Perspective of Technological Innovation and Technology Management in China

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Perspective of Technological Innovation

and Technology Management in China
Qingrui Xu, Senior Member, IEEE, Jin Chen, Member, IEEE, and Bin Guo

Abstract— This paper introduces the evolutionary process of 2) Scientific Management (Circa 1900’s–1930’s): With
technological innovation and technology management in Chinese large-scale production, standardization is a dominant force
enterprises since 1949. First, the transition of corporate man- in manufacturing. Time and motion studies, work design, and
agement and technology management in China is introduced in
comparison to Western-style management. Then, based on the quality control played big roles in production and technology
historical description and case studies, the typical technology de- management in the early twentieth century. China has also
velopment process, especially the processes of technological acqui- experienced stages 1) and 2) from the beginning of this
sition, learning, and secondary innovation in Chinese enterprises, century to the 1930’s and 1940’s.
is analyzed. The integration between technology acquisition and 3) Management Science (1940’s–1950’s): In this stage,
in-house design and R&D is emphasized. The authors suggest
that “assimilation and self-design upon imported technology” (3- starting around the 1940’s before World War II, behavioral
I policy) is the suitable and vital technology development avenue science and management (i.e., operations research) played the
for most Chinese firms. To accomplish such a technological av- central role in management. After World War II (around
enue, coordination, which exists between product innovation and the 1950’s) marketing management became increasingly
process innovation, corporate strategy and technology strategy,
important. Core management issues of technology at this
and technology evolution and organizational change must be
organized well and dynamically. As Chinese firms face more stage in Western countries were project management and
severe competition than ever, more attention should be paid quality management.
to the development of indigenous capabilities for technological During the 1940’s and 1950’s in China, major focuses in
innovation. The firms’ innovation system (FIS), which emphasizes management of technology (MOT) were on quality control
the infrastructure support for a firms entrepreneurship, R&D
and management, process control and management, as well as
system, and organization, as well as high-talent personnel, should
be established or improved. Thus, technology strategy and the production engineering. It is worth pointing out that during this
technological innovation system are currently the two key issues stage there were some valuable and important innovations in
of management of technology (MOT) in China and will continue China in the management field. One was a participation mech-
to be into the coming century. anism, starting with the quality control movement in Qinghua
Index Terms— Chinese enterprises, technological innovation, Machine Tool Company and then quickly spreading all over
technology management. China, known as “participation of workers in management.”
The other was the “three-in-one” system, i.e., the firm leader,
I. INTRODUCTION professionals (engineers), and workers got together during the
decision-making process to solve technical and managerial

O VER the past decade, many researchers have drawn at-

tention to the historic development of management with
the expectation of finding important experiences to promote a
problems in factories.
4) System Management (Circa Late 1960’s–1970’s) The
major changes in this stage were: 1) the widespread use of
firm’s competitiveness and market performance [1], [2]. Many system analysis and engineering approaches; 2) planning focus
studies and much literature have drawn upon the importance turned to long-range planning, with corporate strategy playing
of technological innovation for firms’ sustainable growth in a big role for the firm; and 3) the participation mechanism
the ever-changing environment. An increasing number of spread worldwide.
industrial case studies have highlighted the importance of tech- At this stage, along with the development of firm man-
nological innovation for industrial competitiveness [3]–[5]. agement, the major changes of MOT worldwide were: 1)
As a result, more and more managers are realizing that the moving from quality control to quality cycle management, i.e.,
management of technology and innovation is a key issue. involving management’s participation; 2) moving from quality
Modern Western-style management has had a long develop- management to total quality management, i.e., not only do the
ment history since the late nineteenth century, which can be technology and engineering departments take care of quality
divided into five stages. management, but all departments of the firm manage the
1) Craft and Apprentice Management: This stage, which product quality as well [1]; 3) moving project management’s
entailed management by experience, occurred in the late focus to large-scale project management (LSPM); and 4)
nineteenth century. adding R&D management as a new discipline in technology
Manuscript received December 1995; revised July 1997. Review of this management.
manuscript was arranged by Guest Editors J. K. Liker and D. V. Gibson. During this stage, the major changes of MOT in China
The authors are with the Research Center for Management Science and
Strategy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 China. were: 1) moving from quality management to total quality
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9391(98)08250-6. management and 2) adapting some project management tech-
0018–9391/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

