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7 ! ! | : CONDITIONAL CLAUSES w right, I don't ge to the doctor RST = IF 4+ PRESENT + FUTURE / IMPERATIVE / CAN, MUST, ETC. IFT kenew anything before Tuesday, 1 will phoma you SECOND- IF +PASTSIMPLE = 4 CONDITIONAL SIMPLE FL knew the answer, | wouldn't ask you RD IF*PASTPERFECT ~ CONDITIONAL PERFECT IT) hadiknow al the anewers, | would hawe faited the exam FILL THE GAPS WITH THE CORRECT VERB FORM: 1; I dont think she's worried about us. If she (be) .. o» worried, she (phone) on OF Saeneth ng 2. Thave an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow, IFT (manage) ..... cones RO finish before 4.30, I (da)... os ‘the shopping on my way back. te the airport on time if he 3. Tom missed his (not oversees) 4 TET (hae) all my friends for the weekend. ‘the child (not be pla . such a large house as yours, 1 (INvIRE) oo... 5 ... with matches, ha (not burn) 6.- She's so shy. If she (talk) .. 1 to people, she (make) . 7 Totes Pree Tey mig be (esky coocesen YOU about me, (not, tell) Fm going out with John. vo friends. 8. If a machine (be) . . properly maintained, m (fal, never)... 9.- We (anvite) .. coon lem if we (Know) his address, but he never gave it to us 10> Unless 1 (HBV @) ose ceoresne a problem, | (bother, never)... isssemeereees May Prtends. ? > ? ? ? ? ? $ ? > ? ? ? ? > ; ? ? 11. You're very strong, If you (try) ... es YOU Opponent. ». careful, you (net, break) fT (not, moved) 13.- I was so stupid! Nothing (happaned) nnn 14. She's a bre short. If he (be) .. 15> Sorry. 1 (lend) 16.~ The bus is full up. If there (D8) .ocooesse Ve wy eee bate Xie pice: Raton Bf you treed (can arrest} BARA ARR AR ADA AAA AAA ttt ttt titi d 18-1 (leave)... cone him a message is he (not, be) 0.00... home whan T phone. WAR A AAA AAA AAA Aa pt A ; Pete eemennensaeeenssensaenenseensansecanerersensacnacenensansaceneusensmenssen! rersnerannnernnnesnirtnnnreesrereriectsnnnrnianeermerinannetenerene g { COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH YOUR OWN WORDS AND WRITE WICH TYPE IT I5: 1.- She would have never left her job if {2 The workers would go on strike if... 3 They won't come to the wedding if. If there weren't so much traffic, .. =I Harry had got up earlier, If little children have pets, ... ~ You'l improve your English if .~ People call the fire brigade if. 9.- Everybody will stare at you If. 10.- Youll ned a lawyer if. > He would have asked her out if. 12.- If you want to know the meaning of a word, .. 3 12 If Thad known you were coming, .. 414.- If that model of car had been cheaper, ... 15.~ IF were you, .., ~ Everybody would like ta travel abroad if. £17. If you behave like that, ~ I they had thought before doing anything, 1 19.- If she read the book, i oxic Bhertbaely vooeid Notes sudored thameanon = 1Waceapt your invitation if 22. T would eat fish if 2 23.- You should take the dress back to the shop if 24. If you haven't got any mare questions, 25. Lock the front door if. {26 IF you can't come to the meating on time, E27. Thare willbe alot of problems if. 2 28.~ Mobody would have got killed in the accident if E29. thera had been an alarm in tha museum, .. 30.-1f you want the children to be quiet, . SESE SEN SESS SET ESET | | | ; i 1. If nobody helps me, I'll get into trouble. { Filliget into trouble unless somebody helps me. 2 2-T won't know anything about my friends if they don’t write to me. $3. Thay wouldn't have bothered you if they hadn’t needed your help. .