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Conceptualized by: Luningning B.

Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College

Learning Task 15. Constructing Various Assessment Tool

Learning Task 15. Constructing Various Assessment Tool

Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting

Desired Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the design, selection, organization and use as diagnostic,

formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum
2. Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and
achievement using learner attainment data.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to
improve learner achievement
4. Demonstrate familiarity with range of strategies for communicating learner needs,
progress and achievement.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the rate of assessment data as feedback in teaching
and learning practices and program.

Diagnostic Formative Summative
Conducted at the beginning of Conducted during Conducted after the
the school year instruction instruction
Allows teacher to determine Monitor student learning to Sums up what students have
student’s strengths weaknesses provide on-going feedback learned
knowledge and skills prior to to improve reading and
instruction learning
Diagnoses students’ difficulty Helps students identify their Finds out what concepts
strengths and weaknesses were learned after the
Used to guide lessons and Used in the formation and Used for documenting
curriculum planning revision process outcomes and judging value.
Completed Before teaching completed Completed After instruction.
E.g. exams, projects, papers

Practice Teaching 79
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College

Learning Task 15. Constructing Various Assessment Tool

My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1. Get one sample each of the following: diagnostic, formative and
summative tests.

Practice Teaching 80
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College

Learning Task 15. Constructing Various Assessment Tool


Practice Teaching 81
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College

Learning Task 15. Constructing Various Assessment Tool

Performance Task 2. Interview your Cooperating Teacher or any teacher and ask the
following questions.
A. Why is there a need to monitor and evaluate learners’ progress?

B. Research on the fifty ways to praise a child. (ref.

Practice Teaching 82
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College

Learning Task 15. Constructing Various Assessment Tool

Performance Task 3.
A. What strategies are used by your cooperating school to communicate learner needs,
progress and achievement.

B. What assessment data are used by your cooperating teacher to improve student

Practice Teaching 83
Conceptualized by: Luningning B. Aribbay, MAEd
Associate Professor 1V – Apayao State College

Learning Task 15. Constructing Various Assessment Tool

My Learning Arifact(s)

Paste the various assessment tools you have constructed during your teaching
internship. What is the impact of these to students’ learning?

Practice Teaching 84

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