Fig. 1. Transition of dominant management function.

niques such as CPM and project evaluation review technique plementing technological innovation as a major source
(PERT) methods into MOT, which were also used in the of competitive advantage); under the market economy
planning process of new product development and production condition, Chinese firms are facing more fierce com-
engineering. petition pressure; they find they can acquire competitive
5) Strategic Management (Mid 1980’s–Present): In this advantage only by using technological innovation on the
stage, there were three major changes in MOT: 1) R&D base of marketing efforts;
function turned to R&D and technological innovation 5) technology management in Western countries versus
management [6], [7]; 2) strategic technology management technological strategic management in China, i.e., MOT
was getting more and more popular in large firms, especially comes to a strategic level in firms: instead of the tradi-
in high-tech firms [8]–[10]; and 3) even more importantly, tional technology management function in business units
R&D management played its new role in MOT in China in (BU’s), technology management is becoming a strategic
the 1980’s; in the 1990’s R&D management began to integrate tool in gaining competitiveness; in doing this, the core
with innovation management. competency and indigenous innovation capability are
Fig. 1 summarizes the transition of the dominant manage- critical focuses.
ment function discussed above. From the development history
described, it can be concluded that, as a rule of management, II. WHICH INNOVATION PATTERN AND
the locus of change of management function in China is similar PROCESS IS SUITABLE FOR CHINA?
to those of Western countries, and also that the core function
Due to the differences in the political institutions, edu-
of MOT in Western countries and China occurred in a similar
cation systems, and national resources endowments, as well
manner as follows:
as technological infrastructures, the nature and pattern of
1) quality control in Western countries versus quality man- technological innovation in developing countries are very dif-
agement in China (solving existing product quality prob- ferent from those in developed countries [11]. For developed
lems); generally speaking, quality management becomes countries, innovation often results from basic research, applied
an essential part of a firm’s management; research, and experimental development, but for developing
2) quality management in Western countries versus pro- countries in the Asia-Pacific Rim, including early Japan,
duction engineering in China (solving product diver- innovation often originates from imitation and improvement of
sification problems); for China, process innovation is imported technology. Such an innovation pattern in Chinese
a long-existing bottleneck that hinders the promotion firms is called the “3-I pattern,” an acronym for imitation,
of production efficiency, so top managers pay much improvement, and innovation.
attention to this issue; The first step in the “3-I pattern” is imitation. A typical
3) production engineering in Western countries versus example of such a technology management pattern was Shang-
R&D management in China (solving the technology hai Machine Tool Works, a manufacturer of universal machine
resource problem of new products); lately, many Chinese tools. In 1953, universal machine tools saturated the market,
firms are undergoing a transition from “pure producers” and new products were expected to be developed. After an
to technology-based firms, so knowledge of R&D extensive and careful market survey and investigation around
management is more and more a concern of these firms; the country, Shanghai Machine Tools Works decided to make
4) R&D management in Western countries versus R&D an effort in the R&D of precision plane machine tools. They
and technological innovation management in China (im- did not imitate the former Soviet Union’s product but tried

