Measurement, Temperature is a measure of the
average kinetic energy of particles in a substance. Temperature measuring
accuracy is critical in a variety of applications, including cooking, climate
control, scientific research, and industrial activities. Pressure and
temperature measurements are both critical for ensuring safety, quality,
and efficiency in a variety of processes and businesses. Many applications
rely on accurate measurement and control of these parameters.

II. Objectives

• To assess the significance of Pressure Temperature Measurement.

• Be familiar with some of the instruments and tools used in
temperature and pressure analysis.

III. Materials

Some Pressure and Temperature Measurement Devices


A barometer is a device that measures atmospheric pressure. A barometer

can also be used to estimate height because air pressure varies with
distance above or below sea level. A barometer is described as a
meteorological tool that is used for measuring the air pressure in the
atmosphere of a specific environment. This is a very important tool for the
proper function of a weather station and is often used alongside other tools
and instruments to gauge the current and future weather conditions. This
instrument is also used in aviation to determine altitude.


A thermometer is a device used to measure the temperature of solids,

liquids, or gases. A temperature gradient, or an object’s degree of coolness
or hotness, can also be measured with a thermometer. Thermometers are
made up of two major parts.
IV. Classification


A barometer is a scientific device that measures atmospheric pressure,

often known as barometric pressure. The atmosphere is made up of layers
of air that wrap around the Earth. As gravity drags it to Earth, that air has
weight and presses against everything it touches. This pressure is
measured using barometers.


A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. It can measure

the temperature of a solid like food, a liquid like water, or a gas like air. The
three most prevalent temperature measurement units are Celsius,
Fahrenheit, and kelvin. The metric system includes the Celsius scale.

V. Conclusion

Temperature and pressure measurements are important instruments in

science and technology, with applications ranging from weather forecasting
to industrial processes, and they are interrelated in many physical
phenomena. The precise measurement of these factors is critical for
understanding and controlling many systems and processes in our daily
VI. Analysis

In many cases, pressure and temperature measurements are linked. In

meteorology, pressure and temperature data are used to make weather
forecasts. For example, as temperature rises, the pressure of a gas tends
to rise, assuming constant volume. Pressure and temperature play an
important role in determining reaction rates and product yields in chemical
reactions. In the field of healthcare, temperature measurements are vital for
diagnosing and monitoring patients, while blood pressure is a key vital sign
for assessing overall health.Pressure can be measured in absolute or
gauge pressure. Absolute pressure refers to a perfect vacuum, whereas
gauge pressure refers to atmospheric pressure. Temperature
measurement can be affected by a variety of factors, including the type of
thermometer used.

VII. Recommendations

To ensure accuracy and reliability when measuring pressure and

temperature, it is critical to use appropriate instruments and adhere to best
practices. First, select calibrated and well-maintained sensors or
transducers appropriate for the application. Second, ensure that these
instruments are properly installed and calibrated to reduce errors.
Maintaining accuracy over time requires regular maintenance and periodic
calibration checks. Consider environmental factors as well as potential
sources of interference when positioning sensors to obtain representative
measurements. Finally, to facilitate traceability and analysis, record and
document all measurement data, including the date and conditions.

VIII. References

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