~ If there tsn't traffic jam, wel be home by five o'clock. .- People don’t ge to the dector if they aren’ ill | 6-1 punish yau if you don't tell me the truth. $7. They won't invite you to their party if they don’t know your phone number. Ee They wont give you the jab they dont tke your appearance. 2 9.-If youdontt finish your homework now, I won't let you watch TV. 2 {10-1 mon't phone you if there isn't anything urgent, 1 = T wouldn't invest all this money if | weren't sure I would get it back. Hu ~Iyou don't get up early, you'll miss your train 2 13.1 wouldn't have asked him any questions if he hadn't been ready to answer them. faa. we won't go fishing if the weather isn fine. i ss. Twon't ask him to write if he doesn’t want to. P16. I pever hitch-hike if it an’t absolutely necessary {17 IF Tdan’t know anything about him in two days, Il report his disappearance to the } 1€.- She wouldn't save any money if she didn’t want to buy 5 house of her own ? > Ri a i ei 2: ? & i o: 3: > > ri e: ? ? + e > 2: Ri > 2: > a 3 ei pi 3 PAA AAA AAA AAA Ae Ae He Ae He Ae He Pe te fy : (CIRCLE THE RIGHT OPTION: 1.- if we TAKE / WILL TAKE a tari, we WILL ARRIVE J ARRIVED sooner. 2. You WOULDN'T GET / DIDN'T GET wat if you WOULD HAVE WORN / WERE WEARING a coat. 3.- If our team HAD SCORED / SCORED more goals, it HAD WON / COULD HAVE WON 4.- HAD GIVEN / WOULD HAVE GIVEN you the naws if you PHONED / HAD PHONED me yesterday. 5 If you TOOK / WOULD HAVE TAKEN more exercise, you MIGHT FEEL / HAD FELT better = If Tim DROVE / HAD DRIVEN more carefully, he WOULDN'T HAVE CRASHED / DIDNT CRASH. 7. If we ARE/WOULD BE LATE for class, our teacher WILL BE / WAS angry. 8.- If We LIVED / WOULD LIVE 6n another planet, we WOULD SEE / WILL SEE the Earth in the sky. 9. If we WERE / ARE birds, we WOULD BE ABLE / ARE ABLE to fly. 10.- If you DONT WEAR / WOULDN'T WEAR your pullover, you WILL FEEL / FELT cold. 11.- IFT HAD / WOULD HAVE lots of maney, I WOULD GIVE / GAVE some to all my friends. 12. IFT HAD KNOWN / WOULD KNOW it was your birthday, I WOULD SEN J WOULD HAVE SENT you a cand 13. If you HAD COME / CAME to sean the film, you WOULD HAVE ENJOYED/ HAD EMUCYED it. oe REC ; PPLE LLL LLL ILIA De he Py 5 1. IFyou'd be more sensible, you didn't think about such stupid things, .~ Unless I don't have any problam, I won't bother you. | 3.-Would you help me if you can? I'd have bought her 4 present if she invited me to her birthday party. w .- Nobody had noticed if you left the party bafora the others. If he had been a vegetarian, he wouldnt eat meat. «If you came to my party, you'll enjoy yourself. [ 6.-1 wouldn't look up his phone number in the directory if T know it 2 9.- She wouldn't spend her sawings unless it weren't necessary. } 10. Would ha win de contest if he had entered for it? [11-11 give up smoking if t had a cold. i 1a.-1 she works harder, she would pags her exams, }.~ If she hadn't « deg, she would feal lonely [14 They'd had understood if you'd explained it to them clearly, PAPA ALLELE LD DL De Pe Pe Pe Pe Pe Pe PATI I IY, PAPAL AL AP APL AL ASAP AL AP ALAS AL AL AP AG AP AP AP AAP APA ALAA G AP APMP ARDS A pace L wee ‘would phone 3 Monat gor tat a sou in 5. hadat bean playing woul have barat & talked ‘would make 3 asks ont tlt ai evar falls 9. would have invited had tnown 10. have evar Bosker 11 ty ‘ell win 12. had been moun’ have brokan 1 Mouth happonad “hadnt moves ia wwe cou 15, wall lane hed i were feould sit 1, hed