to imitate the precision gear machine tool products of a Swiss

firm. Finally, they were successful because they chose the right
imitation product locus. After this, Shanghai Machine Tool
Works produced new products for China’s industrialization and
modernization of agriculture with low cost and in less time.
The benefit of imitation upon imported technology is large
because low-level self-design and development cannot be
more competitive than higher level technology acquisition.
Technology capabilities in China were far lower than the state-
of-the-art of the advanced countries. By being aware of this,
China stressed technology acquisition since the 1980’s, and
the characteristics of this new technology path were: 1) heavy
investments for technology importation; 2) multidimensional
technology acquisition in both heavy industry and light indus- Fig. 2. Process and innovation in “3-I pattern.”
try; and 3) technology acquisition with the strategic purpose
of import substitution and export promotion [12].
2) analysis and obtaining the embodied technology;
After the large-scale technology acquisition stage, China
3) imitation stage: the key issue of this stage is to master
turned its attention from imitation to improvement and inno-
the operation of the technology;
vation for the following reasons.
4) adaptation stage: a localization process which makes
1) As a learning process, imitation leads to technology technology suitable to a firm’s environment;
improvement and innovative workers (by leveraging 5) improvement stage: high-level technological capacity to
their capability and enlarging their knowledge base), be performed on imported technology at this stage;
as the case of Shanghai Machine Tool Works revealed. 6) generating stage: the critical event is the innovation of
The R&D personnel at Shanghai Machine Tool Works products and processes which are state-of-the-art in the
accumulated much technological knowledge, skill, and world.
experience, so the R&D personnel were able to improve The key to implementing the “3-I pattern” is to select the
the feed box of the grinding machine successfully, with proper product innovation and process innovation locus. From
components reduced from 47 to 17. The smaller but the classic theory of the innovation distribution pattern, process
more highly efficient components performed better, and innovation follows product innovation as described by Aber-
as a result, an oil leakage defect was solved. nathy and Utterback (A/U’ pattern) [14]; however, our research
2) R&D is the necessary step for transformative capacity of case studies showed a new innovation pattern: process inno-
in moving from imitation to innovation. The ability vation is more important than product innovation at the early
to maintain internally developed technology over time stage, and then product innovation becomes more essential.
is important for economic vitality. Such an ability is We call it the A/U’ pattern, or secondary innovation pattern
called transformative capacity [13]. The key elements of [15], [16] (see Fig. 2).
transformative capacity are: 1) the choice of technology, Several Chinese firms grasped this concept and developed
including gathering information, choosing difficult-to- their technology by following the steps of the above-mentioned
create knowledge, identifying technologies for shelv- five stages of innovation, with emphasis on process innovation
ing, and developing criteria for evaluating technological first. As a result, they spent less time and cost to keep abreast
options, etc.; 2) the maintenance of a technological of the state-of-the-art of advanced technology. Hangzhou
knowledge base, including developing avenues for re- Oxygen-Making Machine Plant (HOMP) is a typical case.
searchers to share information, permitting underground They had developed five generations of air separators based on
R&D activity, providing incentives for maintaining cur- technology acquired from the former Soviet Union and West
rently unwanted technologies, retaining key personnel Germany. HOMP became successful at imitation, adaptation,
who possess tacit knowledge, etc.; 3) the reactivation improvement, and generation and occupied most of the market
and synthesis of knowledge, including encouraging sci- for large capacity air separators in China. Many original
entists, technologists, and engineers to move around licensed manufacturers found it difficult to enter China’s
among product groups and research labs, periodically market. We argue that the A/U’ Pattern is more suitable for
reviewing the catalog of shelved technologies, etc. developing countries.
All of the above factors are dependent on R&D because
R&D provides more projects on the shelf and knowledge, III. SELF-DESIGN: THE STEP FROM
which form the basis for technology choice, maintenance, CREATIVE IMITATION TO INNOVATION
reactivation, and synthesis. Because imitation cannot always satisfy users’ needs with
In short, the imitation-improvement-innovation process can their local situations and culture, especially in Chinese agricul-
be divided into the following stages: ture modernization, self-development became important as the
1) acquisition stage: the main tasks are investigation and core of technology development and MOT. With the effort of
feasibility; self-development, China made great achievements in several

Fig. 3. The role of self-design in innovation: case of HOMP.

