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Rando, Jiro M.

X - Brilliance

Performance Task: Artificial Reproduction

1. *In vitro fertilization (IVF)*: This involves fertilizing an egg with

sperm outside the body in a laboratory dish. The fertilized egg (embryo)
is then implanted into the uterus.

2. *Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)*: In ICSI, a single sperm is

injected directly into an egg to assist fertilization. This technique is often
used in cases of male infertility.

3. *Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)*: GIFT involves transferring

eggs and sperm into the fallopian tubes where fertilization occurs
naturally within the body.

4. *Surrogacy*: Surrogacy involves a woman (the surrogate) carrying

and delivering a baby for another person or couple. This can involve
traditional surrogacy, where the surrogate's own egg is fertilized, or
gestational surrogacy, where an embryo created through IVF is
implanted into the surrogate's uterus.
A. What are the ethical Implications of these technologies?

1. The ethical implications of artificial reproductive technologies (ART) vary and

can include concerns about the commodification of human life, the potential
for exploitation of egg donors or surrogates, the creation and potential
disposal of unused embryos, and questions about the long-term health effects
on children conceived through ART. Additionally, there are ethical
considerations surrounding issues such as informed consent, the selection of
embryos for desired traits, and the possibility of creating "designer babies."

B. Should humans be allowed the ability to artificially reproduce?

What is your opinion on this and why?

2. Whether humans should be allowed to have the ability to artificially reproduce

is a complex question that involves considerations of individual autonomy,
reproductive rights, and societal impacts. In my opinion, the ability to access
ART should be available to those who need it, provided that ethical guidelines
are followed to ensure the well-being of all parties involved.

C. should these technologies not exist, what would be the impact

on others. should one person not able to reproduce?

3. these technologies did not exist, individuals who are unable to conceive
naturally might face significant emotional and psychological challenges.
Infertility can have profound effects on individuals and couples, and ART can
offer them hope and alternative pathways to parenthood.

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