reported Could have arrested 1m wll ave ne tiara is a fire in the house (2) you wear those clothes (1) you have any legal problers (1) . he had mat bes at he party (3) look It up in a dictionary (1) |. T would hare ceoked seething nice (3) T mould have bought & (3) wouldn't ge on Roliday with them (2) thy could afford tw (2) . you ment ga to the 200 (2) tive wouldn't have made such a terrible mistake (3) ‘the would enjoy # (2) hay Rad gone to tha party (3) J. am avaiable on tha date (1) there ware nothing els (2) you me doeset Me you (i) ‘ell foush toe maeng hare (2) You leave tha house (2), (eg ema wp (1) we cnt hes withthe work (3) they bean wear seat Blt (3) ‘wouldn’ have bean stolen (3) oa omthe tt) AANA AAA A AR Ah At Np A Ap Meh Ap APP ps Ae ep Ap A A ep App Nip App AGP Ap Ap A A erarereer E i i asf it ety te io : 7 ; a ee | cmt know asythieg about my fries unless they write to-ae ‘They wouldo have bothered you unluss they had needed your Palo Tilbe home by § o'dock umess there's a traffic jam People don’t go ta Rha doctor unless Mey are i TM punish you creas you Dll re tha truth ‘They won't invite you to thelr party unless they have your phone number ‘They won't give you the job unless they like your appearance T wan't lat you maéch TW unless yeu finish yeur homevor T womt phot you unless there's sematteng urgent | won't inveat all this money wniess I was sure T oud gat Ic back: ‘You'l iss your Rrain unlege you gat up early T wouldn't have asked him any questions unless he had bean ready to answar them Worwan't go fishing unless the woathar is free T wom aah him to wette unleas he wae to [einer hitch-Pice Unie CH MbSCKINAlY mmc eHaREY Hi report his disappearance ta the police unless 1 know something about him in two days ‘She woulda’ save money unless che wanted a house of ber een PAGE 4 (there's more than one option) {won't phane again tonight unless there is something urgent 1M piv them a hand on condtion that they pramice ta hep yin return ce ‘As long az he haz enough monay to go out and enjor himeall, he doesn’t care about: anything He weculd probably had gone on wrestling as lang ashe hadn't had any health problem Provided we have encugh rainfall this spring, our exps will be as good as Inst year's wouldn't bather hime unless i were necessary We won't morry 2s long 2s our cestomers are satisied ‘Sho would got married on condition that sha met a millonaire ‘You will have tet of preblems in fe unless you change: opsepeeer take ll arrive wwoukin't get were wearing had seared ould have wen weld have gh ad phoned 5 ‘might Fes © had driven ‘would’ have crashed 7 are ‘wil be 8, Bred would sae 9. mere ‘would be able to: 10: dont wear wil feed AL had would give 12. had known ‘would have sent 13. had comme (would have enjoyed 6 (there is more than ems option) 1. If you were more sensitie, you wouldnt think such stuped things: Unles Thave a problem, I went bother you ‘Wout you haf H yO could? dae Bought har Eraser ifs id ited me ko her bth Arty 5. Nobody would potice If you left the party before the others & Ihe wore a vagetarian, he woukn eat meat 7 as her exams PAPAL AAPL AL AL AP AP AP APA AG AL AL AL AL APA ALAA ASAP ALAA AP RPA ASA If she didn’t have a dog, she would feel lonely ‘They would have understood # you had explained it ta them clearly | 3 the Phe he he the he the Phe Pie Pe Pe Par Pe Po the the Per Phe Poe Ph Ber Per Per tee Pee Pe ee Pr

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