scientific research fields, e.g., the atomic bomb and rocket were force engineers to do the exploratory and experimental work,
successfully developed and still remain strengths of R&D in and scientists to search for a new theory or model. These
the world. also push the engineering managers to discover new organi-
The experiences and lessons for self-development came zational structures to implement the new design. Thus, self-
from three aspects. First, learning from self-development development is an essential step toward imitation. It can also
makes more indigenous technology knowledge and techno- be recognized as the assimilation process for creative imitation.
logical capability accessible than learning from imitation only Fig. 3 is the historical description of the technological devel-
[17]; second, having an open mind is the premise of self- opment process in HOMP. It gives evidence of the important
development; third, during the stage of self-development, the role of self-design. We find that the product performance
parallel development approach (which is similar to concurrent leveraged a 20-year gap through two stages of self-design,
engineering) was used to speed up the innovation rate. which was the largest leap since the evolution of the oxygen
The MOT became more advanced than ever. But greatly generator during 30 years, from 1956 to 1986.
affected by political factors, the development of technology
management was hindered by the “shut-door policy,” which IV. INNOVATION PORTFOLIO: A NEW
hampered the acquisition of the state-of-the-art advanced TOPIC IN TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
technology from all over the world. Although people devote much attention to the innovative
In China, self-development can be divided into two stages: activities in firms, executives often view the innovation process
the preliminary stage and the advanced stage. In the mid- as a static, linear one and often limit their strategic consid-
1950’s and 1960’s, most self-development was closely related eration of technology innovation in an isolated and separate
to imitation, and to a great extent it was a kind of adaptation. way. As a matter of fact, the innovation process is a dynamic,
Through acquisition and imitation, the product configuration nonlinear, and systematic process [18]. In the development
was improved to meet the needs, features, and culture of China. process of a firm, technological innovations often happen in
The typical example is the self-development of agricultural clusters, and among them exist interaction and integration
machinery. As the land, soil, and agriculture processes are so relations, which make traditional innovation management too
different from the other countries, simply copying and imitat- simple and inappropriate in the long term.
ing foreign technology results in wasted resources, including As for firms in China, there still exists a dominant strategic
energy, materials, and labor. Shifting from imitation to self- thinking that views innovation activities as static, linear,
development is a correct policy for efficient use of various and isolated, thus making technology strategy separate
scare resources in China. from corporate strategy. Although many Chinese firms
Self-development is an effective learning process for sci- invest considerable resources into R&D and innovation
entists, engineers, and engineering managers. In the self- activities, they often face the dilemma of low efficiency in
development process, to improve the performance of a product translating technology into profit.
the industrial standards and parameters will often be changed, In recent years, a new innovation management paradigm of
for which R&D activities are needed to a certain extent. These how firms’ innovative activities interact (which is essential to

Fig. 4. Typical patterns of technological and organizational innovation in Chinese firms.

education. In high-tech industries, firms tend to import

foreign production facilities, causing less assimilation
and innovation, which leads to less enthusiasm for tal-
ented people to work for these industrial firms. Colleges
and universities have paid less attention to the urgent
demand for technology development in Chinese firms.
In order to overcome this harmful tendency in China, some
consideration and effort should be taken in the innovation
environment and infrastructure to form a systematic point
Fig. 5. Matching pattern of technology strategy and business in firms. of view. As a matter of fact, researchers of technological
innovation have focused on innovation behavior of individual
the field of strategic innovation management) has begun to firms for many years. For example, Schumpeter stressed the
emerge. Known as the “innovation portfolio” [19], it includes role of the entrepreneur in innovation activities [22]. And
the following aspects: gradually, the relationship and coordination issues among firms
1) combining process innovation and product innovation, for innovation were also observed by some researchers, such
which follows the A/U’ pattern as previously discussed; as the relations between suppliers and manufacturers and their
2) combining technological innovation and organizational impact on a firm’s market performance [23], [24], the relations
innovation; the organizational innovation, the so-called between producers and users [25], as well as technology
“organizational learning for technical change,” includes information exchange among competitors [26]. As von Hippel
both changes in R&D organization and changes in points out, when there is “sticky” information during the tech-
firm organization; Fig. 4 shows the technological and nological innovation process, cooperation between users and
organizational innovation patterns based on the case innovators is needed to speed up the innovation process [25].
of Nanjing Panda Electronics Group and Hangzhou Therefore, a firm’s innovation effectiveness is considerably
Telecommunication Equipment Works; determined by many complex factors such as government pol-
3) integrating technology strategy with business strategy; icy, industrial organization, intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship,
Fig. 5 shows the matching pattern of technology strategy and so on. Then in the early 1980’s, the relations between the
and business strategy in firms; in Chinese firms, the gen- government and firms involved in technological innovation
eral manager and general engineer are the key persons were further explored. These studies led to the concepts
linking technology strategy with business strategy. of innovation policy [27] and a national innovation system
[28]–[30], [32].
V. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION In 1988, the Swedish economist Lundvall put forth the
SYSTEM: A NEW PARADIGM OF MOT concept of the National Innovation System (NIS) [28] to
In recent years, many studies and literature show that remind people of the importance of infrastructure in techno-
the obstacles of innovation in China come not only from logical innovation. And further, Freeman further developed
the technology system per se, but also from environmental, Lundvall’s idea and explained that the NIS is both a public
educational and economic systems [20], [21]. For Chinese and private network for the absorption, improvement, and
firms, the problems in technological innovation come mainly diffusion of technological innovation [29]. Canadian scholar
from two factors. Niosi defined NIS as the comprehensive efforts by firms,
1) The first is the operating mechanism of Chinese enter- universities and governmental departments for innovation [30].
prises. Chinese firms often get less financial funding with The formulation and development of the concept of NIS
a higher burden of debt because of surplus workers’ has had an important influence on the coordination among
welfare, so indigenous R&D is hard to carry out due to R&D, education, and finance in China, and more and more
the poor financial capability of firms. attention has been paid by many Chinese researchers [31]. As a
2) The second is the human resource factor. In traditional developing giant, China lacks enough resources to provide the
Chinese industries such as the textile industry, most of possibility for each firm to develop an indigenous innovation
the employees are peasant contract workers with limited pattern. With the growing Chinese economic reform, more

