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Nama: Sekar Mayang P

NIM: 2103046097
PBI – 5B
Parents Perspectives on Children's Self-Reliance Trained from an Early Age
Self-reliance is a psychosocial ability in the form of the ability to be brave, take the
initiative, and be responsible in overcoming obstacles/problems with self-confidence by
not depending on the abilities of others, and being able to command, control, and
determine themselves without the influence of the environment and the help of others.
Many parents teach their children to be independent from an early age. Writing on this
topic was chosen to find out how parents view the issue of training their children to be
independent as early as possible. Children may feel forced to be independent from a young
age, making them sometimes angry and uncomfortable. But parents must have a reason
why it must be done. Children's self-reliance also has benefits that will be very useful for
children in the future.
Child raising
In raising children, parents must have their way of teaching things to children. Some
parents will usually teach self-reliance to children, when the child is 4 or 5 years old such as
getting used to children to be independent from small things, such as how to wear their
clothes, wear their pants, or how to eat themselves. This is done by parents so that children
can be independent if one day parents are not beside them and they have to do these things
themselves. According to parents, these are simple activities that children should be able to
do on their own. There is also my mother's opinion on this matter, children must be trained
to be independent because parents cannot always accompany children, so parents must
teach children to be independent from an early age. According to my mother, teaching
children to save money from an early age is something that needs to be done so that
children understand that saving money is very important and useful in the future. Teaching
independence to children from an early age is a challenge for every parent, like my mother.
According to her, teaching independence to children from an early age is sometimes
difficult and sometimes easy because parents must pay attention to the child's mental state,
whether the child is ready to be taught independence or not. She also gave an example that
her three children have been taught to go to school by themselves from kindergarten by
school bus. At first, it may be a bit difficult because the child must adapt to a new
environment, but he said that it must be a little forced so that the child can adapt and dare
to be alone.
Self-reliance that is taught to children from an early age will be beneficial for children when
they grow into young adulthood. At this time the child will begin to show independence.
Children will get used to being independent and managing some of their own needs, so that
they don't depend too much on their parents. Parents should also not spoil their children
too much because when children start to become teenagers, they will depend on parents or
cannot do things on their own without others. According to my mother, when children are
still in school, they don't have to be financially independent yet. Meanwhile, if after
graduating from school they can already earn their own money, they must be financially
independent. Children must also be able to manage their own needs, for example when my
mother gives pocket money for a week, her children must be able to manage finances so
that the pocket money given can be enough for one week.
Familial Roles
One of the factors in teaching self-reliance is the role of parents. When both parents work,
the child must be trained in independence. In this case, my mother works to make ends
meet. This also influences the factor of teaching independence from an early age in my
family. Although my mother works, her children do not feel a lack of attention and
affection because she always takes the time to spend time with her children. On the
contrary, because she works, her children also become more independent because they
know that their mother is working. So, they will not be too dependent on their mother,
that's where their independence comes from.
From the text above, it can be concluded that teaching self-reliance to children from an
early age has a significant positive impact. Parents, including my mother, have a strong case
for involving children in self-reliant activities from an early age. This learning includes
simple things such as wearing their clothes, eating by themselves, to financial management
skills. Although sometimes children may feel forced or uncomfortable, this is an investment
to shape their character and independence in the future. The importance of self-reliance is
not only related to physical abilities, but also psychosocial aspects, such as courage,
initiative, and responsibility. Parents, as models for their children, play an important role in
shaping their children's mindset and behavior regarding independence. Teaching self-
reliance not only prepares children for childhood but also has a positive impact on young
adulthood. Children who are accustomed to being independent will be better prepared to
face challenges and manage their own needs. Independence should be taught to children
from an early age because it will be very useful for them. Parents should also pay attention
to the child's mental state when teaching independence because not all children have the
same mental state so the teaching of self-reliance for each child is also different.
ANAK DI SEKOLAH DASAR. Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar.

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