autonomy will be given to firms, thus various innovation 3) Commitment: The acquisition and improvement of ad-
chances and internal and external conditions for innovation vanced production technology will greatly change the
will be grasped by a firm’s own effort. Therefore, compared firm’s organization structure, culture, information, and
with NIS, the firms’ innovation system (FIS) is more important resource allocation mechanism. The entrepreneur should
for Chinese firms. make great efforts to deal with them. The Director of
In general, studies on FIS should cover the following topics: EASTCOM put more effort into obtaining the franchise
1) the infrastructure of FIS; 2) the characteristics of each for technology acquisition, reducing the tariff rate of
subsystem of FIS; 3) the correlation of each subsystem of imported parts, getting approval for personnel training,
FIS; and 4) the dynamic change of FIS. and raising a huge amount of currency. Without that
The infrastructure of FIS consists of the following: commitment, the acquisition and innovation could not
1) Entrepreneurship: It is the soul of a firm’s technological be realized.
innovation. As the invention flow is directed out of a EASTCOM concentrated on personnel acquisition and train-
firm, the entrepreneur can realize the importance of the ing, including: 1) putting forward Project 1221, which means
invention and put it into the market in a timely way. that by the year 2000, EASTCOM will acquire 10–20 technical
During this process, entrepreneurship is needed. leaders, spend 200 million yuan in training fees, employ
2) R&D system: R&D is the basis of technological innova- 2000 R&D personnel and spend 2 billion yuan on R&D,
tion. As a result, a firm’s successful innovation requires and 2) acquiring highly skilled talent. To be successful at
rational allocation of R&D strength and technological acquisition and innovation, EASTCOM has put more effort
resources, and coordination between internal R&D and into acquiring college, master’s, and doctoral students. As a
external R&D is also needed. Nowadays, more and more result, the technical staff is 46.4% of the total staff.
firms are interested in the strategy of outsourcing R&D EASTCOM has sent 131 people abroad for technical train-
strength. ing, around 12.5% of the total R&D personnel. In the mean-
3) Education and technical training: The aim of education time, technical training for ordinary R&D personnel also has
and training is to provide knowledge for innovators. been given much attention, and 3% of the sales was spent on
Without highly skilled R&D personnel, a firm is hardly staff education and training in 1994.
innovative. The external strength of technical training Despite the lack of intrapreneur and R&D personnel, EAST-
is also needed, which means a firm should pay atten- COM tried to perfect its R&D system. First, they let more
tion to personnel acquisition based on cooperation with R&D personnel enter the SBU of EASTCOM, with the aim of
universities and institutes. integrating R&D, production, and marketing. In the meantime,
4) Cooperation with government: Currently, technological EASTCOM set up a technology center to carry out applied
innovation is an activity that takes place under certain basic research, and more than 33 million RMB yuan was spent
institutional, organizational and cultural environments; on it, as well as around 60 highly skilled R&D personnel
many direct and indirect government activities are em- working for it. The R&D investment has also increased to
bodied in the process of technological innovation. The about 10% of the total annual sales.
success of innovations in Japan and Germany showed Regarding the cooperation with government, because it
belongs to the Ministry of Postal and Telecommunication,
the importance of cooperation between firms and the
EASTCOM enjoys the large telecommunications market as
well as the users’ loyalty, both of which contribute to the
In order to specify the importance of FIS and its implications, success of technological innovation.
a case study is made on EASTCOM, a leading manufacturer So it could be concluded that establishing and perfecting
in the Chinese telecommunication industry. EASTCOM de- FIS is very important. In order to facilitate a firm’s innovation
veloped from a repair mill into the famous manufacturer of activities, entrepreneurship and highly skilled R&D personnel
the portable wireless telephone in China. The firm’s capital are needed first, followed by steady R&D input and effective
assets have increased 200 times since 1958. The success of information exchange networks among R&D, marketing, and
EASTCOM lies in the fact that the establishment of FIS was manufacturing. Finally, government support is also essential
placed at the core of the firm’s development. During this in providing a favorable external environment for industry
process, entrepreneurship played an important role. innovation.
1) Risk-taking awareness: When the government prediction
for sales volume of the wireless telephone was only in
the thousands six years ago, the Executive Director of VI. CONCLUSION
EASTCOM tried to sign an agreement with Motorola This paper has introduced the evolutionary process of tech-
company to acquire advanced technology. nological innovation and technology management in China
2) Never-ending awareness: When the sales of EASTCOM since 1949. Assimilation and improvement on imported tech-
reached two billion yuan, the director suggested that nology is proven to be the suitable and vital technology
annual sales would reach ten billion by the year 2000, development avenue for most Chinese firms. In the current
which would be equal to the total amount of sales development period of the socialist market economy, Chinese
of Shanghai telecommunication sectors. This prediction firms face more intensive competition than ever, especially
inspired continuous enthusiasm for further innovation. competition pressures from advanced foreign firms. So in-

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of Chinese firms,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Technological Innovation and S&T strategy and policy, strategic management, education policy, and system
Industrial Development in China and Asia Pacific, Hong Kong, 1995, dynamics. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 papers.
pp. 121–126. Dr. Chen is also member of IAMOT and a committee member of the Chi-
[21] S. Tang, “China’s national innovation system: Changes and its future,” nese Association of Science. He was the Co-editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings
China Soft Science, vol. 4, pp. 58–60, no. 1, 1993. of the Multinational Symposium on MOT in 1995.
[22] A. Schumpeter, The Theory of Economic Development. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1934.
[23] R. Rothwell, “Successful industrial innovation: Critical factors for Bin Guo received the B.S. degree in metal material
1990s,” R&D Manage., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 226–227, 1992. engineering and the Ph.D. degree in management
[24] A. Griffin and J. R. Hauser, “Patterns of communication among market- engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
ing, engineering and manufacturing: A comparison between two product China, in 1993 and 1998, respectively.
teams,” Manage. Sci., vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 252–258, Mar. 1992. His research interests cover R&D and technolog-
[25] E. von Hippel, “Sticky information and technology locus of problem ical innovation management, strategic management,
solving: Implications for innovation,” Manage. Sci., vol. 40, no. 4, pp. merger and acquisition, and S&T strategy and pol-
429–439, Apr. 1994. icy. He has authored and co-authored more than 40
[26] , “The source of innovation.” New York: Oxford, 1988. papers.
[27] R. Rothwell, “Public innovation policy: To have or to have not,” R&D
Manage., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 10–16, 1986.

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